任 玲,趙斌棟,曹衛(wèi)彬,王吉奎,王 寧,宋文彬
任 玲,趙斌棟,曹衛(wèi)彬※,王吉奎,王 寧,宋文彬
(1. 石河子大學(xué)機(jī)械電氣工程學(xué)院,石河子 832003;2. 農(nóng)業(yè)農(nóng)村部西北農(nóng)業(yè)裝備重點實驗室,石河子 832003)
為了解決移栽機(jī)整排取苗后投苗不連續(xù)、作業(yè)效率不高、穴苗易破損的問題,該研究設(shè)計了一種整排放苗的分苗裝置,運(yùn)用2排投苗臺交替運(yùn)動實現(xiàn)無間斷投苗。通過臺架試驗,依據(jù)實際作業(yè)狀態(tài)對投苗過程進(jìn)行分析,確定影響投苗效果的主要因素為投苗高度、投苗速度和穴苗傾角。以投苗成功率和基質(zhì)破損率為評價指標(biāo)進(jìn)行單因素試驗,確定各影響因素的參數(shù)范圍。并進(jìn)行正交試驗,通過方差分析得出影響成功率和破損率的主要因素分別為穴苗傾角和投苗高度。在此基礎(chǔ)上進(jìn)行響應(yīng)面分析,分析各因素交互作用對投苗效果的影響。運(yùn)用MINITAB優(yōu)化模塊對工作參數(shù)進(jìn)行優(yōu)化,結(jié)果得到最佳工作參數(shù)組合為:投苗高度150 mm,投苗速度65株/min,穴苗傾角85°± 5°。驗證試驗結(jié)果表明,最佳工作參數(shù)下投苗成功率為96.41%,基質(zhì)破損率為1.65%。該裝置可實現(xiàn)分苗投苗作業(yè),研究結(jié)果可為全自動移栽機(jī)設(shè)計提供參考。
表1 分苗裝置各部件參數(shù)
圖2為分苗過程的工作狀態(tài),圖2a為整排取苗手將8顆穴苗放入工作臺1,工作臺1轉(zhuǎn)動進(jìn)行投苗動作。此時整排取苗手回至取苗位取苗,等待送至工作臺2。圖 2b為整排取苗手將8顆穴苗放入工作臺2,工作臺2轉(zhuǎn)動進(jìn)行投苗動作,此時整排取苗手又回到取苗位取苗,等待送至工作臺1。圖2c為工作臺2即將完成投苗,此時苗爪已回拾取位置,工作臺1等待作業(yè)。
2.1.1 底座
圖4為投苗裝置的底座,其上裝有軸承組件、氣缸組件、接苗斗組件。底座外形尺寸為450 mm× 650 mm,由3條長度為650 mm與4條長度為450 mm的不銹鋼中空方形管鋼管焊接而成。底座左上角與右上角為氣缸組件安裝的位置,中間鋼管焊接處為軸承安裝位置。
2.1.2 氣缸
當(dāng)AB旋轉(zhuǎn)至與E處于同一直線時,MF的距離為134.16 mm,因此選用行程150 mm的SC63150型氣缸,圖6a、圖6b分別為其收縮與伸出狀態(tài)。
2.2.1 支架
工作臺結(jié)構(gòu)為雙層長方體,外形尺寸:400 mm× 200 mm×80 mm,支架外側(cè)有合頁,受氣缸驅(qū)動可切換至投苗位。如圖7所示,工作臺的從動帶輪處為投苗側(cè),另一側(cè)安裝步進(jìn)電機(jī)。
2.2.2 傳送帶與柵格
圖8a為工作臺總體裝配圖,圖8b為一總長860 mm的傳送帶,傳送帶外側(cè)有等距的8個柵格,用于盛放取苗爪釋放的穴苗。傳送帶材質(zhì)為軟質(zhì)橡膠,可在轉(zhuǎn)角處隨苗帶一起繞電機(jī)轉(zhuǎn)動。
式中為傳送帶轉(zhuǎn)速,mm/s,當(dāng)為60株/min時,得到傳送帶轉(zhuǎn)動速度為50 mm/s。
試驗設(shè)備包括番茄穴苗分苗投苗試驗裝置(自制),電子式游標(biāo)卡尺(上海工具廠有限公司,量程0~300 mm,精度0.02 mm),SPS402F精密電子天平(Ohaus ScoutPRO,0~400 g,精度0.01 g),MA45水分測定儀(Sartorius,0~45 g,精度0.001 g)[18]。
試驗材料為新疆北疆地區(qū)主要種植品種“里格爾87-5”加工番茄苗,整盤128穴育苗,苗齡33 d。試驗前對其物理參數(shù)進(jìn)行測定,結(jié)果如表2所示:
表2 穴苗特征參數(shù)
根據(jù)NY/T 1924—2010[19]和JB/T 10291—2013[20],結(jié)合缽苗自動移栽機(jī)投苗裝置工作性能要求[21-23],本試驗選取投苗成功率1、基質(zhì)破損率2作為試驗評價指標(biāo),其計算公式如下:
根據(jù)前期落苗高度試驗可知工作臺投苗作業(yè)的高度范圍在125~265 mm內(nèi),落苗高度設(shè)置5個水平:125、160、195、230和265 mm。依據(jù)目前移栽機(jī)移栽速率范圍在40~120 株/min,投苗速率設(shè)置成5個水平:40、60、80、100和120 株/min;取苗爪取出穴苗釋放后,落在傳送帶柵格內(nèi)的穴苗傾斜角度不同。式(11)可知,不同傾斜角度的穴苗在下落過程中受到空氣阻力不同,從而影響落苗位置。依據(jù)穴苗拋落過程中,可能出現(xiàn)的傾斜程度,將穴苗傾斜角設(shè)置3個水平:15°± 15°、45°± 15°和75°± 15°。每組試驗測試128株穴苗,重復(fù)5次,試驗結(jié)果如圖11所示。
采用SPSS 21.0軟件進(jìn)行統(tǒng)計分析,其中手術(shù)指標(biāo)等計量資料用(±s)表示,采用 t檢驗,臨床療效等計數(shù)資料用[n(%)]表示,采用χ2卡方檢驗,P<0.05為差異有統(tǒng)計學(xué)意義。
由圖11a可知,投苗高度為160 mm時,投苗成功率最高,投苗高度大于160 mm時,基質(zhì)破損率上升明顯,因此選取投苗高度為160 mm;由圖11b可知投苗速率為60 株/min時,投苗成功率較高,同時基質(zhì)破損率在較低水平,因此選取投苗速率為60 株/min;由圖11c可知,穴苗傾角為75°± 15°時,投苗成功率最高,且基質(zhì)破損率在移栽允許范圍內(nèi),因此選取穴苗傾角為75°± 15°。綜上,投苗高度為160 mm,投苗速率為60 株/min,穴苗傾斜角為75°± 15°時,有較好投苗效果。
4.4.1 試驗設(shè)計
根據(jù)單因素實驗結(jié)果選取投苗高度為160 mm,投苗速率為60 株/min作為基準(zhǔn)參數(shù),在75°± 15°穴苗傾角范圍內(nèi)進(jìn)行等值細(xì)分并設(shè)計正交試驗。表3為正交試驗因素水平編碼表。
表3 試驗因素水平編碼
4.4.2 試驗結(jié)果與分析
表4 正交試驗結(jié)果
Note:1,2and3is the level value of experimental factors.
表5 方差分析結(jié)果
Note:<0.05 means the difference is significant;<0.01 means the difference is extremely significant.
4.4.3 交互作用結(jié)果分析
圖12為各因素兩兩交互作用對投苗成功率的響應(yīng)曲面圖。由圖12a可知,當(dāng)投苗高度和投苗速率變化時,投苗成功率均為90%~95%,變化不明顯,說明這2個因素對投苗效果影響不顯著。由圖12b可知,投苗成功率隨穴苗傾角增大方向變化較明顯,而隨投苗高度的變化不明顯,說明穴苗傾角是影響投苗成功率的重要因素,穴苗傾角的值為85°± 5°時投苗高度為170 mm。由圖12c可知,當(dāng)穴苗傾角變化時,投苗成功率有明顯變化,而投苗速率變化時成功率變化不明顯,說明穴苗傾角對成功率影響顯著。
圖13為各因素兩兩交互作用對基質(zhì)破損率的響應(yīng)曲面圖。由圖13a可知,基質(zhì)破損率隨投苗高度減小而明顯減小,投苗速率減小時,基質(zhì)破損率也隨之變化,但其變化程度不如前者明顯,說明投苗高度是影響基質(zhì)破損率的主要因素,同時投苗速率也會對基質(zhì)破損率有影響。投苗高度為150 mm時投苗速率為65 株/min。由圖13b可知,基質(zhì)破損率隨投苗高度的下降明顯減小,而穴苗傾角變化對基質(zhì)破損率影響不大,說明投苗高度是影響基質(zhì)破損率的主要因素。投苗高度為150 mm時穴苗傾角為85°± 5°。由圖13c可知,當(dāng)投苗速率減小時,基質(zhì)破損率隨之減小,但變化不明顯,說明投苗速率對基質(zhì)破損率有影響,而穴苗傾角變化對基質(zhì)破損率沒有影響。對比圖13可知,投苗高度與投苗速率是影響基質(zhì)破損率的主要因素,而穴苗傾角對破損率影響不顯著。
優(yōu)化后的投苗作業(yè)參數(shù)為:投苗高度150 mm,投苗速率65 株/min,穴苗傾角為85°± 5°。在該作業(yè)參數(shù)下,投苗成功率的擬合值為97.33%,基質(zhì)破損率的擬合值為1.58%。
結(jié)合優(yōu)化后的最佳參數(shù)和相關(guān)規(guī)范[28-30]對分苗裝置作業(yè)性能進(jìn)行驗證試驗,試驗采用苗齡33 d的“里格爾87-5”番茄穴苗,在石河子大學(xué)精準(zhǔn)農(nóng)業(yè)試驗室進(jìn)行,圖14為分苗試驗裝置。共進(jìn)行5次試驗,每次試驗128株穴苗,試驗結(jié)果如表6所示。
表6 作業(yè)性能驗證試驗結(jié)果
3)通過單因素試驗,得到分苗作業(yè)的最佳參數(shù),并在此基礎(chǔ)上進(jìn)行正交試驗,從方差分析的結(jié)果可知:影響投苗成功率因素的順序依次為穴苗傾角、投苗速率和投苗高度,影響基質(zhì)破損率因素的順序依次為投苗高度、投苗速率和穴苗傾角。根據(jù)響應(yīng)曲面分析結(jié)果,得出穴苗傾角和投苗高度分別是影響成功率和破損率的主要因素。在優(yōu)化參數(shù)條件下進(jìn)行試驗,當(dāng)投苗高度為150 mm,投苗速率為65 株/min,穴苗傾角85°± 5°時,平均投苗成功率為96.41%,平均基質(zhì)破損率為1.65%。臺架試驗結(jié)果與優(yōu)化結(jié)果基本一致,分苗裝置能夠滿足分苗投苗作業(yè)需求,可為全自動穴苗移栽機(jī)分苗裝置設(shè)計提供參考。
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Design of double-rotation seedlings separating device for transplanters
Ren Ling, Zhao Bindong, Cao Weibin※, Wang Jikui, Wang Ning, Song Wenbin
(1.,,832003,; 2.,832003,)
Transplanting has become a common practice in tomato cultivation, where seedlings grown in doors are replanting into a final planting location for the growing season. Most tomato planting is distributed in Xinjiang of northwest China, due mainly to high difference in temperature, long sunshine, and less rainfall. Weather factors such as hail and cold in early spring seriously determined the survival of tomato seedlings. However, a combination of semi-automatic machine and manual transplanting was generally adopted in current tomato planting, indicating low transplanting efficiency and high labor intensity. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a high-speed automatic transplanter suitable for large-scale tomato planting. Since the picking speed can reach 120 plants per minute in previous automatic transplanters, the planting speed is not so high, the maximum of only 60 plants per minute. Furthermore, the planting speed also determined the transplanting speed of the automatic transplanting machine. In this study, a double-row seedling cast device was designed with high efficiency, continuity, and damage resistance in transplanting seedlings. The specific procedure was as follows: 1)Two workstations were alternately utilized to implement the continuous casting of seedlings. The assembled cylinder in front of the base was used to push the rotation of the cast around the bearing center that connected to the base. 2)A coordinate system was established from the side view of cast movement, considering the influence of air resistance on the motion. 3)Motion equations were set in two dimensions (the horizontal and vertical) to determine the main factors of seedling injection, including the inclination angle of seedling ,the height, and speed of the cast. A three-level single factor orthogonal test was carried out to evaluate the influence of each single factor. The experimental procedure was that: 1)Five height levels were taken as test variables, showing that the damage rate was low, whereas, the success rate was high, at the height between 125 mm to 160 mm. 2)Five cast speeds were chosen between 40 to 120 plants per minute, showing that the damage rate was going up as the cast speed increased. The best success rate was achieved, when the cast speed reached 60 plants per minute. 3)The success rate was found higher, as the inclination angle of seedlings was higher. The results showed that the influence of each factor on the success rate was ranked: the inclination angle, cast speed, and height. The order of damage rate was like this: cast height, cast speed, and inclination angle. Then, a Box-Benhken response surface method (RSM) was used to determine the interaction of three factors, indicating that the main factor of success rate was the inclination angle, whereas the damage rate was the cast height. Besides, an optimal combination of three factors was obtained after the working parameters were optimized in theMinitab platform. Finally, a field test was conducted to verify the operating parameters, where the success rate of seedling planting was 96.41%, while the matrix damage rate was 1.65%, meeting the requirements of the seedling throwing operation. The findings can provide a promising reference to develop high-speed automatic transplanters in tomato cultivation.
agricultural machinery; automation; experiments; seedlings transplanters; seedling dividing mechanism; double-rotation type
任玲,趙斌棟,曹衛(wèi)彬,等. 穴苗移栽機(jī)雙旋轉(zhuǎn)式分苗裝置設(shè)計[J]. 農(nóng)業(yè)工程學(xué)報,2021,37(8):10-18.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.08.002 http://www.tcsae.org
Ren Ling, Zhao Bindong, Cao Weibin, et al. Design of double-rotation seedlings separating device for transplanters[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(8): 10-18. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.08.002 http://www.tcsae.org