宮彬彬,王 寧,章鐵軍,吳曉蕾,呂桂云,褚新培,高洪波※
宮彬彬1,王 寧1,章鐵軍2,吳曉蕾1,呂桂云1,褚新培1,高洪波1※
(1. 河北農(nóng)業(yè)大學園藝學院,保定 071001;2. 河北農(nóng)業(yè)大學現(xiàn)代教育技術中心,保定 071001)
本試驗于2017年9月–2018年9月在河北饒陽萬禾冠蔬菜種植專業(yè)合作社和定興縣華龍蔬菜專業(yè)合作社的工廠化育苗基地進行。育苗采用72孔育苗穴盤,基質(zhì)采用“商道”育苗專用基質(zhì)(容重0.32 g/cm3,總孔隙度80.5%,氣水比0.27,pH值0.64,EC值810S/cm),番茄秧苗生長至四葉一心時進行各項指標測定。
隨機抽取300株四葉一心番茄秧苗,洗凈并用濾紙擦干,用直尺測定株高;用游標卡尺(日本三豐/IP67)測定莖粗;用剪刀將地上和地下部分開,采用萬分之一電子天平(奧豪斯/CP114)分別稱量地上部、地下部鮮質(zhì)量和全株鮮質(zhì)量;再將其裝于信封袋內(nèi)置于鼓風干燥箱(SHKTYQ/101-2AB)105 ℃殺青30 min,80 ℃下烘至恒質(zhì)量,并稱量地下部干質(zhì)量、地上部干質(zhì)量和全株干質(zhì)量,并用地下部鮮質(zhì)量/地上部鮮質(zhì)量、地下部干質(zhì)量/地上部干質(zhì)量分別表示烘干前和烘干后秧苗根冠比;葉綠素a、葉綠素b、總葉綠素、類胡蘿卜素含量采用乙醇丙酮[17]浸提法測定;采用葉綠素儀(SPAD-502Plus)測定葉片葉綠素相對含量。
1.3.1 單項指標隸屬函數(shù)的確定
1.3.2 單項指標權重系數(shù)的確定
1.3.3 綜合評價指數(shù)
將番茄11項單項指標采用IBM SPSS Statistics對數(shù)據(jù)進行歸一化處理,對標準化后的指標進行主成分分析,去除各主成分中貢獻率小于0.4的成分后,得到對各主成分相關性較大的關鍵指標。
表1 番茄秧苗單項指標權重系數(shù)
表2 番茄秧苗單項指標的隸屬函數(shù)和臨界值
圖1 番茄秧苗質(zhì)量綜合評價指數(shù)
表3 番茄秧苗指標主成分旋轉后的成分矩陣
表4 番茄壯苗指數(shù)構建
表5 番茄幼苗壯苗指數(shù)與綜合評價指數(shù)的相關性分析
Note: “**”means different significantly at 0.01 level. Same as follows.
不同番茄品種秧苗之間壯苗指數(shù)相關性存在差異(表6),其中對照CK1、CK2均表現(xiàn)出相關性不穩(wěn)定(‘金鵬1號’分別為0.627和0.607,‘美顏1319’分別為0.802和0.822),表明CK1、CK2在番茄品種改變時不能全面的評定秧苗質(zhì)量。在所篩選的壯苗指數(shù)中,只有X5“(葉綠素a/株高)×全株干質(zhì)量”和X15“(總葉綠素/株高)×全株干質(zhì)量”表現(xiàn)出較高的相關性和較好的穩(wěn)定性,‘金棚1號’ X5和X15的相關性分別為0.81和0.826;‘東圣’ X5和X15的相關性分別為0.865和0.894;‘美顏1319’ X5和X15的相關性分別為0.883和0.886,且均顯著高于對照。綜合3種番茄品種的壯苗指數(shù),X5和X15均可作為番茄秧苗壯苗的準確評判,其中X15“(總葉綠素/株高)×全株干質(zhì)量”最為可靠。
表6 不同品種壯苗指數(shù)與綜合評價指數(shù)的相關性分析
圖2 番茄壯苗指數(shù)在綜合評價指數(shù)范圍內(nèi)的分布圖
表7 番茄秧苗質(zhì)量等級
Note:andare parameters for variance analysis.
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Selection of tomato seedling index based on comprehensive morphology and leaf chlorophyll content
Gong Binbin1, Wang Ning1, Zhang Tiejun2, Wu Xiaolei1, Lü Guiyun1, Chu Xinpei1, Gao Hongbo1※
In this study, we aimed to establish an optimal index model of tomato seedlings to improve the accuracy of seedlings evaluation. Based on the determination of eleven individual indicators such as plant height, stem circumference, root-shoot ratio (Fresh), plant fresh weight, root-shoot ratio (Dry), plant dry weight, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll, carotenoid and SPAD of about 300 tomato seedlings with three leaves, according to the seedling standard, the membership function formula of each index was established and the single factor evaluation matrix was calculated. The weight coefficient matrix was calculated according to multiple linear regression. Finally, the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method was used to multiply the single factor evaluation matrix and the weight coefficient matrix to calculate the comprehensive evaluation matrix and establish a comprehensive evaluation index of tomato seedlings. This index can stably and accurately evaluate tomato seedlings, but the calculation was relatively complicated. Therefore, a simple and effective seedling model was needed instead of the comprehensive evaluation index. Then the principal component analysis was used to screen the indicators and combine them into index model of tomato seedlings. After that, the suitable model was selected through the correlation analysis between the comprehensive evaluation index and seedling index model. Finally, the optimal model was selected based on the verification of suitable model using industrialized nursery seedlings of three different tomato varieties. The results showed that the weight coefficients of each indicator such as plant height, stem circumference, root-shoot ratio (Fresh), plant fresh weight, root-shoot ratio (Dry), plant dry weight, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll, carotenoid and SPAD of tomato seedlings were 0.180, 0.085, 0.098, 0.076, 0.103, 0.078, 0.070, 0.070, 0.070, 0.072, and 0.097, respectively. And the index was divided into three subordinate functions: parabola, positive S and straight line. The parabola included plant height, the positive S included stem circumference, plant fresh weight and plant dry weight, and the straight line included root-shoot ratio (Fresh), root-shoot ratio (Dry), chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll, carotenoid and SPAD. The comprehensive evaluation index of tomato seedlings was calculated to be 0.26-0.79, which could comprehensively summarize the overall quality of seedlings as well as objectively and accurately evaluate the robustness degree of seedlings. The eleven individual indicators of seedlings could be divided into three principal components, including morphological indicators, pigment indicators and plant height. The morphological indicators included stem circumference, root-shoot ratio (Fresh), plant fresh weight, root-shoot ratio (Dry) and plant dry weight. The pigment indicators included chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll, carotenoid and SPAD. Plant height was divided into one component. Twenty-five seedlings index models were combined using one indicator from each principal component and taking (stem circumference/plant height) × whole plant dry weight and (stem circumference/plant height + root dry weight/dry weight of the ground) × whole plant dry weight as the control group, furthermore, four suitable models such as (chlorophyll a/plant height) × whole plant dry weight, (total chlorophyll / plant height) × whole plant dry weight, (carotenoid/plant height) × whole plant dry weight and (SPAD/plant height) × whole plant dry weight were selected due to the high correlation and representativeness. According to the model verification results of three different tomato varieties, (chlorophyll a / plant height) × whole plant dry weight and (total chlorophyll/plant height) × whole plant dry weight were identified as the optimal models to evaluate the quality of tomato seedlings because of high correlation with the comprehensive evaluation index, good stability and representativeness. This result showed that the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation was good for assessment of tomato seedlings. According to the comprehensive evaluation index and cluster analysis of the selected seedling index model of tomato seedlings, the quality of tomato seedlings was divided into three grades, and the range of seedling index of different grades was given. The research can provide theoretical basis for tomato seedling production and also provide an optimized reference for evaluating quality of other vegetable seedlings.
chlorophyll; morphology; tomato; seedling index; fuzzy comprehensive evaluation; principal component analysis; correlation analysis
宮彬彬,王 寧,章鐵軍,吳曉蕾,呂桂云,褚新培,高洪波.綜合形態(tài)與葉片葉綠素含量的番茄壯苗指數(shù)篩選[J]. 農(nóng)業(yè)工程學報,2019,35(8):237-244. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.08.028 http://www.tcsae.org
Gong Binbin, Wang Ning, Zhang Tiejun, Wu Xiaolei, Lü Guiyun, Chu Xinpei, Gao Hongbo. Selection of tomato seedling index based on comprehensive morphology and leaf chlorophyll content[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(8): 237-244. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.08.028 http://www.tcsae.org