




      2018-12-28 10:51
      閱讀與作文(英語高中版) 2018年8期

      I will never forget the last time I saw you. Maybe because I always hated going for car rides, and that day you left me at the shelter. At first I thought we were headed to the dreaded vet—who I hadnt seen in three years anyway but still remembered—but no, that day we took a far worse trip together. That day, you took me to the shelter.

      You couldnt even look me in the eye or answer my cries in the backseat of your car like you used to when youd take me to the vet. “Shhh, sweetie,” youd say when I howled inside my carrier back then. This day, you had nothing to say. We drove across town in silence, you didnt even have the radio on. I wasnt sure what Id done or why you wouldnt even speak to me. Ive been a good boy. I always use my box. I try not to knock things off the table Im not supposed to be on, and I even try not to scratch your couch, but it would have been really nice if you would have bought me my own scratching post so I wouldnt have to.

      You pulled my carrier out of the car, and I knew before you even opened the door to the shelter that this place was bad. It was very, very bad. My heightened sense of smell tipped me off no sooner than youd taken a few steps toward the shelter. I know you could smell it too, because I swear for a moment you stopped and almost turned around. I thought maybe youd made a wrong turn and taken us to the wrong place, because surely you wouldnt leave me, your loyal friend, in a place like this. Youd turn around, put me back in the car, drive us back home. And wed all have a good laugh later about that time you accidentally drove us to the shelter when you meant to take me to the pet store to pick out new toys.

      I know this might sound weird to you, my human, but I could feel the pain and loneliness of every single animal who had ever died in that building before we even walked in. There are baby kittens and puppies who never knew the love of a human, but also—and worse—the longing of cats and dogs who once knew the joy of a family, of sharing their lives with a beloved human until they ended up in that bad, bad building for whatever reason. Id like to think you felt that pain too, and thats what stopped you just before you opened the door. But, for whatever reason, you kept going.

      “This cant be happening,” I said to myself, sitting quietly in my carrier in the lobby as you talked to another human about “paperwork”(whatever that is). I think you told them you are moving. Or you are allergic to me even though I have slept on your pillow next to you for the last five years and you never once even sneezed. Or you have a new boyfriend and he doesnt like me. I really dont remember. I was too busy trying to close my eyes and make myself wake up from what had to be a bad dream.

      The cat next to me in the lobby was desperately clawing at the latch of his carrier trying to get out, and I thought maybe, just maybe, if I show you what a good boy I am, youd change your mind and take me back home. So I didnt say anything. I tucked my front paws under myself and tried to make myself invisible, thinking if they cant see me, theyll think youre crazy and laugh when you say “I need you to take my cat,” because obviously there was no cat in the carrier you brought in.

      I shifted on my haunches in the cold, hard carrier—you didnt even put a towel down for me this last time I ever saw you. I remembered resting in this very carrier since I was a kitten, sometimes taking a nap there while you were at work, when it felt like an eternity as I waited for you to come home.

      And then they took me away. You didnt even say goodbye. I looked at your face, hoping to see something that told me this was your only option, that, for whatever reason, you thought this was the right thing to do. I know it hurt your heart to leave me here in this place that smells of death the moment you walk in the door. But you turned away and then you were gone.









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