On February 12, Mr. Qian Keming,Vice Minister of Commerce ofPRC,said at a special press briefing thatthe year of 2018 had seen expansion inscale, improvement in quality and manyhighlights in the economic and tradecooperation under the Belt and RoadInitiative.
Trade developed rapidly. In 2018,China signed cooperation documents withnine countries along the Belt and Road,and CR express trains made 6,363 trips,delivering 540,000 TEUs of goods, andthe volume of trade with Belt and Roadcountries hit USD l.3 trillion, a 16.3%increase, higher than the overall growthrate of China's foreign trade.
Investment and cooperation wentdeeper. In 2018, the investment from Beltand Road countries in China reached USD6.08 billion, and China's direct investmentin those countries totaled USD 16.27billion. China as contractor completedcontracted projects worth USD 89.33billion in these countries.
Major projects made remarkableachievements. A batch of connectivityprojects has been delivered one afteranother: the China-Maldives FriendshipBridge and the Addis Ababa-DjiboutiRailway have been open to traffic, andthe Gwadar Port has operated at its fullcapacity. The Thai-Chinese RayongIndustrial Zone, the China-Egypt TEDASuez Economic and Trade CooperationZone, and the Sihanoukville SpecialEconomic Zone (SSEZ) showed goodmomentum.
The network of free trade zonesexpanded at a faster pace. A high-level network of FTZ that is based onneighboring countries. benefiting the Beltand Road participants, and serving theglobe started to conung into being.
Cooperation mechanisms improvedgradually. Under the framework of thejoint committees and mixed committeeson trade and economy, China hasestablished working groups for unimpededtrade with Thailand and Kenya, andworking groups for investment andcooperation with Kuwait and Jordan, aswell as cooperation mechanisms on tradein services with seven countries. A11 thesemechanisms have served as institutionalguarantee for the development of the Beltand Road Initiative.