



      Listening Training 14

      2018-12-03 09:24:08
      時(shí)代英語·高三 2018年6期





      1. What is the woman going to do?

      A. Go to the bookstore. B. Visit her uncle. C. See a doctor.

      2. What will the woman probably do?

      A. Go to the cinema. B. Go to the park. C. Pack her luggage.

      3. When will the light be turned off?

      A. At 9:45. B. At 10:15. C. At 10:30.

      4. What did Ken do just now?

      A. He studied Chinese. B. He played football. C. He looked for his teacher.

      5. What is the normal price of the T-shirt?

      A. $15. B. $30. C. $50.




      6. When did the speakers see each other last time?

      A. A few months ago. B. A few years ago. C. About one year ago.

      7. Who broke the leg?

      A. The man. B. The mans son. C. The mans wife.


      8. What did the man offer to do?

      A. Do the washing-up. B. Make coffee. C. Cook some food.

      9. Where did the man make a call?

      A. In the womans kitchen. B. In the coffee shop. C. In a phone box.


      10. Where did the incident happen?

      A. In a shop. B. On a bus. C. In the street.

      11. What did the old lady think the man was at first?

      A. A passer-by. B. A policeman. C. A thief.

      12. What did the old lady do in the end?

      A. She apologized. B. She ran off. C. She called the police.


      13. How long are the tracks in Britain?

      A. More than 13,000 miles. B. About 30,000 miles.

      C. A quarter of a million miles.

      14. What can we know about Britain?

      A. Its a trading nation. B. It has the biggest navy in the world.

      C. It has poor road transport.

      15. What can we learn about sea travel in Britain?

      A. It plays the most part. B. It isnt as important as it used to be.

      C. It costs the least.

      16. How many kinds of transport are talked about in this conversation?

      A. 2. B. 3. C. 4.


      17. When was the survey carried out?

      A. Several months ago. B. Several weeks ago. C. Several days ago.

      18. What was the score for friendliness as a whole?

      A. 80%. B. 70%. C. 60%.

      19. Whats suggested to improve friendliness?

      A. Using some good phrases. B. Asking the callers name.

      C. Answering the phone after four rings.

      20. What is probably the speaker?

      A. A customer. B. A manager. C. An interviewer.

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