As summer comes rolling in, you might be thinking more and more about cooler sweets to eat, namely[也就是] ice cream. Or maybe you think about ice cream all the time, no matter what the temperature is. Regardless[不管], ice cream is definitely one of the most delicious treats[宴饗] you can have, but did you know you dont only have to buy it at the store? You can make it yourself!
Water has three states: solid[固體], liquid and gas. Water changes into its solid state when it reaches 0 °C, but if there is Sodium Chloride[氯化鈉] (NaCl), otherwise known as salt, then that temperature drops. Thats because salt lowers waters freezing point[凝固點]. Have you ever noticed how when the sidewalk is icy they put salt on it to melt the ice and make it safer for walking? Thats the same principle[原理]. The salt they put on the sidewalk mixes with the ice and because its freezing point is lower than the temperature of the unsalted ice, the sidewalk melts.
When youre making ice cream the lower temperature of the ice and salt mixture[混合物], which surrounds the cream and sugar mixture, is cold enough to change the state of the cream from a liquid to a solid. So lets get started!
Materials 材料
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup whipping cream[生奶油] or heavy cream[多脂奶油]
1/4 cup white sugar
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract[香草精]
1/2 to 3/4 cup table salt[精制食鹽]
2 cups ice
quart Ziploc bag[封口袋]
gallon Ziploc bag
Measuring cups and spoons
Bowls, cups, spoons or cones[錐形蛋卷筒] to serve your ice cream treat
Procedure 步驟
1. Add 1/4 cup sugar, 1/2 cup milk, 1/2 cup cream, and 1/4 teaspoon vanilla to the quart Ziploc bag. Zip that bag up so nothing leaks[泄露]!
2. Put the 2 cups of ice into the gallon Ziploc bag.
3. Use the thermometer to measure the temperature of the ice in the gallon bag. Make sure to record this number so you can remember.
4. Add 1/2 to 3/4 cup salt to the gallon Ziploc bag of ice.
5. Place the sealed[密封的] quart bag inside the gallon bag of ice and salt. Seal the gallon bag securely[牢固地].
6. Rock the gallon bag from side to side. Hold it at the seal so that the cold ice doesnt freeze your hands instead of your ice cream. You can also use gloves[手套] or a cloth to protect your hands, just remember it will be colder than 0 °C!
7. Continue to rock the bag for 10-15 minutes or until the contents of the quart bag have solidified[凝固], or until you cant wait for ice cream anymore.
8. Open the gallon bag and use the thermometer to measure and record the temperature of the ice and salt mixture. Notice how much colder it is than the ice on its own.
9. In bowls or cones serve and most importantly enjoy your homemade[自制的] ice cream!
1. 將1/4杯糖、半杯牛奶、半杯奶油和1/4杯香草精加入夸脫封口袋。袋子的封口要封好,可別漏出來哦!
2. 將兩杯冰塊倒入加侖封口袋中。
3. 用溫度計測量一下加侖袋里的冰塊溫度,將數(shù)值記錄下來,以防忘記。
4. 將1/2到3/4杯鹽倒入裝有冰塊的加侖袋中。
5. 將密封的夸脫袋放入裝有冰塊和鹽的加侖袋中,確保加侖袋密封好了。
6. 左右搖晃加侖袋。手抓封口,以免低溫冰塊在雪糕做好之前就將你的手給凍傷了。你也可以用手套或者一塊布保護好手部,要記住這溫度是在零度以下哦!
7. 繼續(xù)搖晃10到15分鐘,或者等到夸脫袋里面的東西已經凝固,又或者到你已經迫不及待要吃雪糕才停止。
8. 打開加侖袋,用溫度計測量并記錄袋中的冰鹽混合物溫度。注意對照這個溫度和冰塊本身的溫度相差多少度。
9. 裝到碗里或者甜筒里,最重要的是盡情享受你的自制雪糕!
Toppings 澆頭
Theres always the possibility to add all different types of toppings: chocolate sauce, sprinkles[糖屑], caramel[焦糖], strawberries, chocolate chips! Feel free to add these ingredients[作料] to the quart bag before you mix everything, but know that your mixture will turn to ice cream much faster if you hold these special treats and add them as toppings.
Ice Cream Maker 雪糕機
This is a very easy way to make some delicious ice cream! If you are interested in making your own homemade ice cream all the time, you may want to look into an actual ice cream maker. It still uses the ice and salt mixture to freeze the cream, it just provides an easier and higher volume[量] way to make ice cream at home.
英制:1夸脫= 1136.5225 毫升
美制:1干量夸脫= 1101.220 毫升
1濕量夸脫= 946.352946 毫升