文/Bernard Bigot 譯/張佳藝
科研人員在升級全超導托卡馬克核聚變實驗裝置(新華社記者金立旺 攝)
The evolution of the People’s Republic of China over the last halfcentury-both economically and technologically as a global leader-is rightly regarded as a miracle. It would be remarkable for any nation to progress so quickly from a developing country to a fully industrialized status, but this occurrence in the world’s most populous country has been one of the most significant achievements in modern history.
Energy plays a crucial role in economic development and industrialization, and energy has, of course, played a critical role in China’s advancement. It has been my great privilege to play a small role in this aspect, particularly in nuclear fission for electric power generation and ongoing research and development in hydrogen fusion-both bilaterally, as part of France-China partnerships and part of multilateral and global bodies. One might say I have had a “front-row seat” to some of these developments, and I cherished these interactions as both an actor and an observer.
It is crucial to consider the formative years in order to understand how China’s nuclear energy evolution took shape. Many consider the start of the construction of the first Chinese nuclear power plant in Qinshan in 1985 a watershed moment. But I would look further: as far back as the 1970s, China had been giving serious consideration to developing a civil nuclear power program. Parallel to this, the Franco-Chinese relationship in science and technology had begun to take hold, possibly as a result of French President Georges Pompidou’s first visit to China in 1973.
From those early days, a pattern and a philosophy emerged that had characterized France’s relationship with China in some ways ever since. China was eager to acquire the advanced technology that France already possessed, making China a natural export market and developing country partner. In the case of nuclear energy, this necessitated a careful focus on building China’s full capacity, strategically andsteadily, to achieve a strong, peaceful nuclear regime with the highest standards of quality and safety, including a robust regulatory authority. Over time, this would logically lead to China’s acquiring more and more know-how, domestic capability and eventually to the establishment of China’s extensive nuclear workforce, component manufacturing capability, and self-sustaining nuclear industry.
France quickly understood the benefits and opportunities of having China as a long-term partnership with its massive potential. The“Cooperation Agreement between the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) and the Chinese Ministry of Nuclear Industry in the field of the use of peaceful atomic energy” was signed into force in 1982. The long-term viability of this agreement attests to the substantive partnership established. I am pleased to recall that this agreement was continuously renewed during my tenure as Chairman and CEO of the CEA, from 2009 through 2015, and with the signing of the 13th CEA-CAEA protocol during President Xi Jinping’s state visit to France in March 2019, the agreement-now 40 years oldcontinues to thrive.
In 1983, not long after the first signature on this fundamental agreement, a second, more practical “Memorandum of nuclear power cooperation” was signed. France agreed to provide four 900 megawatt pressurized water reactors (PWRs), collaborating with the Guangdongbased electricity provider CGNPG (China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group) to build two units at Daya Bay and two more at Ling Ao. This collaboration, which resulted in the beginning of commercial operations in 1993 and 1994, would be the first of many.
Clearly, China’s logical ambition has always been to learn as much as possible from its global partners in order to develop its own “homegrown” nuclear power technology and capacity. With that in mind, it was not surprising that China sought out other collaborators in addition to the French Framatome PWR designs. The first Chinese-based Canadian CANDU designs arrived in 2002, followed by Russian VVER reactors coming into operation in China a few years later. More recently, this diversified approach has led to the construction in China of the first two French-designed European Pressurized-Water Reactors (EPRs),developed at the Taishan site with Electricité de France (EDF) and beginning operation in 2018 and 2019.
With this ever-growing body of knowledge and experience, it was no surprise when the Chinese government, in 2014, tasked the Chinese National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC). And the re-named China General Nuclear Power Group (CGN) with developing the first fully Chinesedesigned generation III reactor: the “Chinese dragon,” Hualong-1 or HPR-1000. To ensure that all core components could be manufactured in China, 17 Chinese universities and research institutes, 58 state-owned enterprises, and more than 140 private companies collaborated to create this design. Hualong, which is entirely Chinese but owes a great deal to French technological collaboration, has now taken its rightful place at the heart of China’s nuclear power strategy and forecast for the future.
From a personal standpoint, I have watched this remarkable saga ofsteady growth in China’s peaceful nuclear journey with pleasure and admiration. Previously, I was asked to lead French delegations, which included relevant French governmental agencies and companies such as EDF and Areva, to interact and collaborate with our Chinese counterparts. It also took the form of multilateral collaborations in my capacity as the French governor of the International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA), where China’s steady emergence as a reliable partner was also consistently evident.
Of course, nuclear power was not the only source of rapid growth.Electricity is frequently referred to as the engine of economic growth,and I can think of no better example than what I witnessed in making repeated visits to Beijing and many other cities throughout China over the years. The stunning evolution of China’s urban skylines, modern airports, high-speed rail service, and many other technological sectors continued every year with each new visit. The “developing country partner,” bolstered by sound investment and collaboration, emerged to take its place as a dominant global power.
China’s nuclear power program’s current state is both a reflection and a supporting element of China’s overall modernization and scientific and technological advancement. It is by far the most active country globally in nuclear power expansion, with 52 units (54 GWe) in service and 20 more under construction. China will surpass France in nuclear-generated electricity for the first time in 2020 (second only to the United States).If plans continue to construct 6-8 new nuclear power plants per year through 2035, China’s installed nuclear-generated electricity capacity will reach 150 GWe.
It is especially pleasing for me that, despite this unprecedented growth in China’s domestic capacity, the groundwork laid over decades of Franco-Chinese cooperation continues to provide a role in China for French small and medium-sized enterprises. Approximately 90 federated members of the PFCE-the Association of French-Chinese Electricity Partners, centered on EDF-continue to provide services and maintenance for the ongoing development and operation of the Chinese nuclear power industry, frequently through joint ventures that significantly expand the markets for these French companies. This collection of ongoing relationships compellingly exemplifies the mutual benefit of collaboration and complementary growth.
The next step for China, logically, is export. The initial series of fully“Made in China” Hualong reactors were put in place in Fuqing and Fengchenggang, with six more units authorized by the Chinese regulator for construction at Zhangzhou, Huizhou, and Changjiang. But in parallel, three international projects have steadily advanced: in the United Kingdom, where the regulator passed the Generic Design Assessment for the HPR-1000 reactor in February 2022; in Pakistan,where two HPR-1000s have been successfully installed at Karachithe latest connecting to the grid in March 2022-and three more unitsare planned; and in Argentina, where Canada and China are working jointly on plans to construct one CANDU and one Hualong unit.
Other international projects will undoubtedly follow, with periodic ongoing discussion reports, for example, in Brazil, the Czech Republic,and Kenya. While rigorously adhering to safety and quality standards,China’s systematic approach to standardization and cost efficiency adds credibility to its reputation as a reliable exporter of advanced technology. The intention of CNNC to create a follow-on reactor design,Hualong-2, with substantially reduced cost and a reduction in build time from 5 years to 4, will be likely to expand international interest.
Aside from nuclear power plants, Franco-Chinese cooperation has also expanded to a broad range of R&D across the nuclear fuel cycle,emphasizing France’s unrivaled expertise in reprocessing and waste treatment. History is essential in this area of collaboration as well.Partnership with China was largely implemented through CEA as a training activity, supporting the deployment of EDF joint ventures and the French nuclear industry in China, as noted above, in the 1990s,when I was serving in various roles in the French Ministry of Research as Head of the Scientific and Technical Mission (1993-1996), Director-General of Research and Technology (1996-1997), and Deputy Director for Research (1998 to 2000).
However, as China’s nuclear science and capacity grew inevitably, the focus would be shifted over the next two decades -first to designing and constructing a 100% Chinese atomic plant and then to more broadly diversified research and development. When President Emmanuel Macron paid a state visit to Beijing in 2018, he signed a critical memorandum of a commercial agreement with Areva to establish a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in China. This was a deliberate strategic choice on the part of China: unlike the United States and other major nuclear power users, China was signaling its adoption of the French model,in which spent nuclear fuel would be reprocessed to recover uranium and plutonium for use in the manufacture of “mixed oxide” (MOX)fuels, with vitrified fission product wastes being geologically buried.This reprocessing of used nuclear fuel reduces China’s dependency on uranium imports and extends the lifetime of the overall nuclear power outlook.
Similarly, China’s R&D has expanded to include the deployment of fast neutron reactors (FNRs) and “fourth-generation” reactors, with ongoing work on prototypes and demonstrations of various types, including high-temperature gas-cooled reactors, molten salt reactors using thorium as fuel, small modular nuclear plants, a lead-bismuth reactor, and a subcritical reactor linked to a particle accelerator. Taken as a whole, it is unlikely that all of the projects will be included in the long-term vision;however, the sheer number of projects demonstrates the extent to which Chinese expertise, accumulated strategically through partnerships and domestic research, is transforming China into the preeminent nuclear power leader of the 21st century.
Finally, let me turn to China’s growth as an international partner in the global effort to bring the promise of hydrogen fusion to reality. Fusion energy is a nuclear process, like fission, but the physics is completely different. Hydrogen fusion is the power at the heart of our Sun and all the stars-the most abundant energy source in the universe-and the source of all light and heat on Earth, which provides the environment that supports life. Fusion energy has numerous advantages, including the promise of safe, environmentally friendly, and virtually limitless energy for future generations. However, the controlled production of hydrogen fusion power has proved to be a challenging endeavor.Fusion occurs at the core of the Sun due to extreme gravitation, which forces hydrogen nuclei to fuse. Because this gravitational force cannot be replicated on Earth, scientists and engineers have been working on alternative methods of harnessing fusion energy for more than six decades. The most promising method is magnetic confinement fusion,in which a low-density fusion plasma is created in a doughnut-shaped metal chamber called a Tokamak, heated to approximately 150 degrees;the temperature at which hydrogen nuclei reach the velocities needed for fusion to occur. And the reaction is controlled and confined by a precisely shaped magnetic field.
The leading international research collaboration for hydrogen fusion is the ITER project, located in the south of France. ITER was conceived in 1985 by U.S. President Ronald Reagan and Soviet Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev as a project that would exist “for the benefit of all mankind.”In the decades that followed, five additional Members joined-China,Europe, India, Japan, and Korea-and the project has become the convergence point on the national fusion R&D roadmaps of each of the Members involved.
China’s role as a steady, reliable partner and leader in the ITER project is best understood in the context of ITER’s procurement strategy. As the host Member, Europe contributes about 46% of the project, with each Member, including China, contributing 9% each. However, these contributions are not made in cash; instead, approximately 90% of each Member’s contribution is made “in kind,” in the form of components. With over one million components comprising the ITER Tokamak, as well as associated support systems and services, the result is a complex arrangement of centralized design, distributed manufacturing across three continents, logistics for transportation and storage, and unprecedented collaboration to ensure that each contribution arrives on time to be tested,conditioned as necessary, and integrated into the ITER machine.
By design, this arrangement allows each Member in parallel to develop a wide range of unique components that demand national and international scientific advances and engineering innovations. China supplies a wide range of critical components for ITER under the supervision of the Chinese domestic agency: the so-called feeders, magnets that deliver the electricity and cryogenics to power ITER’s massive superconducting magnets; the more delicate “correction coils,” magnets that allow operators to “fine-tune” the precise shape of ITER’s magnetic fields; and hundreds of components designed to provide reactive power compensation and electrical conversion to support the experiment.
An early milestone in the ITER Assembly Phase was achieved in June 2020, shortly after the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, when China successfully delivered Poloidal Field Coil #6, a journey over land and sea from Hefei, China, to the ITER site in Provence, despite many challenges. This ring-shaped superconducting magnet, ten meters in diameter and weighing more than 400 tonnes, was manufactured in China under an agreement with ITER’s European domestic agency and represented the first-of-its-kind breakthrough on multiple levels. After successful cryogenic temperature tests, it was chosen as the first magnet to be installed at ITER in April 2021.
Critically, China’s participation in ITER has been matched by an increasingly sophisticated domestic fusion research and development program.In the mid-1990s, China built its first superconducting fusion device, Hefei-Tokamak 7, or HT-7, and collaborated with Russia. This device was replaced by the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak, or EAST, which went into operation in 2006. Operated by the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science on behalf of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, EAST has continued to make significant contributions to the global fusion R&D enterprise, most recently setting a record for a 1000-second sustained pulse.
Aside from EAST, China also operates the HL-2M tokamak at the Southwestern Institute of Physics in Chengdu and the J-TEXT device at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan. Combined with the knowledge gained from the ITER collaboration, the domestic experience from these three fusion experimental devices has led to the design of the envisioned China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor (CFETR),an ITER-like device intended to lead to the development of the first commercial Chinese fusion plants.
China’s commitment to fusion R&D has followed the pattern of its commitment to nuclear fission power: collaborative partnership, expansion of domestic capability, and emergence as a leader. This was clearly demonstrated to me at the World EXPO in Astana in 2017 when President Xi Jinping and other global leaders toured the Chinese exhibition, which featured state-of-the-art fission and fusion power demonstration. I was reminded again when the Chair of the ITER Council, my long-time friend, and colleague Luo Delong, sent me a video showing President Xi explaining the benefits of fusion to a group of senior Chinese leaders.
I was also deeply honoured in September 2019 when I was invited to Beijing to receive the Friendship Award on the eve of the People’s Republic of China’s 70th anniversary. Standing in the Great Hall of the People for a ceremony hosted by Vice Premier Liu He, I was overcome by the sense of history, by the remarkable fruit of our decades-long Franco-Chinese partnership. It also serves as a reminder of what a privilege it has been to play a small role in this unprecedented relationship between our two countries.
The most memorable confirmation of China’s commitment to fusion and the ITER project came nearly one year later, in July 2020, when, in midst of the pandemic crisis, ITER celebrated its Start of the Assembly Phase. During a ceremony hosted by President Macron, seven Heads of State and multiple ministers from ITER Member countries issued statements, including President Xi,reaffirming their commitment to a shared vision of hydrogen fusion.
As Minister of Science and Technology Wang Zhigang read the words of President Xi, it was yet another testament to the power of collaboration and China’s reliable vision as a partner: “Science is not bound by national borders, and innovation is a never-ending endeavour. International Science and technology cooperation is critical to humanity’s response to global challenges... Let us work together to promote science, technology, and innovation across the globe and make new contributions to the betterment of lives in all countries and long-term development of the entire world.”
Honestly, this is indeed a shared vision of the future to which we can aspire.