日本作家川端康成說:“美在于發(fā)現,在于邂逅?!盠uckily,I met thebeauty of Japan with my parents.
Kyoto used to be the capital of Japan. It has a long history.我們游覽了朱紅色的千本鳥居(Qianben Bird House)、金碧輝煌的金閣寺( Kinkakuji Temple)、慵懶隨性的鴨川(Kamogawa River),還有華燈初上的京都塔( Kyoto Tower)。京都用它古典、寧靜的魅力征服了我。
奈良(Nara) is my favorite city in Japan. The whole Nara is like anopen park.在這里,有1200多頭小鹿和人和諧共處,它們被游人喂養(yǎng)得圓滾滾的,日子過得快活極了。The visitors like taking photos with these lovely deer.
Then I come to Osaka,a morden city.如果你和我一樣是個“海洋控”,那你絕對不能錯過大阪海游館(Osaka Aquarium)。It is one of thebiggest aquariums ln the world. There are two huge whale sharks(鯨鯊)in Osaka Aquarium.I had a lot of fun here!
In Osaka.we are lucky to meet The Tanabata(七夕祭).這次的七夕祭首次在河川上舉行。夜幕慢慢降臨,河里散落的小燈既像螢火蟲又像閃爍的星星。河邊不時地飄來歌聲,伴著樂隊的演奏。What a wonderful evening!
京都的古老韻味,天河傳說的千萬夜景,大阪的現代、繁華,奈良的自然氣息,還有那盛大的七夕祭,旅行的美好令人回味無窮。I really enjoy thistravel in Japan.