




      2020-05-25 02:59:08
      閱讀與作文(英語初中版) 2020年4期



      Reign is an American historical fantasy romance television series. It is loosely based on the history of Mary Stuart, the Queen of Scots and her time in the French court.

      Season One of Reign airs in 2013. In this season, Mary, at the age of fifteen, leaves Scotland to enter the French Court with her four best friends and ladies-in-waiting Lola, Kenna, Greer, and Aylee. She is engaged to Francis, the Prince of France, to hold an alliance between France and Scotland. When in the French court, Mary meets Henry, the King of France, his wife Catherine and his illegitimate son Sebastian who sets his sights at Mary.

      In October, 2014, the second season premiered. In season 2, King Henry died suddenly. This event shocked the whole of France. Its clear that Francis and Mary are new king and queen. They headed the country in a very difficult time-plague, famine, riots Lords and the fight for power. Personal and political goals of powerful people take thousands of lives. Francis did not leave a feeling of guilt for betraying his father. Mary is very upset that she cannot have a baby. This not only alienates young loving people, but also calls into question the Marys authority as Queen of France. Francis mother, Catherine also keeps trying to embroil them and seize power…






      Antoine: The Valois really throw a dismal party, dont they?

      Louis: For once I must agree.

      Francis: Open it up, Read us a passage.

      Louis: A Bible.

      Francis: My father kept it close and read it often. As did my mother after he died. Frederic Mazur, my fathers valet, poisoned it.

      Louis: What is it? Are you making anaccusation?

      Francis: Frederic served under your command in Spain. He returned to your region after my father died, where he was murdered. Was he on your orders to poison the king?

      Louis: So this is why you wanted to keep me in the castle, so you can put me on trial?

      Mary: We are asking you directly. Please tell us the truth, Louis.

      Antoine: This is out rageous.

      Francis: We know you paid off Frederic, his debts, the whore house. We have witnesses who will testify. Do you deny it? Did you pay Frederic to poison my father?

      Louis: I swear, my hand to God, I had nothing to do with this. Yes, Frederic served under me, and he traded on that connection to beg me to relieve his debts, and I refused him. He may have been a good man once but he fell into who ring and gambling. His debts were a bottomless pit.

      Francis: I dont believe you.

      Antoine: Is this some kind of revenge formy talks with the English queen? Are you trying to rid yourself of us?

      Catherine: It wasnt him, Francis. We uncovered a trail from the banks, It was the Duke of Guise. He paid the debts. But that was only to bait the poisoner. After your father died, the poisoner fied to claim a parcel of land that he had been granted from the Duke of Guise sholdings. The deed, no doubt, is a carrot.

      Antoine: The Duke? My uncle poisoned the king?

      Catherine: The Duke despised him. None of this would have come to light. Who would look at a Bible and think it was a murderweapon if I hadnt taken to reading it, by chance.

      Louis: I have done nothing but be a friend to you and Francis, doing your bidding, no matter the peril or price.

      Francis: You must understand…

      Louis: That there is bad blood between our lines? You think I dont know that? You call us murderers? After all youve done to our family? You destroyed our brother…

      Antoine: Louis!

      Louis: Maimed him, left him for dead!

      Francis: Is this true?

      Louis: In the Italian Wars. Wars we fought for the House of Valois. You stabbed him in the back. You coward. Youre the murderers.


      1.throw a party

      “舉行宴會(huì),開舞會(huì),開派對(duì)”怎么說?喏,就是這么說的了,throw a party,下次不要一直揪著hold a party用哦。throw還有個(gè)詞組在美劇中常常聽到,就是throw up,意思是“嘔吐”。

      2.a bottomless pit

      我們漢語也有“無底洞”的說法,這下英語也對(duì)上了。pit的意思是“深坑”,bottomless就是 “沒有底的意思”,所以a bottomless pit的意思顯而易見就是“無底洞”了。

      3.a carrot

      carrot一詞我們所知道的意思是“胡蘿卜”,但在這里“胡蘿卜”顯然是說不通的,在這里它的意思引申為“誘餌”,指為引誘某人做某事而提供的報(bào)酬或好處。我們經(jīng)常見到的是它和stick連用,carrot and stick,胡蘿卜和大棒,意思就是為了讓某人做某事,既給好處又加懲罰的做法,可以譯為“軟硬兼施”。

      4.come tu light

      這個(gè)詞組的意思其實(shí)可以猜出來, “來到光下面”,可不就是“暴露,曝光,為大家所知,真相大白”的意思么?同樣可以表示“真相大白”的詞組還有come out in the wash,有“水落石出”之意。

      5.take to

      take的詞組搭配極多,take to表示“喜歡上(做某事),開始(做某事)”,注意這里to是介詞,后面接名詞或動(dòng)名詞,即take to (doing) sth.。

      6.by chance

      chance一詞有“機(jī)會(huì),運(yùn)氣,可能”等意思,如我們會(huì)說Is destiny a matter of choice or a matter of chance?(命運(yùn)到底是我們選擇的結(jié)果還是純屬偶然呢?),所以by chance的意思是“偶然,意外地”,和by accident一樣,和它們意思相反的詞組是by plan或by design。

      7.bad blood

      路易這句話的意思是“我知道我們兩個(gè)家族之間有嫌隙”。句中的line原意是“一排,一條線”,這里引申為“一脈,家族”。bad blood指“feelings of dislike between two people or groups”,即“惡感,嫌隙,不和”。

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