楊鳳雯 韋秋菊 劉雪婷 周小蘇 羅彩鳳 黃永毅
【摘要】 目的 研究寬筋藤對小鼠抗疲勞、耐缺氧作用。
方法 給藥組小鼠分別給予寬筋藤水提液進行14天灌胃預處理;對小鼠進行常壓耐缺氧實驗,觀察小鼠耐缺氧的時間;采用力竭游泳實驗,觀察小鼠的游泳力竭時間;采用眼球取血,測血乳酸、血尿素氮含量;取肝臟,計算肝臟系數(shù),觀察小鼠的抗疲勞、耐缺氧的作用。
結果 與正常對照組比較,中劑量組、高劑量組能顯著延長小鼠呼吸停止時間及游泳力竭時間(P<0.05或0.01);中劑量組、高劑量組對小鼠的肝臟指數(shù)有顯著性影響(P<0.01);低劑量組、中劑量組、高劑量組可明顯降低小鼠運動后的血清乳酸含量(P<0.05或0.01);中劑量組、高劑量組可降低小鼠運動后的血清尿素氮含量(P<0.05或0.01)。
結論 寬筋藤水提液具有抗疲勞、耐缺氧作用;該實驗劑量下對小鼠肝臟可能有影響。
【關鍵詞】 寬筋藤;小鼠;抗疲勞;耐缺氧
【Abstract】 Objective To study the anti fatigue and anti hypoxia effects of Tinospora sinensis in mice.
Methods Mice in the administration group were given the aqueous extract of tinospora sinensis by gavage for 14 days.The tests for hypoxia tolerance under normal pressure and exhaustive swimming were given to observe the time respectively.The blood taken from the eyeball was used to measure the content of blood lactate and blood urea nitrogen; the liver was taken to calculate the liver coefficiency for its function on the anti fatigue and hypoxia tolerance.
Results Compared with the normal control group,middle and high dose groups markedly prolonged the time of respiratory arrest and swimming exhaustion (P<0.05 or 0.01),lowered the content of serum urea nitrogen after exercise (P<0.05 or 0.01),and had significant effects on the liver index (P<0.01); all three groups greatly reduced the serum lactate content after exercise (P<0.05 or 0.01).
Conclusion The aqueous extract of Tinospora sinensis has the effect of antifatigue and antihypoxia,whereas the doses may have an impact on mices liver.
【Key words】 Tinospora sinensis;mice; fatigue resistance; hypoxia tolerance
1 材料與方法
1.1 試劑
1.2 儀器
游泳箱(長60 cm,寬60 cm,深40 cm);鉛條;250 mL廣口玻璃瓶;手術器械;粉碎機(型號:HC800Y,武義海納電器有限公司);電子天平(型號:JMB1003,余姚市紀銘稱重校驗設備有限公司);722N型可見分光光度計(上海儀電分析儀器有限公司);離心機(型號:TGL16G,上海安亭科學儀器廠);電熱恒溫水溫箱(型號:H.SWX600BS,上海新苗醫(yī)療器械制造有限公司)。
1.3 動物
1.4 藥品