




      2019-10-28 07:56:54柴培根,周凱,修龍
      世界建筑導報 2019年5期



      建筑面積:41 434 平方米

      設計單位: 中國建筑設計研究院有限公司




      施工方: 北京城建集團




      Project location: Beijing, China

      Client: CCTC (Parent company of CADG)

      Build Area: 41 434 m2

      Design Firm: China Architecture Design & Research Group

      Lead Architects: Chai Peigen, Zhou Kai

      General Director: Xiulong, Cui Kai

      Project Manager: Ma Hai, Liu Peng

      Contractor: Beijing Urban Construction Group

      Deisign Date: 2011-2012

      Completion Date: 2018

      Photography: Zhang Guangyuan (Partial Photography)
















      In 1988, the restructured China Architecture Design & Research Group (CADG)was relocated to No. 19 Chegongzhuang Street from the southern annex building of Ministry of Construction.

      During the past 20 years, both newly-built and renovation projects were witnessed in the No. 19 compound with the development of CADG, including the completion of 2# Office Building in 2000, the completion of 3# Office Building in 2002, and the renovation and fa?ade upgrading of 1# Office Building in 2010.

      In 2011, CCTC, the parent company of CADG, initiated the construction plan for the CADG Innovation & Scientific Research Demonstration Center (short as Innovation Center hereinafter), which would be located at the northwestern corner of the No.19 Compound where the former canteen, basketball court and boiler room was situated. Unlike the 1#, 2 # and 3# Office Buildings mentioned above, the Innovation Center was planned as a multi-functional office complex with the former functional spaces on site relocated in the building. Meanwhile, its openness to the city, resulted from the demolition of the enclosing wall of the No.19 compound, must be complemented with its highly comprehensive functionality.


      Integration into the environment is a proactive attitude. Faced with passive constraints, establish friendly relationships and gain survival in tangible and intangible constraints to achieve the goal of symbiosis with the environment.This is the normal state in the process of urban organic renewal.

      In the evolutionary process of many cities in China, it was typical of an organization to build an enclosed compound where the staff both lived and worked. However, with the rapid development of the cities, the conflicts between the compounds and the cities intensified, with the clash between openness and isolation as the most fundamental one. The No.19 compound,despite its relatively little land occupation, was also a prototype for such compounds.


      Taking advantage of the trend is a kind of oriental wisdom in the game. In the interaction with external forces, the shape, the array, the expansion, the gathering of gas, the emergence of a strong, powerful, and dynamic posture.The increasing demands for both functions and spaces, reflected in the construction plan of the Innovation Center, required overhaul to the enclosure of the compound by integrating the functions inside the compound and redefining the compound's boundary and relationship with the neighborhood.Among all problems to be solved in this urban renewal project, the most crucial one was related to the daylight shading of surrounding apartments.







      In Chaoyang'an housing estate, which was situated along Wenxing West Street bordering the Innovation Center, there were two east-west oriented units of apartments, which were calculated by computer-aided shading analysis as the least favorable daylighting point for our design. With the maximum volume of the center determined by height and land occupation restrictions, an irregular-shaped prototype was generated based on the location of this point and the trajectory of the sun. It was shaped and determined by both the external restrictions of daylight shading and the internal demands of more space.

      Place Making

      Creating space is a pursuit of efficiency and quality. Intensive functions under harsh conditions, open the interface, connect the levels, use flexibly, and do a good job to create a dynamic new interactive place.

      With relatively simple and clear functional demands, we intended to generate the spaces based on behaviors defined by functions, rather than define spaces simply by functional division.

      The double-height lobby consisted of a café, an exhibition hall, a reading area, a mini supermarket, conference rooms and multi-functional halls,serving as a lounge for public life in the Innovation Center.

      Office spaces for design organizations of CADG were located on 3-14 floors.As the terraced form defied the possibility of typical floors, the area of each floor varied, from 1,700 square meters on the 3rd floor to 1,000 square meters on the 14th floor. The open office area from the 3rd to the 10th floor were connected and integrated by the terraced exterior platforms and the interior atrium.

      The atrium was endowed with unique spatial features due to the terraced form of the building, as well as scales and atmosphere appropriate to a working space. Unlike the efficiency-oriented open office space with large spans, the atrium served as a multi-storied informal business area that could be utilized by all the design teams in a flexible way. Seen from the ground, the narrowing space overhead strengthened the sense of perspective, presenting a sense of ritual and commemoration. Seen from the top, various scenes on different floors of the atrium revealed the diversified lifestyles of the teams,adding to the diversity of the space.

      With its inclusion and stimulation of the city's vigor, the diversified status of the Innovation Center shifted the stereotype of large design firms like CADG to some extent by avoiding the monotony of the efficiency-oriented office space with large spans. The terraces, the atrium and the basketball court blurred the boundary of the enclosed space. The improvised communication and scenes of various lifestyles in the space could serve as the backdrop for design activities, presenting a space with authentic features of a design firm.


      Green buildings are a system of thrift and a healthy environment. It starts with the land-saving, energy-saving, water-saving, material-saving,environmentally-friendly design route, and finally the construction, operation and maintenance of a new and innovative ecological environment that is comfortable, hygienic, pleasant and healthy, and pursues the goal of longterm sustainable development.

      Appropriate green design technologies, with land-based passive technologies as the priority, were applied to various aspects of the design,ranging from ventilation, thermal insulation, to daylighting and illumination.On one hand, with the help of the daylighting prototype, we located supporting facilities, including elevators, stairs and washrooms on the west to minimize the offices' exposure to the afternoon sun. Facing east and south while bordering the atrium on the north, the office spaces were endowed with favorable daylighting and ventilation conditions. On the other hand, the terraces and basketball court near the offices could encourage employees' engagement in outdoor activities, promoting sustainability in their lifestyles, making it not only a design approach, but also a code of conduct in life.

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