



      KEYWORD INDEX(2020,Volume 36)

      2020-01-13 18:27:29
      中國病理生理雜志 2020年12期

      20-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid 421

      2019 novel coronavirus/SARS-CoV-2 562

      27nt-miRNA 1745

      ABCA1/JAK2/STAT3 signaling pathway 1972

      Abdominal aortic aneurysm 769

      Activation 1396

      Activity regulation 2289

      Acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema 1255

      Acute cerebral ischemia 1389

      Acute hepatic injury 860

      Acute kidney injury 188 294 525 1450 2081

      Acute lung injury 507 681 725 913

      Acute lymphoblastic leukemia 977 1776

      Acute myocardial infarction 415

      Acute respiratory distress syndrome 562 568

      Acyl-coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase 1 816

      Adipocytes 134

      Adiponectin 796

      Adipose differentiation 899

      Adipose tissue 2099

      Adrenergic signaling 747

      Adriamycin/doxorubicin 1543

      Aging 936

      Agkistrodon acutusvenom 991

      Airway inflammation 886

      Akt signaling pathway 552

      AKT/NF-κB signaling pathway 427

      AKT/STAT3 singaling pathway 612

      Albumin 681

      Alcohol 969

      Allele 354

      Alpiniae oxyphyllaeFructus 2212

      Alveolar type Ⅱepithelial cells 1825

      Alzheimer disease 1063 2198

      AMP-activated protein kinase 796 936

      AMPK/Nrf2/HO-1 signaling pathway 38

      AMPK/TFEB signaling pathway 1269

      Amyolid β-protein 1-40 1966

      Anacardic acid 200

      Andrographolide 628 977

      Anesthesia depth 475

      Angiogenesis 969 1422 1515

      Angiotensin Ⅱtype 1 receptor autoantibody 444

      Anhua dark tea 1274

      Anthocyanin 360

      Anti-silencing function 1B 1602

      Anti-tumor drugs 1133

      Apelin-13 134

      Aplastic anemia 1314

      Apolipoprotein E 1274

      Apoptosis 22 29 38 59 67 97 152 170 206 214 222 229 239 244 329 366 401 421 433 444 487 525 628 657 673 707 753 788 847 977 985 991 1006 1055 1082 1089 1110 1185 1199 1237 1368 1375 1404 1413 1450 1493 1616 1653 1745 1761 1776 1860 1928 1945 2005 2013 2043 2166 2212 2234

      ARMCX1 protein 170

      Arteriogenesis 1537

      Arthritis 693

      Asthma 886 1465 1502 1715 1818

      Astragaloside 2244


      Astrocytes 501 1042

      ATAC-seq 2037

      ATF6/PERK-CHOP signaling pathway 1006

      Atheroscherosis 637 713 816 1020 1261 1327 1476 1515 1565 1754 1897

      Atherosclerosis 1928 1952 2093 2123 2133

      ATM protein 741

      ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 816 1952

      ATP-binding cassette transporters 206

      ATR protein 741

      Atrial natriuretic peptide 47

      Autism 837

      Autoimmune myocarditis 1729

      Autophagy 366 444 673 725 796 860 893 924 936 1014 1071 1199 1230 1269 1428 1439 1444 1493 1616 1825 1980 2020 2056 2081

      Autophagy-related protein 5 847

      B-lymphocyte stimulator 1294

      Bacterial meningitis 1161

      Baicalin 268 1294

      Batokines 1140

      Bcl-2 protein 2005

      Bcl-6 protein 2205

      Belinostat 552

      Bexarotene 1565

      Bezafibrate 519

      Bile acids 2086

      Bioinformatics 175 346 998 2037

      Biological behavior 1587

      Biomarkers 2264

      BIRC5 protein 2013

      Bladder cancer 82 612

      Bladder detrusor 2212

      Bladder outlet obstruction 301

      Blood dialysis 562

      Blood-brain barrier 2190

      Blueberry 360

      BMP-7/Smads pathway 316

      Body weight 1921

      Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells 762

      Bortezomib 1482 2062

      Brain injuries 468

      Brain-derived neurotrophic factor 282

      Breast cancer 244 865 969 1587 1595

      Bronchial epithelial cells 507 557

      Brown adipose tissue 1140

      BTB and CNC homology 2 1776

      Burn 336

      Bushen-Huoxue prescription 700

      c-Met/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway 871

      c-Myc protein 234

      C1GALT1/Cosmc pathway 2050

      C1q/TNF-related proteins 1470

      C1q/tumor necrosis factor-related protein 3 1551

      C57BL/6 mice 1146

      Calcium channels 2212

      Calcium ion 532

      Calcium phosphate 769

      Calcium-activated chloride channel 2105

      Calpain-2 847

      Capsular polysaccharide 514

      Carboxyl terminus of heat shock protein 70-in?teracting protein 1368

      Cardiac contractility modulation 547

      Cardiac fibroblasts 1 1543

      Cardiac fibrosis 1 385 1531 1521

      Cardiac hypertrophy 1122

      Cardiac remodeling 2113

      Cardic myocytes 433

      Cardiomyocyte hypertrophy 200

      Cardiomyocytes 214 401 421 788 796 1014 1761

      Cardiopulmonary resuscitation 468

      Cardiovascular diseases 371

      Cartilage degeneration 700

      Caspase-1 598

      Catalase 1302

      Cathepsin C 2133

      Caveolin-1 2123

      CC chemokine receptor 2 969

      CC-223 234

      CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein homologous protein 222

      CCDC78gene 998

      CCN proteins 1902

      CD36/Src/ERK signaling pathway 1020

      CD68 1557

      Celastrol 487

      Cell cycle 164 234 495 707 1572 1579 1595

      Cell differentiation 762 1988

      Cell growth 977

      Cell invasion 252 2174

      Cell migration 252 619 810 871 1170 1192 1215 1224 1434 1487 1579 1887 2166 2174

      Cell proliferation 59 152 164 170 239 276 810 871 1071 1170 1396 1422 1595 1680 1690 1988 2005

      Cell viability 67 97 244 252 276 479 552 619 906 985 1082 1487 1572 1579 1602 1776 1789 1887 1945 2013 2043 2166 2174

      Cellular senescence 652

      Cerebral cortical nerve cells 673

      Cerebral ischemia-reperfusion 673 2190 2251

      Cerebrospinal fluid 1875

      Cervical cancer 67 170 1439

      Cervical squamous intraepithelial lesions 2300

      Cervical squamous-cell carcinoma 146

      Chaihu-Shugan decoction 1476

      Chemerin 1122

      Chemotherapy 175

      Chloroquine 1320

      Cholangiocarcinoma 961

      Cholesterol 53 1359

      Cholesterol efflux 1980

      Chondrocytes 1089

      Choroidal neovascularization 104

      Chronic heart failure 547

      Chronic hepatitis B 1833

      Chronic intermittent hypoxia 1631

      Chronic kidney disease 188

      Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases 1302

      Chronic periodontitis 1308

      Chronic unpredictable mild stress 451

      Circular RNA 688

      Circular RNA_0000231 239

      Circular RNA_001131 1

      ClC-3 channel 1153

      ClC-3 chloride channel 495

      Clear cell renal cell carcinoma 1996

      Clinical application 1133

      Cluster of differentiation 14 539

      Cluster of differentiation 36 1269

      Co-stimulatory molecules 1314

      Cognitive dysfunction 1810

      Collagen type I alpha 1 chain 59

      Colon cancer 175

      Colorectal cancer 998 1215

      Complement 1115 1960

      Connexin 43 501 547

      Continuous renal replacement therapy 2081

      Cordyceps militarispolysaccharides 1754

      Coriaria sinicaMaxim′s extract 336

      Coronary artery 439

      Coronary artery atherosclerosis 1557

      Coronary artery disease 206

      Coronary atherosclerotic heart disease 1255 1470

      Coronary heart disease 408 2133

      Coronavirus disease 2019 568 573 1913

      Coxsackie virus B3 427

      CR6-interacting factor 1 401

      CREB/BDNF signaling pathway 1063

      Cromolyn sodium 693

      Crush injury syndrome 2220

      Cucurbitin E 886

      Cumulus cells 2294

      Cuprizone 1115

      Curcumin 860 1647 1867 2056

      CXC chemokine receptor 7 612

      Cyanidin 2113

      Cyclin D1 239

      Cycloastrogenol 385

      Cyclooxygenase-2 2159

      Cystathionine β-synthase 119

      Cysteine-rich protein 61 507

      Cytochrome b-245 alpha polypeptide 1302

      Cytochrome P450 epoxygenases 1661

      Cytokine storm 568 1913

      Cytokines 514

      Dasatinib 2166

      Deacetylation 1334

      Decellularized scaffold 762

      Demyelinating diseases 1115

      Dendritic cells 2093

      Dendritic spines 1049

      Deoxyribonuclease 913

      Depression 282 451 461 1049 1875 2264

      Dexmedetomidine 282 1185

      Diabetes mellitus 38 433 598 930 1368

      Diabetic cardiomyopathy 29 47

      Diabetic hepatopathy 519

      Diabetic kidney disease 1696

      Diabetic nephropathy 53 893 1639

      Diabetic retinopathy 577 1382 1515

      Differentiation 1020

      Dihydroartemisinin 1782

      DNA damage 487

      DNA damage repair 1667

      DNA damage response 741

      DNA double-strand breaks 741

      DNA methylation 119

      DNA-dependent protein kinase 741

      Dopamine 289

      Dopaminergic neurons 127

      Dorsal root ganglion 1153

      Double-edged sword 725

      Doxorubicin 552

      Drug development 1133

      Drug resistance 89 175

      Drug treatment 1502

      Dynamin-related protein 1 47 1110

      E-cadherin 1434

      E3 ubiquitin ligase ITCH 930

      Eca109 cells 1690

      Elderly patients 475

      Electrical remodeling 547

      Electro-acupuncture 1972

      Elemene 707

      End-stage renal disease 2068

      Endocrine 1140

      Endogenous cannabinoids 2020

      Endometrial cancer 2174

      Endometriosis 1892

      Endoplasmic reticulum stress 9 193 222 847 936 991 1006 1027 1071 1237 1375 2020

      Endothelial cells 17 652 713 1006 1351 1515 1537 2276

      Endothelial nitric oxide synthase 803 1739

      Endothelial-mesenchymal transition 316 893

      Endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition 822

      Endothelin receptors 779

      Endothelium-dependent relaxation 2159

      Endotoxin 294

      Enterohepatic circulation 2086

      Eosinophils 1818

      EphB2/ephrin-B1/NMDA receptor signaling pathway 1389

      Epidermal growth factor receptor 514

      Epidermis 753

      Epigallocatechin gallate 1769

      Epigenetics 1327 2099


      Epithelial cells 2276

      Epithelial sodium channel 943

      Epithelial-mesenchymal transition 479 1422 1608

      Epoxyeicosatrienoic acids 1661

      Epstein-Barr virus 2030

      ERK1/2 signaling pathway 1224

      Erythroid differentiation 663

      Esophageal cancer 97 1690

      Esophageal carcinoma 75

      Esophageal squamous-cell carcinoma 1192

      Estriol 1281

      Ethyl pyruvate 2182

      Eukaryotic expression 1071

      Excitotoxicity 2182

      Exenatide 1921

      Exosome 371 378

      Exosomes 606 906 1014 1351 2074

      Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis 181

      Expression regulation 2289

      Extracellular matrix 719 762 1531

      Extracts of Herba Taxilli 1082

      F-box and WD repeat domain containing pro?tein 7 2234

      Farnesoid X receptor 2086

      Fasudil 1796 1803

      Fatty acid synthase 289 1892

      Fecal microbiota transplantation 1833

      Fenglong point 1972

      Ferroptosis 1261

      FEZF1-AS1 1945

      FHITgene 1493

      Fibroblast growth factor 9 214 1653

      Fibroblasts 2043

      Fibronectin 157

      Fibrosis 1458 1543

      Finasteride 323

      Fine particulate matter 810

      Flax lignan/secoisolariciresinol diglucoside 1631

      Flow cytometry 1396

      Foam cells 816 1230 1897 1980

      Forkhead box protein O1 294

      Formononetin 1434

      Forsythiaside A 1128

      FRT cells 2105

      Fructose 735

      Fucosylation 1192

      Fuzilizhong decoction 2258

      G-protein-coupled receptor 75 421

      Gabexate mesilate 2190

      Galectin-3 1557

      Galectin-9 1308

      Gastric cancer 152 2005 2013

      Gastric carcinoma 2030

      GATA binding protein-1 663

      GATA binding protein 5 415

      Gene chips 175

      Geniposide 1810

      Genomic instability 1493

      GINS complex subunit 2 2043

      Glioma 707 1887

      Glomerular epithelial cells 1860

      Glucagon-like peptide-1 1921

      Glucogen sythase 1769

      Glucose metabolism 1515

      Glucose transporter 2 1769

      Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase 1769

      GlutathioneS-transferase kappa 1 1996

      Glycolipid metabolism 735

      Glycolysis 1572

      Golden hamsters 140

      Granulosa cells 2234

      Granulosa cells 2294

      Gynostemma pentaphyllum 713

      H19gene 2030

      H9C2 cells 444 1122 1249

      HaCaT cells 1854

      Heart 1237

      Heart failure 924 1034 1509 1938

      Heart function 1531

      Heat shock protein 90 1960

      Heat shock protein 90α 157

      Hedgehog signaling pathway 700

      Hemorrhagic shock 2074

      Hepatic fibrosis 719

      Hepatic injury 119

      Hepatic stellate cells 688 719

      Hepatitis B virus 1281 1721

      Hepatocellular carcinoma 252 1207 1487 1782 2283

      Hepatocytes 847

      Hepcidin 2198

      HET 0016 1170

      Heterodimer 1729

      High glucose 788 1608 2159

      High glucose and high free fatty acid 29

      High mobility group protein B1 1639

      High-density lipoprotein 206

      High-density lipoprotein cholesterol 1255

      High-mobility group protein B2 164

      High-throughput screening 2105

      Hippocampus 1049 1185 1389

      Hippocampus 461

      Histone acetylation 200

      Histone chaperones 1602

      Histone deacetylase 6 1334

      Histone deacetylases 557 2099

      Histone H3K36 trimethylation 525

      Histone methylaion 719

      Homocysteine 119

      Hormone-sensitive lipase 289 899

      HOTAIRgene 2030

      hsa-miR-145-5p 1413

      hsa-miR-346 2205

      hsa_circ_087631 2205

      HSYA 439

      HT22 cells 2198

      Human aortic endothelial cells 1928

      Human gingival fibroblasts 1867

      Human hemangioendothelial cells 1422

      Human induced pluripotent stem cells 877

      Human papillomavirus 2300

      Human peritoneal mesothelial cells 2068

      Human umbilical vein endothelial cells 193 822 1368 1739 1745

      Human vascular smooth muscle cells 810

      HuR protein 2283

      Hydrogen sulfide 652

      Hyperbaric oxygen 1063

      Hyperlipidemia 140 1972

      Hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotidegated cation channels 827

      Hypertension 1345 1938

      Hyperthyroidism 1625

      Hyperuricemia 1551

      Hypoxemia 568 573

      Hypoxia 214 244 663 1351

      Hypoxia-hypercapnia pulmonary hypertension 316

      Hypoxia-inducible factor-1α 244 1537 1661

      Hypoxia/reoxygenation injury 1825

      Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy 366

      Hypoxic postconditioning 1960

      Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy 2182

      Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis 112

      IgA nephropathy 2050

      IGF-1R-Stat3 signaling pathway 1207

      IL-33/ST2 signaling pathway 468 2062

      IL-6/STAT3 signaling pathway 97

      Ilex cornutaaqueous extract 899

      ILK signaling pathway 336

      Immune 1340

      Immune function 1128 2050

      Immune imbalance 1913

      Immune inhibitory receptor 1314

      Immune response 394

      Immunomodulation 1465

      Inducible nitric oxide synthase 2159

      Indxyl sulfate 1014

      Infertility 2234

      Inflammation 22 53 104 112 301 309 854 913 1104 1185 1320 1551 1639 1647 1661 1960 1966 2062 2190 2258

      Inflammatory bowel disease 1096

      Inflammatory cytokines 1704

      Inflammatory factor 354

      Inflammatory factors 157 693 1844 2081

      Inflammatory response 427 507 514 557 637 681 1128 1625 1867

      Inflarnmation 1465

      Influenza A virus 1673

      Influenza virus 681

      Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor 532

      Insulin 2139

      Insulin resistance 588 930 1661

      Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 1215

      Insulin-like growth factor 2 mRNA-binding pro?tein 3 75

      Insulin-producing cells 877

      Interferon gamma 1096

      Interleukin-1 receptor accessory protein 1729

      Interleukin-1 type II receptor 1729

      Interleukin-10 1153

      Interleukin-11 1531

      Interleukin-17 1096

      Interleukin-17A 1854

      Interleukin-18 1833

      Interleukin-1β 1082 1739

      Interleukin-21 2205

      Interleukin-33 1450

      Interleukin-38 1715

      Interleukin-4 539

      Interleukin-6 779

      Intermittent hypoxia 2212

      Interstitial lung disease 1715

      Intestinal barrier injury 1844

      Intestinal fibrosis 1096

      Intestinal flora 2050

      Intracerebral hemorrhage 1055

      Invasion 82 619 1192 1215 1224 1434 1579 1680 1789 1881 1887

      IOX1 719

      Ischemia-reperfusion 394

      Ischemia/reperfusion 525 644

      Ischemia/reperfusion injury 329 1960 2093

      Ischemic stroke 1709

      Isolated heart perfusion 1243

      Isolationin vitro2294

      Jieyuwan 1049

      Jinlida 1375

      Junctophilin-2 1034

      K562 cells 663 1988

      Kechuanning 1465

      Keloid 2043

      Keratinocytes 753

      Ketamine 1042

      Kidney diseases 378

      Kidney injury 1625

      Kidney proximal tubular cells 1104

      Klebsiella pneumoniae 514

      KLF6gene 97

      Klotho protein 816

      Knee osteoarthritis 157 700

      Krüppel-like factor 1 360

      Kupffer cells 854

      LH-EGFR signaling pathway 532

      Ligustilide 1422

      Linc00152 67

      LINC01503 619

      Lipid metabolism 588 637 1261

      Lipids 1921

      Lipoic acid 127

      Lipophagy 1980

      Lipopolysaccharide 1860 1867

      Lipopolysaccharides 507 837 1320

      Liraglutide 588

      Liver fibrosis 360 688

      Liver X receptor α 1359

      Local anesthetic 1667

      Long noncoding RNA 1761 1789 1908 1945 2030

      Long noncoding RNA ANRIL 1404

      Long-chain non-coding RNA MALAT1 82

      LoVo cells 479

      Low-density lipoprotein receptor 140

      Low-polarity ginsenoside F41988

      Lung adenocarcinoma 164 1680 1789 1881

      Lung cancer 619 985 1579 1715

      Lung cancer-associated transcript 1 1761

      Lung injury 309

      Lung ischemia/reperfusion injury 2056

      Lupeol 1413

      Lupus nephritis 188 1146 1647

      Lycorine 479

      Lysosome 1359

      M2 macrophage polarization 961

      Macrophage polarization 104

      Macrophage-derived foam cells 1754

      Macrophages 769 906 1014 1020 1308 1359 1897 1952 1972 1980

      Mailuoning 2220

      Mammalian target of rapamycin 234

      Mangiferin 657

      MAP4K3/MKK4/JNK signaling pathway 1055

      MAPK signaling pathway 886 1320

      MAPK/ERK signaling pathway 479

      MAPK/JNK/ERK signaling pathway 1602

      MAPKs signaling pathway 1966

      Mast cells 693

      Maternal immune activation 837

      Matrix metalloproteinase-1 268

      Matrix metalloproteinase-2 1557

      Matrix metalloproteinase 9 769 1434 1892

      Mechanical allodynia 1153

      Melanoma 606

      Melusin 408

      Mesenchymal stem cells 2037

      Mesenteric lymph 2074

      Metabolic diseases 735 1140

      Metabolic pathways 1526 2264

      Metabolism 1327 1509

      Metabolomics 1526 2264

      Metastasis 146

      Metformin 495

      Methicillin-resistantStaphylococcus aureus1673

      Mice 519 753

      Microglia 127 837 1170 1320

      MicroRNA 175 371 378

      MicroRNA let-7a 1055

      MicroRNA-124 1867

      MicroRNA-133 854

      MicroRNA-142-3p 1928

      MicroRNA-146b-5p 82

      MicroRNA-153 22

      MicroRNA-153-3p 1249

      MicroRNA-16 1875

      MicroRNA-19b 2139

      MicroRNA-204-3p 1761

      MicroRNA-206 871

      MicroRNA-214-5p 394

      MicroRNA-22 1014

      MicroRNA-22-3p 2068

      MicroRNA-223 1482

      MicroRNA-223-3p 1161

      MicroRNA-23b-3p 1653

      MicroRNA-24-3p 97 865

      MicroRNA-25-3p 1

      MicroRNA-3 1721

      MicroRNA-301a-3p 501

      MicroRNA-30a-5p 119

      MicroRNA-323 214

      MicroRNA-335-5p 619

      MicroRNA-363-3p 1945

      MicroRNA-375 877 1082

      MicroRNA-376c-3p 67

      MicroRNA-424-3p 1487

      MicroRNA-432-3p 657

      MicroRNA-433 1458

      MicroRNA-451a 663

      MicroRNA-485-5p 252

      MicroRNA-519d-3p 1789

      MicroRNA-556-3p 2174

      MicroRNA-626 1404

      MicroRNA-7-5p 1860

      MicroRNA-9-5p 2148

      MicroRNA-92a 2139

      MicroRNA-92b-5p 1639

      Microvascular permeability 644

      Midkine 1207

      Mifepristone 89

      Migration 82

      MIN6 cells 2139

      Minimally modified low-density lipoprotein 779

      Mitochondria 924 1110

      Mitochondrial autophagy 2251

      Mitochondrial calcium uniporter 433

      Mitochondrial damage 1696

      Mitochondrial division inhibitor-1 1115

      Mitochondrial dysfunction 366 421 1122

      Mitochondrial energy metabolism 713

      Mitochondrial fission 47

      Mitochondrial fusion 2113

      Mitochondrial injury 294

      Mitochondrial membrane potential 487 977

      MNX1 antisense RNA 1 1908

      Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 969

      Monocytes 1255 1482

      Monocytes/macrophages 1327 1521

      Morphine 9

      Mortalin 146

      Mouse embryonic fibroblasts 606

      Multiple myeloma 487

      Multiple sclerosis 181

      Myeloid differentiation factor 88 1450

      Myeloperoxidase 309

      Myocardial cells 657

      Myocardial dysfunction 1243

      Myocardial fibrosis 1938

      Myocardial infarction 644 1027 1521 2093

      Myocardial injury 22 38 394 573

      Myocardial protection 9

      Myocardial remodeling 2093

      Myocardin-related transcription factor-A 673

      Myocardium 408

      N-arachidonic acid aminoethanol 2020

      N-palmitoylethanolamine 451

      NADPH oxidase 4 577

      Nasopharyngeal carcinoma 346

      Nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells 495

      Natural killer T cells 1345

      Necroptosis 1104

      Necrotizing enterocolitis 2227

      Neonatal rat 1796

      Neoplasm invasion 1493

      Nesfatin-1 2227

      Neural stem cells 1396

      Neurogenesis 1389

      Neurons 827 1055 1161

      Neurons 366

      Neuropathic pain 1153

      Neuropeptides 693

      Neuroprotection 1709

      Neurotoxicity 1667

      Neurovascular unit 1709

      Neutrophil extracellular traps 913

      NF-κB P65 signaling pathway 1690 1796

      NF-κB signaling pathway 557 886 1104 1170 1320 1647

      NF-κB/cyclin D1 signaling pathway 1595

      Nicotine 104 1287

      Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors 1287

      Nicotinic acid 1359

      Niemann-Pick C1 protein 1359

      Niflumic acid 1887

      Nintedanib 112

      Nitric oxide 17

      NLRC3 protein 985

      NLRP3 inflammasome 181 309 577 936 1161 1631 1673

      NLRP3 protein 53

      NLRP3 signaling pathway 1647

      NLRP3/IL-1β signaling pathway 1089

      Non-alcoholic fatty liver 1274 1902

      Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease 588 2258

      Non-small-cell lung cancer 239 1224

      NontypeableHemophilus influenzae557

      Notch signaling pathway 260 2220

      Nrf2/ARE signaling pathway 1249

      Nrf2/ARE/HO-1 signaling pathway 2182

      Nuciferine 1230

      Nuclear factor E2-related factor 2 29 657

      Nuclear factor-κB 385 2159

      Nuclear factor-κB-inducing kinase 1302

      Nuclear translocation 1269

      Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domainlike receptor protein 3 854 1482 2068

      Obesity 899 1140 1661 1902 2234

      Obesity-related kidney disease 188

      Obstructive nephropathy 301

      Olapanib 89

      Oligodendrocytes 1115

      Oncolytic virus M1 950

      Oocyte meiosis 532

      Oocytes 918

      Optic atrophy protein 1 2113

      Organic solute transporter α/β 2086

      Osteoarthritic chondrocytes 1082

      Osteoarthritis 1089

      Osteoblasts 598

      Osteogenic differentiation 2037

      Osteoporosis 598

      Osteosarcoma 552 628

      Ovarian cancer 59 229 1434 1428 2020

      Ovarian epithelial cancer 89

      Oxidative damage 1274

      Oxidative stress 9 29 38 112 134 193 385 401 444 568 1249 1368 1404 1509 1616 1625 1631 1761 1860 2056 2190 2244

      Oxidized low-density lipoprotein 1230 1327 1745 1897

      Oxygen-glucose deprivation/reoxygenation 1178

      P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 188

      p16 protein 2300

      p21-activated protein kinase 4 394

      P2Y2purinergic receptor 2105

      p38 MAPK signaling pathway 53 200 779 810

      P65 protein 1938

      Paeonol 1487 1854

      Pain 693

      Palmitic acid 401 803

      Palmitoylation 1269

      Panax notoginseng saponins 140 1178

      Panc-1 cells 1199

      Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma 260

      Pancreatic fibrosis 268

      Pancreatic kininogenase 1616

      Pancreatic progenitor cells 276

      Pancreatic stellate cells 260

      Papillary thyroid carcinoma 871

      Paracellular pathway 2276

      Paraventricular nucleus 2148

      Parkin 2251

      Parkinson disease 127 289 1042 1404

      Particulate matter 2.5 1526

      Pathogenesis 2264

      PD-L1 protein 1704

      Perfluorooctane sulfonates 309

      Periapical diseases 539

      Perilipin 1 899

      Perilipin 3 1881

      Perioperative neurocognitive disorders 1185

      Peritoneal dialysis 2068

      Periventricular leukomalacia 1796

      PERK signaling pathway 9

      PERK/eIF2α singaling pathway 991

      Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α 451

      Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ 637 899 1608

      Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors 519 1509

      Phenotypic switching 1966

      Phenotypic transformation 1345

      Phenylephrine 200

      Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase 2289

      Phosphoglycerate mutase family member 5 1110

      Phospholipase A2-X 1818

      Phosphorylation 803 1739

      PI3K/AKT signaling pathway 336 788 1487 1782

      PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway 282 329 1199 1230 1428

      Pim1/eNOS signaling pathway 17

      Pinocembrin 1006

      Pirfenidone 112

      Plaque stability 1557

      Platelet-derived growth factor receptor α 918

      Platelet-derived growth factor receptor β 1345

      Platelet-derived growth factor subunit A 918

      Platelet-rich plasma 1089

      Polycystic ovary syndrome 906 2244

      Porphyromonas gingivalis 1867

      Post-operative cognitive dysfunction 475

      Postmenopausal women 1255

      PPARγ-LXRα-ABCA1/ABCG1 signaling path?way 1754

      Precise quantification 1721

      Prefrontal cortex 451 1049

      Premature infants 2227

      Premature labor 1803

      Prenatal exposure 323

      Primary biliary cholangitis 2205

      Primary culture 753 2294

      Primer probe 1721

      Pristane 1146

      Procaine 612

      Prognosis 146 1881 2013 2081

      Proliferating cell nuclear antigen 1892

      Promoter 415

      Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 140

      Prostaglandin E1 1027

      Prostate cancer 1572 1602

      Prostate carcinoma 1413

      Protein kinase B 652

      Protein phosphatase 2A 803

      Protein phosphatase 4 803

      Protocadherin 10 1595

      Psoriasis 1854

      PTEN protein 1608 2289

      PTEN-induced putative kinase 1 2251

      Pterostilbene 1439

      Pulmonary artery endothelial cells 316

      Pulmonary edema 562

      Pulmonary hypertension 1302

      Pulsatilla saponin A 865

      Purple sweet potato anthocyanin 1844

      Pyroptosis 301 598 1178

      Pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 1572

      Quantitative acetylproteomics 1996

      Quercetin 644 2251

      Quiescence 1396

      Rab11-family interacting protein 4 1215

      Radiosensitivity 67 707 865

      Radiotherapy 1782


      Randomly arranged collagen fibers 762

      Rapamycin 1709

      Raphe nuclei 1875

      RAS signaling pathway 1587

      Ras-relate C3 botulinon toxin substrate 1 606

      Rats 360 1128 1237

      Reactive oxygen species 433 577

      Receptor-interacting protein 1 1104

      Receptor-interacting protein 2 1199

      Recombinant adeno-associated virus serotype 9 1938

      Recombinant human progranulin 1071

      Regional cerebral oxygen saturation 475

      Regression analysis 408

      Regulatory T cells 1913

      Relaxation 439

      Renal cancinoma 2166

      Renal fibrosis 188 1616

      Renal inflammatory injury 1631

      Renal interstitial fibrosis 893

      Renal microvascular endothelial cells 1375

      Renal tubular epithelial cells 294 1608

      Renin-angiotensin system 134

      Replication 1281

      Reproductive health 1340

      Reproductive organs 323

      Respiratory diseases 943

      Resveratrol 229 893 1161

      Retinoic acid X receptor 1825

      Retinoid X receptor α 1565

      Retroperitoneal white adipose tissue 289

      Reverse cholesterol transport 1754 2123

      Rheumatoid arthritis 354 1294 1482 1653 2062

      Rho-associated coiled-coil kinase 788

      Rho/ROCK signaling pathway 1803

      Rho/ROCK2 signaling pathway 1796

      Rictor 1928

      Ring finger protein 2 865

      RNA interference 276

      RNA-binding proteins 2283

      ROCK/JNK signaling pathway 1476

      RT-qPCR 950 1721

      SARS-CoV-2 1340 1913

      SASH1 protein 2174

      SATB1 protein 346

      Scavenger receptors 1897 1952

      Scutellarin 1860

      Secondary pneumonia 1673

      Semaphorin 4D 1465

      Sepsis 1243 1450 1945

      Serotonin transporter 1875

      Serum and glucocorticoid-regulated kinase 1 301

      Sex determining region Y-box 5 252

      Sex hormones 2244

      Sexual developmental disorder 323

      SH-SY5Y cells 1178

      Shear stress 17

      SHI-1 cells 1988

      Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 276

      Signaling pathways 1696

      SiHa cells 170

      Silent information regulator 1 644

      Simvastatin 1690

      Single nucleotide polymorphism 354 415 1302 2030

      Sinomenine 1404 1653

      SIRT1-FoxO signaling pathway 1439

      SIRT1/AMPK signaling pathway 588

      Sirt3-SOD2-ROS signaling pathway 229

      Skeletal muscle 1921

      Sleep deprivation 1810

      Smad3 protein 822

      Small-conductance calcium-activated potassium channels 2148

      Soluble uric acid 1444

      Sorafenib 222

      SORBS2 protein 22

      Sperm 1340

      Spermatogenesis 323

      Sphingosine 1-phosphate 822

      Sphingosine kinase 1 1224

      Spinal cord injury 461

      Spinal dorsal horn 827

      Spleen tyrosine kinase 961

      Splicing factor 3B subunit 1 1587

      Spontaneously hypertensive rats 1476

      Stanniocalcin-1 2005

      Stanniocalcin 2 1382

      STAT3 singaling pathway 1854

      Stellate ganglion block 2074

      Stem cells 1287

      Stemness 89

      Sterile inflammation 1543

      Stress 747

      Suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid 222

      Substrates 1334

      Sulodexide 577

      SUMO-specific protease 3 769

      Survivin 234

      Susceptibility 415 2030

      Swimming 1892

      Sympathoexcitation 2148

      Synapses 461

      Synaptic damage 1063

      Synoviocytes 1653

      SYNTAX score 1255

      Systemic lupus erythematosus 1146

      T helper 17 cells 1913

      T-cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain-con?taining protein-3 1308

      T-tubule 1034

      Tandons 762

      Tanshinone ⅡA 1261

      TaqMan 950

      Targeted therapy 961

      Testicular torsion 329

      Testis 1340

      Tetrandrine 1428

      TGF-β1/SMAD2 signaling pathway 1458 1565

      TGF-β1/Smads signaling pathway 688

      TGF-β1/TAK-NF-κB signaling pathway 268

      Th17 cells 1294

      The Cancer Genome Atlas 998

      Theca cells 906

      Thermogenesis 2099

      Thioredoxin 681

      Thioredoxin-interacting protein 1631

      THP-1 cells 1020

      Tight junction 2276

      Tight junction protein 1844

      Tissue Doppler imaging 1243

      Tissue inhibitor of metalloprotease-1 268

      TLR4/NF-κB p65 signaling pathway 2258

      TLR4/NF-κB signaling pathway 1810

      TMT-tagged quantitative proteomics 346

      Toll-like receptor 4 637 837 1444 1551 1833 2227

      Tongue squamous carcinoma 991

      Tongxinluo 1375

      Trained immunity 1327

      Transcription 1281

      Transcription factor 735

      Transcriptional intermediary factor 1γ 1579

      Transcriptional regulation 735

      Transforming growth factor-β 385 822

      Transforming growth factor-β1 336

      Transient receptor potential cation channel sub?family M member 8 1680

      Transient receptor potential cation channel sub?family V member 1 1502

      Transverse aortic constriction 2113

      Trauma 1237

      Tricellulin 2276

      TrimethylamineN-oxide 193 1034

      Tripartite motif-containing protein 25 75

      Tripartite motif-containing protein 8 29

      Tripterine 2043

      Tripterygium wilfordiimultiglucoside 2050

      Tropomyosin-related kinase B 282

      TSTA3 protein 1192

      TTN antisense RNA 1 1789

      Tuberculosis 1715

      Tubular epithelial cells 1444

      Tubulin 1034

      Tumor 747 1515 1908

      Tumor immune 1704

      Tumor microenvironment 1704

      Tumor necrosis factor ligand-related molecule 1A 1096

      Tumor necrosis factor-α 539 1153 2133

      Tumor xenograft model 1133

      Type 2 diabetes mellitus 1470 1769 2148

      Ubiquitin proteasome system 930

      Ubiquitination 75

      Ulcerative colitis 1128 1844

      Umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells 1351

      Unilateral ureteral obstruction 1616

      Uremia 1014

      Uric acid 134 1110

      Urine 378

      Vascular endothelial cells 1551 1945

      Vascular endothelial growth factor 1382 1422

      Vascular smooth muscle cells 1345 1565 1966

      Vasculitis 573

      Ventricular remodeling 1027

      Viral myocarditis 427

      Voltage-gated K+channels 439

      Voltage-gated sodium channels 1153

      Water-salt balance 943

      Wendan decoction 1952 2123

      White matter injury 1803

      Wnt signaling pathway 628

      Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway 2220

      Wogonoside 427

      Xingnao enema fluid 468

      Xuebijing 329

      Yangjing-Zhongyu decoction 918

      Yes-associated protein 1537

      Youguiwan 157

      Zebrafish 1133

      α-Synuclein 1042

      β1,3-N-actetylglucosaminyltransferase 8 152

      β1-Adrenergic receptor autoantibody 796

      辽中县| 溧阳市| 阿城市| 沈阳市| 台山市| 文化| 福贡县| 上饶市| 阿瓦提县| 吉木萨尔县| 黑山县| 雷波县| 阿坝| 景泰县| 天津市| 建始县| 南宁市| 盐边县| 东源县| 阿勒泰市| 浏阳市| 离岛区| 枣强县| 沈丘县| 清水河县| 兰西县| 天台县| 安平县| 大埔县| 唐山市| 宜城市| 锡林浩特市| 什邡市| 宁海县| 顺平县| 胶州市| 蓝田县| 中山市| 襄汾县| 申扎县| 建湖县|