Exploring Nepal and encountering China
In April, Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, isenveloped in shiny sunshine and bloonung flowers.The flower of friendship between China and Nepalisalso blooming in this beautiful season. At the Media,Communication and Advertising Expo (MCA)organized by the Academy of Media and EventManagement of Nepal, Chinese media, such as TheBelt and Road Reports, Tianli Publishing and CultureCompany and Kangba TV were invited. Media fromChina and Nepal had talks on the development ofmedia cooperation. The Hunan Provincial Departmentof Culture and Tourism, together with China CulturalCenter in Nepal, held an exhibition of calligraphyand painting in Kathmandu, opening a window forNepalese people to get access to Chinese traditionalculture and Hunan's history and culture. Sichuanartists exhibited their art collections in Nepal inChengdu, showcasing Nepal's natural scenery andtraditional culture to more Chinese.
Since China and Nepal signed the memorandumof understanding on cooperation under the Belt andRoad Initiative in 2017, cultural exchanges betweenChina and Nepal have continued to flourish.
Window effect of media exchanges
The Nepal Tianli Publishing & Culture Companywas founded by Tibet Tianli Economic and CulturalDevelopment Co., Ltd. For the past four years.the company, focusing on Tibet Today (weeklynewspaper in Tibetan), Himalayan Story (bimonthlymagazine in English), and Lhasa Guest Home inNepal, has established flagship stores, like TianliBookstore and China Books Center, and cooperatedwith lO-plus local bookstores in Kathmandu andPokhara to build Chinese bookshelves, boosting theinfluence of Chinese books in NeDal.
The Tibetan program Gangri Tsathang of kangbaTV has realized cooperation with two Nepalese TVsations and four cable TV service companies inNepal. The broadcast of the program in Nepal and thesignal transmission of Kangba TV were launchedNovernber 2018.
The Tianli Tibetan and Chinese languageclassroom was established and officially opened inJuly 2018 to provide Tibetan and Chinese teaching aswell as Tibetan cultural illustration services, attracting
Recalling when he first came to Nepal four yearsago for research, Chen Xiaoshuang, general managerof Nepal Tianli Publishing & Culture Company, saidthat there were hardly any books promoting modernChina at that time, and local people knew little aboutthe neighboring country China, which presentedopportunities and important tasks before them. Mediais the window for people to get acquainted with theworld. In places where people have not yet settledfoot in, only media, such as books, newspapers,magazines, television and radio can help break thewall between them and the world, making it easier forthem to get access to information in the world.
Since then, Nepal Tianli Publishing & CultureCompany, China Cultural Center in Nepal, aswell as various provinces and cities in China havesuccessively held various cultural events in Nepal,such as painting and calligraphy exhibitions, culturalweeks, singing and dancing performances, etc., helpingthe Nepalese people get acquainted with China andChinese culture. Chinese culture has gradually evokedsentiments of people living on this land.
At the same time, media in Nepal began to seteyes on China and the exchanges and cooperationbetween the two countries'media kept growing.
In March 2015, Renmin University of China helda senior seminar on new media in Nepal. During thetwo-week study, participants gained a comprehensiveunderstanding of the Belt and Road Initiative.
In June 2017, Mr. Mahesh Raj Dahal, DirectorGeneral of the National Television of Nepal, anda delegation of 20 people in media came to China
to shoot a feature film about President Xi Jinping'sgovemance. When the film hit the screen in Nepal, itreceived enthusiastic response from audience.
Commodity culture enjoys popularity
On site
On April 12, at MCA-2019 in Nepal, Xuemo(pseudonym of Chen Kaihong), a Chinese nationalfirst-class writer and vice chairman of Gansu WritersAssociation, gave a lecture of "Tao Te Ching Wisdom& Corporate Culture Inheritance". Based on the Chinesecultural classic Tao Te Ching, he explained the importanceof culture in corporate development.
To give a play of business is the most effectiveway to help Chinese culture to "go global". Xuemoadded that cultural elements will slowly take rootunder the influence of commerce. For example, itcan be mirrored from overseas cultural promotion byHuawei, Alibaba, Alipay, and WeChat.
Later, several Nepalese exhibitors interviewed bythe reporter also confirmed this.
Frind from AL INCO took out his mobile phone,saying with a smile: "What impressed me most isChina's high-tech product, such as Huawei mobilephones which are very popular in Nepal." The reporteralso saw many Chinese mobile phone franchise storesflourishing in Kathmandu, such as Huawei, Xiaonuand OPPO.
Shield, head of an Internet store, gave a thumbs-up when he heard the reporter was from China,saying: "Alibaba, temfic."
Tourism brings about cultural exchanges
According to statistics from Nepal TourismBoard (NTB), Chinese tourists made more than150,000 trips to Nepalin 2018.
In recent years, with the proposal of the Belt andRoad Initiative, Chinese tourists tend to flock to Beltand Road countries. Nepal, as an important countryalong the route, is one destination that Chinese touristsdon't want to miss. In Kathmandu, Chinese touristscan be seen everywhere in the streets. Outside shopsin Thamel, signs written in Chinese characters areubiquitous, which read "Special offer for Chinese"and "The shopkeeper is nice and you can bargainwith him". Chinese has also become another commonlanguage in Nepal. Ms. Shradha Shrestha, manager ofNepal Tourism Board, said that Nepal's Ministry ofTourism will cooperate with the Chinese governmentto carry out a series of Chinese training courses tofoster talents to have a good command of Chinese,aiming to better serve Chinese tourists to Nepal.
Cultural exchanges bridged by Chinese touristsbetween China and Nepal come about naturally. InNepal, taxi drivers pick up chatting topics about theGreat Wall, giant pandas, Beijing and Shanghai. Theytold the reporter that all the information came fromChinese tourists.
Exploring Nepal presents a wonderful experience,while meeting China is a romantic encountering.