胡婷 蘇思
“Chongqing, My Second Hometown”
Article | Reporter Hu Ting Figures |Su Si
Andy got up at 6 o'clock in themorning, washed up and had breakfast.and arrived at the company at 7:30 on time.This is his working thythm in Chongqing inthe past three years.
On the afternoon of December 10.2019, we met Andy in the productionworkshop of Chongqing Dajiang MillisonDie Casting Co., Ltd. located in Banan. Hewas wearing a yellow safety helmet andgray overalls and was communicating withthe workers.
Andy, 36 years old this year, is fromAustria. Three years ago, as an expert inthe field of machine processing, Andy cameto Banan, Chongqing, and became thedeputy chief and director of the TechnologyCenter of Chongqing Dajiang Millison DieCasting Co., Ltd.
Every morning, Andy will go on site tocheck the quality of each process product,such as whether the product has defects.burrs.etc.
Andy said,"Working and living inChongqing has brought me a great senseof happiness. Chongqing has become mysecond hometown."
Harvest Encouragement from Rigidity
In the production workshop, Andytouched the surface of a machine-processedsemi-finished product, and his face becamesuspicious. He found that the surfaceroughness of the product was not enough.After checking the drawing requirements,he immediately called in technicians to testthe surface roughness of the product to see ifit was within the standard range.
After that, Andy also made a phonecall to cancel an upcoming meeting andconcentrated on dealing with productproblems.
"Industrial production has strictrequirem ents. and the product matters themost. Every product and every detail cannotgo wrong." When Andy encounters similarproblems, he usually spends a whole dayin the workshop to solve product qualityproblems.
However, rigorous as Andy is, he hasalso made compromise.
Andy's colleague Chen Zhenzhong toldus, "When we were making APOP (AdvancedProduct Quality Planning, note from theReporter), we had a five-stage flow chartand Andy insisted on completing the wholeprocess. But sometimes the whole processtook too much time and efforts. In order tosave the cost, Andy gave in and streamlinedthe contents. but the process must not bereduced." Chen Zhenzhong went on to say,"For example, when signing some cross-border documents, you can use the methodof sending instead of signing face to face,but you cannot omit such a link."
With a rigorous and professionalattitude . Andy was also selected by BananDistrict as one of the first batch of talents of"Elite Program".
On March 28 , 2019. relevant departmentsof Banan District made a special trip to thecompany to present Andy with the award.Andy received a bonus of 63, 484 yuan.
"As one of the 11 high-level innovativeLalents who won the award . it is an affirmationfor my work and also the motivation for me tokeep moving on."Andy said.
The longer you live here,thehappier you will be
In the beginning when he came to workin Chongqing , Andy's biggest worry wasthat he could not understand the language.
To this end, the company speciallyhired an interpreter for Andy to communicatetechnical problems.
Though the language problem at workwas solved, Andy encountered anotherdifference in work habits.
"When I worked in Austria. I had halfan hour to eat at noon. then I had to continueworking after the launch. But when I came toGhongqing , I found that after lunch . everyonehas the habit of taking a nap." Andy said.
"We go to work at l:30 p.m. Once Iwent to discuss my work with my colleagueat 1:10 p.m. After knocking at the door andentering the room. I found my colleaguetaking a nap. Only then did I realize thateveryone had to take a nap at noon." Now.Andy is used to taking a nap at noon everyday. He pointed to a pillow on sofa in theoffice and said with a smile. ":This is thepillow specially prepared for taking a nap."
Before coming to Chongqing, Andy'swork needed him to fly around the worldand he was very busy. After arriving inChongqing , Andy's work was mainlyconcentrated in the production workshop.The pace was not as fast as before andwas more regular. "The longer I work inChongqing , the happier I feel."
In Chongqing , Andy often sees peopleplaying chess or dancing in the C0mmUnitypark , and they are especially enthusiastic.
"When I first arrived here. I couldn'tunderstand the language and read the menuin restaurant. The waiter would take me toother dining tables to see the dishes. or takeme directly to the kitchen to see them." Andywas deeply touched by the enthusiasm ofChongqing people.
Andy said that Chongqing has manymountains and the ecology is very good.He pointed to the green mountains outsidethe floor-to-ceiling window of the officeand said. "Here, I can look up and see thegreen mountains without any difficulty.I live in Banan and can walk directly toWanda Shopping Center, which is especiallyconvenient for shopping."
Although he usually works in Banan.Andy is also delighted to see the changesin Chongqing day by day for so many years."When going to Jie Fang Bei or Jiangbei, orpassing Nanbin Road . I will find the skylinechanging , such as the newly finished RafflesCity. I also went to see the National DayLight Show. It was really amazing ."