土壤學報 第58卷 總目錄
論合理施氮的原則和指標…………………………巨曉棠 張 翀(1)
土壤原生動物——研究方法及其在土傳病害防控中的作用…………………………韋 中 宋宇琦 熊 武等(14)
叢枝菌根真菌調(diào)控土壤氧化亞氮排放的機制…………………………何 廣 李 俠 趙若桐等(23)
中國不同生態(tài)系統(tǒng)土壤硅的研究進展…………………………劉麗君 黃張婷 孟賜福等(31)
基于高光譜特征指數(shù)的土壤有機質(zhì)含量建?!w明松 謝 毅 陸龍妹等(42)
新疆典型干旱土和鹽成土的系統(tǒng)分類歸屬…………………………郝士橫 吳克寧 鞠 兵等(55)
縣域尺度下樣點距離和土壤分類對農(nóng)田土壤細菌多樣性的影響…………………………周聰聰 于東升 陸曉松等(69)
長江三角洲典型城市農(nóng)田土壤重金屬累積特征與來源…………………………王信凱 張艷霞 黃 標等(82)
黃土區(qū)薄厚層浮土土質(zhì)道路降雨侵蝕過程差異…………………………紀麗靜 王文龍 康宏亮等(92)
有機質(zhì)影響濺蝕破壞土壤團聚體的主要作用機制…………………………李海茹 廣彗冰 劉 剛等(106)
兩種工程堆積體坡面細溝形態(tài)與產(chǎn)沙關(guān)系對比研究…………………………張 恒 高照良 牛耀彬等(115)
含巖屑紫色土水力特性及飽和導水率傳遞函數(shù)研究…………………………高鵬飛 冉卓靈 韓 珍等(128)
覆蓋作物根系對砂姜黑土壓實的響應(yīng)…………………………嚴 磊 張中彬 丁英志等(140)
貴州茂蘭喀斯特森林不同小生境類型對巖石溶蝕的影響…………………………龍 健 吳求生 李 娟等(151)
添加葡萄糖對紅壤農(nóng)田肥料氮轉(zhuǎn)化及其酸化的影響…………………………李九玉 鄧開英 章 威等(162)
石灰和雙氰胺對紅壤酸化和硝化作用的影響及其機制…………………………張昊青 趙學強 張玲玉等(169)
近30年山東省耕地土壤pH時空變化特征及影響因素…………………………李 濤 于 蕾 萬廣華等(180)
菌根與間作對紫色土-水界面氮流失的削減效應(yīng)…………………………李 婷 張 麗 劉大會等(191)
中國稻作區(qū)土壤速效鉀和鉀肥偏生產(chǎn)力時空變化…………………………柳開樓 韓天富 黃 晶等(202)
秸稈還田模式對小麥-玉米輪作體系土壤有機碳固存的影響…………………………趙惠麗 董金琎 師江瀾等(213)
有機物料對植煙土壤氮素礦化及微生物性質(zhì)的影響…………………………李孝剛 彭曙光 靳志麗等(225)
華北平原典型農(nóng)田土壤微生物生物量碳氮磷庫的縣域分布特征——以河北省曲周縣為例……………………………………………………李炎龍 劉梓雅 嚴 景等(235)
嘎隆拉山鐵杉林土壤線蟲群落結(jié)構(gòu)與多樣性研究…………………………薛會英 郭文文 屈興樂等(246)
接種蚯蚓與添加有機物料對茶園土壤結(jié)構(gòu)的影響…………………………程思遠 李 歡 梅慧玲等(259)
封面圖片:根際原生動物捕食細菌(由韋 中提供)
新形勢下大豆產(chǎn)地土壤環(huán)境保護與功能提升的研發(fā)建議…………………………何 艷 黃曉偉 程中一等(269)
土壤環(huán)境中微塑料污染:來源、過程及風險…………………………楊 杰 李連禎 周 倩等(281)
微塑料對土壤--植物系統(tǒng)的生態(tài)效應(yīng)…………………………馮雪瑩 孫玉煥 張書武等(299)
農(nóng)田中的(微)塑料污染:來源、遷移、環(huán)境生態(tài)效應(yīng)及防治措施…………………………李鵬飛 侯德義 王劉煒等(314)
國外土壤環(huán)境基準研究進展及對中國的啟示…………………………葛 峰 徐坷坷 劉愛萍等(331)
基于被動采樣技術(shù)的砷有效性和界面過程研究:進展與展望…………………………管冬興 魏天嬌 袁召鋒等(344)
關(guān)中地區(qū)塿土系統(tǒng)分類歸屬及代表土系建立…………………………吳 娟 齊雁冰 常慶瑞等(357)
紫色土色度參數(shù)與鐵錳形態(tài)及有機質(zhì)的定量關(guān)系研究…………………………晏昭敏 袁大剛 余星興等(372)
黃土高原典型切溝土壤水分時空分布特征及其影響因素…………………………陳明玉 邵明安 李同川等(381)
利用非線性模型提高加長型熱脈沖雙探針土壤熱參數(shù)測定精度…………………………任姮燁 司炳成 李 敏等(391)
耦合干空氣機制的黃土水熱運移過程模擬——以山地蘋果園為例…………………………楊 博 趙西寧 高曉東等(401)
免耕對稻油輪作系統(tǒng)土壤結(jié)構(gòu)的影響…………………………劉玲玲 李 超 房 煥等(412)
典型砂姜黑土黑色物質(zhì)提取方法及成分研究…………………………郭成士 馬東豪 張叢志等(421)
中國土壤環(huán)境監(jiān)測裝備領(lǐng)域?qū)@閳蠓治觥毫种?陳 香 胡文友等(433)
污染農(nóng)田土壤的重金屬鈍化技術(shù)研究——基于Web of Science數(shù)據(jù)庫的計量分析……………………………………………………劉杏梅 趙 健 徐建明(445)
低密度聚乙烯薄膜微塑料在黃河口海岸帶環(huán)境中的風化特征…………………………張晨捷 涂 晨 周 倩等(456)
修復劑對鎘污染鹽漬化土壤植物修復效率的影響…………………………王亞男 許 靜 郝利君等(464)
中國稻田土壤有效磷時空演變特征及其對磷平衡的響應(yīng)…………………………都江雪 柳開樓 黃 晶等(476)
西苕溪流域主要經(jīng)濟林土壤磷素流失風險研究…………………………王肖君 王季豐 侯 瓊等(487)
叢枝菌根真菌對金葉六道木鎘吸收及根際真菌群落結(jié)構(gòu)的影響…………………………劉 琛 郭 彬 林義成等(495)
不同經(jīng)營強度下毛竹叢枝菌根共生體對氨氧化微生物的影響…………………………葛江飛 楊為中 高雄飛等(505)
黏粒陽離子交換量估測模型的優(yōu)化研究…………………………楊家偉 王天巍 包瑩瑩等(514)
三江平原耕地歸一化植被指數(shù)對氣候因子的時滯響應(yīng)…………………………張露洋 雷國平 郭一洋等(526)
封面圖片:土壤中的微塑料及其種類(顆粒、纖維、薄膜、碎片和微球)(由楊 杰提供)
耕地土壤健康及其評價探討…………………………吳克寧 楊淇鈞 趙 瑞(537)
生物硝化抑制劑的研究進展及其農(nóng)業(yè)應(yīng)用前景…………………………陸玉芳 施衛(wèi)明(545)
近三十年農(nóng)田土壤磷分子形態(tài)的研究進展…………………………劉 瑾 楊建軍(558)
土壤宏病毒組的研究方法與進展…………………………祁慧鹓 鄭曉璇 孫明明等(568)
火山灰土在土壤系統(tǒng)分類中的提出與修訂…………………………姜志文 韓春蘭 呂秀艷(578)
新疆天山南麓土壤系統(tǒng)分類研究…………………………郭 夢 吳克寧 鞠 兵等(588)
基于微根管技術(shù)的鹽脅迫下小麥根系生長原位監(jiān)測方法…………………………李燕麗 王昌昆 盧碧林等(599)
小麥玉米輪作條件下不同生物質(zhì)炭對土壤腐殖物質(zhì)的影響…………………………宋祥云 宋春燕 柳新偉等(610)
牛糞配施生物質(zhì)炭的土壤碳凈變化率和腐殖物質(zhì)組成研究…………………………趙婷婷 劉 蕾 柳新偉等(619)
長期施肥對紅壤稻田土壤微生物生物量和酶活性的影響…………………………夏文建 柳開樓 張麗芳等(628)
基于時空變異的旱地土壤有機碳高效采樣策略研究…………………………姚彩燕 劉紹貴 喬 婷等(638)
土壤原始顆粒對不同破碎機制下團聚體穩(wěn)定性的影響…………………………肖 海 高 峰 邵艷艷等(649)
紫色土細溝水流輸沙能力對近地表水流作用的響應(yīng)…………………………李彥海 陳曉燕 韓 珍等(657)
基于USLE的大豆C因子計算模型研究…………………………徐 寧 楊一凡 林青濤等(665)
哈爾濱荒山巖芯黃土-古土壤的化學風化特征——對古土壤形成環(huán)境指示……………………………………………………張 曼 謝遠云 康春國等(673)
基于雙線性理論的黏質(zhì)土介電譜與含水量頻域測量研究…………………………趙鐘聲 許景輝 王一琛等(685)
基于VIS-NIR光譜的互花米草入侵濕地土壤有機碳預測研究…………………………陳秋宇 楊仁敏 朱長明(694)
α-氧化鋁–細菌二元復合膠體對銻的吸附研究…………………………杜輝輝 陶 潔 聶 寧等(704)
BS-12改性不同磁性黏土礦物對苯酚的吸附…………………………張夢飛 孟昭福 任 爽等(712)
紅壤有機礦物復合體吸附Cu(Ⅱ)的分子機制…………………………田 雨 楊建軍 Sajjad Hussain(722)
鉛鋅礦區(qū)周邊農(nóng)田土壤跳蟲群落特征與重金屬污染的關(guān)聯(lián)…………………………李 進 柯 欣 李 柱等(732)
叢枝菌根育苗緩解西瓜枯萎病的機制…………………………李淑君 王兵爽 王 媛等(744)
三元肥料效應(yīng)模型的整合與優(yōu)化建模策略…………………………章明清 李 娟 張立成等(755)
不同類型水稻土微生物群落結(jié)構(gòu)特征及其影響因素…………………………王曉潔 卑其成 劉 鋼等(767)
有機物料施用對潮土活性有機碳及微生物群落組成的影響…………………………李慧敏 田勝營 李丹丹等(777)
增溫對結(jié)皮土壤系統(tǒng)氮轉(zhuǎn)化速率及微生物生物量碳氮與酶活性的影響…………………………徐軍山 蘇 雪 賈志鵬等(788)
南美蟛蜞菊、蟛蜞菊和雜交蟛蜞菊土壤磷組分特征及其影響因素…………………………孫 鋒 曾令達 彭長連等(798)
根際生命共同體:協(xié)調(diào)資源、環(huán)境和糧食安全的學術(shù)思路與交叉創(chuàng)新…………………………申建波 白 洋 韋 中等(805)
從抑病土壤到根際免疫:概念提出與發(fā)展思考…………………………韋 中 沈宗專 楊天杰等(814)
鎘同位素分餾在土壤-植物體系中的研究進展…………………………鐘松雄 李曉敏 李芳柏(825)
鎘砷復合污染土壤鈍化材料研究進展…………………………李 英 商建英 黃益宗等(837)
細菌-礦物互作及其復合體在重金屬修復中的應(yīng)用…………………………俸文玲 林芷昀 李雅瑩等(851)
微生物成礦技術(shù)在環(huán)境砷污染治理中的應(yīng)用研究進展…………………………葉文玲 周于杰 晏士瑋等(862)
黃土高原淋溶土黏粒、氧化鐵與顏色的關(guān)系及發(fā)生學解釋——以山西土系調(diào)查的31個黏化層為例…………………………張 蕾 張鳳榮 靳東升等(876)
基于多變量與RF算法的耕地土壤有機碳空間預測研究——以福建亞熱帶復雜地貌區(qū)為例…………………………袁玉琦 陳瀚閱 張黎明等(887)
黃土區(qū)裸露坡地徑流養(yǎng)分流失模型的建立與驗證…………………………邵凡凡 吳軍虎 李玉晨(900)
不同咸水梯次濱海鹽土入滲過程及水鹽分布特征…………………………田 宇 陳環(huán)宇 郭 凱等(911)
秸稈深還對黑土亞耕層土壤物理性狀及團聚體分布特征的影響…………………………董建新 叢 萍 劉 娜等(921)
種植模式對川中丘陵石灰性紫色土結(jié)構(gòu)和地力的影響…………………………馬勝蘭 況福虹 唐家良等(935)
間歇性降雨對土壤團聚體粒級及磷、銅、鋅富集的影響…………………………石 璞 Chiahue Doua Yang 趙鵬志(948)
銅和強力霉素復合污染對土壤微生物與酶活性的影響…………………………陳欣瑤 肖祖飛 祝妍華等(957)
超聲提取-氣相色譜法測定土壤1,9-癸二醇…………………………楊 婷 陸玉芳 馬明坤等(968)
增減施有機肥對紅壤性水稻土團聚體穩(wěn)定性及膠結(jié)物的影響…………………………廖超林 黎麗娜 謝麗華等(978)
外源水稻根系和莖葉碳氮在稻田土壤中釋放的特征…………………………劉 暉 劉 杰 張玉玲等(989)
玉米生長對石灰性土壤無機碳與有機碳釋放的根際效應(yīng)…………………………孫昭安 趙 詣 朱 彪等(998)
云南省森林土壤腐殖質(zhì)組分特征及影響因素…………………………周 紅 何 歡 肖 蒙等(1008)
典型紅壤水稻土剖面細菌和真菌分子生態(tài)網(wǎng)絡(luò)特征研究…………………………黃蘭婷 倪浩為 李新宇等(1018)
亞熱帶4種典型森林植被土壤固碳細菌群落結(jié)構(gòu)及數(shù)量特征…………………………劉 茗 曹林樺 劉彩霞等(1028)
不同凋落物質(zhì)量對杉木人工林土壤微生物群落結(jié)構(gòu)的影響…………………………張冰冰 萬曉華 楊軍錢等(1040)
森林次生演替過程中有機質(zhì)層和礦質(zhì)層土壤微生物殘體的變化…………………………邵鵬帥 解宏圖 鮑雪蓮等(1050)
阿魏酸脅迫下間作對蠶豆枯萎病發(fā)生和根系組織結(jié)構(gòu)的影響…………………………袁婷婷 趙 騫 董 艷(1060)
土壤動物與土壤健康…………………………孫 新 李 琪 姚海鳳等(1073)
土壤中有機復合污染物微生物組轉(zhuǎn)化機制與調(diào)控原理:進展與展望…………………………滕 應(yīng) 王笑咪 韓玉娟等(1084)
中國農(nóng)田土壤環(huán)境質(zhì)量管理現(xiàn)狀與展望…………………………胡文友 陶婷婷 田 康等(1094)
土壤有機污染物電化學修復技術(shù)研究進展…………………………楊珍珍 耿 兵 田云龍等(1110)
黃土高原生物土壤結(jié)皮研究進展與展望…………………………張丙昌 武志芳 李 彬(1123)
土壤團聚體氧化亞氮排放及其微生物學機制研究進展…………………………李文娟 蔡延江 朱同彬等(1132)
典型薄層黑土區(qū)前期地表風蝕作用影響坡面水蝕的研究…………………………左小鋒 鄭粉莉 張加瓊等(1145)
礫石含量對土壤可蝕性因子估算的影響…………………………楊苗苗 楊勤科 張科利等(1157)
紅壤低山丘陵區(qū)水土流失防治分區(qū)方法與措施配置——以寧都縣小洋小流域為例…………………………………………………王凌霞 李忠武 王丹陽等(1169)
喀斯特槽谷區(qū)巖石與坡面夾角對坡面集中流水力學特性的影響…………………………曾榮昌 張玉啟 何丙輝等(1179)
黃土高原不同土質(zhì)和植被類型下Cl–運移特征及影響因素…………………………李榮磊 陳留美 邵明安等(1190)
新疆安集海灌區(qū)膜下滴灌棉田根系層土壤鹽分多尺度空間分布特征…………………………喬學瑾 石建初 譚麗麗等(1202)
數(shù)值反演模型模擬層狀土壤水力性質(zhì)…………………………周曉冰 欒永霞 林 青等(1214)
基于光譜相似性匹配的土壤有機碳估算…………………………李宏達 李德成 曾 榮(1224)
污染場地研究現(xiàn)狀與發(fā)展趨勢:基于知識圖譜的分析…………………………嚴 康 樓 駿 汪海珍等(1234)
地質(zhì)高背景土壤重金屬賦存特征及微生物群落結(jié)構(gòu)差異…………………………孫 斌 魏志敏 張力浩等(1246)
利用13C標記和自然豐度三源區(qū)分玉米根際CO2釋放…………………………孫昭安 張保仁 何敏毅等(1256)
周叢生物對稻田氨揮發(fā)的影響…………………………趙婧宇 韓建剛 孫朋飛等(1267)
黃土高原采煤沉陷對土壤微生物群落的影響…………………………馬 靜 盧永強 張 琦等(1278)
AM真菌菌絲際細菌具有固氮解磷雙重功能…………………………石晶晶 張 林 江飛焰等(1289)
稻鴨共生對土壤養(yǎng)分和水稻病蟲害防控的影響…………………………蘭國俊 胡雪峰 程 暢等(1299)
基于宏基因組學的酸性森林土壤氨氧化微生物群落特征研究…………………………唐修峰 秦 華 匡 璐等(1311)
基于Munsell顏色的土壤游離鐵預測研究…………………………余星興 袁大剛 陳劍科等(1322)
雷竹凋落葉不同分解環(huán)境中土壤動物群落特征…………………………肖玖金 楊禮通 馮秋紅等(1330)
封面圖片:微生物網(wǎng)絡(luò)操控黃土高原受損礦區(qū)土壤恢復力(由馬 靜、陳 浮提供)
東北黑土地保護利用研究足跡與科技研發(fā)展望…………………………韓曉增 鄒文秀(1341)
病原青枯菌土壤存活的影響因素研究進展…………………………馬 超 楊欣潤 江高飛等(1359)
……………………………………………………李 敏 陳利頂 楊小茹等(1368)
秸稈還田下土壤有機質(zhì)激發(fā)效應(yīng)研究進展…………………………張葉葉 莫 非 韓 娟等(1381)
糖醇螯合肥在農(nóng)業(yè)上的應(yīng)用研究進展……………………………………………………李騰升 魏倩倩 黃明麗等(1393)
西安地區(qū)全新世氣候變化與土壤侵蝕研究…………………………周 旗 趙景波 蘇 敏等(1404)
模擬降雨條件下坡度對關(guān)中地區(qū)塿土濺蝕的影響…………………………王子軒 吳發(fā)啟(1416)
不同整地措施坡面土壤水分時空分布特征…………………………程 諒 焦 雄 邸涵悅等(1423)
不同退耕年限干旱綠洲植被群落及灰棕漠土特性變化…………………………王理德 田 青 郭春秀等(1436)
四川盆地沙溪廟組地層(J2s)巖石發(fā)育土壤的系統(tǒng)分類研究…………………………余星興 袁大剛 陳劍科等(1448)
煤矸石和鈣結(jié)石對植物生長和土壤含水量的影響…………………………米美霞 邵明安 武小剛等(1460)
喀斯特坡地淺層巖溶裂隙土壤團聚體穩(wěn)定性與養(yǎng)分垂向變化特征…………………………熊佰煉 高 揚 彭 韜等(1472)
有機肥長期施用對設(shè)施土壤全鎘和有效態(tài)鎘含量的影響…………………………段海芹 秦 秦 呂衛(wèi)光等(1486)
黃淮麥區(qū)小麥籽粒鋅含量差異原因與調(diào)控…………………………黃婷苗 王朝輝 黃倩楠等(1496)
秸稈還田配施控釋摻混尿素對玉米產(chǎn)量和土壤肥力的影響…………………………高永祥 李若塵 張 民等(1507)
秸稈添加對石灰性土壤有機與無機碳釋放的影響…………………………孫昭安 王 方 張 珊等(1520)
針鐵礦吸附態(tài)和包裹態(tài)有機碳在稻田土壤中的礦化及其激發(fā)效應(yīng)…………………………江家彬 祝貞科 林 森等(1530)
秸稈生物質(zhì)炭對稻田土壤剖面N2O和N2濃度的影響…………………………馬蕓蕓 周 偉 何莉莉等(1540)
短期培養(yǎng)下抑制劑烯丙基硫脲對土壤硝化作用及微生物的影響…………………………沈曉憶 夏圍圍 次仁拉姆等(1552)
生物質(zhì)炭對稻田土壤團聚體穩(wěn)定性和微生物群落的影響…………………………蔣雪洋 張前前 沈浩杰等(1564)
水分管理對水稻籽粒硒積累及根際土壤細菌群落多樣性的影響…………………………王瑞昕 楊 靜 方 正等(1574)
毛烏素沙地苔蘚結(jié)皮對沙化土壤性質(zhì)和細菌群落的影響…………………………張雨虹 張韶陽 張樹煇等(1585)
鹽脅迫對番茄種子萌發(fā)中多胺形態(tài)變化和抗氧化的影響…………………………陳 軍 關(guān) 欣 范翠枝等(1598)
封面圖片:中國東北農(nóng)田景觀及黑土剖面黑土層(A,0~69 cm)(由韓曉增、鄒文秀提供)
No. 1
Insights and Perspectives
The Principles and Indicators of Rational N Fertilization …………………………JU Xiaotang, ZHANG Chong (1)
Reviews and Comments
Soil Protozoa: Research Methods and Roles in the Biocontrol of Soil-Borne Diseases………………………………………………………………………………WEI Zhong, SONG Yuqi, XIONG Wu, et al. (14)
Mechanisms Underlying the Regulation of Soil Nitrous Oxide Emissions by Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi……………………………………………………HE Guang, LI Xia, ZHAO Ruotong, et al. (23)
Research Progress on Soil Silicon in Different Ecosystems in China……………………………………………………LIU Lijun, HUANG Zhangting, MENG Cifu, et al. (31)
Research Articles
Modeling for Soil Organic Matter Content Based on Hyperspectral Feature Indices……………………………………………………ZHAO Mingsong, XIE Yi, LU Longmei, et al. (42)
Attribution of Typical Aridisols and Halosols of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in Soil Taxonomy……………………………………………………HAO Shiheng, WU Kening, JU Bing, et al. (55)
Effects of Sampling Site Spacing and Soil Classification on Analysis of Soil Bacterial Diversity in Farmland on a County Scale…………………………ZHOU Congcong, YU Dongsheng, LU Xiaosong, et al. (69)
Accumulation and Sources of Heavy Metals in Agricultural Soil in a City Typical of the Yangtze River Delta, China …………………………WANG Xinkai, ZHANG Yanxia, HUANG Biao, et al. (82)
Rainfall Erosion Process on Earth Road as Affected by Thickness of the Surface Regolith Layer in Loess Region…………………………JI Lijing, WANG Wenlong, KANG Hongliang, et al. (92)
Mechanism of Effects of Soil Organic Matter on Splash Erosion Disintegrating Aggregates……………………………………………………LI Hairu, GUANG Huibing, LIU Gang, et al. (106)
A Comparative Study on Relationship between Rill Morphology and Sediment Yield on Slopes of Two Types of Engineering Mounds…………………………ZHANG Heng, GAO Zhaoliang, NIU Yaobin, et al. (115)
Hydraulic Properties and Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Pedo-Transfer Function of Rocky Purple Soil……………………………………………………GAO Pengfei, RAN Zhuoling, HAN Zhen, et al. (128)
Response of Cover Crop Roots to Soil Compaction in a Vertisol (Shajiang Black Soil)…………………………YAN Lei, ZHANG Zhongbing, DING Yingzhi, et al. (140)
Effects of Different Microhabitat Types on Rock Dissolution in Maolan Karst Forest, Southwest China……………………………………………………LONG Jian, WU Qiusheng, LI Juan, et al. (151)
Effects of Amendment of Glucose on Fertilizer Nitrogen Transformation and Acidification in Ultisol Cropland……………………………………………………LI Jiuyu, DENG Kaiying, ZHANG Wei, et al. (162)
Effects of Liming and Dicyandiamide (DCD) Application on Soil pH and Nitrification of Acidic Red Soil……………………………………………………ZHANG Haoqing, ZHAO Xueqiang, ZHANG Lingyu, et al. (169)
Spatio-temporal Variation of Farmland Soil pH and Associated Affecting Factors in the Past 30 Years of Shandong Province, China …………………………LI Tao, YU Lei, WAN Guanghua, et al. (180)
Effects of Native AMF and Intercropping Reducing Nitrogen Loss from Soil-Water Interface in Purple Soil……………………………………………………LI Ting, ZHANG Li, LIU Dahui, et al. (191)
Spatio-temporal Variation of Soil Readily Available Potassium and Partial Factor Productivity of Potassium Fertilizer in Rice Cultivation Regions of China …………………………LIU Kailou, HAN Tianfu, HUANG Jing, et al. (202)
Effect of Straw Returning Mode on Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration……………………………………………………ZHAO Huili, DONG Jinjin, SHI Jianglan, et al. (213)
Effects of Application of Organic Materials on Nitrogen Mineralization and Microbial Properties in Tobacco Planting Soil …………………………LI Xiaogang, PENG Shuguang, JIN Zhili, et al. (225)
Spatial Distribution of Microbial Biomass Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus Pools in Typical Farmland Soils in North China Plain—A Case Study of Quzhou County …………………………LI Yanlong, LIU Ziya, YAN Jing, et al. (235)
Structure and Diversity of Soil Nematode Community in Soil underForest in Galongla Mountain……………………………………………………XUE Huiying, GUO Wenwen, QU Xingle, et al. (246)
Effects of Earthworms and Organic Materials on Soil Structure in Tea Plantation……………………………………………………CHENG Siyuan, LI Huan, MEI Huiling, et al. (259)
Cover Picture: Protozoans Prey on Bacteria in Plant Rhizosphere (by WEI Zhong)
No. 2
Insights and Perspectives
Proposals for Research on Protection and Functional Improvement of Soil Environment in Soybean Producing Area in Face of the New Situation …………………………HE Yan, HUANG Xiaowei, CHENG Zhongyi, et al. (269)
Reviews and Comments
Microplastics Contamination of Soil Environment: Sources, Processes and Risks……………………………………………………YANG Jie, LI Lianzhen, ZHOU Qian, et al. (281)
Ecological Effects of Microplastics on Soil-Plant Systems…………………………FENG Xueying, SUN Yuhuan, ZHANG Shuwu, et al. (299)
(Micro) plastics Pollution in Agricultural Soils: Sources, Transportation, Ecological Effects and Preventive Strategies…………………………LI Pengfei, HOU Deyi, WANG Liuwei, et al. (314)
Progress of the Research on Soil Environmental Criteria in Other Countries and Its Enlightenment to China……………………………………………………GE Feng, XU Keke, LIU Aiping, et al. (331)
A Review of Researches on Bioavailability and Interfacial Processes of Arsenic Based on Passive Sampling Techniques: Progress and Prospect …………………………GUAN Dongxing, WEI Tianjiao, YUAN Zhaofeng, et al. (344)
Research Articles
Attribution of Lou Soil in Chinese Soil Taxonomy and Establishment of Representative Soil Series in Guanzhong Area…………………………WU Juan, QI Yanbing, CHANG Qingrui, et al. (357)
Quantitative Relationship of Colorimetric Parameters with Forms of Iron and Manganese and Organic Matter in Purplish Soil…………………………YAN Zhaomin, YUAN Dagang, YU Xingxing, et al. (372)
Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Spatiotemporal Distribution of Soil Moisture in Typical Gully of the Loess Plateau…………………………CHEN Mingyu, SHAO Ming’an, LI Tongchuan, et al. (381)
Using Non-linear Model to Improve Measurement Accuracy of Soil Thermal Parameters with Extended Dual Probe Heat Pulse Sensor …………………………REN Hengye, SI Bingcheng, LI Min, et al. (391)
Simulation of Water and Heat Process in Loess by Incorporating Dry Air-flow Mechanism—A Case Study of an Apple Orchard on Mountain …………………………YANG Bo, ZHAO Xining, GAO Xiaodong, et al. (401)
Effect of No-till Farming on Soil Structure in Rice-rapeseed Rotation System……………………………………………………LIU Lingling, LI Chao, FANG Huan, et al. (412)
Extraction Method and Composition of Black Matter in Typical Shajiang Calci-Aquic Vertisols in China……………………………………………………GUO Chengshi, MA Donghao, ZHANG Congzhi, et al. (421)
Analysis of Patents on Soil Environmental Monitoring Equipment in China……………………………………………………LIANG Linzhou, CHEN Xiang, HU Wenyou, et al. (433)
Research on Immobilization of Heavy Metals in Contaminated Agricultural Soils–Bibliometric Analysis Based on Web of Science Database …………………………LIU Xingmei, ZHAO Jian, XU Jianming (445)
Weathering Characteristics of Microplastics of Low Density Polyethylene Film in the Coastal Environment of the Yellow River Estuary …………………………ZHANG Chenjie, TU Chen, ZHOU Qian, et al. (456)
Effects of Soil Remediation Agents on the Phytoremediation Efficiency of Cadmium-Polluted Salinized Soil……………………………………………………WANG Yanan, XU Jing, HAO Lijun, et al. (464)
Spatio-temporal Evolution Characteristics of Soil Available Phosphorus and Its Response to Phosphorus Balance in Paddy Soil in China …………………………DU Jiangxue, LIU Kailou, HUANG Jing, et al. (476)
Potential Risk of Phosphorus Loss from Main Non-Wood Forest Soils in Xitiaoxi Watershed……………………………………………………WANG Xiaojun, WANG Jifeng, HOU Qiong, et al. (487)
Impacts of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungus Enhancing‘Francis Mason’ Cd Uptake on Rhizospheric Fungal Communities …………………………LIU Chen, GUO Bin, LIN Yicheng, et al. (495)
Impacts of Mycorrhiza Symbionts on Ammonia-Oxidizing Microorganisms as Affected by Management Intensity ofForests …………………………GE Jiangfei, YANG Weizhong, GAO Xiongfei, et al. (505)
Optimization of the Model for Predicting Cation Exchange Capacity of Clays……………………………………………………YANG Jiawei, WANG Tianwei, BAO Yingying, et al. (514)
Research Notes
Delayed Responses of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index of Cultivated Land to Climatic Factors in Sanjiang Plain …………………………ZHANG Luyang, LEI Guoping, GUO Yiyang, et al. (526)
Cover Picture: Microplastics in Soil and Their Types (Granules, Fibers, Films, Fragments, and Microspheres) (by YANG Jie)
No. 3
Insights and Perspectives
A Discussion on Soil Health Assessment of Arable Land in China…………………………WU Kening, YANG Qijun, ZHAO Rui (537)
Reviews and Comments
Progress in Research and Agricultural Application Prospect of Biological Nitrification Inhibitors ……………………………………………………LU Yufang, SHI Weiming (545)
Molecular Speciation of Phosphorus in Agricultural Soils: Advances over the Last 30 Years…………………………LIU Jin, YANG Jianjun (558)
Review in the Soil Virus Metagenome Analytical Methods and Progress…………………………QI Huiyuan, ZHENG Xiaoxuan, SUN Mingming, et al. (568)
Andisols in Soil Taxonomy and Amendment of Its Definition…………………………JIANG Zhiwen, HAN Chunlan, Lü Xiuyan (578)
Soil Health and Sustainable Development
Taxonomy of Soils in South Piedmont of the Tianshan Mountain in Xinjiang…………………………GUO Meng, WU Kening, JU Bing, et al. (588)
In-situ Monitoring Method of Wheat Root Growth under Salt Stress Using Minirhizotron Technique ……………………………LI Yanli, WANG Changkun, LU Bilin, et al. (599)
Effects of Application of Biochar on Soil Humic Substances in Cropland under Wheat-Corn Rotation System…………………………SONG Xiangyun, SONG Chunyan, LIU Xinwei, et al. (610)
Effects of Amendment of Biochar on Net Carbon Transformation Rate of Cow Manure and Composition of Humic Substances in Soil …………………………ZHAO Tingting, LIU Lei, LIU Xinwei, et al. (619)
Effect of Long-term Fertilization on Soil Microbial Biomass and Enzyme Activities in Reddish Paddy Soil……………………………………………………XIA Wenjian, LIU Kailou, ZHANG Lifang, et al. (628)
Research Articles
Strategy for Efficient Sampling of Upland Soil Based on Spatiotemporal Variation of the Soil……………………………………………………YAO Caiyan, LIU Shaogui, QIAO Ting, et al. (638)
Influence of Native Soil Particles on Soil Aggregate Stability Relative to Breaking-down Mechanism……………………………XIAO Hai, GAO Feng, SHAO Yanyan, et al. (649)
Response of Flow in Rills to Subsurface Water Flow in Sediment Transport Capacity on Purple Soil…………………………LI Yanhai, CHEN Xiaoyan, HAN Zhen, et al. (657)
Research on Soy C Factor Calculation Model Based on USLE…………………………XU Ning, YANG Yifan, LIN Qingtao, et al. (665)
Chemical Weathering Characteristics of the Loess-Paleosol Sequences in Harbin Huangshan Rock Core—Implication for
Formation Environment of the Paleosol…………………………ZHANG Man, XIE Yuanyun, KANG Chunguo, et al. (673)
Measurement of Dielectric Spectra and Water Content Frequency Domain of Clay Soil Based on Bilinear Theory……………………………………………………ZHAO Zhongsheng, XU Jinghui, WANG Yichen, et al. (685)
VIS-NIR Spectroscopy-Based Prediction of Soil Organic Carbon in Coastal Wetland Invaded by…………………………CHEN Qiuyu, YANG Renmin, ZHU Changming (694)
Adsorption of Antimony by α-Al2O3–bacteria Binary Composite Colloid……………………………DU Huihui, TAO Jie, NIE Ning, et al. (704)
Adsorption of Phenol on BS-12-Modified Different Magnetic Clay Minerals…………………………ZHANG Mengfei, MENG Zhaofu, REN Shuang, et al. (712)
Molecular Mechanism of Cu(II) Adsorption by Organo-Mineral Complexes of Red Soil…………………………TIAN Yu, YANG Jianjun, Sajjad HUSSAIN (722)
Relationship between Community Structure of Soil Collembola and Heavy Metal Pollution in Farmlands around a Lead-Zinc Mining Area…………………………LI Jin, KE Xin, LI Zhu, et al. (732)
Mechanism of Inoculation of Watermelon Seedlings with Arbuscular Mycorrhizae AlleviatingWilt Disease ……………………………LI Shujun, WANG Bingshuang, WANG Yuan, et al. (744)
Integration and Optimization Modeling Strategy for Ternary Fertilizer Response Model……………………………………ZHANG Mingqing, LI Juan, ZHANG Licheng, et al. (755)
Microbial Abundance and Community Composition in Different Types of Paddy Soils in China and Their Affecting Factors…………………………WANG Xiaojie, BEI Qicheng, LIU Gang, et al. (767)
Effect of Application of Organic Materials on Content of Labile Organic Carbon and Composition of Microbial Community in Fluvio-Aquatic Soil…………………………LI Huimin, TIAN Shengying, LI Dandan, et al. (777)
Effects of Warming on Soil Nitrogen Transformation Rates, Microbial Biomass Carbon and Nitrogen and Enzyme Activity in Crust-covered Soil System…………………………XU Junshan, SU Xue, JIA Zhipeng, et al. (788)
Research Notes
Effect of Growing of,or Their Hybrid on Soil Phosphorus Fractionation in South China and Their Affecting Factors…………………………SUN Feng, ZENG Lingda, PENG Changlian, et al. (798)
Cover Picture: The Concept of Soil Health Based on Soil Functions and Threats (by WU Kening)
No. 4
Insights and Perspectives
Rhizobiont: An Interdisciplinary Innovation and Perspective for Harmonizing Resources, Environment, and Food Security…………………………SHEN Jianbo, BAI Yang, WEI Zhong, et al. (805)
From Suppressive Soil to Rhizosphere Immunity: Towards an Ecosystem Thinking for Soil-borne Pathogen Control…………………………WEI Zhong, SHEN Zongzhuan, YANG Tianjie, et al. (814)
Reviews and Comments
Cadmium Isotopes Fractionation in Soil-Plant Systems: A Review…………………………ZHONG Songxiong, LI Xiaomin, LI Fangbai (825)
Research Progress on Passivation Materials for Cadmium-Arsenic Co-Contamination in Soil…………………………LI Ying, SHANG Jianying, HUANG Yizong, et al. (837)
Interaction Between Bacteria and Soil Minerals and Application of Bacterial-Mineral Composites in Remediation of Heavy Metals Polluted Soil…………………………FENG Wenling, LIN Zhiyun, LI Yaying, et al. (851)
Advancement of Research on Application of Microbial Mineralization Technology in Remediation of Arsenic Contaminated Environment…………………………YE Wenling, ZHOU Yujie, YAN Shiwei, et al. (862)
Research Articles
The Correlation of Soil Color Relative to Clay and Iron Oxides in Alfisol of the Loess Plateau and Its Genetic Explanation—A Case Study of the 31 Argillic Horizons Covered in the Soil Series Survey of Shanxi Province……………………………ZHANG Lei, ZHANG Fengrong, JIN Dongsheng, et al. (876)
Prediction of Spatial Distribution of Soil Organic Carbon in Farmland Based on Multi-Variables and Random Forest Algorithm—A Case Study of a Subtropical Complex Geomorphic Region in Fujian as an Example………………………………YUAN Yuqi, CHEN Hanyue, ZHANG Liming, et al. (887)
Establishment and Validation of the Model for Prediction of Nutrient Loss with Runoff on Bare Slopes in the Loess Plateau…………………………SHAO Fanfan, WU Junhu, LI Yuchen (900)
Saline Water Infiltration Process and Water-salt Distributions in Coastal Saline Soil Relative to Concentration of the Saline Water…………………………TIAN Yu, CHEN Huanyu, GUO Kai, et al. (911)
Effects of Deep Straw Incorporation on Subsoil Physical Properties and Aggregate Distribution in Black Soil……………………………DONG Jianxin, CONG Ping, LIU Na, et al. (921)
Effects of Planting Patterns on Soil Structure and Fertility of Calcareous Purple Soil in Hilly Areas of Central Sichuan Basin …………………………MA Shenglan, KUANG Fuhong, TANG Jialiang, et al. (935)
Effect of Intermittent Rainfall on Size Distribution and Phosphorus, Copper and Zinc Enrichment of Soil Aggregates…………………………SHI Pu, CHIAHUE Doua Yang, ZHAO Pengzhi (948)
Impacts of Combined Pollution of Copper and Doxycycline on Activities of Soil Microbes and Enzymes…………………………CHEN Xinyao, XIAO Zufei, ZHU Yanhua, et al. (957)
Determination of 1,9-Decanediol in Soil with Ultrasonic Extraction-Gas Chromatography…………………………YANG Ting, LU Yufang, MA Mingkun, et al. (968)
Effect of Increased or Decreased Application of Organic Manure on Aggregates Stability and Soil Cement in Red Paddy Soil …………………………LIAO Chaolin, LI Lina, XIE Lihua, et al. (978)
Release of Exogenous Carbon and Nitrogen in Rice Root, Stem and Leaf in Paddy Soil…………………………LIU Hui, LIU Jie, ZHANG Yuling, et al. (989)
Rhizosphere Effects of Maize on Inorganic and Organic Carbon Release in Calcareous Soils…………………………SUN Zhaoan, ZHAO Yi, ZHU Biao, et al. (998)
Composition of Humus in Forest Soils of Yunnan Province, China and Its Influencing Factors…………………………ZHOU Hong, HE Huan, XIAO Meng, et al. (1008)
Molecular Ecological Network of Bacteria and Fungi in Paddy Soil Profile of Typical Red Soil…………………………HUANG Lanting, NI Haowei, LI Xinyu, et al. (1018)
Characterization of Population and Community Structure of Carbon-Sequestration Bacteria in Soils under Four Types of Forest Vegetations Typical of Subtropical Zone…………………………LIU Ming, CAO Linhua, LIU Caixia, et al. (1028)
Effects of Litters Different in Quality on Soil Microbial Community Structure inPlantation…………………………ZHANG Bingbing, WAN Xiaohua, YANG Junqian, et al. (1040)
Variation of Microbial Residues during Forest Secondary Succession in Topsoil and Subsoil…………………………SHAO Pengshuai, XIE Hongtu, BAO Xuelian, et al. (1050)
Effects of Intercropping on Fusarium Wilt Infection and Root Tissue Structure under Ferulic Acid Stress…………………………YUAN Tingting, ZHAO Qian, DONG Yan (1060)
Cover Picture:Model Diagram of the Structure and Operation Mechanism of Rhizobiont (by SHEN Jianbo)
No. 5
Insights and Perspectives
Soil Fauna and Soil Health…………………………SUN Xin, LI Qi, YAO Haifeng, et al. (1073)
Reviews and Comments
Microbiome-mediated Transformation Mechanism and Regulation Principle of Mixed Organic Pollutants in Soils: Progress and Perspective…………………………TENG Ying, WANG Xiaomi, HAN Yujuan, et al. (1084)
Status and Prospect of Farmland Soil Environmental Quality Management in China…………………………HU Wenyou , TAO Tingting, TIAN Kang, et al. (1094)
Research Progresses on Remediation of Organic Contaminated Soils with Electrochemical Technologies…………………………YANG Zhenzhen, GENG Bing, TIAN Yunlong, et al. (1110)
Progress and Prospect of Biological Soil Crusts in Loess Plateau…………………………ZHANG Bingchang, WU Zhifang, LI Bin (1123)
Release of Nitrous Oxide from Soil Aggregates and Its Microbial Mechanism…………………………LI Wenjuan, CAI Yanjiang, ZHU Tongbin, et al. (1132)
Research Articles
Study on Effect of Surface Wind Erosion on Hillslope Water Erosion in Regions of Typical Thin Layered Mollisol at Early Stages…………………………ZUO Xiaofeng, ZHENG Fenli, ZHANG Jiaqiong, et al. (1145)
Effects of Content of Soil Rock Fragments on Calculating of Soil Erodibility……………………………YANG Miaomiao, YANG Qinke, ZHANG Keli, et al. (1157)
Methods and Measures for Soil and Water Conservation in Hilly Red Soil Regions in South China: A Case Study of Xiaoyang Watershed in Ningdu…………………………WANG Lingxia, LI Zhongwu, WANG Danyang, et al. (1169)
Hydraulic Characteristics of Concentrated Flow Relative to Angle between Rock and Slope in the Karst Trough Valley Area…………………………ZENG Rongchang, ZHANG Yuqi, HE Binghui, et al. (1179)
Cl-Transport and Its Influencing Factors in Soil as Affected by Soil Texture and Vegetation Cover in Loess Plateau …………………………LI Ronglei, CHEN Liumei, SHAO Ming’an, et al. (1190)
Multi-scale Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Soil Salinity in Root-zone in Film-mulched Drip-irrigated Cotton Fields in Anjihai Irrigation Zone, Xinjiang…………………………QIAO Xuejin, SHI Jianchu, TAN Lili, et al. (1202)
Numerical Inversion-based Simulation of Hydraulic Properties of Stratic Soil…………………………ZHOU Xiaobing, LUAN Yongxia, LIN Qing, et al. (1214)
Estimation of Soil Organic Carbon Based on Spectral Similarity Matching…………………………LI Hongda, LI Decheng, ZENG Rong (1224)
Research of Contaminated Sites Based on Knowledge Graph Analysis and Its Development Trend…………………………YAN Kang, LOU Jun, WANG Haizhen, et al. (1234)
Distribution of Heavy Metals and Microbial Community Structure in Soils High in Geological Background Value…………………………SUN Bin, WEI Zhimin, ZHANG Lihao, et al. (1246)
Three-source Partitioning of CO2Emissions from Maize-planted Soil Using13C Labeling and Natural Abundance…………………………SUN Zhaoan, ZHANG Baoren, HE Minyi, et al. (1256)
Effect and Mechanism of Periphyton Affecting Ammonia Volatilization in Paddy Field…………………………ZHAO Jingyu , HAN Jiangang, SUN Pengfei, et al. (1267)
Effects of Coal Mining Subsidence on Soil Microbial Community in the Loess Plateau…………………………MA Jing, LU Yongqiang, ZHANG Qi, et al. (1278)
Dual Functions of Bacteria Colonized on AM Fungal Hyphae – Fixing N2and Solubilizing Phosphate…………………………SHI Jingjing, ZHANG Lin, JIANG Feiyan, et al. (1289)
Effects of Raising Duck in Paddy Field on Soil Nutrients and Rice Pests and Diseases Control…………………………LAN Guojun, HU Xuefeng, CHENG Chang, et al. (1299)
Metagenomics Based Study on Community Characteristics of Ammonia-Oxidizing Microorganisms in Acid Forest Soil…………………………TANG Xiufeng, QIN Hua, KUANG Lu, et al. (1312)
Research Notes
Prediction of Soil Free Iron Oxide Content Based on Soils Munsell Color…………………………YU Xingxing, YUAN Dagang, CHEN Jianke, et al. (1322)
Soil Fauna Community Dynamics ofLitter in Different Decomposition Environments…………………………XIAO Jiujin, YANG Litong, FENG Qiuhong, et al. (1330)
Cover Picture:Complicated Microbial Networks Manipulate the Soil Resilience of Damaged Mining Areas in the Loess Plateau (by MA Jing, CHEN Fu)
No. 6
Insights and Perspectives
Research Perspectives and Footprint of Utilization and Protection of Black Soil in Northeast China…………………………HAN Xiaozeng, ZOU Wenxiu (1341)
Reviews and Comments
Research Progresses on Key Factors Affecting Survival ofin Soils…………………………MA Chao, YANG Xinrun, JIANG Gaofei, et al. (1359)
Community Characteristic and Functional Variability of Soil Microbes in Urban-rural Complex Ecosystem…………………………LI Min, CHEN Liding, YANG Xiaoru, et al. (1368)
Research Progress on the Native Soil Carbon Priming after Straw Addition…………………………ZHANG Yeye, MO Fei, HAN Juan, et al. (1381)
Research Progresses on the Application of Sugar Alcohol Chelated Fertilizers in Agriculture…………………………LI Tengsheng, WEI Qianqian, HUANG Mingli, et al. (1393)
Research Articles
Climate Change and Soil Erosion in Holocene in Xi’an Area…………………………ZHOU Qi, ZHAO Jingbo, SU Min, et al. (1404)
Influence of Slope on Splash Erosion of Lou Soil in Guanzhong Area Under Simulated Rainfall…………………………WANG Zixuan, WU Faqi (1416)
Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Soil Moisture on Slopes Relative to Land Preparation Measure…………………………CHENG Liang, JIAO Xiong, DI Hanyue, et al. (1423)
Variation of Oasis Vegetation Communities and Properties of Grey Brown Desert Soil Relative to History of “Grain for Green” in Arid Regions…………………………WANG Lide, TIAN Qing, GUO Chunxiu, et al. (1436)
Taxonomy of Soils Developed from Rocks of Shaximiao Formation (J2s) Strata in Sichuan Basin…………………………YU Xingxing, YUAN Dagang, CHEN Jianke, et al. (1448)
The Effects of Coal Gangues and Caliche Nodules on Plant Growth and Soil Moisture……………………………MI Meixia, SHAO Ming’an, WU Xiaogang, et al. (1460)
Characteristics of Vertical Variation of Soil Aggregates Stability and Nutrients in Shallow Karst Fissures of Karst Sloping Fields…………………………XIONG Bailian, GAO Yang, PENG Tao, et al. (1472)
Effects of Long-term Application of Organic Manure on Contents of Total and Available Cadmium in Greenhouse Soil…………………………DUAN Haiqin, QIN Qin, Lü Weiguang, et al. (1486)
Causes and Regulation of Variation of Zinc Concentration in Wheat Grains Produced in Huanghuai Wheat Production Region of China…………………………HUANG Tingmiao, WANG Zhaohui, HUANG Qiannan, et al. (1496)
Effects of Straw Returning Combined with Application of Mixture of Controlled-Release Urea and Common Urea on Maize Yield and Soil Fertility…………………………GAO Yongxiang, LI Ruochen, ZHANG Min, et al. (1507)
The Effect of Straw Addition on Organic and Inorganic Carbon Release from Calcareous Soils…………………………SUN Zhaoan, WANG Fang, ZHANG Shan, et al. (1520)
Mineralization of Goethite-Adsorbed and -Encapsulated Organic Carbon and Its Priming Effect in Paddy Soil……………………………JIANG Jiabin, ZHU Zhenke, LIN Sen, et al. (1531)
Effect of Application of Straw-derived Biochar on Concentrations of N2O and N2in Paddy Soil Profile…………………………MA Yunyun, ZHOU Wei, HE Lili, et al. (1540)
Effect of Allylthiourea on Soil Nitrification and the Underlying Microbial Mechanism in Short-term Laboratory Microcosms…………………………SHEN Xiaoyi, XIA Weiwei, Cirenlamu, et al. (1553)
Effects of Biochar on Soil Aggregate Stability and Microbial Community in Paddy Field…………………………JIANG Xueyang, ZHANG Qianqian, SHEN Haojie, et al. (1564)
Effects of Water Management on Selenium Accumulation in Rice Grains and Bacterial Community Diversity in Rhizosphere Soil…………………………WANG Ruixin, YANG Jing, FANG Zheng, et al. (1574)
Effect of Moss Crust on Sandy Soil Properties and Bacterial Community in Mu Us Sandy Land…………………………ZHANG Yuhong, ZHANG Shaoyang, ZHANG Shuhui, et al. (1585)
Effects of Salt Stress on Form of Polyamine and Antioxidation in Germinating Tomato Seed…………………………CHEN Jun, GUAN Xin, FAN Cuizhi, et al. (1598)
Cover Picture: The Depth of Black Soil Layer (A Horizon) in Cultivated Black Soil Is 0-69 cm (by HAN Xiaozeng, ZOU Wenxiu)