Abstract: From June to July 2019, the intensity of heavy rains in the middle reaches of the Ganjiang River was high. The Ji'an Hydrological Station, the control station of the middle reach, experienced a moderate flood, and some tributary floods exceeded history. Jiangxi Province's prevention and control guidelines made scientific decisions and dispatched Wan'an, Xiajiang and other water conservancy projects to play the role of reservoirs in preventing floods, cutting peaks, and staggering peaks, producing significant flood control benefits. This paper studies the storm characteristics, flood composition and restoration, and reservoir operation of the flood process, analyzes the flood composition law in the middle reaches of the Ganjiang River, summarizes the successful dispatching experience of Wan'an, Xiajiang and other water conservancy projects, and puts forward suggestions for flood control and operation of reservoirs in the middle reaches of the Ganjiang River to better play the role of flood control and disaster reduction in the main stream of the Ganjiang River.
Key words: heavy rain;flood encounter;flood frequency;reservoir operation;middle reaches of Ganjiang River;flood in 2019
中圖分類號:TV697.13? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 文獻標識碼:A? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 文章編號:1006-4311(2020)32-0151-02
1? 贛江中游流域及萬安、峽江水利工程概況
2? 暴雨
3? 洪水
3.1 洪水頻率分析? 經(jīng)分析,2019年6~7月間,贛江中游控制站吉安站6月10日洪峰流量重現(xiàn)期為18年,匯入吉安站斷面的中游支流中:瀘水洪峰流量重現(xiàn)期為25年,為大洪水;禾水、孤江、蜀水洪峰流量重現(xiàn)期分別為15年、15年、5年,為中洪水,詳見表1。