帕烏東變電站幾公里外,有一個名叫萬磊的小村莊,村里住著200多戶人家,這里的居民世世代代生活在大山里,村子就是他們?nèi)康氖澜?,隨著巴俄 帕烏東輸變電項目的到來,村子里的生活正發(fā)生著巨變。
中國交建承建的肯尼亞拉穆港項目 ? ?(新華社供圖)
Vast and far-flung, African contment stretchesaway and away and then comes to a screechinghalt in eastem Kenya before the sea. Lamu Island.right perched on this expanse of sea,remainsunchaneed for centuries. Have a look at thosewinding, narrow lanes and old-world, genteelbuildings, and you will be taken back to a bygone era.Now,a over-700m-long approach bank protrudingfrom the land has been built at the Manda Bay nearbyLamu Archipelago. Here, views are constant sourcesof technical vehicles weaving in and out of the trafficon the 250,OOO㎡ artificial land, several hundredsteel pipe piles standing above the sea water,andlarge workboats in the distance moving around. Allshows that the construction of the No. 1-3 berths of theLamu Port project undertaken by China CommunicationsConstruction Company Limited (CCCC) is in full swing…Reinvigorating the time-honored Lamu Port
As early as A.D. 14th century, Lamu Port wasalready a city-state famous for its flourishing tradein East Africa. Hence, this seaport attracted manymerchants from Arab, Persia and India, who broughta diversity of luxuries like porcelain ware and carpetsto the Lamu Port from across the Indian Ocean. Backthen, Chinese porcelain from ancient China in theOrient enjoyed great popularity there. Later, as theancient Maritime Silk Road was developed, the LamuPort, well placed at a key link of the Road, emerged as a distribution center of Chinese porcelain, hencereceived nickname of Warehouse of Chinese PorcelainSince then, “China Lamu" has been used as a synonymfor Chinese porcelain among locals. Flourishing tradealso drove Lamu Town at the island from bust to boom.Yet, centuries later, with the constant development ofmodem shipping, this once bustling seaport fell silentagain, leaving nothing but a few old legends about theancient Maritime Silk Road behind.
To alleviate the traffic congestion in the Port ofMombasa, boost the economy of eastem and northemKenya, and enable the economic take-off of EastAfrica, Kenya worked with South Sudan and Ethiopiato launch the “Lamu Port-South Sudan-EthiopiaTransportation Corridor”project in March 2012. Inthe same year, the CCCC trumped its 16 competitorsworldwide that passed the prequalification and securedthe ownership of the Lamu Port project. “The CCCCwill press home its strengths in technology, talent,capital and equipment to underpin the economic take-off of Kenya and Africa in an e伍cient way,” said arelevant person-in-charge of the CCCC early at thepreliminary stage of project construction.
Through years of effort, the CCCC 's commitmenthas been honored one by one, as the Lamu Port isgiven a gradual facelift, where the aforementionedover-700m-long approach bank links the land with theartificial land. In addition, the planned extensions tothe port including 14,000,000 m3 0f reclaimed land,900,000 ㎡ 0f artificial land and l,440 steel pipe pileswill be built at the three berths.
In the past, due to the underdeveloped economy,many young laborers on Lamu Island were at home,unemployed. Mwaka, a guy approaching thirtyused to be among them. Just to try his luck,he wentto work at the construction site at the preliminarystage of project construction. And it never occurredto him that one day he would become a qualifiedmechanic specializing in repair and maintenanceof engineering equipment after several years oflearning from Chinese mechanics. It's reportedthat Lamu Port will be put into service by 2020.By then, the port is expected to open up a world ofpossibilities for Lamu Town's economic growth,which will help this seaport regain its previousprosperity in the new era,and will also heartenthose long-standing shipping families to place againtheir hope for a better life on this expanse of seathey cannot be more familiar with.From kerosene age to electricity age
As China keeps breaking new ground inconstruction projects under the Belt and RoadInitiative over the past years, an increasing numberof Chinese enterprises have engaged themselves inimproving local environments and boosting localeconomies,while making constant progress in projectconstruction. It's all the more so when you approachBokeo, a northem province of Laos-Without thearrival of Chinese enterprises, this small provincewouldn't have bid goodbye to the kerosene age andushered in the electricity age.
When you drive northward along the Route 3Highway in Houayxay district, capital of BokeoProvince, you will soon drive through a mountainoussection flanked by high mountains where the roadgrows narrower and narrower as it winds its way intothe depths of mountains. After an hour's drive, youwill arrive at a broad section where row upon row ofHV distribution frameworks and electrical equipmentcome into view. Their silver white structures and wiresabove the mountains, relieved against surroundingachingly green mountains and lucid waters, form apicturesque patchwork. This is the 230KV Ba'e-Parkou east power transmission and transformation project,through which an inexhaustible supply of electricity istransmitted from the Tha River to Lao urban and ruralareas to ensure energy supply for regional economicgrowth and give locals access to electricity.
A couple of kilometers away from Park oueast transformer substation sits a small villagecalled Wanlei, where live over 200 households. Forgenerations of local villagers who have lived inmountains,the village just means the whole world.With the implementation of this project, however,their lives have undergone dramatic change.
According to Chen Weihua, on-site managerof Ba'ePark ou east power transmission andtransformation project of China Electric PowerEquipment and Technology Co., Ltd., this projecthas created jobs for locals and thus helped improvetheir lives. Hewong, a young fellow from this villageever worked for over half a year at the constructionsite. During that period. he learned how to digfoundation pits first and then install equipment andwires, and eventually equipped himself with basicsof electrotechnics. Now, he decides to work at anunder-construction transformer substation project ofHouayxay, the capital of Bokeo Province. “With a monthly salary of more than USD 300,this job willbe a more stable source of income than famung andhunting. And the project also helps our village gainaccess to electricity so that our children no longercuddle up to each other around kerosene lamps forreading. Since the arrival of Chinese enterprises,we have seen constant improvements in ourlives.”Hewong's words have spoken volumes aboutwhat differences this project has made for locals.
With rapid economic growth, Laos has seen adrastic increase in electricity demand. Although richin hydroelectric resources, Laos hasn't yet achievednationwide connectivity of power grids, leavingsome regions still without access to electricity. InNovember 2014, State Grid Corporation of China(SGCC) and Electricite du Laos (EDL) signed a 169 million USD EPC contract of the 230KV Ba'e-Park ou east power transnussion and transformationproject. In July 2018 the SGCC completed the powercommissioning test of Park ou east transformersub station. In August 2018 it handed this proj ect overto EDL. Upon completion, this substation has givenstrong support to the coordinated effort to transmitelectricity generated by the No.1 hydropower stationalong the Tha River to surrounding Bokeo Provinceand Louang Namtha Province. “Ba'e project hasensured a more balanced and stable electricity supplyfor Laos, and also provided a solid guarantee forimproving people's livelihood. Laos is workingalongside China to build more hydropower stationsand power grids, and will be able to export electricityto its surrounding countries like Thailand,”Suliya,head of Electricite du Bokeo Province said happily.A tribute to people-to-people friendship in thenew era
At the Belt and Road Forum for InternationalCooperation held in May 2017, Chinese PresidentXi Jinping underscored, “Under the internationalcooperation framework guided by the Belt and RoadInitiative,all parties should join hands with eachother to tackle challenges facing world economy andbeef up efforts in creating new opportunities, newdrivers and new space for economic growth basedon the principle of achieving shared growth throughdiscussion and collaboration in a bid to realize win-win cooperation by drawing on each other's strengthsand keep our world on track towards a community ofshared future for mankind.This is why I proposed thisinitiative, and is also the paramount goal I hope wecan achieve throughit.”
As shown in the illustrated handbook of overseasprojects undertaken by Chinese enterprises overthese years, some are livelihood projects in nature,while some have helped improve local livelihoodsduring construction, for these enterprises are alwaysready and willing to shoulder their corporate socialresponsibility (CSR). According to a relevant officialin charge of the General Office of the State-OwnedAssets Supervision and Adnunistration Commissionof the State Council, as China keeps expanding theopening-up scope and advancing the Belt and RoadInitiative, how to better “go global” and fulfill CSRoverseas jumps high on the agenda.
Now, it has become a general consensusthat enterprises should deliver tangible results infulfilling their CSR. Xin Bao'an, general managerand deputy secretary of the Leading Party Groupof the SGCC remarked that, looking back on recentyears, the SGCC has adhered to the philosophy of“a community of shared future for mankind” in theconstruction of every project, and taken active part inbuilding the Belt and Road Initiative in a diversity ofapproaches (investing and operating overseas energyinfrastructure, advancing power grid connectivity,seeking intemational production capacity cooperation,playing a part in the making of intemational standards,actively fulfilling its CSR, etc.).
In particular, the CCCC has issued the Belt andRoad Social Responsibility Report, the first socialresponsibility report dedicated to the Belt and RoadInitiative officially issued by a Chinese enterprise.According to the report, by virtue of a proventrack record in professional success, the CCCC haspositioned itself as a rescue team for emergenciesof host countries and taken the initiative in localrescue and relief work, scholarship program, povertyalleviation and community building so as to provideCCCC approaches to common prosperity, the goal ofthe Belt and Road Initiative.
Whoever is ready and willing to shoulder theirCSR in the advancement of the Belt and RoadInitiative can contribute to the consolidation of people-to-people bonds. The more projects they complete, thestronger bonds they will help form between peoplesacross the world. Those projects are bound to stand asa tribute to people-to-people friendship in the new era.