周松良 涂金鑫
Abstract: During the technical preparation of a new ship-to-air missile before loading, it is necessary to carry out the test of all-bomb connection, and to realize the fault detection and elimination, so as to ensure the connectivity of the missile circuit system. Based on multi-sensor fusion tracking recognition and correlation spectrum feature extraction, a fault detection technique for missile joint test is proposed. The sensor array is used to collect the output signal of ship-to-air missile's full projectile connectivity circuit. The spectrum analysis and association rule feature extraction are used to extract the fault feature, and the spectrum decomposition and fuzzy decision are applied to the missile test signal. The spectral feature extraction method is used to mine the associated attribute features of the transmission information of the ship-to-air missile joint test system, and the fault category is judged according to the difference of the distribution of the associated attributes. To realize the accurate detection and identification of ship-to-air missile joint test fault, the hardware design of ship-to-air missile joint test fault detection system is carried out, mainly including the AD module of the fault detection system and the program loading module. Human-machine interaction module is also developed in hardware. The simulation results show that the fault diagnosis ability of this method is good and the ability to distinguish fault features is better. The fault detection efficiency of the joint test during the preparation of the missile stage conversion technology is improved.