



      Analysis of my country

      2020-11-02 02:56LiuLihua
      速讀·下旬 2020年6期

      Liu Li hua

      ◆Key words:cross-border e-commerce;overseas warehouse

      With the deepening of “One Belt One Road”,this “Silk Road E-commerce” has gradually become a new channel for my country to develop trade cooperation with countries along the route. Overseas warehouses are warehousing and logistics nodes established by cross-border e-commerce export sellers in areas close to buyers abroad to improve their order delivery capabilities. They usually have functions such as overseas cargo storage, circulation processing, local distribution, and after-sales service. Domestic logistics companies have begun to transform to internationalization.

      I The development status of my country's overseas warehouse construction under the background of “One Belt One Road ”strategy

      Cross-border overseas warehouses are mainly used by cross-border e-commerce companies to build warehouses overseas,and the local warehouses are directly responsible for the delivery of goods. This new logistics method effectively reduces operating costs to a certain extent, while also effectively improving the quality of their work,making sellers You can get a better shopping experience,and effectively promote the development of cross-border e-commerce. The State Council clearly requires:to expand cross-border e-commerce and build a batch of overseas “warehouses” for export products. These conditions have brought an opportunity for rapid development of our overseas warehouses. The main problem at present is the lack of international teams and talents familiar with domestic and foreign markets. On the other hand, difficulties come from individual governments in terms of policies, employment,labor, and business services.

      II Take use? of? the advantages of overseas warehouses to reduce logistics costs

      The ultimate goal of the construction of overseas warehouses is to solve the problem of consumers' localized shopping experience and improve cross-border e-commerce enterprises Competitiveness.,Through Establishing overseas warehouses and handle the service process of warehousing, sorting, packaging, delivery and return and exchange of goods through the overseas warehouse system. Therefore,its advantages are mainly manifested in:For export cross-border e-commerce companies, its advantages are outstanding. One is that it can achieve higher benefits from commodity prices; the other is to optimize the e-commerce supply chain system through overseas warehouses. Warehouse shipment sales are 3.4 times higher than domestic sales in China. The third is to deliver goods through overseas warehouses,which can reduce the corresponding delivery time and improve the delivery timeliness. The fourth is to use the bulk storage space of overseas warehouses, which can reduce the shipping cost of a single piece of logistics by centralized shipping, and greatly reduce the cost of warehousing and distribution. Fifth,using the centralized transportation mode of overseas warehouses can achieve unified management of the weight, volume, and price of different commodities, especially in the return and exchange services.

      III Suggestions for the development of future cross-border e-commerce overseas warehouses

      Overseas warehouse building can help export companies to seize the market, improve the supply chain efficiency and circulation efficiency of cross-border e-commerce companies,lower the barriers to purchase, and enhance the competitiveness of Chinese companies.

      ①Pay attention to the location and localization of overseas warehouses. Comprehensively deploy overseas warehouses in countries along the “Belt and Road”.The localized operation of overseas warehouses and the localized construction of overseas warehouses can speed up logistics response time,shorten order response cycles,optimize reverse logistics functions,and significantly reduce logistics costs.②Building a big data platform can improve the operating efficiency of overseas warehouses and integrate the global value chain of products. Establish a comprehensive management platform covering all cross-border e-commerce logistics processes,including docking with domestic and foreign cross-border e-commerce platforms,domestic warehouses and overseas warehouse systems,international mainstream logistics company systems,and overseas local logistics platforms The interconnection of isolated logistics information systems will realize the collaborative management that supports multi-platform,differentiated management,dynamic allocation of multi-channel inventory,and diversified warehousing models.③Improve the training system for cross-border e-commerce logistics talents.

      Ⅳ Conclusion

      To sum up, the promotion of cross-border e-commerce overseas warehouse strategy is still facing many obstacles. From the practice of my countrys overseas warehouse warehousing management and logistics distribution, we actively learn from the advanced experience of foreign countries, and leverage the advantages of overseas warehouses and the construction of overseas warehouses in terms of policies, laws, technology, and international trade negotiations. Warehouses can continue to develop in a good external environment, so as to jointly promote the development of my country's current economic and trade.


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