



      What Kind of Traveler Are You?

      2021-08-13 22:08:39韓楊


      What kind of traveler are you?

      1. How long is your vacation?

      a. Less than a week??????????? b. One to two weeks?????????? c. More than two weeks.

      2. Do you prefer to ____?

      a. go shopping and sightseeing????????????? b. relax by the beach and swim

      c. enjoy outdoor activities like hiking and other sports

      3. What time of year do you usually go on vacation?

      a. During national holidays.??????????????????? b. In summer.

      c. Anytime. It doesnt matter.

      4. Who do you usually go with?

      a. Family.? ????????????????? b. Friends.? ????????????????????? c. Alone.

      5. How much luggage do you take?

      a. One or two suitcases.?????????????????????? b. More than two suitcases.

      c. One small bag or backpack.

      Every a answer = 1 point

      Every b answer = 2 points

      Every c answer = 4 points

      Use your total score to find out what types of traveler you are below.

      9 or less: You are a Reluctant Traveler. You are a busy person who really doesnt like to slow down. You only take short breaks, usually when there is a national holiday. You prefer traveling to cities, and you like to stay in nice hotels. You often spend time with your family on vacation.

      10 to 15: You are a Comfort Traveler. All you want to do is to put your worries behind you. In summer, you love to take a few weeks off, relax, and catch up with friends. You like to try new things, and after a couple of days lazing around, youre usually ready for more active pursuits.

      16 and above: You are an Intrepid Traveler. You love to explore new places and see new things. You like to travel overseas, with friends, or on your own. You love to have new experiences and adventures in out-of-the-way places. You are happy to visit cities, or small islands, but package tours arent for you.

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