自從加入了學(xué)校的“軍樂隊”后,我經(jīng)歷了許多新奇而獨特的事情,其中也包括向陌生人籌款。樂隊每年都有兩個全員參加的重大活動日——一個是洗車日,一個是“軍帽日”(Shako Day)。
In the town I live, there are students dressed in uniforms asking people for donations every September. When I just got here, I was confused about this - why would those students need money? Until I became one of them.
Since I joined the school Marching Band, I experienced a lot of new and unique things, including asking strangers for donations. Every year, there are two major events that require everyones participation day - one is Car Wash Day; the other is Shako Day.
Car Wash Day is in June. We stand on the sidewalk and hold signs and posters to attract attention. When cars drive into our area, we wash them in an "assembly line". Some wet the car; some soap it; some clean the car; some dry it. The Drum Majors try to keep everything organized.
However, it is more appropriate to call it the "Water Festival" rather than "Car Wash Day". Once we see water and soap, all of a sudden everyone turns into three-year-olds. We pour water and soap and throw towels at each other while laughing and messing around. "Washing cars" turns into "washing people". Ten minutes into the Car Wash, everybody is soaking wet and looks ridiculous.
The other fundraising event is held after school starts. On a Friday night in early September, we start organizing the Shako Day event after working hard in rehearsal. We wear our uniforms and separate into twos, scattering ourselves around downtown. Some stand in front of restaurants; some stay by gift shops; some choose the supermarket; some stand near the movie theater. It is called "Shako Day" because we hold the shako hats that are used for performances and use them as a moneycollecting box. We ask donations from people and put the money into the Shako. In my first year, I was uncomfortable with it - holding a hat felt like begging people for money. But this year, I am fine with it - whats wrong with some unique experiences?
Last year because I was a rookie who lacked the experience, people I asked refused to donate money at first. I was a little discouraged. My partner, an older girl, encouraged me, “How would you like a tip? Ill tell you - youve got to be cheeky!”
I laughed at that. But when I tried to apply this "cheeky" tip, it actually worked really well. At first, I was too shy to ask strangers for money, so I spoke in a low and hesitant voice - of course, no one would donate money. Now, I put on a natural and graceful mask and introduce our program to people with a smile, asking politely for their donation. Surprisingly, most people gave generous donations after hearing my speech. As a result, our hat was soon filled with bills and coins of various value. They ranged from pennies to hundred-dollar bills, quite spectacular. A lady spoke to me kindly after making a donation, "I know you guys. My daughter and I watched your performance in a football game in town. She likes it and wants to join your program in high school."
I was so shocked and happy - I didnt know we have such a huge impact! After the event, I stared at the Shako filled with money, feeling accomplished. I suddenly remembered a quote from our instructor - life is a play; its all about the performance! Rookie or not, you just have to fake the confidence that belongs to veterans, and people would be impressed. Many times, youll make it by faking it - thats when you become a veteran.
There are many more similar fundraising events, which are the source of one-third of the money our program needs. Activities like these not only gain money in a quick and efficient way, but they also propagate our program and build students social experiences - three benefits in one act. What do you think of these events?