軟組織肉瘤的放射治療:臨床實踐及進展楊 婧,王 征,孔 琳,等(326)
腹膜后軟組織肉瘤預(yù)后因素及預(yù)測工具的研究進展劉文帥,徐 靜,王炯元,等(332)
軀干和肢體軟組織肉瘤的圍手術(shù)期化療與放療Lee D.Cranmer,Edward Y.Kim(340)
鼠疫的臨床診治與預(yù)防金文婷,潘 玨(803)
腫瘤免疫檢查點抑制劑相關(guān)內(nèi)分泌疾病曾海鑾,高 鑫(810)
促結(jié)締組織增生性小圓細胞腫瘤的臨床多學科綜合診治申 鋒,莊榮源,郭 曦,等(364)
靜脈內(nèi)平滑肌瘤病的臨床特征與外科治療策略徐 靜,張 勇,童漢興,等(369)
復(fù)發(fā)或轉(zhuǎn)移性孤立性纖維瘤的臨床診治策略張秀萍,羅榮奎,紀 元,等(374)
安羅替尼聯(lián)合化療治療晚期軟組織肉瘤的近期療效及安全性分析莊榮源,王志明,郭 曦,等(378)
VAC/IE方案一線姑息治療晚期成人橫紋肌肉瘤的療效及安全性分析郭 曦,莊榮源,申 鋒,等(382)
超聲造影對原發(fā)性腹膜后神經(jīng)鞘瘤的診斷價值徐亞丹,武文卿,韓 紅,等(391)
腹膜前生物補片修復(fù)髂腹股溝區(qū)腫瘤切除術(shù)后組織缺損的臨床療效練士賢,鄧 力,楊 華,等(395)
論 著
重復(fù)經(jīng)顱磁刺激聯(lián)合帕利哌酮治療青少年精神分裂癥的隨機對照研究武文珺,王 瑩,蔡 敏,等(6)
介入超聲對獲得性免疫缺陷綜合征相關(guān)性肝臟疾病的診斷與治療價值張 暉,劉建建,馬 鑫,等(10)
以奧沙利鉑為主的肝動脈化療栓塞術(shù)后發(fā)熱的危險因素分析田 丹,張捷青,潘坤明,等(28)
二肽基肽酶Ⅳ抑制劑在2型糖尿病合并腎功能不全老年患者中的使用情況曹 蕾,許 青(33)
Guidezilla延長導(dǎo)管在冠狀動脈非閉塞性鈣化病變介入治療中的應(yīng)用張書寧,鄧 欣,姚 康,等(161)
糖尿病患者中上臂圍與SUDOSCAN預(yù)測的心血管自主神經(jīng)病變風險的相關(guān)性張 琦,鄭杭萍,季立津,等(171)
遠端胃大部切除聯(lián)合Roux-en-Y重建術(shù)胃排空障礙的影響因素分析白 斌,蔡 慧,聶明明,等(177)
云南省先天性心臟病相關(guān)危險因素的病例對照研究陳志松,李 振,曾永利,等(181)
伴臨床可疑快速眼動期睡眠行為障礙的帕金森病患者的臨床表型分析吳 麗,和 青,趙 蕾,等(187)
云南省文山州銀屑病患者血清C3水平與代謝綜合征相關(guān)性分析杜 娟,陳蓀奕,楊夏雨,等(193)
槐耳清膏能抑制裸鼠肺癌細胞的增殖活性童 琳,常美佳,胡 潔,等(205)
長鏈非編碼RNA-linc00152可能通過miR-4767影響血管內(nèi)皮細胞凋亡和遷移滕 偉,鄭先杰,鞏貴宏,等(209)
2型糖尿病對急性STEMI患者經(jīng)皮冠狀動脈介入治療后炎癥反應(yīng)及遠期心肌重構(gòu)的影響婁 逸,錢菊英,陳章煒,等(398)
PCSK9對急性胰腺炎局部并發(fā)癥及不良預(yù)后事件的預(yù)測價值李正良,蔡 瑜,張順財(413)
超聲引導(dǎo)下周圍神經(jīng)阻滯后暴發(fā)痛的臨床特征及影響因素分析施蕓岑,方 婕,倉 靜,等(420)
人臍靜脈內(nèi)皮細胞來源外泌體有助于促進缺血性腦卒中小鼠的康復(fù)張曉星,胡 慧,李躍華(425)
黃芩苷對馬兜鈴酸誘導(dǎo)小鼠急性腎損傷的保護作用賈亦臣,楊 橙,鄭 龍,等(432)
氯胺酮體外對星形膠質(zhì)細胞表面腦保護相關(guān)受體表達的影響劉邱阿雪,凌曉敏,方 芳,等(437)
精氨酸試驗中C肽釋放水平與2型糖尿病合并無癥狀周圍神經(jīng)病變的相關(guān)性張麗娥,常薪霞,卞 華,等(513)
老年血液透析患者紅細胞體積分布寬度水平及相關(guān)影響因素分析毛長青,王 蕾,金惠良,等(532)
晚期非小細胞肺癌患者腫瘤突變負荷與靶向治療療效相關(guān)性童 琳,丁 寧,李佳旻,等(538)
壓力超負荷致小鼠心肌肥厚中miR-378對熱休克轉(zhuǎn)錄因子-1的調(diào)節(jié)作用苑 潔,鄒云增(543)
同時性結(jié)直腸癌原發(fā)灶和肝轉(zhuǎn)移灶中KRAS基因突變的一致性分析林 奇,周鵬揚,莊奧博,等(549)
梅毒性主動脈瘤的外科診治策略王 楊,孫徐妹,余詠潮,等(697)
維甲酸相關(guān)孤兒核受體C可通過抑制糖酵解來調(diào)節(jié)宮頸癌細胞增殖陳 瑋,王 靜,董 曦(710)
靜脈高壓導(dǎo)致的剪應(yīng)力改變在載脂蛋白A-1結(jié)合蛋白調(diào)控血管內(nèi)皮生長因子表達中的作用李嘉楠,馮明陶,李 強,等(714)
經(jīng)皮冠狀動脈介入治療術(shù)雙抗治療1年后患者單用阿司匹林或氯吡格雷遠期預(yù)后對比分析唐 勇,嚴健華,柏 萍,等(817)
小檗堿對非酒精性脂肪性肝病患者血清骨鈣素的影響楊心瑜,常薪霞,卞 華,等(822)
HBB rs35755129基因多態(tài)性與廣西紅水河流域長壽人群血糖血脂水平的相關(guān)性李琪琪,潘尚領(lǐng)(834)
釓塞酸二鈉增強磁共振成像對小肝癌術(shù)后復(fù)發(fā)的預(yù)測價值楊 春,王文濤,曾蒙蘇,等(839)
乳腺癌磁共振表觀擴散系數(shù)與Ki-67表達的相關(guān)性顧 磊,夏進東,饒圣祥,等(844)
抗衰老酶1-p53信號通路在吸入麻醉致原代海馬神經(jīng)元細胞凋亡中的神經(jīng)保護作用熊萬霞,趙曦寧,王 穎(848)
高尿酸對大鼠腎小球足細胞的損害作用王 昱,王 嬌,繆 妙,等(855)
腹壁脂肪與唇腺活檢聯(lián)合診斷輕鏈型淀粉樣變性的價值徐天虹,魏 征,陳 晨,等(37)
改良劍突下入路胸腔鏡前縱隔畸胎瘤切除術(shù)的臨床應(yīng)用分析郭少鳴,蔣家好,金 淳,等(43)
恥骨上經(jīng)膀胱單孔機器人前列腺癌根治術(shù)的初步嘗試姜 帥,許培榕,姚家喜,等(215)
口服蛋白酶體抑制劑伊沙佐米治療多發(fā)性骨髓瘤的療效和安全性研究李 晶,莊靜麗,魏 征,等(218)
利福昔明聯(lián)合腸菌移植治療腹瀉型腸易激綜合征的臨床療效及安全性鄭 鋆,吳盛迪,董 玲,等(229)
硫化氫可通過改善肺動脈內(nèi)皮間質(zhì)轉(zhuǎn)化減輕野百合堿誘導(dǎo)的大鼠肺動脈高壓張 卉,藺艷軍,毛承譽,等(721)
胸腔鏡手術(shù)單肺通氣過程中快速肺萎陷氧化亞氮有效體積分數(shù)的優(yōu)化呂越昌,時 雨,梁 超,等(862)
急性下消化道出血的臨床外科診治分析盛衛(wèi)忠,姚 璐,董天庚,等(866)
帕金森病患者血清瘦素水平及其影響因素分析常 利,李合華,宋志秀(58)
成人社區(qū)獲得性肺炎嚴重程度與乳酸脫氫酶、血清淀粉樣蛋白A相關(guān)性分析劉杰峰,劉 穎,龐 劍,等(65)
角膜地形圖對干眼癥患者淚膜穩(wěn)定性的評價分析周黎紋,謝玉秀,袁 非(69)
雙重濾過血漿置換治療對糖皮質(zhì)激素無反應(yīng)性橋本腦病的初步嘗試毛曉薇,秧 杰,吳 帥(72)
單操作孔胸腔鏡肺段切除治療高齡肺結(jié)節(jié)患者臨床療效分析駱 峰,王明松,陸善偉,等(76)
吡格列酮能部分抑制2型糖尿病大鼠肝臟微粒體細胞色素P450活性常 偉,閔智慧,程韻楓,等(84)
miR-182受TEAD1轉(zhuǎn)錄調(diào)控參與黑素瘤細胞轉(zhuǎn)移陳 誠,張學軍(89)
低頻超聲聯(lián)合微泡促進多發(fā)性大動脈炎血管平滑肌細胞凋亡的生物學效應(yīng)宋 超,董 健,于冠宇,等(93)
FK506結(jié)合蛋白65在肝細胞肝癌組織間質(zhì)細胞中的表達及臨床意義馬 慧,張 嵐,任正剛(98)
光照條件下核黃素對宮頸癌細胞的毒性作用王 飛,許 青(234)
PCR檢測痰曲霉菌在慢性阻塞性肺疾病合并侵襲性肺曲霉菌病中的診斷價值王 琴,嚴夢楠,宋一祎,等(238)
艾司西酞普蘭聯(lián)合奧卡西平治療癲癇合并抑郁的臨床療效卜豪英,王 冰(242)
動脈瘤性蛛網(wǎng)膜下腔出血術(shù)后分流依賴性腦積水的危險因素分析徐 宏,孔 剛,劉創(chuàng)宏(246)
基于單中心的重癥吉蘭-巴雷綜合征預(yù)測因素分析李瑞香,張偉娜,沈 霞,等(252)
Onlay法預(yù)防性置入補片可降低腹腔鏡經(jīng)腹會陰聯(lián)合直腸根治術(shù)后遠期造口旁疝發(fā)生率饒 敏,苗建青,張文波,等(256)
腰椎退變性側(cè)凸患者后路矯形融合術(shù)后健康相關(guān)生活質(zhì)量影響因素分析邵 為,林 濤,仲海燕,等(260)
納美芬抑制全麻誘導(dǎo)時芬太尼誘發(fā)嗆咳的隨機雙盲對照研究陳實玉,蔣 龍,倉 靜,等(265)
利伐沙班與傳統(tǒng)抗凝藥物在80歲以上靜脈血栓栓塞癥患者中的有效性與安全性對比蔡 亮,丁 勇,周 旻,等(272)
蔗糖鐵對二次開胸手術(shù)圍術(shù)期貧血患者的療效分析駱晨濤,丁文軍,蔣 密,等(277)
異種脫細胞真皮與鈦化聚丙烯網(wǎng)片在術(shù)后即刻乳房重建中的效果對比鄭少鸞,張汝凡,朱 明,等(456)
右美托咪定在動脈瘤性蛛網(wǎng)膜下腔出血介入手術(shù)麻醉中的臨床應(yīng)用李斌本,王 薇,汪 惠,等(462)
妊娠期高血壓病患者胎盤組織中IGF-Ⅱ、IGFBP-1和抵抗素的表達及相關(guān)性分析田 甜,梁 霞,韓翠欣,等(477)
不同等級醫(yī)院護士循證護理能力的現(xiàn)狀調(diào)查蘇 偉,張玉俠,李 明,等(482)
脂質(zhì)組成對人膠質(zhì)瘤細胞系惡性程度的影響齊 飚,楊 晨,吳 劍,等(487)
血糖變異性對重癥急性卒中患者3個月內(nèi)死亡風險的影響劉正清,喻 莉,許衛(wèi)江,等(568)
成人新診斷哮喘患者的臨床特征和治療情況分析牟 艷,黃嘉楠,韋素蘭,等(573)
2型糖尿病患者血清磷與振動感覺閾值的相關(guān)性分析丁和遠,石 蕾,盛 勵,等(577)
左無名靜脈-右心耳旁路移植術(shù)治療復(fù)雜前上縱隔腫瘤效果分析鮑 峰,宮為一,蔣家好,等(581)
系統(tǒng)性間變大細胞淋巴瘤臨床特征及預(yù)后分析顧史洋,魏 征,劉 澎(586)
血清總膽汁酸水平對肝細胞肝癌患者預(yù)后的影響王 妍,周穎婷,陳榮新,等(594)
獲得性免疫缺陷綜合征合并孤立性腫塊型肺隱球菌病或周圍型肺癌的CT鑒別診斷王峻峰,周 粟,施裕新,等(598)
320排CT可變螺距采集技術(shù)在經(jīng)導(dǎo)管主動脈瓣置換術(shù)術(shù)前評估中的應(yīng)用許 兵,尹 偉,王敏杰,等(602)
CT平掃及冠狀位重建對泌尿系結(jié)石的診斷價值徐 磊,魯繼東,梁 亮,等(611)
安置心臟起搏器患者行乳腺癌手術(shù)的安全性分析李 鶴,周文青,羅憶泓,等(615)
中國男性運動員人群中慢性前列腺炎的現(xiàn)況調(diào)查柳滟波,劉 龍,丁 崗,等(619)
個體化持續(xù)改進對胸痛中心救治急性心肌梗死患者效率的影響姜海濱,董 豐,陳 浩,等(732)
運動康復(fù)訓練在慢性心衰患者中的康復(fù)效果茅溢恒,袁 鵬,劉 燕(741)
幕上神經(jīng)膠質(zhì)瘤相關(guān)性癲癇發(fā)作模式的危險因素分析張 杰,吳建兵,杜春富,等(745)
腦電雙頻指數(shù)早期評估急性腦損傷預(yù)后的可行性研究書國偉,張 玨,費智敏(750)
腹型肥胖對正常體質(zhì)指數(shù)老年人發(fā)生肌少癥及骨質(zhì)疏松的影響張 恬,顧一航(754)
胃癌組織C19orf28蛋白表達的預(yù)后價值高其忠,高 翔,劉 芬,等(763)
三酰甘油/高密度脂蛋白膽固醇比值對青少年肥胖人群非酒精性脂肪性肝病的預(yù)測價值王卓平,黃雌友,王 雯,等(875)
正常高值血壓孕產(chǎn)婦凝血指標與妊娠結(jié)局的臨床分析孫 婷,徐明娟(880)
精索靜脈曲張顯微手術(shù)后抗精子抗體水平與精子質(zhì)量相關(guān)性分析袁海川,宋 武,顧朝輝,等(885)
自制懸吊子宮裝置在女性腹腔鏡直腸癌根治術(shù)中的應(yīng)用及療效分析鄭維鋒,許劍民,陳 戰(zhàn),等(889)
胃癌組織中IFN-γ、IL-4和SOX-2蛋白表達及其與幽門螺桿菌感染的相關(guān)性分析賈 坤,蘇建榮(900)
夜間低氧對慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者血清IL-6、IL-8的影響王永濱,湯 鶯,張曉蘭,等(905)
呼出氣一氧化氮對呼吸機相關(guān)性肺炎的早期診斷意義馬 玲,王美平,朱 波,等(909)
超聲量化膈肌收縮速度在判斷機械通氣撤機中的價值王三強,陳 斌,沈 燕(915)
常規(guī)超聲心動圖對蒽環(huán)類化療藥物致心臟毒性的診斷價值李 驥,郭海健(919)
水交換法腸鏡檢查中加入靛胭脂提高腺瘤檢出率的對比研究胡學軍,徐 威,姚 平,等(923)
模擬器訓練顯著縮短腹腔鏡肝左外葉切除術(shù)學習曲線易 勇,宋保東,尹毅銳,等(927)
多學科團隊模式下腹腔脫落細胞學陽性晚期胃癌患者的診療策略王 妍,崔越宏,余一祎,等(103)
qCON、qNOX監(jiān)測用于肝部分切除術(shù)麻醉管理的臨床價值潘 艷,廖慶武,葛圣金(494)
術(shù)中即時皮膚牽張技術(shù)在皮瓣供區(qū)縫合中的應(yīng)用李 穎,周 鑫,曾靜達(627)
綜 述
納米顆粒靶向策略在動脈粥樣硬化診斷與治療中的研究進展張 寧,陳 婧,宋亞楠,等(107)
強直性脊柱炎免疫遺傳學發(fā)病機制的研究進展劉 彧(117)
前列腺癌相關(guān)轉(zhuǎn)錄因子1在惡性腫瘤中的研究進展周原世,李 響,姜興明,等(126)
脂聯(lián)素防治糖尿病心肌病的研究進展吳 霞,吳學廳,黃磊濤,等(145)
卡波西型血管內(nèi)皮瘤診療進展羊樟福,胡 博,付佩堯,等(286)
老年期抑郁障礙的臨床特征及診治進展郝家濤,王 鵬,壽 涓(297)
家庭睡眠呼吸暫停監(jiān)測在阻塞性睡眠呼吸暫停診斷中的應(yīng)用與研究進展徐淑樺,朱 敏(503)
血小板及其膜仿生學在動脈粥樣硬化中的應(yīng)用進展李琦玉,張 寧,陳 婧,等(631)
血管內(nèi)皮祖細胞鑒定及其促血管新生機制的研究進展潘天岳,劉 浩,符偉國,等(635)
晚期肺癌免疫治療現(xiàn)狀及影像學療效評價和預(yù)測楊舒一,單 飛,施裕新,等(641)
非編碼RNA在腹主動脈瘤中的研究進展方 超,丁 勇,符偉國,等(767)
急性缺血性腦卒中缺血半暗帶的影像學研究進展張 茹,王天樂(772)
表皮生長因子受體突變非小細胞肺癌耐藥機制的研究進展施純子,黃 鋼(776)
碳納米管技術(shù)在胰腺癌臨床治療中的應(yīng)用進展邵 卓,紀偉平,劉安安,等(783)
滑膜細胞代謝在類風濕關(guān)節(jié)炎中作用的研究進展楊 哲,李明強,紀超凡,等(787)
間充質(zhì)干細胞在急性肺損傷治療中的研究進展姜芝峰,張 琳,申 捷(936)
舒芬太尼誘發(fā)嗆咳反應(yīng)機制及預(yù)防用藥的研究進展許智鴻,潘 艷,廖慶武(951)
新型抗流感藥物baloxavir marboxil的研發(fā)陶佳佳,呂遷洲,李曉宇,等(308)
首診于眼科的偏頭痛患者的臨床特征分析顧 操,孫偉峰,呂亞莉,等(312)
上海市嘉定區(qū)35 253例狂犬病暴露病例流行病學分析張 英,印慶華,楊玲玲(315)
巨大甲狀腺腫手術(shù)術(shù)中喉返神經(jīng)保護策略孫燕翔,馮 煜,劉兆龍,等(508)
超低濃度羅哌卡因硬膜外阻滯復(fù)合全麻在老年患者上腹部手術(shù)中的應(yīng)用全 金,李凱輝,吳冬良,等(658)
藥師參與模式下腸鏡檢查術(shù)前腸道準備的藥學服務(wù)實踐晉繼紅,趙 偉,王丕勝,等(955)
IgG4相關(guān)性硬化性膽管炎誤診為肝門部膽管癌1例報告易 勇,宋保東,羅榮奎,等(154)
IgA腎病合并急性間質(zhì)性腎炎2例報告金 是,徐夏蓮,胡家昌,等(157)
正常血鉀型周期性麻痹1例報告李笑笑,吳旭青,范 薇(318)
神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)癥狀為首發(fā)表現(xiàn)的血栓性血小板減少性紫癜1例報告雷玉英,黃 華,路明亮,等(662)
結(jié)腸、小腸雙原發(fā)惡性腫瘤1例報告馬 曄,萬伯順(797)
硼替佐米聯(lián)合地塞米松治療伴單克隆IgG沉積的增生性腎小球腎炎2例報告劉 霞,李曼娜,李旭涵,等(799)
以發(fā)熱伴腰痛為主訴的慢性腎臟病合并布氏菌感染1例報告鄭 敏,王 莉,丁小強,等(959)
復(fù)旦大學附屬中山醫(yī)院心源性休克VA-ECMO治療規(guī)范(v1.2019)屠國偉,羅 哲,王春生,等(667)
ChineseJournalofClinicalMedicinetotal contents of twenty-sixth volume(2019)
Interpretation of soft tissue sarcoma (retroperitoneal sarcoma)section in NCCN clinical practice guideline Lü Chen-tao,LU Wei-qi(321)
Radiotherapy for soft-tissue sarcoma:clinical practice and progress YANG Jing,WANG Zheng,KONG Lin,et al(326)
Research progress of prognostic factors and prediction tools for retroperitoneal soft tissue sarcomas LIU Wen-shuai,XU Jing,WANG Jiong-yuan,et al(332)
Peri-operative chemotherapy and radiation therapy in management of soft tissue sarcomas of the trunk and extremities:review of the evidence Lee D.Cranmer,Edward Y.Kim(340)
Current status and future perspective of clinical medical research in China YUAN Tian-wei,LI Ping-ping,LI Su-ning,et al(673)
Clinical manifestations,diagnosis,treatment and prevention of plague JIN Wen-ting,PAN Jue(803)
Characteristics of clinical manifestations,pathology and X-ray findings of patients with pneumonic plague WANG He-qing,ZHOU Jian-jun(807)
Tumor immune checkpoint inhibitors-related endocrinopathies ZENG Hai-luan,GAO Xin(810)
Clinical diagnosis and treatment of undifferentiated embryonal sarcoma of liver WANG Zhi-ming,ZHANG Shi-long,ZHUANG Rong-yuan,et al(360)
Multidisciplinary diagnosis and combined treatment of desmoplastic small round-cell tumor SHEN Feng,ZHUANG Rong-yuan,GUO Xi,et al(364)
Clinical features and surgical strategies for intravenous leiomyomatosis XU Jing,ZHANG Yong,TONG Han-xing,et al(369)
Clinical strategy for treatment of patients with recurrent or metastatic solitary fibrous tumor ZHANG Xiu-ping,LUO Rong-kui,JI Yuan,et al(374)
The short-term efficacy and safety of anlotinib combined with chemotherapy in treatment of advanced soft tissue sarcoma ZHUANG Rong-yuan,WANG Zhi-ming,GUO Xi,et al(378)
Efficacy and safety of VAC/IE regimen in treatment of advanced rhabdomyosarcoma in adults GUO Xi,ZHUANG Rong-yuan,SHEN Feng,et al(382)
Efficacy and safety of everolimus in treatment of advanced angiosarcoma LI Zhi-yong,ZHANG Xiu-ping,ZHANG Shi-long,et al(387)
Diagnostic value of contrast-enhanced ultrasound in primary retroperitoneal schwannoma XU Ya-dan,WU Wen-qing,HAN Hong,et al(391)
Preperitoneal repair of tissue defect with biological mesh after ilioinguinal region tumor resection LIAN Shi-xian,DENG Li,YANG Hua,et al(395)
Clinical characteristics and prognosis of angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma based on single clinical center ZHANG Xue-jiao,JI Li-li,WANG Wei-guang,et al(1)
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation combined with paliperidone in the treatment of schizophrenia in adolescents:a randomized controlled study WU Wen-jun,WANG Ying,CAI Min,et al(6)
Value of interventional ultrasound in diagnosis and treatment of AIDS related liver diseases ZHANG Hui,LIU Jian-jian,MA Xin,et al(10)
Clinical characteristics of early-onset type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with different body mass index levels CAO Jing-zhu,WANG Yuan-chen,HONG Hui-lan,et al(14)
Accuracy and safety evaluation of flash glucose monitoring system for children with type 1 diabetes HU Ke-yan,MA Yu-jin,LI Li-ping,et al(19)
Efficacy of extracorporeal shock wave therapy for grade Ⅲ-Ⅳ (Quinnell classification)stenosing flexor tenosynovitis WU Yi-ming,LIU Guang-hua,QI Shao-hua,et al(24)
Risk factors for post-embolization fever after oxaliplatin based transcatheter arterial chemoembolization TIAN Dan,ZHANG Jie-qing,PAN Kun-ming,et al(28)
Use of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus complicated with renal insufficiency CAO Lei,XU Qing(33)
Application of Guidezilla extension catheter during percutaneous coronary intervention for non-total occlusive calcified lesions ZHANG Shu-ning,DENG Xin,YAO Kang,et al(161)
Clinical efficacy and surgical strategies of carotid artery and innominate artery stenosis based on single clinical center LIU Yi-fan,FU Wei-guo,DONG Zhi-hui,et al(166)
Association between mid-upper arm circumference and SUDOSCAN risk score in predicting cardiac autonomic neuropathy in diabetic patients ZHANG Qi,ZHENG Hang-ping,JI Li-jin,et al(171)
Predictive factors for delayed gastric emptying after distal gastrectomy with Roux-en-Y reconstruction BAI Bin,CAI Hui,NIE Ming-ming,et al(177)
Case-control study on risk factors for congenital heart diseases in Yunnan province CHEN Zhi-song,LI Zhen,ZENG Yong-li,et al(181)
Clinical phenotypic characteristics of patients with Parkinson disease with suspicious rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder WU Li,HE Qing,ZHAO Lei,et al(187)
Association between serum complement 3 and metabolic syndrome in psoriasis patients from Wenshan County of Yunnan Province DU Juan,CHEN Sun-yi,YANG Xia-yu,et al(193)
Prevalence investigation of malignant tumors in patients with coronary artery diseases based on single clinical center LIN Jin-yi,CHENG Lei-lei,DAI Chun-feng,et al(197)
Effect of metformin for treatment of neuropathic pain induced by sciatic nerve chronic constriction injury in rats WANG Zhi-yao,LI Wei-shan,LI Ai-lun,et al(200)
Experimental research of Huaier aqueous extract on lung cancer tumor growth inhibition in nude mice TONG Lin,CHANG Mei-jia,HU Jie,et al(205)
Long-chain non-coding RNA-linc00152 expression may play a role in apoptosis and migration of vascular endothelial cellsviamiR-4767 TENG Wei,ZHENG Xian-jie,GONG Gui-hong,et al(209)
The role of diabetes mellitus in inflammatory reaction and long-term cardiac remodeling in patients diagnosed with acute myocardial infarction underwent primary percutaneous coronary intervention LOU Yi,QIAN Ju-ying,CHEN Zhang-wei,et al(398)
Correlation between carbonic anhydrase Ⅲ and senile type 2 diabetic angiopathy YU Zhong-yu,ZHANG Xiao-ming,WANG Jian-tao,et al(406)
Predictive value of PCSK9 for local complications and clinical prognosis in acute pancreatitis LI Zheng-liang,CAI Yu,ZHANG Shun-cai(413)
Clinical characteristics and influencing factors of rebound pain following ultrasound-guided peripheral nerve block SHI Yun-cen,FANG Jie,CANG Jing,et al(420)
HUVECs-exo intravenous injection can promote the recovery of ischemic stroke in transient ischemic mouse model of the middle cerebral artery ZHANG Xiao-xing,HU Hui,LI Yue-hua(425)
Protective effect of baicalin on acute kidney injury induced by aristolochic acid in mice JIA Yi-chen,YANG Cheng,ZHENG Long,et al(432)
Effect of ketamine treatment on expression of neuroprotection-related receptors in astrocytesinvitroand its mechanism LIU Qiu-a-xue,LING Xiao-min,FANG Fang,et al(437)
Relationship between C-peptide release level in arginine test and type 2 diabetes mellitus with asymptomatic peripheral neuropathy ZHANG Li-e,CHANG Xin-xia,BIAN Hua,et al(513)
Left ventricular function parameters determined by different myocardial imaging for treatment decision and estimation of prognosis in patients with left ventricular aneurysm WANG Wei-xue,ZHANG Xiao-li(518)
Multi-slice thoracic spiral CT feathers of pulmonary tuberculosis in infants under 1 year old SONG Feng-xiang,SHI Yu-xin,ZHANG Zhi-yong,et al(524)
Influence factors analysis of red blood cell distribution width in elderly hemodialysis patients MAO Chang-qing,WANG Lei,JIN Hui-liang,et al(532)
Relationship between tumor mutational burden and efficacy of targeted therapies in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer TONG Lin,DING Ning,LI Jia-min,et al(538)
Regulation of miR-378 on heat shock factor-1 in cardiac hypertrophy induced by pressure overload YUAN Jie,ZOU Yun-zeng(543)
Consistency analysis of KRAS mutation between primary tumors and paired liver metastases in synchronous colorectal live metastasis LIN Qi,ZHOU Peng-yang,ZHUANG Ao-bo,et al(549)
Analysis of differentially expressed genes in lymph node metastasis of early gastric cancer ZHUANG Yang-hui,KANG Zheng-chun,WANG Hai-tang,et al(555)
Sarcopenia predicts adverse prognosis of patients undergoing abdominal surgery for digestive tract cancer:A prospective cohort study XI Qiu-lei,TAN Shan-jun,ZHANG Shu-ze,et al(679)
Resistance training can improve cognitive function of elderly patients with type 2 diabetes in China ZHENG Hang-ping,YANG Xiao-rong,QIAO Xiao-na,et al(686)
Correlation between blood routine indexes and liver fat content in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus complicated with non-alcholic fatty liver disease CHANG Xin-xia,ZHANG Lin-shan,XIA Ming-feng,et al(692)
Surgical treatment on syphilitic aortic aneurysm WANG Yang,SUN Xu-mei,YU Yong-chao,et al(697)
The characteristics and clinical significances of ABL kinase domain mutations in Philadelphia chromosome positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia FU Wei-jia,HU Xiao-xia,WANG Li-bing,et al(703)
Retinoic-acid-related orphan nuclear receptor C regulates cervical cancer cell proliferation by inhibiting glycolysis CHEN Wei,WANG Jing,DONG Xi(710)
The effect of shear stress resulting from venous hypertension on the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor regulated by apoA-1 binding protein LI Jia-nan,FENG Ming-tao,LI Qiang,et al(714)
Analysis of the prognostic differences and causes of patients taking aspirin or clopidogrel tablets 1 year after percutaneous coronary intervention TANG Yong,YAN Jian-hua,BO Ping,et al(817)
Effect of berberine on serum osteocalcin in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease YANG Xin-yu,CHANG Xin-xia,BIAN Hua,et al(822)
Correlation between ABCB1 and CYP2C19 genotype and efficacy of clopidogrel in patients with atherosclerotic cerebral infarction LI Xiao-xiao,Lü Jia-ning,WU Xu-qing,et al(827)
Correlation between HBB rs35755129 polymorphism and blood glucose and lipid levels in longevity population in Hongshui River Basin of Guangxi in China LI Qi-qi,PAN Shang-ling(834)
The value of gadoxetic acid-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging for predicting recurrence of small hepatocellular carcinoma after resection YANG Chun,WANG Wen-tao,ZENG Meng-su,et al(839)
Correlation between MRI apparent diffusion coefficient value and Ki-67 index in patients with breast cancer GU Lei,XIA Jin-dong,RAO Sheng-xiang,et al(844)
SIRT1-p53 pathway protects against sevoflurane-nitrous oxide anesthesia-induced apoptosis in primary-cultured hippocampal neurons XIONG Wan-xia ,ZHAO Xi-ning,WANG Ying(848)
The effect of hyperuricemia on glomerular podocyte in rates and its mechanisms WANG Yu,WANG Jiao,MIAO Miao,et al(855)
The value of abdominal fat aspiration and labial salivary gland biopsy in diagnosing immunoglobulin light chain amyloidosis XU Tian-hong,WEI Zheng,CHEN Chen,et al(37)
Clinical application of modified subxiphoid approach or thoracoscopic mediastinal teratoma resection GUO Shao-ming,JIANG Jia-hao,JIN Chun,et al(43)
Preliminary report of suprapubic transvesical single-port robot assisted radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer JIANG Shuai,XU Pei-rong,YAO Jia-xi,et al(215)
Efficacy and safety of ixazomib in Chinese patients with multiple myeloma LI Jing,ZHUANG Jing-li,WEI Zheng,et al(218)
Efficacy and safety of domestic generic bortezomib (Xintai)in patients with newly-diagnosed multiple myeloma ZHANG Yi-an,ZHUANG Jing-li,WANG Zhi-mei,et al(224)
Efficacy and safety evaluation of rifaximin combined with fecal microbiota transplantation in treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with predominant diarrhea ZHENG Yun,WU Sheng-di,DONG Ling,et al(229)
Effect of exosomes derived from dendritic cells on lipid metabolism of hepatocytes after myocardial infarction BAI Ying-nan,LI Zhi-xing,ZHANG Ya-qi,et al(445)
Climical efficacy of comprehensive treatments on patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis SUN Xiao-yang,CHANG Xin-xia,XIA Ming-feng,et al(561)
Hydrogen sulfide may alleviate monocrotaline-induced pulmonary hypertension in rats by improving pulmonary artery endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition ZHANG Hui,LIN Yan-jun,MAO Cheng-yu,et al(721)
The optimal inhalation concentrations of nitrous oxide fraction in oxygen for facilitating fast lung collapse during one-lung ventilation in thoracsope surgery Lü Yue-chang,SHI Yu,LIANG Chao,et al(862)
Clinical characteristics of acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding SHENG Wei-zhong,YAO Lu,DONG Tian-geng,et al(866)
Effects of indoor air pollution on asthma and serum level of miR-155 in children WANG Shi-min,SUN Su-jing,JI Yi-lun(870)
Short article
Efficacy analysis of combined endovascular brachytherapy,sorafenib,and transarterial chemoembolization therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma patients with portal vein tumor thrombus ZHOU Yong-jie,MA Jing-qin,LUO Jian-jun,et al(46)
Predictive value of elevated red blood cell distribution width in cardiac surgery associated acute kidney injury PAN Ming-zhen,JIANG Wu-hua,ZOU Zhou-ping,et al(53)
Analysis of serum leptin level in patients with Parkinson disease and its influence factors CHANG Li,LI He-hua,SONG Zhi-xiu(58)
Influence factors of pregnancy rate after selective salpingography and fallopian tube recanalization HOU Yan-yan,LIU Jing-lan(62)
Correlation analysis of adult community acquired pneumonia severity with lactate dehydrogenase and serum amyloid protein A LIU Jie-feng,LIU Ying,PANG Jian,et al(65)
Corneal topography for evaluation of tear film stability in dry eye patients ZHOU Li-wen,XIE Yu-xiu,YUAN Fei(69)
Preliminary application of double filtration plasmapheresis in treating glucocorticoid unresponsive Hashimoto’s encephalopathy MAO Xiao-wei,YANG Jie,WU Shuai(72)
Clinical analysis of single-port thoracoscopic segmentectomy for elderly patients with pulmonary nodules LUO Feng,WANG Ming-song,LU Shan-wei,et al(76)
Clinical and pathological feature analysis of cardiac synovial sarcoma XU Yi-fan,HOU Ying-yong,LUAN Li-juan(80)
Effect of pioglitazone on liver microsome cytochrome P450 in diabetic rats CHANG Wei,MIN Zhi-hui,CHENG Yun-feng,et al(84)
miR-182 is transcriptional regulated by TEAD1 and regulates the metastasis of melanoma induced by TEAD1 CHEN Cheng,ZHANG Xue-jun(89)
Biological effects of low-frequency ultrasound combined with microbubbles on promoting apoptosis of vascular smooth muscle cells in Takayasu arteritis SONG Chao,DONG Jian,YU Guan-yu,et al(93)
Expression of FK506 binding protein 65 in stroma cells of hepatocellular carcinoma tissues and its clinical significances MA Hui,ZHANG Lan,REN Zheng-gang(98)
Toxic effects of riboflavin on cervical cancer cells under illumination WANG Fei,XU Qing(234)
Diagnostic value of PCR detection of phlegm aspergillus in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease combined with invasive pulmonary aspergillosis WANG Qin,YAN Meng-nan,SONG Yi-yi,et al(238)
Effect of escitalopram combined with oxcarbazepine for patients with epilepsy complicated with depression PU Hao-ying,WANG Bing(242)
Risk factors analysis of shunt-dependent hydrocephalus in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage after operation XU Hong,KONG Gang,LIU Chuang-hong(246)
Analysis of predictors of severe Gullain-Barré syndrome based on single center LI Rui-xiang,ZHANG Wei-na,SHEN Xia,et al(252)
Onlay prophylactic patch placement can reduce the incidence of long-term parastomal hernia after laparoscopic transperineal radical resection of rectal cancer RAO Min,MIAO Jian-qing,ZHANG Wen-bo,et al(256)
Analysis of factors affecting postoperative health-related quality of life in patients with degenerative lumbar scoliosis SHAO Wei,LIN Tao,ZHONG Hai-yan,et al(260)
Nalmefene suppresses fentanyl-induced cough during general anesthesia induction:a randomized,double-blind, controlled trial CHEN Shi-yu,JIANG Long,CANG Jing,et al(265)
Investigation and intervention of suture needle-stick injuries in operating room WANG Chun-ling,SHI Qing-feng,WANG Cheng-hao,et al(268)
Comparison of efficacy and safety between rivaroxaban and traditional anticoagulants in patients over 80 years old with venous thromboembolism CAI Liang,DING Yong,ZHOU Min,et al(272)
Effect of iron sucrose on perioperative anemia patients undergoing secondary thoracotomy LUO Chen-tao,DING Wen-jun,JIANG Mi,et al(277)
Effect of preoperative serum uric acid on the risk of the acute kidney injury after cardiac surgery XU Xia-lian,XU Jia-rui,WANG Yi-mei,et al(450)
Comparison of clinical efficacy between xenogenic acellular dermal matrix and titanium-coated polypropylene mesh in immediate breast reconstruction after breast cancer resection ZHENG Shao-luan,ZHANG Ru-fan,ZHU Ming,et al(456)
Clinical application of dexmedetomidine in anesthesia for interventional surgery of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage LI Bin-ben,WANG Wei,WANG Hui,et al(462)
Endovenous laser ablation versus conventional surgery in the treatment of small saphenous vein varicose ZHOU Hai-hua,MA Zeng-hui,WAN Bo-shun,et al(467)
Correlation analysis between posterior staphyloma and choroidal thickness in pathologic myopic eyes ZHOU Yan-ping,SONG Min-lu,YUAN Yuan-zhi,et al(471)
Expression and correlation of IGF-Ⅱ,IGFBP-1,and resistin in placenta of hypertensive disorder complicating pregnancy TIAN Tian,LIANG Xia,HAN Cui-xin,et al(477)
Investigation on the current status of evidence-based nursing competency of nurses in different grades of hospitals SU Wei,ZHANG Yu-xia,LI Ming,et al(482)
Effects of lipid composition on malignancy of human glioma cell lines QI Biao,YANG Chen,WU Jian,et al(487)
Influence of glucose variability on mortality risks of severe acute stroke patients 3 months after admission LIU Zheng-qing,YU Li,XU Wei-jiang,et al(568)
Analysis of clinical features and treatment in newly diagnosed adult-onset asthma MOU Yan,HANG Jia-nan,WEI Su-lan,et al(573)
Correlation between serum phosphorus and vibration perception threshold in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus DING He-yuan,SHI Lei,SHENG Li,et al(577)
Analysis of left innominate vein-right atrial appendage bypass for complex anterior mediastinal tumor BAO Feng,GONG Wei-yi,JIANG Jia-hao,et al(581)
Clinical features and prognosis of patients with systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma GU Shi-yang,WEI Zheng,LIU Peng(586)
Changes of NK cells and T lymphocyte subsets and related cytokines in peripheral blood of children with enteroviral encephalitis LI Yong-chun,LI Xiao-qin,ZHANG Ying-hui(590)
The prognostic value of total bile acid for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma WANG Yan,ZHOU Ying-ting,CHEN Rong-xin,et al(594)
Computed tomography differential diagnosis of pulmonary cryptococcosis of solitary mass type and peripheral lung cancer in patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome WANG Jun-feng,ZHOU Su,SHI Yu-xin,et al(598)
Application of 320-row CT variable helical pitch technique in preoperative evaluation of transcatherter aortic valve replacement XU Bing,YIN Wei,WANG Min-jie,et al(602)
Differential diagnostic value of DWI-ADC image texture analysis in retroperitoneal dedifferentiation and well-differentiated liposarcoma YAN Wei-wei,DING Yu-qin,DAI Chen-chen,et al(606)
Efficacy of nonenhanced CT with coronal reconstruction for the diagnosis of urolithiasis XU Lei,LU Ji-dong,LIANG Liang,et al(611)
Safety analysis of breast cancer surgery for patients with cardiac pacemaker implantation LI He,ZHOU Wen-qing,LUO Yi-hong,et al(615)
Preliminary analysis of the current situation of chronic prostatitis in male athletes LIU Yan-bo,LIU Long,DING Gang,et al(619)
Effects of propofol anesthesia on spatial memory in aged mice SHEN Li-wei,JIN Ling-yan,YAN Quan-de,et al(624)
Analysis of factors related to weaning failure of prolonged mechanical ventilation after cardiac surgery HE Hong-yu,LIU Wen-jun,Jü Min-jie,et al(727)
Effect of individualized continuous improvement on the treating efficiency of patients with acute myocardial infarction in chest pain center JIANG Hai-bin,DONG Feng,CHEN Hao,et al(732)
Clinical value of transesophageal echocardiography in percutaneous left atrial appendage closure TANG Zheng-de,HAN Zhi-hua,ZHANG Hui-li,et al(736)
Rehabilitation effect of exercise rehabilitation training in patients with chronic heart failure MAO Yi-heng,YUAN Peng,LIU Yan(741)
Risk factors for supratentorial glioma-associated seizure patterns ZHANG Jie,WU Jian-bing,DU Chun-fu,et al(745)
Feasibility study on early assessment of prognosis of acute brain injury by bispectral index SHU Guo-wei,ZHANG Jue,FEI Zhi-min(750)
Effect of abdominal obesity on sarcopenia and osteoporosis in elderly people with normal body mass index ZHANG Tian,GU Yi-hang(754)
Analysis of body mass index and body composition in esophageal cancer patients during radiotherapy HE Bing-qin,LING Yi-qun,DING Hui-ping,et al(759)
Prognostic value of C19orf28 protein expression in gastric cancer GAO Qi-zhong,GAO Xiang,LIU Fen,et al(763)
Diagnostic value of triglyceride to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in obese adolescents WANG Zhuo-ping,HUANG Ci-you,WANG Wen,et al(875)
Clinical study on coagulation parameters and gestational outcomes of pregnant women with high normal blood pressure SUN Ting,XU Ming-juan(880)
Correlation analysis of antisperm antibody level and sperm quality after varicocele microsurgery YUAN Hai-chuan,SONG Wu,GU Chao-hui,et al(885)
Application and effect analysis of a self-made device to suspend the uterus in female laparoscopic radical rectectomy ZHENG Wei-feng,XU Jian-min,CHEN Zhan,et al(889)
Characteristics and management strategies of hypoalbuminemia in elderly hospitalized patients MA Jin-bao,CHEN Yi-wen,QIN Ming-zhao(893)
Application of automated microcolumn gel method for clinical screening of direct antiglobulin test GU Chen-chen,CAO Min-feng,RONG Rui-ming,et al(896)
The expression of interferon-γ,interleukin-4,and SRY-related HMG box gene 2 in gastric cancer and their correlations with helicobacterpylori infection JIA Kun,SU Jian-rong(900)
Effects of nocturnal hypoxia on serum IL-6 and IL-8 in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease WANG Yong-bin,TANG Ying,ZHANG Xiao-lan,et al(905)
Value of exhaled nitric oxide in early diagnosis of patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia MA Ling,WANG Mei-ping,ZHU Bo,et al(909)
The value of ultrasound detection of diaphragm contraction velocity in predicting mechanical ventilation withdrawal WANG San-qiang,CHEN Bin,SHEN Yan(915)
Diagnostic value of conventional echocardiographic for cardiotoxicity caused by anthracycline chemotherapy drugs LI Ji,GUO Hai-jian(919)
Comparative study on increasing adenoma detection rate by adding indigo rouge in enteroscopy with water exchange method HU Xue-jun,XU Wei,YAO Ping,et al(923)
Study on simulator training significantly shortens learning curve of laparoscopic liver surgeons in left lateral sectionectomy YI Yong,SONG Bao-dong,YIN Yi-rui,et al(927)
Diagnosis and treatment strategy for advanced gastric cancer with positive peritoneal lavage cytology in multidisciplinary team model WANG Yan,CUI Yue-hong,YU Yi-yi,et al(103)
Clinical value of qCON and qNOX monitoring for anesthesia in partial hepatectomy PAN Yan,LIAO Qing-wu,GE Sheng-jin(494)
Application of immediately skin-stretching technique in suturing flap-donor site LI Ying,ZHOU Xin,ZENG Jing-da(627)
Application of the spatula-assisted technique in placing a flexible laryngeal mask airway XIONG Ting-ting,WANG Li-li,JIN Ling-yan,et al(791)
Research progress of nanoparticle targeting strategy in diagnosis and treatment of atherosclerosis ZHANG Ning,CHEN Jing,SONG Ya-nan,et al(107)
Research progress on molecular typing and molecular markers of colorectal cancer PAN Wei-yu,YAO Jun-xia,HOU Ying-yong(111)
Research progress of immunogenetic pathogenesis of ankylosing spondylitis LIU Yu(117)
Research progress of SDF-1α/CXCR4 signaling pathway in intracranial aneurysm YAN Ya-zhou,TANG Hai-shuang,HUANG Qing-hai(122)
Research progress of prostate cancer associated transcript-1 in malignant tumors ZHOU Yuan-shi,LI Xiang,JIANG Xing-ming,et al(126)
Research progress on obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome combined with hypertension or hyperhomocysteinemia XU Yi-xin,MA Tian-jun,ZHUAN Jian-hua,et al(132)
Research progress on mechanism of palmitic acid hydroxy stearic accid in anti-metabolic inflammatory syndrome YU Zhong-yu,GUO Jing-chun,ZHOU Hou-guang(136)
Research progress on bronchiectasis and lower respiratory tract flora WANG Si-jiao,SHAO Chang-zhou(141)
Research progress on prevention and treatment of adiponectin in diabetic cardiomyopathy WU Xia,WU Xue-ting,HUANG Lei-tao,et al(145)
Research progress of thrombopoietin/MPL signaling pathway in myeloid neoplasms ZHANG Yi-min,HU Xiao-xia(281)
Progress in diagnosis and treatment of kaposiform hemangioendothelioma YANG Zhang-fu,HU Bo,FU Pei-yao,et al(286)
Research progress in clinical application of cerebral tissue oxygen saturation TIAN Peng-sheng,MA Hong-chang(292)
Research progress of clinical features and therapy of late life depression HAO Jia-tao,WANG Peng,SHOU Juan(297)
Research progress on deep sternal median wound infection YANG Quan-lin,FENG Zi-hao,XIA Li-min(303)
Progress on the role of osteocytes in bone remodeling during orthodontic tooth movement CAI Xiao-fang,DING Xiao-jun(499)
Application and research progress on home sleep apnea monitoring in diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea XU Shu-hua,ZHU Min(503)
Application of platelet and its membrane biomimetics in atherosclerosis LI Qi-yu,ZHANG Ning,CHEN Jing,et al(631)
Research progress on vascular endothelial progenitor cells and their mechanism of promoting angiogenesis PAN Tian-yue,LIU Hao,FU Wei-guo,et al(635)
Research progress on immunotherapy and imaging evaluation and prediction for advanced lung cancer YANG Shu-yi,SHAN Fei,SHI Yu-xin,et al(641)
Advances on presepsin in the diagnosis and prognosis of sepsis ZHOU Yan-nan,MU Wan-qing,GU Guo-rong,et al(647)
Effect of neoadjuvant chemotherapy on sentinel lymph node biopsy in patients with breast cancer GENG Sheng-kai,ZHANG Hong-wei(653)
Progress in the study of non-coding RNA in abdominal aortic aneurysm FANG Chao,DING Yong,FU Wei-guo,et al(767)
Research progress on imaging of ischemic penumbra in acute ischemic stroke ZHANG Ru,WANG Tian-le(772)
Research progress of drug resistance mechanism for non-small cell lung cancer patients with epidermal growth factor receptor mutations SHI Chun-zi,HUANG Gang(776)
Application progress of carbon nanotube technology in the treatment of pancreatic cancer SHAO Zhuo,JI Wei-ping,LIU An-an,et al(783)
Research progress of synovial cell metabolism in rheumatoid arthritis YANG Zhe,LI Ming-qiang,JI Chao-fan,et al(787)
Angiogenesis and anti-angiogenesis targeted therapy in neurofibroma GU Yi-hui,REN Jie-yi,LI Qing-feng,et al(931)
Research progress of mesenchymal stem cells in treatment of acute lung injury JIANG Zhi-feng,ZHANG Lin,SHEN Jie(936)
The progress of chimeric antigen receptor-T cell immunotherapy in the treatment of melanoma DENG Xin-yi,GU Jian-ying(942)
Research progress in negative pressure wound therapy for the treatment ofPseudomonasaeruginosainfection YU Qing-wen,LUO Xiao-bo,LIU Dao-hong(946)
Research progress of mechanism and preventive medication about sufentanil-induced cough response XU Zhi-hong,PAN Yan,LIAO Qing-wu(951)
A comment on device-related thrombus and early stage anti-thrombotic therapy after percutaneous left atrial appendage closure CHEN Sha-sha,ZHOU Da-xin,GE Jun-bo(151)
Research on new anti-influenza drug baloxavir marboxil TAO Jia-jia,Lü Qian-zhou,LI Xiao-yu,et al(308)
Clinical characteristics analysis of migraine patients first visited in Ophthalmology Department GU Cao,SUN Wei-feng,Lü Ya-li,et al(312)
Epidemiological analysis of 35 253 cases of rabies exposure in Jiading District of Shanghai ZHANG Ying,YIN Qing-hua,YANG Ling-ling(315)
Protection strategy of recurrent laryngeal nerve in giant thyroid surgery SUN Yan-xiang,FENG Yu,LIU Zhao-long,et al(508)
Application of ultra-low concentration ropivacaine epidural block combined with general anesthesia in upper abdominal surgery for elderly patients QUAN Jin,LI Kai-hui,WU Dong-liang,et al(658)
Pharmaceutical service pratice and discussion on preoperative preparation of patients undergoing colonoscopy JIN Ji-hong,ZHAO Wei,WANG Pi-sheng,et al(955)
IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis misdiagnosed as hilar cholangiocarcinoma:case report YI Yong,SONG Bao-dong,LUO Rong-kui,et al(154)
IgA nephropathy combined with acute interstitial nephritis:2 cases reports JIN Shi,XU Xia-lian,HU Jia-chang,et al(157)
Normokalemic periodic paralysis:case report LI Xiao-xiao,WU Xu-qing,FAN Wei(318)
Thyrotoxicosis induced by PD-1 inhibitor:a case report SUN Xiao-yang,JIANG Jing-jing,CAI Qing-qing,et al(511)
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura with neurological symptoms as the first manifestation:a case report and literature review LEI Yu-ying,HUANG Hua,LU Ming-liang,et al(662)
Central core disease:a case report SONG Jin-tao(794)
Double primary malignant tumors of colon and small intestine:a case report MA Ye,WAN Bo-shun(797)
Treatment of proliferative glomerulonephritis with monoclonal immunoglobulin IgG deposits by bortezomib combined with dexamethasone:report of 2 cases and literature review LIU Xia,LI Man-na,LI Xu-han,et al(799)
Fever and backache as chief complaint of chronic kidney disease complicated with Brucella infection:a case report ZHENG Min,WANG Li,DING Xiao-qiang,et al(959)
Specification of veno-arterial extracorporeal oxygenation for cardiogenic shock in Zhongshan Hospital,Fudan University (v1.2019)TU Guo-wei,LUO Zhe,WANG Chun-sheng,et al(667)