Once upon a time there lived a beautiful young girl named Andy. She was locked in a tall tower and never went outside. How she longed to experience the outside world!There was something very special about Andy: she had hair as long as the tall tower she lived in.
One day as Andy was standing and gazing out of her balcony, she heard the faint sound of hooves in the distance. She stared toward the horizon, but she couldn’t see anything. She was about to turn,when a dark horse came rampaging over the hills and running towards a deep river.
Key points
faint 微弱的
gaze 凝視
hoof (復(fù)數(shù) hooves)馬等動(dòng)物的蹄
horizon 地平線
long 渴望
rampage 橫沖直撞
stare 盯著看
“Oh, it is going to drown in the river!” She turned to the table in a hurry and ripped the tablecloth from the table. Running towards the window, she hurtled her tablecloth out into the air and started flailing it like as if it is a banner!
“Horse,” she shouted, “l(fā)ook out!” She carried on in this manner; all the while waving the tablecloth, until the horse finally noticed and came to a halt. She saved the horse! “Thank you, beautiful girl.”shouted the horse. "A talking horse! I can't believe my ears!" Andy said in surprise.
Key points
banner 旗幟
flail 胡亂擺動(dòng)
halt 停下
hurtle 猛投
manner 方式
rip 猛地扯開(kāi)
shout 呼喊
tablecloth 桌布
“It takes all sorts to make a world. I’m Red, and you?”
“I’m Andy.”
“Andy, I owe you a favour. Is there anything I can do
for you?”
“I want to go outside and see the world.”
“It’s easy. I’ll give you a ride.”
“Thank you, Red.”
“It’s my pleasure.”
Key points
abseil 繞繩下降
favour 幫助;恩惠
gallop 奔馳
mount 騎上
owe 欠……
rope 繩索
sort 某一種(或某一類)人
Andy cut off her hair with scissors and tied her hair to one of the legs of her bed. By using her hair as a rope,she began to abseil down the tower. As soon as she reached the bottom of the tower, Andy mounted the horse, and said to Red, “Let’s go, Red.” They galloped off into the distance.