



      A Race Against Fate and Coronavirus—Story of Zhang Dingyu, President of Jinyintan Hospital

      2020-07-07 02:49:56ByTangXiaoanLiMoWuChunxin
      Special Focus 2020年2期

      By Tang Xiao’an, Li Mo & Wu Chunxin

      Perhaps there is no Superman coming to save Zhang Dingyu, a 57-year-old doctor with an incurable disease. But over the past month, he has become a Superman for many people in Wuhan, the center of the novel coronavirus outbreak.

      Zhang Dingyu is the president of Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital, one of the city’s designated hospitals to admit patients infected with the new virus. He has spent the past 30 days treating patients since the first COVID-19 patients arrived at his hospital.

      Zhang knows his clock is ticking. With amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), he will progressively lose muscle strength and eventually become paralyzed and unable to speak, move, swallow or breathe. His legs have recently been rendered powerless. He has to clutch at the handrail as he slowly makes his way up and down the stairs.

      As president of the Hospital, one of the major battlefields of the epidemic, Zhang and his hundreds of colleagues have been on the frontline fighting against the novel coronavirus, and racing against time to treat critically ill patients.



      自2019年12月29日轉入首批7 名新型冠狀病毒感染的肺炎患者以來,武漢市金銀潭醫(yī)院600 多名醫(yī)護人員,已在抗擊疫情的最前沿奮戰(zhàn)了29 天。


      晚上9 時,57 歲的院黨委副書記、院長張定宇帶著疲憊,一瘸一拐走向我們。手機鈴聲處,是他在接打電話,整個走廊都能聽到他在喊。我們默默地數著,到張院長跟我們握手時,他已經接打了6 個電話。


      In the Comprehensive Building of Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital, Zhang Dingyu talking on the walkie talkie (Photo by Ke Hao)在武漢金銀潭醫(yī)院綜合病區(qū)樓,張定宇在聯系協(xié)調工作(柯皓 攝)

      在疫情中“逆行”的29 天里,張定宇往往凌晨2時剛躺下,4 時就得爬起來,接無數電話,處理各種突發(fā)事件。就在他日夜撲在一線,為重癥患者搶出生命通道時,同為醫(yī)務人員的妻子,卻因新型冠狀病毒感染,在十幾公里外的另一家醫(yī)院接受隔離治療。



      當晚,張定宇接到通知,解放軍陸軍軍醫(yī)大學150 人醫(yī)療隊和上海136 名醫(yī)療隊都將奔赴金銀潭醫(yī)院。張定宇和團隊受到極大鼓舞?!敖粋€月,醫(yī)護人員嚴重不足。日常狀態(tài)下,護士2 小時交接班一次,現在需拉長至四五小時,醫(yī)生就更辛苦,嚴重的體力透支也會增大感染風險?!卑差D完醫(yī)療隊住下,已過凌晨3 時。日歷已悄然翻到1月25日,中國年的大年初一。

      1月26日,兩支醫(yī)療隊成建制接管該院四個病區(qū),截至晚11 時,接收53 名轉診患者。

      “還有一批病人要連夜轉過來,估計今天要達到70 多人。”張定宇從會議室的窗戶望出去,不遠處的南樓、北樓和綜合樓,21 個病區(qū),燈火通明,650 多名感染者在這里接受治療。




      當月29日,首批7 名不明原因肺炎患者轉入金銀潭醫(yī)院,該院開辟專門病區(qū)。

      憑著多年在傳染病領域的臨床經驗,張定宇感覺這個病不簡單。他一邊叮囑醫(yī)務人員加強防護,一邊帶領大家采集這7 名病人的支氣管肺泡灌洗液,并送往武漢病毒所進行化驗?!盀槭裁匆杉闻莨嘞匆??因為我們發(fā)現,一些病人在做咽拭子檢測的時候是陰性,但病情卻在持續(xù)加重,肺部CT 異常,我們懷疑病毒已通過下呼吸道進入肺泡,果不其然。”張定宇說,病毒躲在肺泡里,咽喉檢查根本不起作用,但究竟這是一種什么病毒,誰也不知道。后來,科學家團隊從分離樣本中,確認這是一種新型冠狀病毒。

      On the evening of January 27, Zhang Dingyu coordinating the transfer of critically ill patient (Photo by Ke Hao)1月27日晚,張定宇協(xié)調危重病人轉運(柯皓 攝)

      In the past week, Zhang went to bed at about 2 am and got up at about 4 am. This has become the 57-year-old doctor’s daily routine.

      “I have never encountered such pressure as today,” Zhang said. “For me, ALS is like a sword hanging over my head. I want to make a contribution with the limited time I have left. I try to outrun death, saving time and indeed more patients.”

      He added that he has to quicken his pace.

      His wife, also a medical worker, was infected with the novel coronavirus and was hospitalized on January 19. Luckily, after medical treatment, she has now recovered.

      On December 29, it was foggy in Wuhan, a big city with a population of over 10 million in central China’s Hubei Province. The first batch of seven patients infected with coronavirus were transferred to Zhang’s hospital.

      Zhang, an expert in infectious diseases, was on high alert in December when some cases of pneumonia with an unknown cause began to be reported at hospitals in Wuhan. When the first seven patients arrived, the Hospital immediately set aside two separate areas for around 80 patients.

      However, the situation was even worse than he imagined. On the second day, he decided to allocate more medical resources and separate wards for more infected patients.

      Jinyintan Hospital, a once little-known hospital in Wuhan, has been scented with the odor of disinfectant and undercurrent of uneasiness. The sound of call bells never stopped.

      The sense of urgency made Zhang even more short-tempered than usual. He demanded doctors and nurses answer his questions about patients quickly and accurately.















      2011年除夕,張定宇在巴基斯坦西北的蒂默加拉醫(yī)院度過,他是湖北第一位“無國界醫(yī)生”。那天凌晨,他被一陣電話鈴聲喚醒。一名產婦子宮破裂出血,需緊急搶救。匆匆趕到手術室,做麻醉,穩(wěn)定病人血液循環(huán)。不到30 分鐘,一個男嬰呱呱墜地。緊接著,第二臺剖宮產病人轉到手術臺,張定宇緊急給產婦做局部麻醉,20 多分鐘,又一個新生命誕生。時間已是凌晨4 時15 分。剛換下工作服,又有一位產婦胎盤早剝、出血,需要緊急剖宮產。輸液、給氧、麻醉、手術……胎兒終于降生了,卻沒有心跳。他迅速采取心臟按壓、吸引、氣管插管、給氧,一陣忙碌后,手術室里又一次響起了嬰兒的啼哭聲。


      “很感激解放軍和上海醫(yī)療隊的分擔,讓我這兩天凌晨1 點就能躺下了,之前有時候得扛到三四點才能睡。”




      On February 18, Cheng Lin, wife of Zhang Dingyu, comes to Jinyintan Hospital to donate plasma. Cheng Lin (second from the right) takes a photo with the medical staff after donation2月18日,武漢市金銀潭醫(yī)院院長張定宇的夫人程琳來到金銀潭醫(yī)院捐獻血漿。程琳(右二)在捐獻后與醫(yī)護人員合影留念


      “Otherwise he will scold you without mercy,” said Zhang Li, head of a ward in the hospital. “But thanks to his resolute and daring action, medical staff in our hospital are willing to turn to him whenever they face challenges because shorttempered Zhang will figure out a solution.”

      On January 23, China locked down Wuhan in an unprecedented effort to curb the spread of the new infectious disease. The city has been at the center of a storm sweeping across the nation.

      As one of Wuhan’s designated hospitals to admit patients infected with the new virus, Jinyintan mainly accepted critically ill patients. By 10 am Sunday, the hospital had 581 novel coronavirus patients including more than 200 in serious and critical condition.

      On January 24, the eve of the Chinese New Year, 150 medical workers from Army Medical University in Chongqing were sent to the hospital to support its staff.

      Till then, Zhang has been on duty every day since December 29.

      Zhang never revealed the state of his own illness to his colleagues after he was diagnosed with ALS in 2018. He lied to them, saying he had undergone a knee operation. However, more and more colleagues noticed his strange way of walking down the stairs. He finally admitted his illness after constant inquiries.

      “When I first came to know I was a rare disease patient, I was very scared,” Zhang said. “You love life, but imagine one day being told that you don’t have long to live.”

      Zhang has researched medical materials about ALS. “I will live another 5 to 10 years, perhaps. Nobody knows. This is why I especially cherish every minute I have, taking a walk, soaking myself in the sunshine or working along with my colleagues,” he said.

      Zhang’s illness has touched a nerve for many colleagues. Jia Chunmin, a head nurse in the hospital, couldn’t believe it.

      “He actually walks very fast,” she said, recalling Zhang once called her to arrive in a new ward in five minutes. Hanging up the phone, Jia ran fast to the ward, only to find Zhang was already there although his office was farther than hers.

      “No one can keep up with him in the battle against the new virus,” Jia said.

      In many cases, he sleeps no more than two hours before being woken amid a stream of emergency calls.

      After working around the clock for 22 days, Zhang received the bad news that his wife was diagnosed with the novel coronavirus while working at another hospital in Wuhan.

      Only after three days of his wife being hospitalized did Zhang find time to visit her, and he only stayed for 30 minutes.

      “I feel very guilty. Perhaps I am a good doctor, but not a good husband,” Zhang said. “We have been married for 28 years. I was afraid of losing her.”

      Luckily, after medical treatment, Zhang’s wife has now recovered.

      It was not the first time for Zhang to stand on the front line over the past 33 years.

      In 2008, he led a medical team from Hubei to help victims in southwest China’s Sichuan Province after the devastating Wenchuan earthquake. He was once a member of a Chinese medical team assisting Algeria. In 2011, he worked in a hospital in Pakistan to help local patients.

      After the interview, he turns around and hobbles toward the isolation wards, slowly but surely, hoping to outpace the spread of the new virus while he is still able to move.

      “Every life has an end. It is a normal thing. We need to accept it and bravely face the reality.” This is what he always says to his family. (Source: Xinhua News Agency & China Daily)

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