Shoes can tell you a lot about a person. Winston was a firm believer in this, being someone who looked at many shoes himself. Although he had grown up hearing that eyes were “the windows to the soul”, he was always quite confused by this expression. Eyes were simply holes in ones head that allowed them to see. Winston couldnt find anything remotely1 revealing about them, just a sense of awkwardness2 when he had been caught staring into someone elses for too long. On the other hand, staring at someones shoes rarely ever became a socially uncomfortable interaction3. Most people hardly noticed a small man in the corner intently4 watching their feet, and Winston liked it that way.
High school queen, skateboarder, bored businessman, tired housewife, Winston was able to fit most people into basic categories5 such as these simply by the brand, color, and condition of whatever was on their feet. Not to toot his own horn6, but Winston felt that he had figured just about everybody out. At this point, the world couldnt surprise him anymore, he believed that he had seen it all.
Winston was seated in his regular spot, a bench in the back corner of the Alewife train station, watching the usuals pass by. A pack of polished7, black loafers8 shuffled9 past after getting off the 7 oclock train, a pair of Louboutins clacked10 against the dusty floor tiles, two pairs of scruffy11 Converse shifted as they waited on the platform. All of this left a clear impression on Winston. He noted that a pair of knee-length boots were missing among the group, as well as several Nike sneakers. He sighed, a bit bored with the predictability12 of the station, the way the same people always stood on the same platform and waited for the same train to take them away at the same time every day. This order was ordinarily calming to him, but today he felt different.
Thats when he noticed something different. Two bare feet walked past, making an unfamiliar slapping sound as they made contact with the floor. Strange. Winston looked closer, studying the leathery skin and the overgrown toenails with great interest. In all his years sitting at the train station, he had seen many strange feet, but at least those people had enough sense to cover them in flip-flops13 or sandals14. This stranger before him did not seem to obey the social rules, sticking his bare feet out for all to see. Their nakedness troubled Winston. He wondered what kind of a man couldnt afford to buy himself shoes. A dangerous man, perhaps. A man who was of questionable intelligence. An unpredictable, rash man with a temper. Certainly not the kind of man Winston wanted to be anywhere near.
He shifted over on the bench and curled in on himself, turning his eyes downward and his shoulders in toward his body to prevent any possible social interactions. The man, however, took the space made free by Winstons shrinking.
“Sorry, it has been a rough day,” the shoeless person offered apologetically, placing a plastic bag down in the small remaining stretch of bench separating them. “A really rough day.” He seemed to be speaking to no one in particular. “I had to sell my shoes, had to sell them away. Can you believe that?” He scuffed his bare feet against the stations dingy15 floor tiles.
“Its my little girls birthday. Shes seven. I can barely believe it,” he shook his head. “Said all she wanted this year was a birthday cake. A real one, with sprinkles16 and frosting17 and her name spelled out nice and pretty on the top. So thats what I went and got her.”
He gestured to the bag. Winston peeked18 through the clear cellophane19 case to see the cake. It was a small, white circle, with the name “Amelia” written in fancy cursive20 frosting on the top. “It sure is pretty, isnt it?” the man said, noticing Winstons interest. “I just had to get it for her. But I had to sell my shoes for was worth it, of course.” He seemed to think this over for a while. “Still, thats not a decision that any parent should have to make, it just isnt.”
There was a crack in his voice like he was about to cry and Winston did something he rarely ever did. He looked up and met the strangers eyes. They were kind eyes, sad, sweet and beautiful eyes, sharply contrasting his bare and dirty feet. Winston stared at them, not allowing himself to pull away.
While staring at the man, a sense of shame washed over Winston. He was ashamed that he had judged the man, ashamed that he had assumed this stranger was a bad person simply for his lack of footwear, when in fact this man beside him was a more generous person than Winston had ever been. Slowly, Winston reached down and took off his dirty, white sneakers one at a time, exposing his socked feet to the harsh cold of the station. He picked up the shoes and handed them to the stranger beside him.