楊柳 南雄雄 王昊 康超
摘 ? ?要:為了探究水肥一體化技術(shù)對葉用枸杞產(chǎn)量及養(yǎng)分利用率的影響,本文以葉用枸杞‘寧杞9號為試驗材料,研究了常規(guī)溝灌施肥(CK),水肥一體化施肥(T1),水肥一體化減量施肥(灌水量、施肥量均為水肥一體化施肥的80%,T2)3種灌溉施肥方式對葉用枸杞產(chǎn)量、水分利用率、養(yǎng)分利用率及經(jīng)濟效益的影響。結(jié)果表明,水肥一體化技術(shù)在施肥量和灌水量均低于傳統(tǒng)施肥的條件下,T1、T2 的產(chǎn)量分別比CK提高了69.3%和4.6%,水分利用率分別提高了150.6%和93.1%,氮磷鉀吸收率分別比CK提高了14.52,5.72,16.65個百分點和1.10,0.96,2.81個百分點,每公頃的經(jīng)濟效益分別增加了91 217元和8 730元,產(chǎn)投比分別提高了72.3%和33.0%。綜合而言,水肥一體化技術(shù)可提高葉用枸杞的產(chǎn)量、水分和養(yǎng)分利用率以及經(jīng)濟效益,其中以水肥一體化施肥(T1,即N 496.05 kg·hm-2、P 483.2 kg·hm-2、K 342.15 kg·hm-2)效果最好。
中圖分類號:S567;S147 ? ? ? ? 文獻標(biāo)識碼:A ? ? ? ? ?DOI 編碼:10.3969/j.issn.1006-6500.2019.06.014
Abstract:To explore the effect of integration technology of water and fertilizer on yield and nutrient utilization of leaf utilization wolfberry, the experiment was conducted with 'Ningqi 9' as the experimental material, three treatments were designed, including conventional irrigation and fertilizer (CK), the integration of water and fertilizer (T1), and 80% reduction fertilizer (T2), the yield, water utilization efficiency, nutrient utilization and the economic benefits of leaf-used wolfberry were analyzed. The results showed that comparing with CK, the integration treatment of water and fertilizer (T1, T2) had fewer amount of fertilizer and water, but the yield of T1 and T2 was increased by 69.3% and 4.6% , the water utilization efficiency was increased by 150.6% and 93.1%, the N, P, K uptake were increased by 14.52,5.72,16.65 and 1.10,0.96,2.81 percentage points, the economic benefits per hectare were increased by 91 217 yuan and 8 730 yuan, the input-output ratio was increased by 72.3% and 33.0%, respectively. In conclusion, the integrated technology improved the yield, water utilization efficiency, leaf-used Chinese wolfberry nutrient utilization efficiency and economic benefits, in which T1 treatment (N 496.05 kg·hm-2, P 483.2 kg·hm-2, K 342.15 kg·hm-2) had the best effects.
Key words: integration technology of water and fertilizer; leaf utilization wolfberry; yield; nutrient utilization