




      2021-11-29 13:04:06

      Protection of Individual Privacy in the Governm ent Inform ation Disclosure System(by WANG Dongwei)

      Abstract:Article 15 of the 2019 edition of the PRCGovernment Information Disclosure Bill stipulates that if the disclosure of government information that involves individual privacy will impair the legitimate right and interest of the third party,the administrative body shall not publicize the information;but with the agreement of the third party,or if the administrative body considers it necessary to publicize it after balancing the interests,the information can be publicized.Whereas,three problems have emerged in the process of enforcing the bill:the indeterminacy in the conceptof individual privacy results in the difference of determining the quality of relevant information;in individual privacy related government information disclosure,administrative organs are slack to exercise the discretionary power;and the procedure of seeking the right holder’s consent is undefined.In consideration of the method that the court adopts to ascertain individual privacy in the judicial practice and the problems existing in applying the bill,the individual privacy protection system in improving government information publicity should clearly define the judgmentmethod,standardize the behavior of administrative body in a case of government information disclosure,and choose a type of sentence that is favorable for resolving the administrative dispute when a court ismaking the verdict.

      Key words:government information;individual privacy;balance of interest

      The App lication of Circum stantial Judgm ent in Adm inistrative Litigation(by ZHUANG Han,GONG Pengjin)

      Abstract:In administrative litigation,the people’s court has a tendency of generalization in applying circumstantial judgment.Themain causes include the lack of a unified judging standard in defining public interest,the judge’s freedom in applying circumstantial judgment,the introduction of cost-effectiveness analysis,and the rarity in taking remedialmeasures.Thus,the Item 1,Paragraph 1 of Article 74 of the Administrative Litigation Law still has an application space in China.But to prevent it from being abused,the Administrative Procedure Law should be formulated as soon as possible to govern administrative illegal acts from the source,add enumerative clauses to clarify the boundary of public interest,take into consideration of the plaintiff’s individual interest,and learn from Japan’s“declaration and judgment system of intermediate violation of law.”

      Key words:administrative litigation;circumstantial judgment;public interest;indeterminate legalconcept

      Long-term Governance of River:The Internal Logic and Optim ized Path of Public Participation in W ater Governance(by FENG Chao)

      Abstract:Public participation is key to the long-term governance of rivers under the“river chief system.”In applying the policy of river chief system led by local principal officials,the internal logic of public participation restswith the political potential energy contained in the policy proper.That is,“the presence of CPC leadership”has built a policy consensus,empowered public participation in terms of administration,appealed to the active participation of the public,and provided gravitation for public participation;the“construction of power and influence”has achieved the integration of organization and power,smoothed the organizational channel for public participation,upgraded the power level of public participation,and provided a pulling power for public participation;“seizing an opportunity to make achievements”has enabled the government to take various measures,enhance the universality public participants and the diversity of channels,and provided a propelling force for public participation;and the construction of supporting systems promoted by a strong political potential energy makes public participation sustainable.To ensure the long-term governance of rivers through the public’s constant participation,governments of all levels should further build a consensus in implementing the river chief system,respect and protect the legitimate interests of the public,and strengthen and improve the construction of supporting systems.

      Key words:political potential energy;public participation;river chief system

      Changing Situations and breaking the Ice:Interpretation of Legalist Realist Dip lom atic Ideas(by REN Jian feng)

      Abstract:In order to resolve the international Law of the Jungle in the turbulent situations of theWarring States Period and fulfill their historical responsibility of unification,the Legalists proposed the realist diplomatic thoughts of esteeming power and benefit.They advocated the diplomatic principles and methods of“strength first”,“independence”,and“domestic governance prior to diplomacy”.The Legalist considered that a nation must hold it as the top priority to strengthen its own power,seek an independent diplomatic route,and persistently develop and reform domestic affairs,so as to effectively cope with outside challenge and defend national interests.Their realist ideas on foreign affairs are still revelatory and inspiring at present.The world today is a closely-knit community of shared future.In the new historical situations full of changes,China should firstly strive to fortify national power to safeguard its own practical interests,and meanwhile endeavor to constructa new international order and promote the common interests ofmankind,achieving the unification ofmorality and power,righteousness and interest.

      Key words:Legalism;diplomacy;morality and power;righteousness and interest;realism

      Fam ily-friend ly Type of In fant Care Support:Research on Post-90s Fathers’Participation in Urban Dual-worker Fam ilies(by CHEN Jing,DUAN Yun)

      Abstract:The focus ofmaking a policy for household infant care support is on the household child-rearing collaboration model and the diversification of infant care support service planning.With the popularization of scientific and collaborative child rearing ideas in families,the participation of father in family infant care has become a breakthrough for perfecting the child-rearing supportive policy.Based on the framework of welfare pluralism,a research ismade on the parental collaborative child-rearing practice in urban post-90s dual-worker families.It finds that the major types of father’s absence in taking part in infant care include leisure-time participation,a blank of child-rearing knowledge,lack of family responsibility,and the surrogate of grandparenting.The structural predicament of father’s role in infant care support comprises the following three aspects:absence of professional household child-rearing tutoring,inaccessibility of father’s child-care leave,and the imperfection of supportive and promoting policy for father’s participation.The family supportive policies of foreign countries on father’s child care participation,policies on collaborative supply of child care services,and policies paying attention to guiding father’s child rearing ideas can offer some experience and revelation.Father’s role in infant care can be effectively promoted through perfecting the policies that safeguard father’s participation,stimulatingmarket potentials to supply nursery services,expanding the space for the joining of social organizations,strengthening the integration of supportive child care resources in communities,and advocating the family child rearing culture with father’s participation.Thus the family-friendly type of infant care supportive policy for urban families thatboth parentswork can be better formulated in China.

      Key words:urban dual-worker family;father’s participation;infant care support;family friendly

      Constructing Developmental Social W elfare:Practice and Revelation of Relative Poverty Governance in UK(by CHEN Qi,WANG Bei,PENG Tong)

      Abstract:As China has achieved its targets of poverty alleviation and all-round well-off society,relative poverty will become the focus of poverty governance in the post-poverty alleviation era.Relative poverty,featuring subjectivity,relativity,being dynamic and poly dimensional,and chronicity,is different from absolute poverty governance which addresses the most fundamental survival needs.The governance of relative poverty focuses on narrowing the income gap,overcoming the problem of unbalanced development and reducing welfare inequality.A study of the UK’s practice of governing relative poverty through developmental socialwelfare can offer experience and revelation to China’s relative poverty governance.

      Key words:relative poverty;developmental socialwelfare;governance strategy;experience and revelation

      Influence of Public Social M entality on Satisfaction w ith Government:From the Perspective of Nation and Society Relationship(by RUAN Haibo)

      Abstract:The influence of public socialmentality on the satisfaction with government is explored based on the data of the Chinese General Social Survey 2015 and the structural equationmodel.The result shows that the sense of social fairness,personal moral sense,and social trust have a positive significant effect.Affected by disparate public expectations,the sense of socialmorality has a negative significant effect on satisfaction with government;the sense of social fairness plays an intermediary role between personalmoral sense and social trust;social trust plays an intermediary role between the sense of social fairness and satisfaction with government;and both the sense of social fairness and social trust play an intermediary role between personal moral sense and satisfaction with government.The performance of social mentality influencing satisfaction with government on the shaping path of“individual—society—government”is as follows:personalmoral sense→the sense of social fairness→satisfaction with government,and personal moral sense→social trust→satisfaction with government.Meanwhile,it is also discovered that the sense of socialmorality has a cover-up effect between personalmoral sense and satisfaction with government,so it iswith social trustbetween personalmoral sense and the sense of socialmorality.

      Key words:socialmentality;satisfaction with government;nation and society;“individual—society—government”

      Historical Narrative to Reconstruct Hankou’s Urban Developm ent:Evaluation and Analysis of W illiam T.Rowe’s Urban History Research M ethod in Hankow(by ZHOU Dejun)

      Abstract:American scholarWilliam T.Rowe rejects the Eurocentric perspective used byWestern scholars in his book entitled Hankow:Conflict and Community in a Chinese City,1796-1895.Focusing on the endogenous quality of Chinese urban development,he endeavors to explore the causes for the birth and growth of Hankou in the context ofmodern Chinese historical development,presenting a unique,twisting,and colorful picture of Hankou’s urban history.Adopting the method of region analysis,William Rowe observes Hankou from the grand view of China’s economic geography,the historical development tendency of the Yangtze River basin economic belt,and the angle of regional interaction.Henceforth,he makes further in depth interpretation of the historical causes for the rise of Hankou,aswell as its historical role as one of the“four gathering cities in the country.”Drawing on the nation-society theory and social structure analysis,William Rowe reconstructs a historical narrative of Hankou’s business and society.Though his analysis and study is confined to Hankou,it is significant in terms ofmethodology,and has an important reference value for the study ofmodern Chinese urban transformation and development.

      Key words:Hankou;historical narrative;localization;endogenous;modern city

      Succession and Renovation:On the Transition of Chu ju Opera Perform ance in Hankou of the Republican Period(by ZHOU Chunyun;XIA Fenxia)

      Abstract:Huagu Opera,a type of rural drama popular in Huangpi and Xiaogan,Hubei Province in the Qing Dynasty,was completely banned by the government for its coarse libretto and“obscene”performance.In the early period of the Republic of China,Huagu Opera was still officially prohibited;in Wuhan,its performancewas allowed only in the concession territory of Hankou.In 1926 after the arrival of the National Revolutionary Army,Huagu Opera was renamed Chuju Opera and obtained legitimate license for performing in Hankou.For its own survival and development in Hankou,Chuju Opera underwent various succession and renovation:performers transformed from part-timers into full-time professionals;theatrical roleswere completed;performers learnt from Pingju Opera and Hanju Opera;the librettoswere renovated and serial plays were preferred;and the new repertoire highlighted features of the times.On account of the improvement of Chuju Opera,the government changed the ban into control.The new situations helped Chuju Opera to formulate a new performing system which had an impact on the theatrical marketof Hankou.

      Key words:Huagu Opera;Chuju Opera;renovation;Hankou;theatricalmarket

      Research of Learner’s Self-ad justing Ability Assessment and In fluence Factors in On line Education(by QIAN Li,ZHANG Ke,SONG Junxiu)

      Abstract:All-round monitoring learner’s self-adjusting ability and studying the influence factors is of vital importance for the effective development of online education.Based on the social cognitive theory and micro survey data of higher education learners,a structural equation model is constructed to conduct a comprehensive assessment of online education learners’self-adjusting ability,and analyze the influence factors.The findings show that learners of different characteristics differ significantly in their self-adjusting ability in all the phases of their online education process;learners with a strong self-adjusting ability exhibit a stronger self-adjusting ability in the behavioral phase than in other phases;learners’selfadjusting ability plays a reciprocal role between the behavioral and the reflective phases;and that learner’s self-adjusting ability is mutually regulated by the internal,external,and environmental factors,among which the internal factor has a stronger impetus.Consequently,learners should make study plans and write reflective diaries,positively and effectively cultivate and improve their online learning awareness,and seek positive stimulus from the external environment,so as to improve their self-adjusting ability.

      Key words:online education;learner;self-adjusting ability;structural equation

      Study on the Influence of Fam ily Cultural Capital on Student’s Study Engagem ent in Local Com p rehensive University:A Case Study of JUniversity(by LV Suzhen,HUANG Xiuwen)

      Abstract:College students’study engagement is both a predictive index of their academic achievement and an important indicator ofmeasuring the quality of college teaching,influencing students’individual development as well as the quality of college teaching.Factors influencing college students’study engagement can be found in the college environment,family,society,and students themselves,and this study is confined to family cultural capital as an influencing factor of college students’study engagement.The result shows family cultural capital,as one of the reasons for the disparate degrees of students’study engagement,has a positive role for students’study engagement;among all the sub-factors of family cultural capital,themost important ones to influence study engagement are parent-child relationship and family cultural activity,followed by parents’educational degree.From the viewpoint of cooperative education,it is suggested that both family and school take measures to promote college students’study engagement.

      Key words:local comprehensive university;family cultural capital;study engagement

      Job Demands-resources M odel of Doctoral Student’s School Satisfaction:Discovery Based on Nature PhD Students Survey Data(by LIU Ningning,BAO Rong)

      Abstract:Based on the job demands-resources model and the Nature PhD Students Survey Data,this paper studies the reciprocal influence of organizational resources,individual resources,and job demands on PhD students’study satisfaction.The findings are as follows:Firstly,on the organizational level,both fundamental resources and regulatory resources have a prominent positive influence on PhD students’study satisfaction;on the individual level,doctoral students’individual study engagement and their study satisfaction presents an inverted U relationship,and doctoral students of internal motivations have a prominently higher level of study satisfaction than those of externalmotivations;whereas,job demands have a prominently negative influence on doctoral students’study satisfaction.Secondly,regulatory resources and individual motivations for pursuing PhD study have a significant reciprocal influence.Thirdly,regulatory resources can effectively offset the negative influence of high job demands on doctoral students’study satisfaction.Fourthly,with high work demands,the increase of PhD students’study engagement,instead of leading to the increase of satisfaction,significantly reduces their sense of satisfaction.

      Key words:doctoral student;satisfaction;job demands-resourcesmodel

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