




      2019-11-27 03:21劉艮張偉
      振動工程學報 2019年5期

      劉艮 張偉

      摘要: 懸臂結構在航空航天領域應用廣泛,由于結構受到激勵作用而產(chǎn)生共振行為,因此結構的振動抑制問題顯得尤為重要。非線性能量阱(Nonlinear Energy Sink,NES)以質輕、能量單向傳遞以及減振效率高等特點,為其引入到航空航天結構的減振設計中提供了條件。利用NES對懸臂矩形板進行減振研究。考慮Kirchhoff經(jīng)典薄板模型,建立了薄板與NES耦合的動力學方程,通過模態(tài)截斷研究了薄板一階橫向彎曲時結構的響應問題,分析了不同參數(shù)下NES的減振效果,發(fā)現(xiàn)NES對結構響應位置較為敏感,并且在位移響應最大位置處減振效果最大。以期為懸臂結構在工程應用中提供一些理論上的支持。

      關鍵詞: 非線性能量阱; 振動抑制; 懸臂薄板; 瞬態(tài)響應

      中圖分類號: O322; TB535 ?文獻標志碼: A ?文章編號: 1004-4523(2019)05-0786-07


      引 言







      1 理論模型



      4 TMD和NES減振效果對比

      相比于線性剛度阻尼減振器(TMD),NES被動減振效果優(yōu)勢明顯。圖18和19選取了激勵位于自由端,激勵幅值f=2,線性阻尼減振器及NES附件布置于d=9時,結構的響應衰減情況。由于非線性系統(tǒng)的耦合作用,附加NES的懸臂結構的初始響應較線性減振器耦合結構大,但是附加NES結構的衰減效果明顯,比較圖18中a,b附加線性剛度阻尼減振結構的初始及一段時間后的衰減幅值以及圖19中c,d附加NES結構的衰減幅值,明顯地,在附加NES的結構中,在激勵發(fā)生后的5 s左右時,結構振幅的衰減就達到了可觀的程度,振幅下降的趨勢更為陡峭,體現(xiàn)了NES的良好的減振效果。

      5 結 論



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      Abstract: Cantilever structures are widely used in the field of aerospace engineering. It is very important to restrain the vibration of these structures because of their resonance behavior under external excitation. The Nonlinear Energy Sink (NES), which is characterized by light weight, targeted energy transfer and high damping efficiency, can be used in the design of vibration suppression of aerospace structures. In this paper, the vibration reduction of cantilever rectangular plates using the NES is studied. Considering the classic Kirchhoff plate model, the dynamic equation of the thin plate coupled with the NES is established, and the response of the structure in the first order transverse bending is studied by modal truncation. The damping effect of the NES under different parameters is analyzed. It is found that the NES is sensitive to the response position of the structure and has the maximum effect of vibration reduction at the position with the maximum displacement response, which can provide some theoretical support for the cantilever structure in engineering application.?

      Key words: nonlinear energy sink; vibration suppression; cantilever thin plate; transient response

      作者簡介: 劉 艮(1991-),女,博士研究生。電話:18810946395;E-mail: liugen1991@hotmail.com

      通訊作者: 張 偉(1960-),男,教授。電話:(010)67392867;E-mail: sandyzhang0@yahoo.com

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