建設(shè)中的中白工業(yè)園辦公樓 ? ?(本版圖片/新華社供圖)
2018年7月9日,白俄羅斯副總理加里寧(右三)在中白工業(yè)園出席活動(dòng) ? ?(新華社供圖)
On December 27,2018,the State-owned AssetsSupervision and Administration Commission ofthe State Council (SASAC) and the Chinese Academyof Social Sciences (CASS) released the first BlueBook on Overseas Corporate Social Responsibilityof Central State-owned Enterprises (2018) (BlueBook for short) which shows that central SOEshave widely participated in building of the Belt andRoad Initiative and actively fulfilled their corporatesocial responsibilities (CSR) overseas. Accordingto this explicit investigation text, up to now, centralSOEs have employed over 360,000 locals in hostcountries along the Belt and Road; among all overseasagencies of central SOEs, 96% have established anemployment system applied equally for both Chineseand foreign employees, 76% have put in place a fairemployment system for training and promotion,and 75% have built a fair employment system forcompensation and benefits.
Building industrial parks in other Belt and Roadcountries almost has become the best way for Chineseenterprises which go global through supporting eachother in expanding overseas operations. Meanwhile,this endeavor has also greatly invigorated localenterprises and offered enormous help to overseasemployees.Thai-Chinese Rayong Industrial Zone:livelihood improvement
For Chinese enterprises choosing to makeinvestments in Thailand,Thai-Chinese RayongIndustrial Zone is the best choice. With fourteen yearsof development since its establishment by China'sHolley Group and Thailand's Amata Corporation in 2005, this industrial zone has emerged as a leadingperformer among China's overseas industrial zonesand also contributed greatly to local economy.
Developing national economy is not about somevirtual economic modes. but about the livelihood ofeveryone living here. 25-year-old Thai female workerAynul from Dejinchang Optoelectronics Technologyhas witnessed and also benefited from the nationaldevelopment.
As a bom-and-bred Chiengmai native, Aynul didfarm work in her hometown until she was told by achance that Dejinchang Optoelectronic s Technology inThai-Chinese Rayong Industrial Zone was recruiting.Long dreaming to leave the village,Aynul decidedwithout any hesitation to start a new life in Bangkok.a city far away from her hometown. At the factory,she has taken many posts ranging from productionworker to translator, making great progress with eachpost change. Thanks to her hard work, young Aynulnow acts as an assistant supervisor managing 53employees. Talking about her drastic change, gratefulAynul who owed the life-changing opportunity tothe establishment of Thai-Chinese Rayong IndustrialZone said, “Thanks to the zone, I have leamed manyskills and have a nice income.”
Aynul is just one of more than 20,000 Thaiworkers of Thai-Chinese Rayong Industrial Zone.“How remarkable the figure it is ! Imagine how manypeople have these 20,000 Thai workers supportedand how much foreign exchange has been created forThailand! What's more, stable income is conduciveto social stability,”said Vikrom Kromadit, CEO ofAmata Corporation.
As of June 2018, 105 Chinese enterprises havesettled down in the park, covering a range of industrieslike new technology, new energy,new material,auto parts, mechanical engineering, and electronicengineering. Among them, there are 20-plus amongthe list of the top 500 Chinese enterprises, generatinga total of industrial output value of more than USD 10billion.
Currently, 4k㎡ area of Phase I and Phase IIhas been developed in the zone. Once Phase III iscompleted, it is expected that the zone will be capableof acconmmodating 300 enterprises and providing100 thousand jobs for Thai people. In the eyes ofWang Licheng, chairman of the Board of ZhejiangHolley Group, these 100,000 jobs will link Chineseenterprises, Chinese manufacturing, and ordinary Thaipeople together through the “Belt and Road”.China-Belarus Industrial Park: jobs ensurebetter livelihood
At the beginning of 2019, good news came to theBelarus-based China-Belarus Industrial Park (GreatStone) that the Ministry of Economy of Belarusapproved the status of Great Stone as a special economiczone. The approval means that enterprises here canenjoy most preferential tariff within the framework ofthe customs law of Eurasian Economic Union.
Just three years ago, the park site, 25km awayfrom Belarus's capital Minsk, was still very desolate,stretch upon stretch of forest and marsh makingthis place extremely depopulated. Therefore, howto build an industrial park here and then how toattract enterprises for development has remainedquite a challenge. Kiril, first deputy general managerof China-Belarus Industrial Park DevelopmentCompany, and also one of the first participants in theconstruction of Great Stone, expressed his concernsand suggestions on behalf of Belarus, "The reasonwhy we chose China then is that China has a proventrack record in park construction and investmentpromotion, so there is no problem if we two countriescooperate in the effort."
Unlike Thai-Chinese Rayong Industrial Zone,Great Stone is built for attracting investors not onlyfrom China but also from all over the world. Stillmore importantly, it will be developed into a centerfor emerging industries,rather than a production basefor traditional industries.
According to Hu Zheng, CEO of Clrina-BelarusIndustrial Park Development Company, the year 2018 has witnessed the ever-enhanced internationalinfluence of Great Stone. Throughout the year, thepark received 380-plus delegations comprising nearly2500 visits, including nearly 90 delegations fromEurope and the US. Besides, the park organized andparticipated in 60-plus investment promotion fairs,giving a strong boost to its global exposure andinfluence. As ofAugust 16, 2018, 37 enterprises fromChina, Belarus, Russia, the US, Germany, Austria,Lithuania, Israel, and other countries have establishedoperations here.
Though the founding visions of industrial parksof different regions might vary, tangible benefits theyhave delivered to ordinary people are clearly seen.Andrey Cherepanov, also one of the earliest staffmembers in Belarus of China-Belarus Commerce &Logistics Corporation, is finance director now. Lookingback on why he chose to work at the industrial park,he felt as if it just happened yesterday. In 2015,Cherepanov noticed a recruitment advertising of GreatStone, and then he was seized by an itch to try hisluck at this new industrial park Most importantly, hewas told that it was a large project co-initiated by thegovemments of China and Belarus. Attracted by the"promising future", he started working here just afterthe park was completed from then ordinary employeeto today's fmance director. In addition to the raisedsalary, his whole family has also benefited greatlyfrom his promotion. As a long-time employee whohas witnessed the fast-evolving development of GreatStone, he said with emotion, "Since the beginning ofthis year, a host of enterprises from the US, Germany,and of course, China has settled down here, injectingmore momentum into Great Stone to become anefficient and passionate industrial park. "
With the secure job, Cherepanov no longerworries about his livelihood, and now his biggest wishis learning Chinese language. In his eyes, his Chinesecolleagues all are very nice, and they encourage eachother and make progress together. So if he can speakChinese well,he will be capable of communicatingwith his Chinese colleagues in a better way.Following through the best cooperation model
Overseas industrial parks have emerged asthe pillar for Chinese enterprises to go global andachieve transformation and upgrade and also createda large Inumber ofjobs for host countries. At the pressconference in last August, Ning Jizhe, vice minister ofthe National Development and Reform Commissionand commissioner of the National Bureau of Statistics.noted that as of June 2018, the volume of goods tradebetween China and other Belt and Road countrieshad exceeded USD 5 trillion, and a total of USD 28.9billion investment had been made in economic andtrade cooperation zones in these countries, whichcreated 244,000 local jobs and USD 2.01 billion ofrevenue.
Wang Chao, a research fellow with The Belt andRoad Research Institute of Beijing Normal Universitysaid, "As a key part of the Belt and Road Initiative.overseas industrial parks have provided effectiveguarantee for China to intensify global productioncapacity cooperation. With achieving shared growththrough mutual discussion, collaboration andlearning among the Belt and Road countries as ourguiding principle, and with park construction asour point of effort. we should establish a rationalworking mechanism, keep improving supportingfacilities. strengthen supervision and management,and offer more job opportunities, in a bid to buildeach industrial park into a modern, international,green one. Meanwhile, we should also respect localcultures and bring harmony to local people, help hostcountries with greatest sincerity and effort and workto improve the livelihood of local people by buildingthe industrial parks well."
Always embracing that only win-win bringsbetter cooperation, China pursues the Belt and RoadInitiative in a way of building overseas industrialparks. And practices have also proven that, developingeconomy to boost employment is the best win-wincooperation model. Going forward, China will play itspart as a responsible major country in advancing win-win cooperation.