



      Nanocellulose Preparations and Applications Related in Pulp & Paper Industry

      2019-01-14 21:21:06LIUHongbinWENYangbingANXingyeLIUZhong
      天津造紙 2019年2期

      LIU Hongbin, WEN Yangbing, AN Xingye, LIU Zhong

      (Tianjin Key Laboratory of Pulp and Paper, Tianjin University of Science & Technology, Tianjin 30047, China)*Corresponding E-mail: hongbin@tust.edu.cn; mglz@tust.edu.cn

      Nanocellulose, mainly containing cellulose nan-ocrystals (CNC), cellulose nanofibers (CNF)and cellulose filaments (CF), is usually prepared by mechanical, chemical, and biochemical treatment. Various types of nanocellulose (CNC, CNF and CF)can be tailored produced in our lab, which have been provided for many research institutes and organizations. The efficient preparation processes of nanocellulose are developed to meet the different requirements of the products.

      Nanocellulose application in related pulp and paper industry is examined. CNF can be used in tissue and towel products to improve the water absorbance[1]. Wet-web strength of the sheet can be improved by adding CNF,and the web pressability was decrased[2-3]. Nanocellulsoe based lithium ion battery separator was also developed with improved strength and porosity distribution[4-5]. CF was used to increase the strength of the reconstituted tobacco sheets and decrease the wood fiber content,thus improving the flavor of the reconstituted tobacco sheets[6-7].

      The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support from the National Key Research and Development Plan(Grant 2017YFB0307902), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant 31670589).

      Key words:nanocellulose; preparation; pulp and paper industry

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