Once, a trooper lived in a country. He worked in the kings army and was very famous for his bravery all over the kingdom.
The trooper had a beautiful horse, which was one of the best ones in the country. The trooper loved his horse a lot.
One day, when all the soldiers were dressing their horses, the trooper noticed that a nail on one of the horses shoes had fallen off.
Since the trooper was tired, he decided to repair the shoe-nail later. His fellow soldiers advised him to repair the shoe-nail soon, or it could become very dangerous.
The trooper did not listen to them.
After some time, the soldiers heard the sound of the trumpet.
The enemy had attacked the kings palace, and all the soldiers went to fight. The trooper also sat on his horse and went to fight the enemy. On the way, the horses loose shoe fell off. The horse stumbled and the trooper fell onto the ground. He was badly hurt and could not get up. An enemy soldier killed him with a sword immediately.
Moral: A stitch in time saves nine.