Georgia Limcaoco
Several years ago, sisters Danielle and Mika Limcaoco founded “Librery”, a nonprofit organization that creates libraries in places where children don’t have access to quality books. To date, Librery has established libraries in three nonprofit organizations in the Phili-ppines that help children in need.
“We started Librery because it was some-thing we knew that could make a difference,” says Danielle, 18 then, who has been running the organization since her 20-year-old sister went off to college in California last year. The girls got the idea from their uncle, who wanted to build libraries around the Philippines but couldn’t because he lived in the United States. “Being a keen reader myself, I decided to make this simple idea come to life,” says Danielle.
Danielle and Mika’s efforts made their father, Timmy Limcaoco, proud.“I felt very pleased that my daughters wanted to use their spare time in order to do something productive for other people at such a young age,” he says.
Although the books usually come from individual donors such as their friends and family members, the sisters decided to write to the National Library Board of Singapore to ask for book donations. They were pleasantly sur-prised when they received a positive reply. They have since made two trips to Singapore, each time collecting a donation of 1,500 books.
“We hope that our libraries help inspire a love for learning within the children,” says Danielle. She hopes that the students will take advantage of all the resources she has put at their fingertips.
This holiday season, Librery is transforming an old minibus into a mobile library that will bring books to a city near Manila, the capital of the Philippines. “Sometimes, the children around the area cannot afford transportation to a Librery,” says Timmy Limcaoco. Danielle thou-ght that the mobile library would solve this problem by bringing the Librery to them.
“I have a few friends and family members heavily invested in Librery, and once I go to college, I hope that they can keep things going. Certainly, I will be working with them via the Internet and will be more hands-on during the breaks!”