



      Charlotte’s Web

      2022-07-11 08:24:09E.B.White


      The old sheep nodded.“What a cargo!”she said.“Thatsign ought to say ‘Zuckerman’s Famous Pig and TwoStowaways’”“Look out, the people are coming—omingoming!”shouted the gander.“Cheese it,cheese it,cheese it!”The big truck with Mr. Arable at the wheel backed slowly downtoward the barnyard. Lurvy and Mr. Zuckerman walkedalongside. Fern and Avery were standing in the body of thetruck hanging on to the sideboards.

      “Listen to me,”whispered the old sheep to Wilbur.“When they open the crate and try to put you in,struggle!Don’t go without a tussle. Pigs always resist when they arebeing loaded.”“If I struggle I’ll get dirty,”saidWilbur.

      “Never mind that—do as I say! Struggle! If you wereto walk into the crate without resisting,Zuckerman might thinkyou were bewitched. He’d be scared to go to the Fair.”Templeton poked his head up through the straw.“Struggle ifyou must,”said he,“but kindly remember that I’m hidingdown here in this crate and I don’t want to be stepped on,orkicked in the face,or pummeled,or crushed in any way,orsquashed,or buffeted about,or bruised,or lacerated,orscarred,or biffed. Just watch what you’re doing,Mr. Radiant,when they get shoving you in!”“Be quiet,Templeton!”saidthe sheep.“Pull in you head—they’re coming. Look radiant,Wilbur! Lay low,Charlotte! Talk it up,geese!”The truckbacked slowly to the pigpen and stopped. Mr. arable cut themotor,got out,walked around to the rear,and lowered thetailgate. The geese cheered. Mrs. Arable got out of the truck.Fern and Avery jumped to the ground. Mrs. Zuckerman camewalking down from the house. Everybody lined up at the fenceand stood for a moment admiring Wilbur and the beautifulgreen crate. Nobody realized that the crate alreadycontained a rat and a spider.

      “That’s some pig!”said Mrs. Arable.

      “He’s terrific,”said Lurvy.

      “He’s very radiant,”said Fern,remembering the dayhe was born.

      “Well,”said Mrs. Zuckerman,“he’s clean,anyway.The buttermilk certainly helped.”Mr. Arable studied Wilburcarefully.“Yes,he’s a wonderful pig,”he said.“It’s hardto believe that he was the runt of the litter. You’ll get someextra good ham and bacon,Homer,when it comes time tokill that pig.”Wilbur heard these words and his heart almoststopped.“I think I’m going to faint,”he whispered to theold sheep,who was watching.

      “Kneel down.”whispered the old sheep.“Let theblood rush to you head!”Wilbur sank to his knees,allradiance gone. His eyes closed.

      “Look!”screamed Fern.“He’s fading away!”“Hey,watch me!”yelled Avery,crawling on all fours into thecrate.“I’ma pig! I’ma pig!”Avery’s foot touchedTempletonunder the straw.“What a mess!”thought the rat.“Whatfantastic creatures boys are! Why did I let myself in forthis?”The geese saw Avery in the crate and cheered.

      “Avery, you get out of that crate this instant!”commanded his mother.“What do you think you are?”“I’ma pig!”cried Avery,tossing handfuls of straw into the air.“Oink,oink,oink!”“The truck is rolling away,Papa,”said Fern.

      The truck,with no one at the wheel,had started toroll downhill. Mr. Arable dashed to the driver’s seat andpulled on the emergency brake. The truck stopped. Thegeese cheered. Charlotte crouched and made herself assmall as possible in the knothole,soAvery wouldn’t see her.

      “Come out at once!” cried Mrs. Arable. Averycrawled out of the crate on hands and knees,making faces atWilbur.Wilbur fainted away.

      “The pig has passed out,”said Mrs. Zuckerman.“Throwwater on him!”“Throw buttermilk!”suggested Avery.

      The geese cheered.

      Lurvy ran for a pail of water. Fern climbed into the penand knelt byWilbur’s side.

      “It’s sunstroke,”said Zuckerman.“The heat is too muchfor him.”“Maybe he’s dead,”said Avery.

      “Come out of that pigpen immediately!” cried Mrs.Arable. Avery obeyed his mother and climbed into the back ofthe truck so he could see better. Lurvy returned with cold waterand dashed it onWilbur.

      “Throw some on me!”cried Avery.“I’m hot,too.”“Oh,keep quiet!”hollered Fern.“Keep qui- et!”Her eyes werebrimming with tears.

      Wilbur,feeling the cold water,came to. He rose slowlyto his feet,while the geese cheered.

      “He’s up!”said Mr. Arable.“I guess there’s nothingwrong with him.”“I’m hungry,”said Avery.“I want a candiedapple.”“Wilbur’s all right now,”said Fern. "We can start. Iwant to take a ride in the Ferris wheel."Mr. Zuckerman and Mr.Arable and Lurvy grabbed the pig and pushed him headfirsttoward the crate. Wilbur began to struggle. The harder the menpushed,the harder he held back. Avery jumped down andjoined the men. Wilbur kicked and thrashed and grunted.“Nothing wrong with this pig,” said Mr. Zuckermancheerfully,pressing his knee against Wilbur’s behind.“Alltogether,now, boys! Shove!”With a final heave theyjammed him into the crate. The geese cheered. Lurvy nailedsome boards across the end,so Wilbur couldn’t back out.Then,using all their strength,the men picked up the crate andheaved it aboard the truck. They did not know that under thestraw was a rat,and inside a knothole was a big grey spider.They saw only a pig.

      “Everybody in!”called Mr. Arable. He started themotor. The ladies climbed in beside him. Mr. Zuckerman andLurvy and Fern and Avery rode in back,hanging onto thesideboards. The truck began to move ahead. The geesecheered. The children answered their cheer,and away wenteverybody to the Fair.

      When they pulled into the Fair Grounds,they couldhear music and see the Ferris wheel turning in the sky. Theycould smell the dust of the race track where the sprinklingcart had moistened it;and they could smell hamburgersfrying and see balloons aloft. They could hear sheep blattingin their pens. An enormous voice over the loudspeaker said:“Attention, please! Will the owner of a Pontiac car,license number H- 2439,please move your car away fromthe fireworks shed!”“Can I have some money?”asked Fern.

      “Can I,too?”asked Avery.

      “I’m going to win a doll by spinning a wheel and it willstop at the right number,”said Fern.

      “I’m going to steer a jet plane and make it bump intoanother one.”“Can I have a balloon?”asked Fern.

      “Can I have a frozen custard and a cheeseburger andsome raspberry soda pop?”asked Avery.

      “You children be quiet till we get the pig unloaded,”said Mrs. Arable.

      “Let’s let the children go off by themselves,”suggested Mr. Arable.“The Fair only comes once a year.”Mr. Arable gave Fern two quarters and two dimes. He gaveAvery five dimes and four nickels.“Now run along”he said.“And remember,the money has to last all day. Don’t spendit all the first few minutes. And be back here at the truck atnoontime so we can all have lunch together. And don’t eat alot of stuff that’s going to make you sick to your stomachs.”“And if you go in those swings,”said Mrs. Arable,“youhang on tight! You hang on very tight. Hear me?”“And don’t get lost!”said Mrs. Zuckerman.

      “And don’t get dirty!”“Don’t get overheated!”saidtheir mother.

      “Watch out for pickpockets!”cautioned their father.

      “And don’t cross the race track when the horses arecoming!”cried Mrs. Zuckerman.

      The children grabbed each other by the hand anddanced off in the direction of the merry-go-round,towardthe wonderful music and the wonderful adventure and thewonderful excitement,into the wonderful midway wherethere would be no parents to guard them and guide them,and where they could be happy and free and do as theypleased. Mrs. Arable stood quietly and watched them go.Then she sighed. Then she blew her nose.

      “Do you really think it’s all right?”she asked.

      “Well,they’ve got to grow up some time,”said Mr.Arable.“And a fair is a good place to start,I guess.”WhileWilbur was being unloaded and taken out of his crate andinto his new pigpen,crowds gathered to watch. Theystared at the sign ZUCKERMAN’S FAMOUS PIG. Wilburstared back and tried to look extra good. He was pleasedwith his new home. The pen was grassy,and it was shadedfrom the sun by a shed roof.

      Charlotte,watching her chance,scrambled out of thecrate and climbed a post to the under side of the roof.Nobody noticed her.

      Templeton, not wishing to come out in broaddaylight,stayed quietly under the straw at the bottom ofthe crate. Mr. Zuckerman poured some skim milk intoWilbur’s trough,pitched clean straw into his pen,andthen he and Mrs. Zuckerman and the Arables walked awaytoward the cattle barn to look at purebred cows and to seethe sights. Mr. Zuckerman particularly wanted to look attractors. Mrs. Zuckerman wanted to see a deep freeze.Lurvy wandered off by himself,hoping to meet friends andhave some fun on the midway.

      As soon as the people were gone,Charlotte spoke toWilbur.

      “It’s a good thing you can’t see what I see,”she said.

      “What do you see?”askedWilbur.

      “There’s a pig in the next pen and he’s enormous. I’mafraid he’s much bigger than you are.”“Maybe he’s older thanI am,and has had more time to grow,”suggested Wilbur.Tears began to come to his eyes.

      “I’ll drop down and have a closer look,”Charlotte said.Then she crawled along a beam till she was directly over thenext pen. She let herself down on a dragline until she hung inthe air just in front of the big pig’s snout.

      “May I have your name?”she asked,politely.

      The pig stared at her.“No name,”he said in a big,heartyvoice. “Just call me uncle.”“Very well, Uncle,” repliedCharlotte.“What is the date of your birth? Are you a springpig?”“Sure I’m a spring pig,”replied Uncle.“What did youthink I was,a spring chicken? Haw,haw—that’s a goodone,eh,Sister?”“Mildly funny,”said Charlotte.“I’ve heardfunnier ones,though. Glad to have met you,and now I mustbe going.”She ascended slowly and returned toWilbur’s pen.

      “He claims he’s a spring pig,”reported Charlotte,“ andperhaps he is. One thing is certain,he has a most unattractivepersonality. He is too familiar,too noisy,and he cracks weakjokes. Also,he’s not anywhere near as clean as you are,nor aspleasant. I took quite a dislike to him in our brief interview. He’sgoing to be a hard pig to beat,though,Wilbur,on account ofhis size and weight. But with me helping you,it can be done.”“When are you going to spin a web?”askedWilbur.

      “This afternoon,late,if I’m not too tired,”said Charlotte.“The least thing tires me these days. I don’t seem to have theenergy I once had. My age,I guess.”Wilbur looked at hisfriend. She looked rather swollen and she seemed listless.

      “I’m awfully sorry to hear that you’re feeling poorly,Charlotte,”he said.“ Perhaps if you spin a web and catch acouple of flies you’ll feel better.”“Perhaps,”she said,wearily.“But I feel like the end of a long day.”Clingingupside down to the ceiling,she settled down for a nap,leavingWilbur very much worried.

      All morning people wandered past Wilbur’s pen. Dozensand dozens of strangers stopped to star at him and to admirehis silky white coat,his curly tail,his kind and radiantexpression. Then they would move on to the next pen wherethe bigger pig lay. Wilbur heard several people makefavorable remarks about uncle’s great size. He couldn’t helpworrying.“And now,with Charlotte not feeling well...”hethought.“Oh,dear!”All morning Templeton slept quietlyunder the straw. The day grew fiercely hot. At noon theZuckermans and the Arables returned to the pigpen. Then,afew minutes later,F(xiàn)ern and Avery showed up. Fern had amonkey doll in her arms and was eating Cracker- jack. Averyhad a balloon tied to his ear and was chewing a candied apple.The children were hot and dirty.

      “Isn’t it hot?”said Mrs. Zuckerman.

      “It’s terribly hot,”said Mrs. Arable,fanning herselfwith an advertisement of a deep freeze.

      One by one they climbed into the truck and opened lunchboxes. The sun beat down on everything. Nobody seemedhungry.

      “When are the judges going to decide about Wilbur?”asked Mrs. Zuckerman.

      “Not till tomorrow,”said Mr. Zuckerman.

      Lurvy appeared,carrying an Indian blanket that he hadwon.

      “That’s just what we need,”said Avery.“A blanket.”“Of course it is,”replied Lurvy. And he spread the blanketacross the sideboards of the truck so that it was like a littletent. The children sat in the shade,under the blanket,and feltbetter.

      After lunch,they stretched out and fell asleep.












      “看吶!”芬尖叫,“他的光彩消失了!”“嘿,看我!”埃弗里叫罷,匍匐著爬進(jìn)了板條箱?!拔沂且活^豬!我是一頭豬!”埃弗里的腳踩到了稻草下面的坦普爾曼?!罢娴姑梗 崩鲜笙?,“男孩子是多么可怕的動(dòng)物!我為什么要讓自己到這里來受罪?”鵝們看到埃弗里進(jìn)了箱子,都一起喝起彩來。




      84 “馬上出來!”阿拉貝爾太太喊。埃弗里手腳



      當(dāng)他們一到展覽會場,就聽到音樂聲,看到在天空中的費(fèi)里斯大轉(zhuǎn)輪。他們能聞到灑水車噴出的道道水跡里散發(fā)出的塵土氣息,聞到油煎三明治的香味,看到徐徐升起的大氣球。他們還能聽到綿羊們在圈里咩咩地叫。擴(kuò)音器里有個(gè)很大的聲音喊道:請注意!請車牌為H-2349 號的龐蒂亞克的車主把你的車從放焰火的地方開走!“能給我點(diǎn)兒錢嗎?”芬問。







      86 “不要把身上弄臟了!”“不要玩得太瘋!”他們的媽媽說。

































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