Im so fed up with 2020! Any suggestions for coping?
New Graduate George
You aint seen nothin yet! As a 過來人 (gu7l1ir9n, experienced person) who is used to 大風(fēng)大浪 (d3f8ng d3l3ng, “strong wind and big waves,” serious challenges), this year has been childs play. What sort of crisis did you experience anyway? You still 衣來伸手,飯來張口 (y~ l1i sh8n sh6u, f3n l1i zh`ng k6u, have clothes and food handed to you)! All you did was stay at home and browse TikTok, not much different from a 假期 (ji3q~, vacation). Your classes were cancelled? I couldnt go to university, period, because they were all closed when I was young! 我吃過的鹽比你吃過的飯還多 (W6 ch~guo de y1n b@ n@ ch~guo de f3n h1i du4, “Ive eaten more salt than youve eaten rice,” experienced more hardship than you know)! Well, mostly because I hoarded too much salt during the SARS outbreak. Remember, 兵來將擋,水來土掩 (b~ng l1i ji3ng d2ng, shu@ l1i t^ y2n, “fight soldiers with arms, fight water with earth,” adopt flexible solutions to different problems). Life will only get worse if you keep on whining!
Everybody seems to be getting Botox nowadays, or even plastic surgery. Its not cheap, but should I try? I think it will make me feel more confident.
You know what they say: 沒有丑女人,只有懶女人 (m9iy6u ch6u n)r9n, zh@y6u l2n n)r9n, there are no ugly women, just lazy ones), or maybe 窮女人(qi5ng n)r9n, poor women). With what little money you make, you are not getting anywhere, so why not spend it on your looks as a 投資 (t5uz~, investment) for getting a rich guy? Or that high-paying job that requires applicants to be 形象好氣質(zhì)佳 (x!ngxi3ng h2o q#zh# ji`, good looking and elegant). They also say, spend money on your appearance when you are young, because when you are old and rich, no one will look at you…Ive heard all the bullshit! The truth is, 有錢人的快樂,你根本想象不到 (Y6uqi1nr9n de ku3il-, n@ g8nb0n xi2ngxi3ng b%d3o, You have no idea how happy rich people can be)! Use your head. Who cares about what others think when you have your own money?
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漢語世界(The World of Chinese)2020年5期