




      2021-11-12 01:19:42
      現(xiàn)代國(guó)際關(guān)系 2021年12期

      Abstract:Because of the symbiotic relations between oil and the Middle East,the global energy transition is bound to affect the international status of the Middle East and the power structure among the countries in the Middle East.The power gap between rich and poor countries will widen,and the“big politics of small states”in countries such as the United Arab Emirates and Qatar may become more prominent.As economic development has become the top priority of national strategy,many hot spots in the Middle East have cooled down,relations between rival countries have eased,and there are even signs of multilateral economic cooperation.The trend of the East rising and the West falling is obvious.The reform to tackle the energy transition in the Middle East is a positive race against time,but it is difficult and uncertain task.

      Keywords:energy transition,Middle East politics,oil power

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