In March when spring is well underway,an array of overseas projects undertaken by Chinese enterprisesis in full swing alongside the upcoming second Belt andRoad Forum for Intemational Cooperation.
Through five and a half years of efforts sinceits proposal in September 2013, the Belt and RoadInitiative has been translated from an idea into reality,Our President Xi Jinping pledged last year, "Chinawill continue to vigorously pursue the Belt and RoadInitiative to create new space for participating countriesto advance social and economic development andimplement the UN 2030 Agenda. " On the new leg ofthis historic journey, Xi's words have served as a guidefor our efforts ahead and also demonstrated to the worldthat China is a responsible major country.
According to the Report on Development of China’sOutward Investment 2018 published by the Ministry ofCommerce in January 2019, in 2018, the non-financialout-bound direct investment (ODI) in 56 countries alongthe Belt and Road by Chinese enterprises reached 15.64billion U.S. dollars, a year-on-year growth of 8.9%, wellabove 0.3% - the overall growth rate of China's non-financial ODI in the same period; the number of thenewly-signed contracts of overseas projects by Chineseenterprises in these countries amounted t0 3,143 worth80.91 billion U.S. dollars.
As an old Chinese adage goes, "The way to a grandcause is never smooth, but will eventually come to abroad section." Over past years, China has inked thefree trade agreements (FTAs) with 24 countries andregions and signed the cooperation documents on jointlybuilding the Belt and Road Initiative with more than 100countries and intemational organizations; As the Belt andRoad projects are springing up and developing sturdily incountries alongside, Chinese enterprises are increasinglygoing abroad with firm and vigorous strides and takingroot overseas.
They are moving towards a flourishing andpromising Belt and Road……
1月16日,由中鐵隧道局集團承建的中(國)老(撾)國際大通道玉(溪)磨(憨)鐵路立新寨四線特大橋順利合龍 ?(視覺中國 供圖)
An important part of the pan-Asiaailway network, China-Laos railwayis China's first overseas railway projectdirectly linked with China's domestic railnetwork, and financed, built and operatedup to Chinese standards through Chinesetechnology and equipment. Starting fromYuxi City of Yunnan Province, this lineruns south to Vientiane, the capital ofLaos,across Pu'er City, XishuangbannaPrefecture, Mohan on the border of Laosand China and Luang Prabang, a famoustourist attraction of Laos.
Running through Phonhong Districtof Vientiane Province and Vientiane City,the 65.7km-long Section VI of China-Laosrailway is undertaken by China RailwayErju Group Corporation. The straight andlevel railway, passes through Lao villageswhere wisps of smoke are rising, and Laolongest-ever Nam Khone super majorbridge which is underpinned by orderly-ananged lofty and solid piers. Laos featuresa complex and hazardous mountainoustopography, which poses a higherrequirement on the design and constructionof tracks. In the context. more than 62.7%of the railway is bridges and tunnels.
Transfomung Laos from a landlockedto a land-linked country by building asouth-north railway network to developLaos into a land-transport hub in the Indo-China Peninsular is a long-cherished wishof generations of Lao leaders and people.During the Chinese New Year 2019, atotal of 17,000 workers still stood theirground along the railway, striving to usherLaos in the new era driven by railwaytransportation.
With the world's largest installedapacity, Morocco Noor Solar-thermal power plant comprises a 200 MWsolar parabolic trough power plant(Noor Ⅱ)and a 150 MW solar parabolic tower powerplant (Noor Ⅲ). Specifically, the Noor IIIenjoys the distinction of being the first 100-MW overseas solar tower power plantundertaken bya Chinese enterprise, the firstsolar tower adopting the hybrid structureof concrete and steel and the highest solar-thermal tower across the world.
Since undertaking the construction ofthe Noor II and Noor III in 2015, SEPCOIIIElectric Power Construction Co.,Ltd., asubsidiary of POWERCHINA, has beenworking away in Ouarzazate. Thanks tothree years of hard work of thousands ofChinese workers on the Gobi desert, thetwo power plants have been completedand achieved stable full-load operation,with hundreds of millions of kilowatt-hours of electricity already delivered to theMoroccan grid. Meanwhile, the projecthas not only created over 6,000 jobs forlocal people and promoted the upgradingof Morocco's technology and industry, butalso helped Moroccan companies traintalents in electricity power equipmentmanufacturing and power engineeringconstruction. In addition, it is also of greatimportance for Chinese companies to leamcutting-edge solar-thermal technologies andpropel the development of Chinese solar-thermal power plants.
The CBD project is situated in thecore area of the Phase I of Egypt'snew capital,with the contract amount of 3billion U.S. dollars and a total constructionarea of l.7 million square meters. OnJanuary 21, 2016,the EPC contract for theCBD project was concluded by China StateConstruction Engineering Corporation(CSCEC) and the Ministry of Housing,Utilities and Urban Communities in thepresence of Chinese President Xi Jinpingand his Egyptian counterpart, which is thelargest project contract Chinese enterprisehave secured in Egypt.
The CBD project, contracted byChina State Construction EngineeringCorporation (Egypt), is located in thecenter of the new desert city which isunder construction. During the ChineseNew Year 2019, dozens of white and blueportable buildings in the constructionsite deep in the desert were adornedwith red lanterns, brirmming with festiveatmosphere. Seeing the CBD as the coreproject in the new administrative capital,Egyptian Prime Minister Mostafa KemalMadbouly said, "I hopethat our Chinese friendswill build the projectinto a landmark on apar with the Pyramid."
The projectconstruction is not onlythe process of "bloodtransfusion", but theprocess of "bloodproduction". As agreedin the contract, at least90% of workers areemployed locally.While endeavoring toensure the constructionprogress, CSCEChas established avocational skillstraining center, training10,000 workers fromunderdevelopedsouthem Egypt.
Colombo Port City is a large urbancomplex development proJectfinanced, built and operated by ChinaCommunications Construction CompanyLimited (CCCC), and is also the largestsingle foreign investment project in SriLankan history. The port city has beenhailed as one of "Five New Cities That AreSet to Shake up The Future" by Forbes,an American business magazine. Upon itscompletion, it will become the new centralbusiness district in Colombo, capital of SriLanka.
On January 16, 2019, the completionceremony for the land reclamation workof CCCC-financed Colombo Port Citykicked off in Colombo. With three whistlesblown, the "Xinhailong", a super-largesuction dredger for the land reclamationwork, finished its mission. Now, the total269-hectare reclaimed land has beencompleted, two months ahead of schedule.
As the world's largest dredgingcompany, CCCC is equipped to undertakethe dredging of ports and channels allover China and even the world. With sucha proven track in professional success,CCCC is able to promise Colombo PortCity a brighter future, but also demonstrateto the world that China has made leapfrogbreakthrough in land reclamationtechnology in recent years.
中斯共同開發(fā)的科倫坡港口城項目 ? (本版圖片/新華社 供圖)
The Phase II of Belo Monte Hydropowerplant represents the first UHVDCtransmission project the State Gridindependently invests, builds and operatesabroad, and also a demonstration project for“UHV+clean energy"in Latin America.Over 2,500km long, the project starts fromAmazon Rainforest the "Lungs of Earth" inthe north, and ends at Rio de Janeiro, the"City of God" in the south, can meet 18million of people's demand for electricity.
Early in the moming, in the sleepingmountain on the outskirts of Arcos, MinasGerais in Southeast Brazil, the constructionsite of an electric power project is incessantlybusy. There, workers are getting ready toinstall equipments and parts for transmissiontowers.
As the world's longest±800kV UHVDCtransmission project, the Phase II is going tobecome operational by December 2019 andis expected to play a vital role in promotingBrazil's energy distribution.
"It is the fruit ofjoint efforts of theState Grid of China and Eletrobras ofBrazil, manifesting a huge potential forpragmatic cooperation between bothcountries,"expressed Moreira Franco,Brazilian Mines and Energy Minister.
The Lower Se San 2 Dam,dubbed“Three Gorges Project" inCambodia, is the largest hydropowerproject and a key energy project in thecountry. In its implementation of theBelt and Road Initiative, China HuanengGroup has provided great supportfor driving the social and economicdevelopment of Cambodia. The Lower SeSan 2 Dam prOJect represents an icomeChina-Cambodia energy cooperationproject and also a model project for thedevelopment of Southeast Asia.
At 8:00 a.m. on December 17,2018 (local time), the Lower Se San2 Dam was inaugurated. With Asia'slongest 6,500-meter-long dam, thepower plant is equipped with eight 50MW bulb tubular-flow units made inChina, with the total installed capacityof 400 MW, 20% of Cambodia's total.During the construction, operation andmanagement of the power plant, ChinaHuaneng Group has advanced the"going global" strategy throughout theentire chain of "Chinese teclmology,equipment, standard and management",further improving the influence of“made in China" in Cambodia andSoutheast Asia.