2015年,在羅馬尼亞舉行的首屆大使館節(jié)上,人們在中國展臺等待領取寫著自己中文名字的書法作品(新華社 供圖)
? ? 由中企承建的塞爾維亞貝爾格萊德普平大橋
中巴經濟走廊優(yōu)先實施項目之一的中興能源900兆光伏地面電站(本版圖片/新華社 供圖)
Chinese President Xi Jinping once said,“Friendship, which derives from close contactbetween the people, holds the key to sound state-to-state relations.” In 2013, he proposed the initiative ofthe Silk Road Economic Belt and the 2lst-CenturyMaritime Silk Road, providing a way for comrmondevelopment on a new historical joumey. Within justa couple of years, comprehensive progress has beenmade in cooperative prOJects carried out under theBelt and Road Initiative, givrng a continuous boost toregional connectivity. At the same time, remarkableachievements have also been made in people-to-people bonds, the cultural cornerstone of advancingthe Belt and Road Initiative.Leveraging top-level design as a driving force
It is clear that achievements lJl promoting people-to-people bonds have laid a sound foundationof popular will for advancing the Belt and RoadInitiative, as revealed by the Report offPeople-to-People Bonds under the Belt and Road Initiative byChina Center for Contemporary World Studies of theIntemational Department. Central Committee of theCommunist Party of China and Chongyang Institutefor Financial Studies, Renmin University of China.
Over the past years, China has made a long list ofachievements in promoting people-to-people bonds:China together with other participants of the Beltand Road has conducted extensive people-to-peopleexchanges and cooperation and implemented a host ofbrand projects and activities;
The Chinese government offers 10,000government scholarships each year to students fromB&R countries and China's local governments havealso set up special Belt and Road scholarships whichhave helped these countries train industrial leaders andskillful talented people;
China and relevant countries have held cultureyears. tourism years, arts festivals. film festivals.TV weeks and book fairs in each other's countries so as to highlight respective national and culturalcharacteristics and enhance mutual understanding;
In addition. cooperation in technology, education,culture,health care,tourism, think tank, the youth, cityand social organizations continues to extend for widerand deeper exchanges……
These endeavors to promote people-to-peoplebonds cannot be in place without the impetus fromtop-level design.
In 2016, the Ministry of Education formulatedthe Education Action Plan for the Belt and RoadInitiative in a bid to deepen education cooperation,broaden people-to-people exchanges and strengthen talent training among B&R countries. To this end,China has carried out studies on how to coordinatedomestic laws and policies with education amongB&R countries and put in place an education policyinformation sharing mechanism for these countries inan effort to provide decision-making advice to relevantgovernments on keeping education policies alignedand to offer policy consultation to schools and socialactors in these countries on educational cooperationand exchanges; China has redoubled efforts to reachbilateral. multilateral and sub-regional frameworkagreements for educational cooperation, formulateinternational convention on educational cooperationand exchanges among B&R countries and steadilybreak policy-related bottlenecks in educationalcooperation and exchanges, seeking to establish morearrangements to have academic credits to be mutuallyrecognized and more dual and joint degrees conferred,with the prospect of working concertedly to build anintegrated educational community.
In 2017, the Belt and Road High-1evel Meetingfor Health Cooperation: towards a Health Silk Roadwas held in Beijing, at which a more elaborate planfor “Health Silk Road” was formulated, including:establishing the Belt and Road Health PolicyResearch Network to push forward coordinationand cooperation among B&R countries in themonitoring, prevention and control, and responseto major infectious diseases; providing health aidto B&R countries through hospital cooperation,short-term free treatment. including treatment ofcataract and cleft lip and palate, and donation ofmedicines and medical devices; promoting policies,technology, R&D and personnel exchanges in thefield of traditional medicine among B&R countries;encouragmg cooperation between medical researchinstitutions and carrying out joint researches to maketechnological breakthrough in the fields of advancedmedical technology, major disease prevention andcontrol. vaccme research and development andclinical research; supporting the development ofhealth services trade,1Iledical and health care tourismand health preservation and exploring the cooperationon B&R countries’mutual recognition on drugs anddevices access standards.
In addition. China has also seen improvements inthe cultural exchanges and cooperation mechanismswith relevant B&R countries. By late 2016, Chinahad signed intergovemmental agreements on culturalexchanges and cooperation with 64 B&R countries.According to the Ministry of Culture’s Action Planon Belt and Road Culyure Development (2016-2020), China should develop the Belt and Roadcultural exchanges and cooperation mechanism,optimize the Belt and Road cultural exchanges andcooperation platform build the Belt and Road culturalcommunication brand. boom the Belt and Roadcultural industry and promote the Belt and Roadcultural trade cooperation so as to provide strongsupport for realizing people-to-people bonds.
Meanwhile, China has also set up diverseregional dialogue mechanisms with relevant B&Rcountries,including the Cultural Ministers' Meetingof the Member States of the Shanghai CooperationOrganization, China-CEEC Cultural CooperationForum and Cultural Ministers' Forum of China andArab States.
Thanks to the combined effects of multiplefactors,the seeds of people-to-people bonds have beensowed in B&R countries.Making progress in multiple fronts
While carrying out extensive people-to-peopleexchanges and cooperation, China has also made alot of efforts in facilitating mutual leaming througheducation and mutual understanding throughknowledge among the peoples of B&R countries,yielding fruitful results in people-to-people bonds.
In recent years, Clrina has opened up an importantchannel to pool national strategic talents and establishconnections by providing increasingly attractivescholarships and offering more scholarships toneighboring countries and relevant B&R countries.Statistical data from the Ministry of Education of PRCshows that 935 domestic higher education institutionsin 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalitiesreceived students from 204 countries and regionsin 2017. They included 75,800 postgraduates, anincrease of 18.62% compared t0 2016. The numberof sffldents from B&R countries has reached 317,200,accounting for 64.85% of all intemational students inChina. According to data available, Chinese researchinstitutions and universities have established morethan 300 research platforms under the Belt and RoadInitiative and more than 50 well-known foreign thinktanks have joined the research. And by far over 400books and 100 research reports on the initiative havebeen published by Chinese think tanks and their foreign COUnterparts respectively.
In the field of publishing and film and televisiontranslation, China has signed cooperation agreementswith 16 countries and regions along the Belt andRoad with nearly 100 kinds of excellent works havingbeen translated and published. In addition, China hassigned co-production agreements of films with 15countries, as well as co-production agreements of TVdramas with a number of countries. Many Chinesebox-office blockbusters are being translated intovarious languages and released in B&R countries,displaying China more vividly.
With ever-improving living standards over thepast few years, Chinese people are spending a higherportion of their disposable incomes on tourism.Countries and regions along the Belt and Road withrich tourism resources including nearly 500 worldnatural and cultural heritage sites, have become hotdestinations for Chinese travelers. As of January 3,2018, Chinese citizens had visa-free or visa on arrivalaccess t0 67 countries and territories. According to theChina National Tourism Administration, the numberof outbound tourists in China reached 130.51 millionin 2017,up 7.0% over the previous year. China hasmaintained the status of the world's largest customercountries of outbound travel for many years.
Such frequent exchanges and broad efforts inimproving the people-to-people bonds between Chinaand other B&R countries have stimulated internalimpetus to push the Belt and Road ahead.Chinese enterprises vigorously shoulder socialresponsibilities
It is highlighted in the Report on People-to-People Bonds under the Belt and Road Initiativethat Chinese enterprises are focusing efforts on“integration” when they go global. They are takingthe initiative to integrate into the local society andtaking on the responsibility of promoting people-to-people bonds. The other day, Weng Jienung, memberof the CPC Committee and Vice Chairman of State-owned Assets Supervision and AdministrationCommission (SASAC), said at the Press Conferenceof Central SOEs Participating in the Development ofthe Belt and Road Initiative that the Belt and Roadhas effectively promoted local employment in B&Rcountries. Data shows that Chinese central SOEs havemade great efforts in achieving localization. Locallabors account for 85% of the employees at overseasbranches of Chinese central SOEs and even for ashigh as 90% in many cases. In PetroChina Indonesiaand China Mobile Pakistan, local labors accountfor gg%. In addition to providing job opportunitiesdirectly, these central SOEs also bring a huge boostfor those regions ' employment indirectly.
While driving local economic growth, Chineseenterprises also strictly abide by internationallyrecognized rules and local laws and regulationson environmental protection. and increase effortsto protect the environment through third-partyenvironmental impact assessment, energy conservationand emission reduction, waste management, etc.Theyactively shoulder their social responsibilities and carryout charity activities to help locals out of difficulties.With the completion of relevant projects, some areaswith backward economy have made progress, andsome people have changed their bad living habits thathad been ingrained for many years.
In the project office of Sinohydro Bureau 14 Co.,Ltd. in Vang Vieng, Vientiane Province, Laos, smilesof local villagers flash on the computer screen, as theyhave eventually ended the history of drinking turbidwater with excessive microbes and gained access totap water. A11 0f the l,225 people in 245 households,including teachers and students in the village schoolhave had access to tap water and safe drinking water.To extend their gratitude, Deputy County Mayor ofVang Vieng paid a special visit to the project office tosend letters of thanks and a certificate of honor.
This is merely an epitome of the impressivechanges brought about by Chinese enterprises to localcommunities when implementing projects under theBelt and Road and there are scores of other examples.For instance, China Communications ConstructionCompany drilled more than 100 deep-water wellsfor local residents when constructing the Mombasa-Nairobi Railway in Kenya, winning the recognitionof Kenyan people; POWERCHINA has organizedand participated in many local rescue and reliefworks such as road rehabilitation, sunken ship searchand rescue, and dealing with car accidents; ChinaMetallurgical Group Corporation has funded theconstruction of local hospitals and schools, which iswidely acclaimed by local communities.
In the process of advancing the Belt and RoadInitiative, participants have written countless newchapters of friendship and people-to-people bonds.