




      2019-10-10 02:51:34李永祥李飛翔徐雪萌申長璞孟坤鵬常東濤
      農(nóng)業(yè)工程學報 2019年16期

      李永祥,李飛翔,徐雪萌,申長璞,孟坤鵬,陳 靜,常東濤


      李永祥1,李飛翔1,徐雪萌1※,申長璞1,孟坤鵬1,陳 靜1,常東濤2

      (1. 河南工業(yè)大學機電工程學院,鄭州 450001;2. 河南金谷實業(yè)有限公司,鄭州 450001)

      為獲得小麥粉離散元仿真精確的接觸參數(shù),將不規(guī)則形狀的小麥粉簡化成軟質(zhì)球形顆粒,利用顆粒接觸縮放原理和量綱分析進行顆??s放,將平均粒徑0.212 mm的小麥粉放大至1.2 mm,選擇“Hertz–Mindlin with JKR”接觸模型,利用休止角對接觸參數(shù)進行標定。首先通過Plackett-Burman 試驗篩選出對休止角影響顯著的參數(shù):表面能JKR(Johnson Kendall Roberts)、小麥粉-小麥粉滾動摩擦系數(shù)、小麥粉-不銹鋼靜摩擦系數(shù);然后根據(jù)Box-Behnken 試驗建立并優(yōu)化休止角與顯著性參數(shù)的二階回歸模型,得到顯著性參數(shù)的最佳組合為JKR為0.157、小麥粉-小麥粉滾動摩擦系數(shù)為0.25、小麥粉-不銹鋼靜摩擦系數(shù)為0.58;最后用標定參數(shù)仿真所得休止角大小與真實試驗值進行對比,二者相對誤差為0.61%。結(jié)果表明標定所得的接觸參數(shù)可用于小麥粉放大顆粒的離散元仿真,為定量供送螺桿的設計提供參考。


      0 引 言

      自動包裝生產(chǎn)線上小麥粉的輸送與計量大多采用螺旋輸送裝置,螺旋輸送裝置的合理設計是提高小麥粉輸送效率及包裝精度的關(guān)鍵因素。利用離散元法(DEM,discrete element method)全面、系統(tǒng)研究粉體與螺桿間的相互作用機理及粉體流的運動狀態(tài),可以優(yōu)化螺桿參數(shù),提高小麥粉包裝的速度及精度,同時也可以提高研發(fā)效率、降低研發(fā)成本。Gao等建立了螺旋集料裝置工作過程的離散元數(shù)值模型并進行仿真研究,獲得了螺旋集料裝置設計所需的最優(yōu)參數(shù),為螺旋集料裝置的結(jié)構(gòu)改進提供了參考[1];Mazor等采用離散元(DEM)和有限元(FEM,finite element method)相結(jié)合的方法,通過分析粉末在給料區(qū)和壓實區(qū)的運動狀態(tài),得出了粉體密度參數(shù)的變化趨勢曲線[2];Sun等通過對螺旋進料頭的離散元仿真,提出了不同摩擦系數(shù)下進料頭的曲線方程并得出計算輸送量的公式,對提高螺旋進料頭研發(fā)的效率具有一定意義[3]。離散元仿真所需參數(shù)眾多,一般通過直接測量和虛擬標定來進行獲得,在此研究領(lǐng)域,國內(nèi)外學者基于JKR Cohesion模型對含濕物料的參數(shù)標定開展了大量研究[4-8],但對于小麥粉、淀粉等顆粒較小物料的離散元仿真及參數(shù)標定的相關(guān)研究還比較少。


      1 材料與方法

      1.1 試驗材料獲取

      原材料:鄭州海嘉食品有限公司生產(chǎn)的普通粉:含水率13.5%,蛋白質(zhì)11.5%,灰分0.51%;將原材料通過70目的標準孔篩制得試驗所用小麥粉,其平均粒徑為0.212 mm。

      1.2 顆??s放原理

      1.2.1 量綱分析






      1.2.2 縮放接觸原理















      2 參數(shù)標定過程

      2.1 物理模型

      試驗參照GB/T 16913.5-1997國家標準,并結(jié)合已有文獻對休止角的相關(guān)研究[17-21],采用注入法測量小麥粉休止角,測量裝置如圖1所示,漏斗下口內(nèi)徑為5 mm,錐度為60o,圓柱底盤直徑為80 mm,漏斗下端口距圓柱底盤上表面距離75 mm。測量時,將所制備的小麥粉緩慢倒入漏斗中,使用玻璃棒輕微攪動,防止小麥粉顆粒堵住漏斗出口,待圓柱底盤溢出一定數(shù)量的小麥粉后,停止向漏斗添加小麥粉,待顆粒堆積高度不再發(fā)生變化,用鋼尺測出底盤上小麥粉的堆積高度。根據(jù)公式(16)計算小麥粉休止角,重復5次取其平均值,測得小麥粉休止角為52.37o。

      2.2 仿真模型

      2.2.1 仿真參數(shù)

      結(jié)合國內(nèi)外文獻對粉體顆粒與不銹鋼離散元仿真參數(shù)的設置[22-25]及軟件內(nèi)置 GEMM 數(shù)據(jù)庫,本研究中各仿真參數(shù)的變化范圍如表1所示。結(jié)合粉體仿真相關(guān)文獻[26-29]以及顆??s放理論規(guī)則,模擬所需小麥粉本征參數(shù)設定為:密度1 960 kg/m3、泊松比0.25、小麥粉剪切模量6.0′107Pa。材料的接觸參數(shù)隨材料密度、形狀、粒徑等不同變化較大,無法通過查閱物性手冊或文獻資料獲取,采用虛擬試驗進行標定。

      2.2.2 仿真模型

      仿真參照GB/T11986-98《表面活性劑粉體和顆粒休止角的測量》標準,采用注入法,漏斗出口內(nèi)徑為10 mm,接收圓柱底面直徑=100 mm,漏斗下端口距圓柱底盤上表面距離75 mm,放大顆粒粒徑設置為=1.2 mm,由于模擬條件及時間限制,仿真采用球形顆粒[30-32]。仿真模型如圖2所示,顆粒生成方式為Dynamic,生成速率設為2 000個/s,生成數(shù)量設為不限,仿真時間設為20 s,待圓柱底面接收的顆粒處于溢出狀態(tài),將生成速率設為0個/s,繼續(xù)仿真,待漏斗中顆粒落完后,采用軟件后處理中記錄顆粒位置的功能,記錄顆粒堆積高度隨時間的變化趨勢,導出數(shù)據(jù),找到處于相對靜止下的高度值,采用自帶的量角器工具,測量休止角。

      表1 離散元仿真參數(shù)表

      圖2 小麥粉顆粒堆積的模擬仿真

      2.3 仿真參數(shù)的響應面設計

      2.3.1 Plackett-Burman試驗

      Plackett-Burman試驗通過考察目標響應與各因子間關(guān)系,比較各個因子2水平間的差異來確定因子顯著性。本文Plackett-Burman 設計以小麥粉休止角為響應值,對仿真接觸參數(shù)的顯著性進行篩選。低水平設定為最初原始水平,高水平設為低水平的2倍,試驗參數(shù)如表2所示。

      表2 Plackett-Burman試驗參數(shù)列表

      Plackett-Burman設計及結(jié)果如表3所示,利用Design Expert軟件對該結(jié)果進行方差分析,得到各個接觸參數(shù)的顯著性如表4所示。由表4可知,JKR、小麥粉-小麥粉滾動摩擦系數(shù)、小麥粉-不銹鋼靜摩擦系數(shù)的<0.01,對放大顆粒休止角的影響極其顯著;小麥粉-不銹鋼滾動摩擦系數(shù)的<0.05,對放大顆粒的休止角影響顯著;而其余參數(shù)>0.05,對放大顆粒的休止角影響極小。為方便后續(xù)試驗,在最陡爬坡以及 Box-Behnken 試驗中只考慮這3個影響極其顯著(<0.01)的參數(shù)。其余參數(shù)結(jié)合相關(guān)文獻[30-32]取值為(小麥粉-小麥粉恢復系數(shù)0.2、小麥粉-小麥粉靜摩擦系數(shù)0.6、小麥粉-不銹鋼恢復系數(shù)0.2、小麥粉-不銹鋼滾動摩擦系數(shù)0.25)來進行最陡爬坡以及響應面試驗設計。

      表3 Plackett-Burman試驗設計及結(jié)果

      表4 Plackett-Burman試驗參數(shù)顯著性分析

      2.3.2 最陡爬坡試驗

      Plackett-Burman 試驗后,根據(jù)篩選的顯著性參數(shù),進行最陡爬坡試驗,以便能快速進入到最優(yōu)值的附近區(qū)域。最陡爬坡試驗從PB試驗中心點開始,根據(jù)PB試驗所得的回歸系數(shù)來確定爬坡步長,為能盡快逼近最優(yōu)值,爬坡步長通常取較大值。本爬坡試驗選定步長以及結(jié)果如表5所示。根據(jù)表5結(jié)果可知,在4號水平休止角相對誤差最小,由3號到5號水平相對誤差由大變小再變大,由此選取4號水平為中心點,3號、5號水平為低、高水平進行后續(xù)響應面設計。

      表5 最陡爬坡試驗設計及結(jié)果

      2.3.3 Box-Behnken試驗及回歸模型


      表6 Box-Behnken試驗設計及結(jié)果

      Box-Behnken試驗模型方差分析結(jié)果如表7所示,根據(jù)表7結(jié)果可知,該擬合模型<0.0001;JKR 表面能()、小麥粉顆粒間的滾動摩擦系數(shù)()、小麥粉-不銹鋼的靜摩擦系數(shù)()、JKR表面能-滾動摩擦系數(shù)(í)以及JKR表面能的二次項(2)值都<0.01;JKR表面能-靜摩擦系數(shù)(í)<0.05,說明各個參數(shù)對休止角的影響顯著,表明了回歸模型的有效性。失擬項=0.5405>0.05,表明模型良好,沒有彎曲失擬現(xiàn)象發(fā)生。試驗中變異系數(shù)CV=0.74%,說明試驗有較高的可靠性。決定系數(shù)2=0.994;校正決定系數(shù)2adj=0.984;預測決定系數(shù)2pre=0.943;三值都>0.9,表明模型能夠真實的反應實際情況。試驗精密度Adep Precision=33.455,說明模型具有良好的精確度。

      表7 Box-Behnken試驗設計二次多項式模型方差分析

      根據(jù)表7結(jié)果,在保證模型良好前提下,剔除對休止角影響不顯著的項(í、2、2),優(yōu)化模型后的方差分析結(jié)果如表8所示,失擬項=0.511 9;變異系數(shù)CV=0.80%;決定系數(shù)2=0.989;校正決定系數(shù)2adj=0.981;預測決定系數(shù)2pre=0.939;試驗精密度Adep Precision=37.684。可知,模型擬合性,可靠性以及精確性良好,較優(yōu)化前有了一定改善,優(yōu)化后回歸方程為

      表8 Box-Behnken試驗優(yōu)化回歸模型方差分析

      2.3.4 回歸模型交互效應分析


      圖3 HJ與HK的交互效應圖

      3 最佳參數(shù)組合的確定及仿真驗證

      應用Design Expert 軟件以小麥粉實際休止角為目標,對優(yōu)化后的回歸方程進行尋優(yōu)求解可知,欲使仿真與試驗所得休止角誤差最小,則JKR表面能為0.157,小麥粉-小麥粉滾動摩擦系數(shù)為0.25,小麥粉-不銹鋼靜摩擦系數(shù)為0.58。用最佳參數(shù)組合進行休止角仿真試驗,仿真與物理試驗的對比如圖4所示。仿真試驗所得休止角為52.69o,與實際值52.37o的誤差為0.61%,表明仿真結(jié)果與真實試驗值無顯著性差異。

      圖4 仿真試驗與物理試驗對比

      4 結(jié) 論

      1)采用顆??s放法將粒徑0.212 mm的小麥粉顆粒放大至1.2 mm,基于離散元中JKR模型對放大顆粒的接觸參數(shù)進行標定。由 Plackett-Burman 試驗篩選出對小麥粉放大顆粒休止角影響顯著的因素為表面能JKR、小麥粉-小麥粉滾動摩擦系數(shù)及小麥粉-不銹鋼靜摩擦系數(shù)。




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      Parameter calibration of wheat flour for discrete element method simulation based on particle scaling

      Li Yongxiang1, Li Feixiang1, Xu Xuemeng1※, Shen Changpu1, Meng Kunpeng1, Chen Jing1, Chang Dongtao2

      (1.,,450001,; 2..,450001)

      In order to obtain the precise parameters for the wheat flour discrete element simulation, the actual repose angle of wheat flour was firstly measured by injection method. The experimental material was ordinary wheat flour, which average particle diameter is 0.212 mm and went through a 70-mesh standard sieve. Refer to GB 16913.5-1997, the inner diameter of the used funnel was 5 mm, the taper was 60°, and the cylindrical chassis was 80 mm in diameter. The result indicated the repose angle of the wheat flour was 52.37°, which was average value of five experiments. The irregular wheat flour was simplified into soft spherical particles, and then those particles with the size of 0.212 mm were enlarged to 1.2 mm for simulation thanks to the particle scaling and dimensional analysis, during those analyses, the3D modeling and simulation were finished by SolidWorks and EDEM software respectively. Considering the bonding characteristics between wheat flour particles, the “Hertz-Mindlin with JKR” contact model was selected to calibrate the contact parameters of wheat flour for discrete element simulation with the repose angle as a reference. Then, through the design-expert software, the parameters that have significant influence on the repose angle of wheat flour by Plackett-Burman test design are surface energy JKR, the rolling friction coefficient for wheat flour-wheat flour, the static friction coefficient for wheat flour-stainless steel. According to the significance parameters designed and screened by the Plackett-Burman test, the steepest ascent test was carried out so that it could be quickly close to the optimal value. The steepest ascent test was stared at the center of the Plackett-Burman test and the step size was determined by the regression coefficients obtained from the test. The Box-Behnken test was then carried out by selecting the low, medium and high levels of the significant parameters according to the results of steepest ascent test and the design principle of response surface, and then the three mediate points were selected to evaluate the errors. At last, the quadratic polynomial model for the repose angle and the significant parameters was successfully established and optimized by the Box-Behnken test. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the quadratic polynomial model showed that this model was significant and the lack-of-fit term was non-significant, which means the model can be applied to determine whether the parameters combination is the best. However, some terms in the quadratic polynomial model were non-significant. Therefore, a modified regression model was established by deleting those non-significant terms. The ANOVA of the modified model showed all of the terms were desirable, and the first-order term of those 3 significant parameters, the interactive term of the wheat flour-wheat flour static friction coefficient and JKR surface energy, and the interactive term of the wheat flour-wheat flour rolling friction coefficient and JKR surface energy had a significant effect on the repose angle. The best combination of the significant parameters could be achieved when the JKR value was 0.157, the rolling friction coefficient of wheat flour-wheat flour was 0.25, and the static friction coefficient of wheat flour-stainless steel was 0.58. Finally, the rest simulation test was carried out with the optimal combination of parameters obtained from the experiments, which showed that the repose angle of the simulation test was 52.69°, the error of the repose angle measured by the test was 0.61%, and there was no significant difference between the simulation results and the actual test values. In conclusion, the contact parameters obtained based on the particle scaling calibration can be used for wheat flour discrete element simulation which was shown by the experimental results.

      agricultural products; particle size; discrete element method; calibration of parameters; repose angle







      O347.7; TP391.9



      李永祥,李飛翔,徐雪萌,申長璞,孟坤鵬,陳 靜,常東濤.基于顆??s放的小麥粉離散元參數(shù)標定[J]. 農(nóng)業(yè)工程學報,2019,35(16):320-327. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.16.035 http://www.tcsae.org

      Li Yongxiang, Li Feixiang, Xu Xuemeng, Shen Changpu, Meng Kunpeng, Chen Jing, Chang Dongtao. Parameter calibration of wheat flour for discrete element method simulation based on particle scaling[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(16): 320-327. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.16.035 http://www.tcsae.org

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