




      2019-11-29 11:04:54KokoshkoValeriy
      國際人才交流 2019年12期

      文、譯/ Kokoshko Valeriy


      I moved to China from Kazakhstan directly after I finished high school. I have been living here for fi ve to six years now and it has all gone by so quickly. I did not speak much Chinese when I moved.Nevertheless, I did not let the fear of not speaking the language to keep me from this adventure. Everything I knew about China was in fl uenced by what I saw in Chinese movies. Jackie Chan was always my favourite actor and a hero of my childhood. He did an amazing job by combining Chinese culture elements with his Kung Fu movies. When I decided to move to China to experience the culture and learn the language, I never knew that it would change my life.


      Funny stories when I fi rst came to Beijing


      The first time I came to Beijing, I could not understand the local language, I did not have any friends and family here. I had a hard time getting used to a new culture and different environment.Initially I was very depressed but later thanks to the group of mentors and friends, I was able to adapt and started to enjoy my new life. I begun to learn Chinese and learned how to be independent and responsible.


      In 2014, I was honored to receive the scholarship at Beijing Institute of Technology and started my Undergraduate study. My major was Power Engineering. Studying in China as international student was hard. I am not going to lie - having thousand of characters, with many almost exactly alike did not make my life easy. While learning the language, I had many funny stories due to misunderstandings. The story that comes to my mind is about my trip to a small restaurant. One day I had a craving for some fried eggplant. Unfortunately, I did not remember the right word to express my need, but I knew that it was the one that had “子”at the end. I decided that by knowing this, I could still get what I need. Thus, a big white guy went into the restaurant and asked for some “炒孩子”. Suddenly, the waitress got very scared and ran away to her manager. Her manager came out and started to scream:“CLOSED!” in English (he, probably, thought I was American) and pushed me out from the restaurant. Only when I shared this story with my teacher, I realized that I was asking for some fried children,not fried eggplants. Nevertheless, with great dif fi culties also came great rewards. With time, my Chinese became better and I started to communicate with others having less problems.


      I felt in love with Chinese food


      Moreover, I could successfully graduate. After the graduation I refused to accept an idea of leaving the country. Having recommendation letter provided by my teacher, I decided to extend my studies. Fortunately, I received another scholarship to start doing my Master's degree in Beijing University of Technology.


      There is a well-known saying in China which states “讀萬卷書,行萬里路”. This country has endless places to go. I was happy to spend my vacation time and explore the great rivers, mountains and historical sites of China, my favourites are: — Chongqing, the worldfamous ancient capital—Xi'an, and the magnificent Qinghai. One of the craziest things I experienced in China was the Chang Kong( 長空) Cliff Road, this is an extremely narrow and treacherous walkway along cliffs built on Huashan mountain, a scenic mountain in China's Shaanxi Province. The view I saw there was enough to make my heart beat out of my chest. Most of the time I tried to travel via high-speed trains, rather than planes. By doing this I could see a lot more of the country. While travelling I noticed that every city has a different style and its own traditions. I enjoyed many beautiful landscapes and felt in love with a variety of Chinese food.


      During my life in China, I tried to eat as many different dishes as possible. I still believe that I had barely scratched the surface. I was amazed at the diversity of different ingredients and unique fl avours. Backhome people tend to simplify Chinese food down to egg rolls and fried food. This is the same as believing that Russian cuisine is just borscht and perogies. Growing up, I was in love with“Chinese” food. In Kazakhstan restaurants had something for all food tastes and I thought that our “Chinese” food was not too bad.I was surprized to fi nd out that beef, broccoli and fortune cookies are not really common in China. I was shocked to see eggplant and tofu in Chinese menu. While travelling around the country, I also noticed that food change completely from province to province.Previously, I did not know about many of the regional cuisines:Shandong Cuisine, Sichuan Cuisine, Guangdong Cuisine, Fujian Cuisine, Jiangsu Cuisine, Zhejiang Cuisine, Hunan Cuisine, Anhui Cuisine,and much more that I have not explored yet. My all-time favourite dishes are 宮保雞丁, hot pot and, of course, Chinese beer.Here I also had a true “bug experience”, I tried so many: cicadas,scorpions and other mystery bugs.


      I was enchanted by China


      Wherever you go in China, you will find people are friendly and polite. Living in a small town most of my life, I found hard to get used to see so many humans around. Most of the time I have a feeling that wherever I go, half the population has also decided to join me. I noticed that people here love to talk, especially taxi drivers. I was shocked to find out that many DIDI drivers work only to chat with people they pick up. Since life today is more technologically based, they say it is harder to meet someone face-toface. While travelling across the country, I also found that there are some places where local people do not have many interactions with foreigners like me. Therefore, sometimes people stare at me while I am talking, eating or walking down the street. Many people asked me to take a photo with them, others wanted me to hold their babies.I really enjoy doing both, sometimes I feel like a super star.


      China is unique in so many ways. Backhome I got used to use Google, Whatsapp, Facebook as well as watch many movies online on the local platforms. In China most of those platforms are forbidden. Fortunately, there is a Chinese version for some of those applications. Here We Chat is everything. It can be used to watch or share news from our life, send text and voice messages, send documents, pay for your expenses using We Chat Wallet, transfer money to your friends and relatives and even buy plane tickets! I still believe that all of the above is very impressive, especially via the single app.


      Another aspect of the daily life that was hard to accept is air pollution. When I just moved to China, I did not know about its pollution level. I was not aware of the special app that can show the real-time pollution situation and did not wear any masks.Fortunately, I am more educated today. Although many people tend to wear a surgical mask, I prefer to use the white 3M construction mask since this has a better protection level.Fortunately ,the number of smoggy days are decreasing.


      The best part of living in Beijing is living in Beijing! This is a magical city that has a combination of ancient and contemporary architecture. Here you can see a vast contrast: ancient temples right across the street from shiny skyscrapers. Sometimes I feel like I can return to ancient China at any time, where all of the surroundings remind me of its long history. This city gives me an opportunity to experience something new every day. Me and my friends enjoy walking around the Forbidden City, hiking the Great Wall of China and Buddhist temple in the mountains, exploring Beijing's hutongs and Jingshan Park.


      In Beijing I could see many unusual things. This is the city where people take birds for a walk. This is a famous and very old tradition that is sill popular in Hutong. Here you can also see how elders practice Taijiquan early in the morning. The capital of China is a place full of surprises and potential.


      Over the past six years, Beijing has also changed a lot: more and more dilapidated bungalows have become skyscrapers, more and more Internet products have made our lives convenient, and more and more excellent cultures have taken root and sprouted here. More than anything,I also grew up here .


      From 16 to 22 years old, the most important years of my life were spent in China. When I just moved here, many people said: “You are too young to live by yourself!” Nevertheless, I enjoyed every day I have spent here. I gained knowledge, made many friends and met my fi rst love. I am happy that I made such a life choice and moved to this wonderful country six years ago. I have been working hard to integrate into this society and sure my effort was not in vain.

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