



      On Free Boundary Problem for the Non-Newtonian Shear Thickening Fluids

      2021-05-25 07:12:10WANGShuandYUANFang

      WANG Shu and YUAN Fang,2,?

      1 College of Applied Sciences,Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100124,China.

      2 China Everbright Bank,Beijing 100054,China.

      Abstract. The aim of this paper is to explore the free boundary problem for the Non-Newtonian shear thickening fluids. These fluids not only have vacuum,but also have strong nonlinear properties. In this paper, a class of approximate solutions is first constructed,and some uniform estimates are obtained for these approximate solutions.Finally, the existence of free boundary problem solutions is proved by these uniform estimates.

      Key Words: On free boundary problem;the non-Newtonian shear thickening fluids;vacuum.

      1 Introduction

      It is well known that the non-newtonian shear thickening flows can be described by the following equations(for example,see[1-6])

      wherep>2,A>0,μ>0 andγ>1 are some given positive constants,andρ,u,ργrepresent the density,velocity and pressure for the non-Newtonian fluids,respectively.

      We assume that the initial densityρ0is some given nonnegative function satisfying suppρ0=[a0,b0]for some constantsa0andb0,and||ρ0||L1(a0,b0)=1.Letx=a(t)andx=b(t)represent the free boundary which is the interface between fluid and vacuum, and then haveρ(a(t),t)=ρ(b(t),t)=0,anda′(t)=u(a(t),t)witha(0)=a0,andb′(t)=u(b(t),t)withb(0)=b0.

      We introduce the Lagrange coordinate transformation

      Clearly, the left dividing line Γ0:x=a(t) for the interface is a straight line Γ0:y=0 in Lagrange coordinates. In addition,in the right dividing line Γ1:x=b(t)for the interface,we have

      Therefore, the right dividing line Γ1:x=b(t) for the interface is a straight line Γ1:y=1 in Lagrange coordinates. In particular, in Lagrange coordinates, the original equations(1.1)-(1.2)are transformed into the following equations

      This paper is to solve the above equations(1.5)-(1.6)inQS≡(0,1)×(0,S)(S>0)with the following initial condition

      and the following boundary condition

      where the initial densityρ0=ρ0(y)and the initial velocityu0=u0(y)have the following properties[A1]-[A3]:

      [A1]The initial densityρ0∈C(?∞,+∞)∩C1(0,1)satisfies

      [A2]The initial velocityu0∈C3(?∞,+∞)satisfiesu0y(0)=u0y(1)=0.

      [A3]The initial value(ρ0,u0)also has the following property:

      Our main results are the following theorems.

      Theorem 1.1.Let p>2and γ>1, and assume that[A1]-[A3]hold. Then there is a positive number S0∈(0,1)such that, the initial-boundary problem(1.5)-(1.8)has at least one solution(ρ,u)=(ρ(y,s),u(y,s))for(y,s)∈QS0. In particular, the solution(ρ,u)also has the following properties:

      (i)There exist two positive constantsμ1andμ2depending only on A,p,γ and M0such that

      for almost all(y,s)∈QS0.

      (ii)The solution(ρ,u)has the following regularity:

      (iii)For almost all(y,s)∈QS0,the solution(ρ,u)=(ρ(y,s),u(y,s))satisfies Eqs.(1.5)-(1.6).

      (iv)For almost all s∈(0,S0),the solution(ρ,u)satisfies initial conditions(1.7)in the following sense:

      whereμ3is a positive constant depending only on A,p,μ,γ and M0.

      (v)For almost all(y,s)∈QS0, the solution(ρ,u)satisfies boundary condition(1.8)in the following sense:

      whereμ4is a positive constant depending only on A,p,μ,γ and M0.

      We shall prove Theorem 1.1 in Section 4. In order to prove Theorem 1.1, we need some Lemmas in Sections 2-3.

      2 Fundamental lemmas

      In order to prove our results,we need following Lemmas.

      Lemma 2.1.Let0

      for all r∈(?∞,+∞). Then we have

      In addition,for any q>0,we also have

      where C1is a positive constant depending only on q.

      Proof.The conclusions(2.2)-(2.3)of Lemma 2.1 can be obtained by direct calculation. For(2.4),we have two cases:(i)0

      To prove(2.4)in the case: (i)0

      By(2.2),we have

      for|r|≤?. For|r|≥?,by(2.5),we compute

      Combining the above inequality with(2.6) we have(2.4) in the case 0

      Lemma 2.2.We define

      for all r∈(?∞,+∞)and all η∈(0,1),where j∈C∞0(?∞,+∞)is a nonnegative function satisfying

      In addition,we also define

      where m=1/4,and

      Then we have

      In addition,for any ?∈(0,?0),we have

      where ?0∈(0,1/2)and C2∈(1,+∞)are some positive constants depending only on p and M0.

      Proof.From(2.7)-(2.10),the conclusion(2.11)-(2.13)can be obtained by direct calculation.Therefore,the details of the proofs for(2.11)-(2.13)are omitted.

      To prove(2.14). In fact,by(2.7)-(2.10),fory∈[0,1],we compute

      By the above inequality,we can obtain(2.14)and(2.15). Thus the proof of Lemma 2.2 is completed.

      Lemma 2.3.Let ?∈(0,1). We denote

      for all y∈(?∞,+∞),and then have

      In addition,we also have

      where C3is a positive constant depending only on M0.

      Proof.From (2.16), the conclusions (2.17)-(2.18) can be obtained by direct calculation.Therefore, the details of the proof for Lemma 2.3 are omitted. Thus the proof of Lemma 2.3 is completed.

      Lemma 2.4.Assume that{hn(s):n=1,2,···}is a sequence of nonnegative continuous functions satisfying the following inequalities

      for all s∈(0,1)and all n=1,2,···, where C4and C5are some given nonnegative real numbers.Then we have

      for all s∈(0,1)and all n=1,2,···,where C6=sups∈(0,1)h1(s).

      Proof.Applying the mathematical induction method,we immediately get

      for alls∈(0,1) and alln=1,2,···. This implies (2.19). Thus the proof of Lemma 2.4 is completed.

      Lemma 2.5.We define a function

      for all r∈(?∞,+∞). Then we have

      where ν1and ν2are some positive constants depending only onμand p.

      Proof.From (2.20), the conclusions (2.21)-(2.22) can be obtained by direct calculation.Therefore, the details of the proof of Lemma 2.5 are omitted. Thus the proof of Lemma 2.5 is completed.

      3 The constructions and uniform estimates of the approximate solutions

      Byρ?0defined by Lemma 2.2 andu?0defined by Lemma 2.3, we construct a sequence of the approximate solutions as follows.

      Step 1. We defineρ0=ρ?0and then consider the following initial-boundary problem

      By[7],the initial-boundary problem(3.1)has a unique smooth solutionu1=u1(y,s).

      Step 2. We consider the following initial value problem

      Clearly,the initial value problem(3.2)has a smooth solutionρ1=ρ1(y,s).

      Step 3. We consider the following initial-boundary problem

      By[7], the initial boundary problem (3.3) has a unique smooth solutionu2=u2(y,s). In addition,we also consider the following initial value problem

      Clearly,the initial value problem(3.4)also has a smooth solutionρ2=ρ2(y,s).

      Repeating the above process we can find a sequence{(ρn,un)}∞n=1of the approximate solutions,which are smooth and satisfy the following equations

      with initial conditions

      and boundary conditions


      Using[A1]and(2.14),by(3.5),we have

      Next, we shall find some uniform estimates of approximate solutionsWe have the following lemmas.

      Lemma 3.1.Let p>2. For any positive integer k,we define


      Then,for all n=1,···,k,and all(y,s)∈[0,1]×[0,Sk],and ?∈(0,Sk],we have

      whereμ1,μ2and C7are some positive constants depending only on A,p,γ and M0.

      Proof.By(3.13)-(3.14),using Lemma 2.2,we compute

      Similarly to the above inequality,we also haveρn≥C?1(ρ0(y)+?m).Therefore,we have(3.16). From(3.16),by[A3],we get(3.17). Thus the proof of Lemma 3.1 is completed.

      Lemma 3.2.Let p>2and denote

      whereμ1and C1are defined by Lemma3.1and Lemma2.1,respectively. Then,for all n=1,···,k,and all(y,s)∈[0,1]×[0,S1k],and ?∈(0,S1k),we have

      where C8is a positive constant depending only on A,p,μ,γ and M0.

      Proof.By Lemmas 2.1 and 3.1,we compute

      which implies that

      Then,forn=1,···,kand?∈(0,S1k),by(3.21),we have

      By(3.21)and(3.22),using Lemma 3.1 we get

      In addition,by Lemma 3.1,we compute

      Combining the above inequality with(3.22)-(3.23) we have (3.19)-(3.20). Thus the proof of Lemma 3.2 is completed.

      Lemma 3.3.Let p>2and γ>1. For all n=1,···,k,and all(y,s)∈[0,1]×[0,Sk],and ?∈(0,S1k),we have

      where C9is a positive constant depending only on A,p,μand γ.

      Proof.By Lemmas 2.1 and 3.1,we compute

      which implies(3.25). By Lemma 2.5 and Lemma 3.1,we compute

      which implies(3.25). Thus the proof of Lemma 3.3 is completed.

      Lemma 3.4.Let11. For all n=1,2,···,k, and all(y,s)∈[0,1]×[0,S1k], and ?∈(0,S1k],we have

      where C10is a positive constant depending only on A,p,μ,γ and M0.

      Proof.By(3.5)-(3.6)and(3.9)-(3.11),we compute

      which implies


      By(3.25),for alls∈(0,1),we have

      We now calculate the items on both sides of(3.31). By(3.8)and(3.11),we have

      By(3.12)and(3.32),using Lemma 2.2 we get

      By(3.9)-(3.11)and(3.32)-(3.33),we obtain

      This implies

      Similarly to(3.35),we also have

      Applying(3.35)-(3.36),we compute

      Using Young’s inequality we compute

      Combining(3.37)-(3.38)with(3.31)we conclude that

      We now calculate the two items on the right side of(3.39). First,applying Lemma 2.1,Lemma 2.5 and Lemma 3.1,by(3.28)-(3.30),we compute

      which implies

      By(3.40)and[A3],using Lemma 3.1 we get

      fors∈[0,S1k],whereCis a positive constant depending only onA,p,μ,γandM0.

      Finally, let us calculate the second item on the right side of(3.39). Using(3.9)-(3.11),we compute we compute

      By the above inequality and(3.7),using Lemma 2.2-2.3,we compute

      By the above inequality,using Lemma 2.2 we have

      for alls∈(0,S1k), whereCis a positive constant depending only onA,p,μ,γandM0.Combining (3.41)-(3.42) with (3.39) we get (3.26). Thus the proof of Lemma 3.4 is completed.

      Lemma 3.5.Let p>2and γ>1. For all n=1,···,k,and all(y,s)∈[0,1]×[0,S1k],and ?∈(0,S1k],we have

      where C11is a positive constant depending only on A,p,γ,μand M0.

      Proof.Applying Lemma 3.4,by(3.34),we compute

      which implies

      On the other hand,using Lemmas 3.1 and 3.3,we have

      In addition,by(3.9)and(3.44)-(3.45),we get

      By(3.46),using Lemma 2.5 we get

      By(3.47),using Lemma 3.2 we get

      By(3.48),using Lemma 3.1 we have

      Using(3.44)-(3.49)we have(3.43). Thus the proof of Lemma 3.5 is completed.

      Lemma 3.6.Let p>2and γ>1. For all n=1,···,k,and all(y,s)∈[0,1]×[0,S1k],and ?∈(0,S1k],we have

      where C12is a positive constant depending only on A,p,μ,γ and M0.

      Proof.By(3.5),using Lemmas 3.1 and 3.5,for alln=1,···,k,and all(y,s)∈(0,1)×(0,S1k),and?∈(0,S1k),we have

      In addition,by(3.5),for alln=1,···,k,and alls∈(0,S1k),and?∈(0,S1k),we also have

      By[A3]and Lemma 2.2,we have

      Using Schwarz’s inequality and applying Lemmas 2.5,3.1 and 3.5,by(3.9),we compute

      Using the above inequality,by(3.52)-(3.53),we conclude that

      for alls∈(0,S1k), whereC13is a positive constant depending only onA,p,μ,γandM0.Applying Gronwall’s inequality,by(3.54),we have

      By the above inequality and(3.54),we conclude that

      for alln=1,2,···, and alls∈(0,S1k), whereCis a positive constant depending only onA,p,μ,γandM0. Applying Lemma 2.4,by(3.51)and(3.55),we get(3.50). Thus the proof of Lemma 3.6 is completed.

      Lemma 3.7.Let p>2and γ>1. For all n=1,···,k,and all(y,s)∈[0,1]×(0,S1k],and ?∈(0,S1k],we have

      where C14is a positive constant depending only on A,p,γ and M0.

      Proof.By(3.6)and[A3],using Lemmas 2.3 and 3.5,we compute

      which implies

      By Lemmas 3.1 and 3.5,we get

      By(3.6)and Lemma 3.4,we have

      By(3.58)and[A3],we have

      Combining(3.57)-(3.60)we get(3.56). Thus the proof of Lemma 3.7 is completed.

      Lemma 3.8.Let p>2and γ>1. For all n=1,···,k,and all(y,s)∈[0,1]×[0,S1k],and ?∈(0,S1k],we have

      where C15is a positive constant depending only on A,p,μ,γ and M0.

      Proof.From Lemmas 2.2-2.3 and Lemmas 3.6-3.7,we compute

      which implies(3.61). Thus the proof of Lemma 3.8 is completed.

      Lemma 3.9.Let p>2and γ>1. For all n=1,···,k,and all(y,s)∈[0,1]×[0,S1k],and ?∈(0,S1k],we have

      where C16is a positive constant depending only on A,p,μ,γ and M0.

      Proof.Applying Lemmas 2.5 and 3.5,we compute

      By the above inequality and Lemma 3.3,we get

      On the other hand,by(3.9)-(3.10),using Lemma 3.4 and Lemma 3.6 we have

      which implies

      By(3.63)-(3.64),we have

      Similar to(3.65),we also have

      Combining(3.65)-(3.66)and applying Lemma 3.1,we get(3.62).Thus the proof of Lemma 3.9 is completed.

      4 The proof of Theorem 1.1

      In order to prove Theorem 1.1 we need the following lemmas.

      Lemma 4.1.Let p>2and γ>1,and denote

      where ?1is defined by Lemma3.2, α is defined by(3.15), C7is defined by Lemma3.1, C11is defined by Lemma3.5. Then,for any positive integer k,we have

      Proof.For any given positive integerk, by(3.13)-(3.15), we only have two cases: Case I:Sk≥?1,Case II:Sk∈(0,?1).

      We now prove(4.2)in the Cases I and Case II,respectively.

      Case I:Sk≥?1.

      In this case,we have(4.2),and then Lemma 4.1 in the Case I is proved.

      Case II:Sk∈(0,?1).

      In this case,by(3.14)and(3.18),we have

      Applying Lemmas 3.1 and 3.5,by the above equation,we get

      which implies(4.2). Therefore,Lemma 4.1 in the Case II is also proved. Combining Case I with Case II,we have(4.2)and then the proof of Lemma 4.1 is completed.

      Lemma 4.2.Let p>2and γ>1. Then,for S0defined by Lemma4.1,there exist

      and ρ?∈L∞(0,S0;L2(0,1))such that

      strongly in L∞(0,S0;L2(0,1))∩L2(0,S0;H1(0,1))as n→∞,and

      strongly in L∞(0,S0;L2(0,1))as n→∞. In addition,we have

      weakly in L2(QS0)as n→∞. In particular,for almost all(y,s)∈QS0,we also have

      whereμ1,μ2,C7are defined by Lemma3.1,C12and C14are defined by Lemma3.6and Lemma3.7,respectively.


      By(3.5)-(3.6),we have

      which implies

      By the above equation,we have

      Applying Young’s inequality and using Lemmas 2.1, 2.5 and 3.5, by (3.9)-(3.11), we compute

      which implies

      Combining(4.10)-(4.11)with(3.7)we get

      This implies that

      for alls∈[0,S0],whereC17is a positive constant independent ofn. Applying Gronwall’s inequality,by(4.12),we obtain

      By(4.12)-(4.13)we have

      for alls∈(0,S0),whereC18is a positive constant independent ofn. Applying Lemma 2.5,by(4.14),we get


      Applying Lemma 3.1,by(4.9)and(4.15)-(4.16),we conclude that

      for all positive integern, whereCis a positive constant independent ofn. Combining(4.14)with(4.17)we get

      for alls∈[0,S0], whereCis a positive constant independent ofn. This implies that, the sequence{ρn}∞n=1is a Cauchy’s sequence inL∞(0,S0;L2(0,1)). Therefore,we have (4.4).Similarly,we also have(4.3). In addition,applying Lemma 3.4,Lemmas 3.7-3.8,by(4.3)-(4.4),we have(4.5)-(4.8). Thus the proof of Lemma 4.2 is completed.

      Lemma 4.3.Let p>2and γ>1. Then,for S0defined by Lemma4.1,we have

      strongly in L2(QS0)as n→∞, where R?=AGγ?(ρ?), F?=Ψ??R? andΓ?=G?(ρ?)u?y. In addition,we also have

      weakly in L2(QS0)as n→∞. In particular,we also have

      for almost all(y,s)∈QS0,where C20is a positive constant depending only on A,p,μ,γ and M0.

      Proof.By Lemma 2.4,we compute

      By the above inequality,applying Lemma 4.2, we get.Similarly,we also have

      Therefore we have(4.18). In addition,from the lower half continuity of the norm,using Lemma 3.5, by (4.18), we get (4.20). Using Lemma 3.4 and Lemma 3.6-3.7, by (3.9), we have

      whereCis a positive constant depending only onA,p,μ,γandM0. In addition, by the above inequality and (4.19), from the weak lower half continuity of the norm, we get(4.21). Thus the proof of Lemma 4.3 is completed.

      Lemma 4.4.Let p>2and γ>1. Then,for S0defined by Lemma4.1,there exist(ρ,u)∈L∞(QS0)and a subsequencesuch that

      strongly in L2(QS0)as ?=?j→0+. In addition,we also have

      weakly in L2(QS0)as ?=?j→0+,and

      weakly inas ?=?j→0+. In particular, for almost all(y,s)∈QS0, we alsohave

      where μ1,μ2and C7are defined by Lemma3.1; C12and C14are defined Lemma3.6and Lemma3.7,respectively.

      Proof.From the lower half continuity of the norm, applying Sobolev’s imbedding theorem(see,e.g.,[8]), by Lemma 4.2, we have(4.22)-(4.27). Thus the proof of Lemma 4.4 is completed.

      Lemma 4.5.Let p>2and γ>1. Then,for S0defined by Lemma4.1,we have

      weakly in L2(QS0)as ?=?j→0+. In particular,we also have

      for almost all(y,s)∈QS0,where C11is defined by Lemma3.5.

      Proof.We define

      for allr∈(0,1). By[A1]and(4.28),for anyr∈(0,1),we have

      For any givenand for allν∈(0,1),by(4.30)-(4.31),applying Lemmas 4.3-4.4,we compute

      which implies that

      for allν∈(0,1), whereCis a positive constant independent of?andν. In the above inequality,letting?=?j→0+andν→0+in turn,using Lemma 4.4,we get

      for allφ∈L2(QS0). This implies(4.28). From the weak lower half continuity of the norm,by(4.20)and(4.28),we get(4.29). Thus the proof of Lemma 4.5 is completed.

      Lemma 4.6.Let p>2and γ>1. Then,for S0defined by Lemma4.1,we have

      strongly in L2(QS0)as ?=?j→0+.

      Proof.For any givenδ∈(0,1/4),we define a cutoff functionξδ∈C∞0(?∞,+∞)such that

      whereC21is an absolute constant independent ofδ. Applying Lemma 2.5, Lemmas 4.2-4.5,by(4.33),for any givenδ∈(0,1/4),we compute

      which implies that

      By(4.34),using Lemma 2.5,we compute

      Combining the above inequality with(4.34)we get

      whereCis a positive constant independent of?andδ. In the above inequality, letting?=?j→0+andδ→0+in turn,using Lemmas 4.4-4.5,we get

      which implies(4.32). Thus the proof of Lemma 4.6 is completed.

      Lemma 4.7.Let p>2and γ>1. Then,for S0defined by Lemma4.1,we have

      strongly in L2(QS0)as ?=?j→0+. In addition,we also have

      weakly in L2(QS0)as ?=?j→0+. In particular,we also have

      for almost all(y,s)∈QS0,where C20is defined by Lemma4.3.

      Proof.Applying Lemma 2.1,Lemmas 4.2-4.3,forξδdefined by(4.33),we compute

      which implies

      whereCis a positive constant independent of?andδ. In(4.38), letting?=?j→0+andδ→0+in turn,by Lemma 4.6,we get

      Using Lemmas 4.3-4.4,we compute

      By the above inequality and(4.39),we have

      Similar to(4.40),we also have

      Combining(4.41)with(4.39)-(4.40) we have(4.35). From the weak lower half continuity of the norm, by Lemma 4.3 and (4.35), we have (4.36)-(4.37). Thus the proof of Lemma 4.7 is completed.

      Now,let us prove the Theorem 1.1. In fact,the conclusions(i)-(ii)of Theorem 1.1 can be obtained by using Lemma 4.4. To prove the conclusion(iii)of Theorem 1.1,we choose anyφ∈L2(QS0),by(3.6),we have

      Lettingn→∞in the above equation,by Lemma 4.2-4.3,we get

      In addition,letting?=?j→0+in the above equation,by Lemma 4.4 and Lemma 4.7,we get

      for allφ∈L2(QS0). This implies

      for almost all(y,s)∈QS0. Similarly,we also have

      for almost all(y,s)∈QS0. Combining(4.42)-(4.43) we get the conclusion(iii)of Theorem 1.1. The conclusions(iv)-(v)can be obtained by Lemmas 3.8-3.9 and Lemmas 4.2 and 4.4,and the details are omitted here. Thus the proof of Theorem 1.1 is completed.


      This work is supposed by NSFC(no.11771031 and no.11531010)China.

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