




      2019-10-10 03:32:00MarcusWoo
      扣籃 2019年8期

      Marcus Woo

      Growing up, Rachel Martywould spend hours shooting hoopson her driveway with her dad.


      Sometimes, a talking computerjoined them. In the early years,Marty's dad connected a laptop to acamera, placed them on a cart, androlled it out onto the street's edgewhere he surrounded it with trafficcones. From about 25 feet away, thecamera could capture the arc of theball as Marty shot. And with eachshot, the computer would announcethe angle of the ball's trajectory.




      The optimal entry angle,Marty says, is 45 degrees, and thekey is consistency. With this hightechtrainer, she honed her shotover the years as a shooting guardin high school and in college at theUniversity of California, San Diego.


      "We were known in the neighborhoodas being the weirdos whohad this talking machine," she said.


      But things have changed.In the last few years, high-techcameras have proliferated acrossthe highest levels of basketball. In2010, the year Marty graduatedfrom high school, a sports companycalled Stats, LLC, installed the firstSportVU camera systems in NBAarenas. These cameras, perchedup with the rafters, track not onlythe basketball, but also playermovement. By 2013, these cameraswere in every NBA arena.


      The use of machine learningand AI in basketball representsonly the latest chapter in theanalytics revolution that has beentransforming basketball overthe last 15 or so years. "It's just acontinuation of the spectrum," saidBrian Kopp, a sports technologyexecutive who helped Stats, LLCroll out SportVU to the NBAduring the early part of the decade.

      使用機(jī)器學(xué)習(xí)及人工智能只是過(guò)去15年內(nèi)徹底改變籃球這項(xiàng)運(yùn)動(dòng)數(shù)據(jù)分析革命的最新篇章?!斑@只是這一領(lǐng)域的延續(xù)?!辈既R恩·庫(kù)普表示,作為體育科技工作人員,他協(xié)助St at s公司在早期將SportVU系統(tǒng)推廣到了NBA。

      Of course, teams had longbeen recording basic statistics suchas points, rebounds, and assists. Butwith analytics, as this statisticalapproach is called, the stat geeksestablished the power of math.


      That statistical sophisticationwas widespread in the NBA by thetime teams first adopted trackingcameras. But the new deluge of datademanded updated techniques andsoftware. "Along came SportVU,and the data we captured could notbe contained in Microsoft Excel,"said Kopp.


      Meanwhile, increasinglypowerful computers were enablingnew advances in machine learning,so NBA teams and companies likeStats took advantage. The task wasto translate the tracking data intosomething searchable and digestible,and one major goal, in particular,was to identify specific actions likepasses and common plays such asthe pick-and-roll. Machine learningand, more broadly, AI were perfectfor the task because, they're aboutpattern recognition at their hearts.And pattern recognition is preciselywhat's required to distinguish, say,the many variants of a pick-and-roll.


      To be clear, these algorithmsaren't doing anything humanscan't. Humans are really good atrecognizing patterns, and teamshave long hired staff to reviewvideo and identify notable clips forgame planning. But it's impracticalto sift through hundreds of hours offootage to identify every single pass,shot, rebound, cut, screen and roll.


      Marty's talking computer --and steadily improved versions of it-- would follow her through highschool and college, helping to trainher teammates and even during herrecovery from injury. "The systemwas growing up with me," she said.


      In 2001, her father, Alan, hadturned his invention into a companycalled Noah Basketball, named sobecause in the Bible, Noah had theperfect “ark.” The newest version,which includes tools to analyze yourdata and is dubbed Noahlytics, isnow used by half of NBA teams,dozens of top college programs,and hundreds of individuals aroundthe country, said John Carter, thecompany's current CEO. Their systemconsists of cameras attached 10feet above the backboard that don'tjust track the ball's arc, but also itsdepth and left-right position as itapproaches the rim. The system collectsdata on every shot, adding to adatabase of more than 150 millionshots already recorded during practicesessions around the country.


      This data is crucial for themachine learning algorithms thatare being incoroporated into thenewer systems. The next version,which has already been installedfor a few NBA teams, incorporatesfacial recognition, and can trackshots from multiple shooterssimultaneously. That allows thesystem to collect and analyze datafrom team practices, for example.According to Carter, in the springthe company will introduceanother new feature to capture thetype of shot a player takes. Usingdeep learning, a type of machinelearning that mimics how a brainlearns, the system can identify theparticular type of shot taken --moves that have varying degrees ofdifficulty that affect the likelihoodthat the ball goes in.


      But whether a shot is madeultimately depends on the ball'strajectory. Rachel Marty, whorecently earned a doctorate inbioinformatics, analyzed datafrom 22 million shots collectedby Noah's system to find a moreefficient way to evaluate a shooter'sskill. Typically, coaches and scoutsevaluate shooting ability based onhow many shots a player makesduring a workout. The more shotsa player takes, the better you canassess her true abilities.


      Since not every player has theopportunity to take thousands ofshots, Marty trained an algorithmto recognize the characteristics ofa made shot and predict a player'sskill based on only a few attempts.Instead of having players takethousands of shots, coaches andscouts can have them shoot, say,25. By analyzing the recordeddata, Marty's program can providean accurate estimate of their ability.This capability is also somethingthat will be eventually incorporatedinto their commercial product,Carter said.


      The impact of machinelearning and AI goes beyondX's and O's. Much of SecondSpectrum's efforts are to providea personalized game-watchingexperience with evermore detailedstatistics for the geekiest fans.For example, their CourtVisionaugmented video technologylike the probability a player wouldmake a basket, which is based onhis past data. You can watch thenumbers change above his head ashe runs around. The company's goalis for this technology to be widelyavailable on all broadcasts.

      機(jī)器學(xué)習(xí)及人工智能的影響并不局限于賽場(chǎng)。Sec ondSpectrum公司的主要工作,就是為癡迷于數(shù)據(jù)的極客球迷,針對(duì)他們提供定制化的觀賽體驗(yàn)。比如他們的CourtVision增強(qiáng)視頻技術(shù)可以在球隊(duì)過(guò)往數(shù)據(jù)的基礎(chǔ)上,將球員的進(jìn)球可能性等數(shù)據(jù)或圖像疊加在視頻中。球員跑動(dòng)時(shí),觀眾可以看到他頭頂?shù)臄?shù)字變化。公司的目標(biāo)是讓這個(gè)技術(shù)廣泛用于所有比賽直播。


      An emerging market for thesereal-time probabilities is sportsgambling, which is now legal inmost states thanks to a SupremeCourt ruling in May that struckdown a ban on commercial sportsbetting. Much of sports gamblinginvolves wagering on specific eventsduring a game, such as whether acertain player will score 20 pointsin a quarter. To set the odds, gamblinghouses will need real-timeprobabilities. It might take a fewyears for this to develop, Kopp said,but the opportunity is there.


      As sports continue to embraceAI, though, will machines soonreign supreme? After all, the bestchess and go players in the worldare now computers. Would afuture NBA game be reduced to acompetition of algorithms?


      Unlikely, said Dean Oliver,vice president of data science atTruMedia, and considered one ofthe pioneers of basketball analytics.When it comes to strategy andtactics, you can't solve basketball theway you can solve a game like go.Even complex board games followrigid rules, while basketball is fluid,with teams constantly adjusting andreadjusting to each other. "There isno dominant strategy," he said. "Thegame is far more robust.”


      Indeed, a coach's job is farmore than drawing up plays. "Theelement of coaching that doesn't getplayed up as much as it should is theability of the coaches to work withplayers, to motivate them, to getthem to play together," Oliver said.


      Although the teams quickestto adopt machine learning do gainan edge, machine learning hasn'trevolutionized the game just yet, headded. "What's changed the gameof basketball from what it was 10years ago until now is not the AIand machine learning part of it," hesaid. "It wouldn't be tremendouslysimplifying to say that StephCurry changed basketball." Currysdevastating ability to shoot fromsuch range has forced teams toabandon strategies that were onceconventional wisdom.


      As a data scientist, Martydoesn't play basketball as muchanymore. But when she visits herparents' home, she tries to takethe time to roll out the old shottrackingsystem, just like thoseevenings she used to spend shootingwith her dad. "That was our specialfather-daughter thing," she said.


      Trying to hit that 45-degreeangle gets addictive, she said. But it'sfun, and sometimes it's always goodto go back to the basics -- even ifthat means a talking computer.


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