




      2018-12-19 18:57宋云峰
      英語學(xué)習(xí) 2018年11期


      雖然歷史是人民創(chuàng)造的,歷史的記憶卻偏愛那些留下印記的風(fēng)云人物。美國人對肯尼迪夫婦的記憶也是如此。原因有三:首先,肯尼迪是一位年輕帥氣、富有理想主義的總統(tǒng),和美麗優(yōu)雅的第一夫人杰奎琳堪稱絕配,能夠引領(lǐng)時尚風(fēng)潮,令人過目不忘;其次,肯尼迪在達拉斯遭到暗殺,使得這位充滿活力的年輕總統(tǒng)出師未捷身先死,令人扼腕嘆息;最后,肯尼迪遇刺這一撲朔迷離的案情是一件令人不斷探究的奇案。正因為此,肯尼迪遇刺成為了電影的好素材,有多部電影描寫此事,其中包括奧利弗·斯通(Oliver Stone)的《刺殺肯尼迪》(JFK)。2016年上映的《第一夫人》(Jackie)則是視角和風(fēng)格都很獨特的一部。

      《第一夫人》由帕布羅·拉雷恩(Pablo Larraín)導(dǎo)演,諾亞·奧本海姆(Noah Oppenheim)編劇,娜塔莉·波特曼(Natalie Portman)主演,通過第一夫人杰奎琳來講述她在肯尼迪總統(tǒng)任期內(nèi)的白宮歲月以及在1963年總統(tǒng)遇刺身亡后的心路歷程。影片的劇情基于美國著名政治記者和歷史學(xué)家懷特(Theodore H. White)在肯尼迪遇刺不久后代表《生活》雜志對杰奎琳的專訪。




      為了演好杰奎琳這一公眾都很熟悉的角色,波特曼作了充分的準(zhǔn)備:觀看了大量關(guān)于杰奎琳的錄像帶,尤其是一遍遍觀看杰奎琳向公眾介紹白宮的錄像;閱讀了大量關(guān)于杰奎琳的傳記;仔細聽了杰奎琳的采訪錄音帶,主要是《生活》雜志記者小阿瑟·施萊辛格(Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr.)1964年初采訪杰奎琳的長達八個半小時的錄音(肯尼迪遇刺身亡后,杰奎琳只接受過三次采訪,這是其中一個)。

      波特曼坦言,剛接手這一任務(wù)時很沒有信心,因為她對杰奎琳的理解只停留在其作為時尚偶像的表面(superficial understanding as a fashion plate)。隨著研究的深入和角色的展開,波特曼對這位第一夫人有了更加深入的了解,發(fā)現(xiàn)杰奎琳在不同的人面前展示出了兩種不同的性格—— 一種是公眾面前的溫婉和美麗,一種則是私下的堅定和聰慧?!癢hen she was doing interviews, [her voice] was a lot more girly and soft, and then when you hear her talking to Schlesinger at home, you hear the ice in the glass clinking and the voice is a little deeper and her wit comes out more, so you get this real sense of the two sides.”

      模仿杰奎琳在不同狀況下的不同嗓音對波特曼來說也是一個巨大的挑戰(zhàn)。該片制片人達倫·阿倫諾夫斯基(Darren Aronofsky)甚至認為,杰奎琳的嗓音是該片能否成功的關(guān)鍵。在語言指導(dǎo)塔尼婭·布盧姆斯坦(Tanya Blumstein)的訓(xùn)練下,波特曼的嗓音逐漸從模仿進入到自然的狀態(tài)。波特曼說,杰奎琳的服裝也有助于她進入角色。

      可以說,波特曼對杰奎琳的塑造從美麗的外表到復(fù)雜的情感與微妙的表情都是比較成功的,所以受到觀眾的廣泛好評。截止到10月中旬,流行電影網(wǎng)站爛番茄上321篇評論的正面評價率為87%,平均打分為7.9/10。該網(wǎng)站的綜合評價是:“Jackie offers an alluring peek(誘人的窺視)into a beloved American public figures private world—and an enthralling(迷人的)starring performance from Natalie Portman in the bargain(另外).”另一家大眾影評網(wǎng)Metacritic基于52篇影評給予該片百分制的81分,說明了大家的一致好評(universal acclaim)。

      《好萊塢報道》(The Hollywood Reporter)影評人戴維·魯尼(David Rooney)對《第一夫人》的評價很高,認為該片在刻畫悲傷中的私人情感方面異常出色:“Extraordinary in its piercing intimacy and lacerating(悲痛的)in its sorrow.”《綜藝》(Variety)影評人蓋伊·洛奇(Guy Lodge)也高度贊揚這位智利導(dǎo)演對歷史上最受歡迎的第一夫人大膽的、復(fù)雜多面的刻畫:“Chilean helmer(電影導(dǎo)演)Pablo Larraín makes an extraordinary English-lingo debut(首部英語片)with this daring, manyleveled portrait of historys favorite First Lady.”

      盡管如此,《第一夫人》仍然遭到一些批評,主要集中在其歷史的真實性和客觀性上?!哆_拉斯晨報》(The Dallas Morning News)影評人安娜·帕克斯(Anna Parks)批評了影片中刻畫的杰奎琳與繼任總統(tǒng)約翰遜夫婦之間的負面關(guān)系。她注意到,現(xiàn)存的杰奎琳與約翰遜夫婦之間的書信往來和錄音電話(1963年12月2日)表明杰奎琳與約翰遜夫婦在肯尼迪葬禮安排上具有良好的合作關(guān)系。

      對于影片中采訪杰奎琳的記者沒有姓名的質(zhì)疑,編劇奧本海姆認為記者的角色融合了懷特、曼徹斯特(William Manchester)和施萊辛格三個人(他們在肯尼迪遇刺身亡后分別對杰奎琳進行過采訪)。

      關(guān)于影片中杰奎琳對肯尼迪政治遺產(chǎn)的夸大和溢美之詞,如稱肯尼迪政府的白宮為后世不可企及的“亞瑟王宮殿”卡米洛(Camelot),懷特后來對自己發(fā)表的采訪文章作過解釋??夏岬嫌龃躺硗鲆恢苤螅芸諏烟卣埖狡湓隈R薩諸塞州海恩尼斯港(Hyannis Port)的居所,目的是通過這次采訪來搶救其丈夫的政治遺產(chǎn)。杰奎琳向懷特建議,他這篇為《生活》雜志撰寫的采訪文章應(yīng)將肯尼迪及其政府比喻成英國中世紀傳說中的亞瑟王及其神秘的宮殿卡米洛。當(dāng)時同名音樂劇《卡米洛》正在百老匯上演。杰奎琳對該劇結(jié)尾的歌詞尤為關(guān)注:“Dont let it be forgot, that once there was a spot, for one brief shining moment that was known as Camelot.”她暗示這是肯尼迪最喜愛的歌詞之一,并補充道:“Therell be great Presidents again, but therell never be another Camelot again. […] It will never be that way again.”


      通過這種敘事,肯尼迪在任期間的美國政府被美化成了當(dāng)代的卡米洛:“a magic moment in American history, when gallant(英勇的)men danced with beautiful women, when great deeds were done, when artists, writers, and poets met at the White House, and the barbarians(野蠻人)beyond the walls held back(被擋在墻外).”懷特后來解釋說,將肯尼迪政府比成卡米洛是出于對喪夫而陷于悲傷中的杰奎琳的善意,他的文章是對歷史的誤讀(a misreading of history),因為肯尼迪的魔幻卡米洛從未存在過:“The magic Camelot of John F. Kennedy never existed.”


      The film begins with Jackie Kennedy receiving a journalist for an interview at her home. After some small talk(閑談)and introductory questions, the journalist turns to his inquiries about the assassination and its aftermath(余波)for Jackie and her family. In a series of flashbacks(閃回,回顧), Jackie is shown in her emotional reaction to the events of the assassination and her interaction with members of the White House close to the President. Lyndon Johnson(林登·約翰遜,肯尼迪政府的副總統(tǒng),肯尼迪遇刺身亡后繼任美國總統(tǒng))and his wife are shown comforting Jackie in the aftermath. Robert Kennedy(羅伯特·肯尼迪,肯尼迪總統(tǒng)的弟弟,肯尼迪政府的司法部長)soon appears to help her, in planning the funeral and looking after the family. Jackie is especially concerned for the well-being of the children in adjusting to the loss of their father. As the film returns several times to the journalist interviewing Jackie, she makes clear that she maintains the right to control which parts of the interview may come to press and which parts are to be withheld(扣留). By the end of the film, Jackies recollections(回憶)make clear that her reminiscence(回憶,舊事)of her years at the White House was best recalled in her memory as those associated with the Camelot created in Washington during her husbands term as President.


      Dont Marry the President

      Journalist: Youll have to share something personal, eventually. People wont stop asking until you do.

      Jackie: And if I dont, theyll interpret my silence however they want? “Her brow furrows(緊蹙). Her lips are drawn(緊閉). She holds back her tears, but she cant hide her anger.”

      Journalist: Most writers want to be famous. Jackie: You want to be famous?

      Journalist: No, Im fine as I am, thank you.

      Jackie: You should prepare yourself, this article will bring you a great deal of attention.

      Journalist: In that case, any advice for me?

      Jackie: Yes. Dont marry the President. Are you afraid Im about to cry again?

      Journalist: No, Id say youre more likely to scream.

      Jackie: Scream what?

      Journalist: “My husband was a great man.”

      Explain to Her Daughter Where Their Father Has Gone

      Caroline: Mommy, why are you dressed so funny?

      Jackie: Because something very sad has happened. And this is how we dress when something sad happens. Caroline: Mommy, wheres Daddy? Jackie: Daddys not coming home. Caroline: Why not?

      Jackie: Daddy had to go see your baby brother Patrick. In heaven.

      Caroline: Why?

      Jackie: Because Im here with you. We dont want Patrick to get lonely, do we?

      Caroline: But what about us?

      Jackie: Caroline, I need you to be a big girl. You can be brave, right? You can be a soldier? A very bad man hurt Daddy. Daddy would come home if he could. But he cant. He has to go to heaven.

      Caroline: Can I say goodbye?

      Jackie: Yes, of course you can, my love.

      Jack Was Perfect

      Jackie: How would you write that?

      Journalist: “She lights yet another cigarette and explains through her soft sobs that Jack wasnt perfect, but he was perfect for our country. And I ask about his flaws, and she explains...”

      Jackie: Perfect people cant change. Jack was always getting better, stronger. Sometimes he would walk into the desert alone, just to let himself be tempted by the devil. But hed always come back to us, his beloved family.

      Seeking Comfort from the Priest

      Jackie: I wrote him a letter. That night, before we moved the casket(棺材)to the Capitol(國會大廈). Do you know what I wrote? That I wanted to die.

      Priest: I understand.

      Jackie: Do you?

      Priest: I do. Unless you are asking my permission.

      Jackie: No, only crass(愚笨的,冷酷的), selfindulgent people kill themselves. No, I was just hoping that if I walked down the street next to Jacks body, maybe someone would be kind enough to do it for me.

      Priest: In front of the whole world? Famous life, famous death.

      Jackie: I never wanted fame. I just became a Kennedy.


      Jackie: Theres one last thing. Its more important than all the rest. You know, every night before bed, we had this old Victrola(維克多牌留聲機). Wed listen to a couple of records. His favorite was Camelot.

      A: The musical?

      Jackie: Oh, Im so ashamed of myself. Every quote out of Jacks mouth was either Greek or Roman. And that last song, that last side(唱片的最后一面)of Camelot, is all that keeps running through my mind. “Dont let it be forgot, that for one brief, shining moment there was a Camelot.” Jack loved history. Its what made him what he was. Just imagine he was a little boy with scarlet fever(猩紅熱,肯尼迪小時候曾經(jīng)患過此?。﹊n bed, reading history. King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table(《亞瑟王與圓桌騎士》,英國中世紀的傳奇故事). Thats what Camelot is about. Ordinary men banding together(聯(lián)合起來)to fight for a better world. Dont misunderstand me. Jack wasnt naive. But he had ideals. Ideals he could rally(召集)others to believe in.

      A: Will these ideals live on?

      Jackie: Sure they will. Of course, there will be great progress. There will be other great presidents. The Johnsons have been so generous to me. But there wont be another Camelot. Not another Camelot.

      The Meaning of Life

      Priest: Why are you really here?

      Jackie: Because I needed to talk.

      Priest: You say that you pray every night to die. That your children have no use for you. You wish only to be with your husband. And yet, Im not burying you today. There comes a time in mans search for meaning, when one realizes that there are no answers. And when you come to that horrible, unavoidable realization, you accept it or you kill yourself. Or you simply stop searching. I have lived a blessed life. And yet, every night when I climb into bed, turn off the lights, and stare into the dark, I wonder... Is this all there is?

      Jackie: You wonder?

      Priest: Every soul(靈魂,代指人)on this planet does. But then, when morning comes, we all wake up and make a pot of coffee.

      Jackie: Why do we bother?

      Priest: Because we do. You did this morning. You will again tomorrow.

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