dog-ear / dog-eared
I dislike a book full of dog ears. 我不喜歡滿是折角的書。
He lent me some dog-eared novels. 他借給我一些翻舊了的小說。
You can see a dog-eared grey tower at the top ofthe mountain.在山頂,你可以看到一座破舊的灰色高塔。
be like a dog with two tails
小狗搖尾巴表示很開心,那么搖兩條尾巴就等于雙倍開心。所以 “be like a dog with two tails"用來形容人很開心。例如:
She was like a dog with two tails when she got 100in the math examination.她數(shù)學(xué)測試考了100分,她高興極了。
Is he pleased with his new job?He is like a dog with two tails.他對新工作還滿意嗎?非常滿意,他開心極了。
better be the head of the dog than the tail of the lion
寧做狗頭不做獅尾”。這句英語諺語和我們中國諺語 “寧為雞頭不做鳳尾” 有異曲同工之妙,用來比喻寧愿在一個等級次一點的環(huán)境里嶄露頭角、鋒芒畢露,也不愿在一個高于自己能力的環(huán)境里默默無聞,依附他人。例如:
Last week, our class held a debate whose theme was whether it is better to be the head of the dogthan the tail of the lion. All students took part in it and expressed their opinions actively.上周,我們班舉行了“想當(dāng)雞頭還是鳳尾”的辯論賽。同學(xué)們積極參與,各抒己見。
in the dog house
丈夫半夜醉酒回家,妻子很生氣,他會受到什么待遇呢?通常會被趕出屋子,打入狗窩,可憐的丈夫只能和他們家的狗狗一起睡在狗屋里?!癷n the dog house ”表示“失寵,挨訓(xùn),處境困難”。例如:
I have been in the dog house since my parentssaw my grade of last English exam.自從我父母看了我上次的英語成績,我就一直被他們訓(xùn)斥。
She was caught driving without a license by thepolice yesterday. I guess she is in the dog house.她昨天被警察逮到無證駕駛。我想她陷入大麻煩了。
it rains cats and dogs
來看一則大家都很熟悉的成語—— "It rains catsand dogs",傾盆大雨。大家會不會感到很奇怪:為什么要用下貓下狗來表示傾盆大雨呢?
例如:It is raining dogs and cats now. You’d better stayat home.現(xiàn)在外面正在下傾盆大雨,你最好還是待在家里。
the dog days of summer
也可以說成 “dog days", 它起源于古羅馬時代,與天狼星(“dog star”)有關(guān)。每年夏季,尤其是北半球的七月和八月,天氣異常悶熱。古羅馬天文學(xué)家發(fā)現(xiàn)每當(dāng)這個季節(jié),天狼星總是出現(xiàn)在太陽升起之前,便認(rèn)為是天狼星給太陽增加了熱量,才使得天氣如此炎熱,于是這段最熱的天氣就叫作 “dog star days",慢慢地簡化為 “dog days",意即“一年中最熱的那段時間”,也就是中國的三伏天。
關(guān)于這個俚語還有另外一種說法——天熱的時候,狗會伸長舌頭喘氣,所以人們把這種能把狗熱得喘氣的天氣叫做 “dog days”。例如:
As a kid, I loved swimming in the pool during thedog days of summer.作為一個孩子,我喜歡在酷熱的夏日在游泳池里游泳。
The watermelon is the best fruit in the dog days ofsummer.西瓜是三伏天里最棒的水果。
a dog's breakfast / dinner
試想一下狗狗吃飯的場景,火急火燎,把水和食物弄得到處都是,一片狼藉,真的是亂七八糟啊。所以"adog’s breakfast / dinner" 表示“一團(tuán)糟,一塌糊涂,亂七八糟”。例如:
Your handwriting is a dog’s breakfast / dinner.你的書寫真的是一塌糊涂!
I really need to clean up my bedroom —— it lookslike a dog’s breakfast / dinner.我該收拾一下我的臥室了,它看起來亂七八糟的。