




      2021-11-11 20:19:56
      現代國際關系 2021年10期

      Abstract:With the profound changes in the international power structure and the accelerating evolution of the world’s profound changes unseen in a century,conflicts and differences between China and the United States in global governance have become more obvious.The continuing spread of COVID-19 has further highlighted the differences of the global governance strategies of China and the US.The differences between the global governance strategies of China and the US are embodied in governance values,relations between governance subjects,governance fields,governance methods,and how to deal with the relationship between national governance and global governance.Comparing and analyzing the global governance strategies of China and the US will help enhance mutual understanding,avoid confrontation and conflict,properly manage differences,and promote the healthy and stable development of bilateral relations.

      Keywords:global governance strategy,America First,American Exceptionalism,consultation,contribution and shared benefits,multilateralism

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