姚明 姚兵
摘? 要:由給定邊魔幻圖結合群的代數運算系統,構造出奇魔幻群和圖-奇魔幻群,得到具有普適性的可算法化的運算方法和簡潔明了的結果,給出了互化標號的數學關系式,規(guī)?;貥嬙斐龇椒ǎ瑯嬙爝^程因運算可算法化而得以實施,新定義與算法的引入為不局限于特殊圖類標號的研究提供了新的數理支撐。
中圖分類號:O157.5? ? ? ?文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:2096-4706(2019)22-0005-04
Abstract:Based on the algebraic operation system of the given edges-magical graph and the group,the odd-magical group and the graph odd-magical group are constructed,and the general algorithmic operation method and simple and clear results are obtained. The mathematical relationship of the mutual label is given,and the method is constructed on a large scale. The construction process is implemented due to the algorithmic operation. The introduction of the new definition and algorithm is not limited to the special graph. The research of class label provides a new mathematical support.
Keywords:edge-magical labellings;graceful trees;odd-graceful trees;magical group;total-magical graphs;operation relation
3? 結? 論
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