




      2022-12-07 08:26:18
      外國問題研究 2022年1期


      Maruyama Masao’s Academic Understanding of Japanese “Supranationalism”

      Han Dongyu(4)

      Echo of “Maruyama’s Pattern” in East Asia—Related Research on Park Chungseok and Han Dongyu

      Wang Mingbing(12)

      Modern Japanese Scholars Interpret the Japanese Superiority Theory of the “Edo School”

      —Inoue Tetsujiro and Maruyama Masao as the Central Focus

      Dong Haozhi(23)


      Textual Research on the Insanity of Justin II in the Later Roman Empire

      Liu Rongrong(31)

      A Preliminary Study of Western Asian Diplomacy in 3rdMillennium BC

      Yuan Zhihui(39)

      A Research on the Priest-Magician of Ancient Egypt

      Zeng Qin and Li Haifeng(46)


      On the Promoting Role of Lucius Foote in Modern US-Korean Relations

      Ma Deyi(53)

      A Study of Economic Participation of the Eastern and Southern European Immigrant Women

      in America in the Late 19thand Early 20thCenturies

      Yang Jing(62)

      A Pilot Study of the Development and Evolution of U.S. Communications Policy during

      the Early Cold War

      Wu Dong and Yu Qun(73)

      A New Probe to the Phenomenon of Dog Massacre in the History of Plague in Modern England

      Chai Bin and Xu Jin(83)

      The Norman Conquest and the Revival of Medieval English Intellectual Life

      Sun Yifan(91)


      Egypt’s Housing Development Status Quo, Dilemmas and Its Causes since 1981

      Chen Tianshe and Wu Lizhi(101)

      Hovering between National Identity and Ethnic Identity

      —The Lhotsampa People’s Identity Politics and the Logical Evolution of Bhutan’s

      State Structural System

      Li Tie(114)





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      Han Dongyu

      From the Meiji to the Showa period, the course of Japan charted a trajectory of rise and fall from rapid success to extreme failure.TheLogicandPsychologyofSupranationalism, which Maruyama Masao has called the “Postwar Charter,” dismantles the anti-modern attributes of “supranationalism” from a theoretical point of view, and at the same time gives the academic premise of modernity to the constitutional reconstruction of Japan. This means that the most fundamental task facing post-war Japan is not so much the replacement of the old and new constitutions as the restart of the modern era.


      Wang Mingbing

      Maruyama Masao’s methods and orientation of theoretical vision, interpretation mode and target direction, as well as those condensed and abstract “Universality” (“Modernity”) and “Individuality” (“Japaneseness”) presented in his academic research have a “Paradigm” meaning that can be transplanted and imitated. The Korean scholar Park Chungseok, who learned from Maruyama Masao, made a more systematic attempt to study the Korean history of thought following Maruyama’s theories and methods. However, he not only failed to get rid of the problems such as theoretical antecedence and nationalism, but also fell into the Korean colonized history viewpoint and its own discourse system. Recently, Han Dongyu’s series of studies on Maruyama Masao fully grasped Maruyama’s theoretical connotation, and further exceeded Maruyama’s analytical perspective. His method of historical positivism and vision of “East Asia” may open up a new field for “Maruyama Studies” and East Asian studies.


      Dong Haozhi

      When we examine the history of Japanese thought, the term “ancient school” in Edo is attributed to modern Japanese scholars. However, since its introduction, the “ancient school” has become an important object of study for Japanese scholars and has been highly regarded, especially by Tetsujiro Inoue and Mao Maruyama, the former of whom interpreted the “ancient school” from the perspective of “moralism” and the latter of whom emphasized the “modernity” of the “ancient school”. The former interpreted the “ancient school” from the perspective of “moralism,” while the latter emphasized the “modernity” of the “ancient school. Importantly”, their interpretation of the “ancient school” also highlights, to varying degrees, the value of “Japanese superiority theory,” which has become the dominant tone in the interpretation of the “ancient school” by Japanese scholars since then. However, there are some exaggerations, which do not objectively reflect the ideological value of the “ancient school”.


      Liu Rongrong

      In the year of 565, Justinian I who was the Emperor of the Later Roman Empire died. Justin II, Justinian I’s nephew, succeeded to the throne. From the beginning of the Emperors career, Justin II overestimated the ability of himself and the strength of the empire. Based on this situation, the governance of Justin II manifested overconfident and even arrogant. In the year of 573, soon after the war between the Romans and the Persians began, the important fortress Dara in the eastern part of the empire was taken by the Persians. In the Post-Justinian Era, the power of Later Roman Empire could not support unrealistic ideality of Emperor. Because of this event, Justin II gone mad unexpectedly. The insanity of Justin II not only made himself suffer from the pain during the rest of life, but also led to the highest power of empire lost. After this event, the decline of the Later Roman Empire was intensified.


      Yuan Zhihui

      In the 3rdMillennium BC, Babylonia witnessed the hegemony of Kish, the struggle between Lagash and Umma, and the expansion of the Akkad Kingdom. In North Mesopotamia and Syria, one hundred-years war broke out between Ebla and Mari for the control of trade routes, while Urkesh actively developed friendly relations with the Akkad Kingdom. In the diplomatic activities, a series of diplomatic practices have been formed: the fraternal relationship in the diplomatic relations, the diplomatic marriage to consolidate friendly relations, declaration of war before war, the treaty to deal with dispute, the envoys in foreign affairs negotiations, the joint fight against fugitives and the protection of businessmen. The Western Asian diplomacy in the 3rdMillennium B.C. established the tradition for the ancient Western Asia and even the Near East diplomacy: the family-diplomatic diplomatic relations model, the tradition of swearing, and the divine judgment guaranteeing the performance of the treaty.


      Zeng Qin and Li Haifeng

      During the ancient Egyptian period, the Priest-Magician was the most important group of magicians. They came from “the House of Life” which was a mysterious place in the temple. Priest-Magicians included the scribes of “the House of Life”, Lector priests, and priests of goddess Sekhmet, etc. They actively participated in various social activities, and shouldered the social responsibilities of guarding and inheriting “the Language of God”, implementing daily magic, curing patients and presiding over funeral ceremonies.


      Ma Deyi

      In the very early period of US-Korean relations, Lucius Foote played a significant role. To spread and enlarge American commercial interest, trying hard to facilitate the Korean special mission to the US, supporting the efforts of Kojong to secure American advisors, acting as a positive mediator in the process of treaty negotiations between Britain, Germany and Korea, and in that of Kapsin Coup, all the above were involved with Foote. While protecting the interest of the US, what he did actually reached the result to maintain the benefit of Korea. Because of Foote and his activities in Korea, the influence of the US was objectively enlarged to a certain extent. This, however, unfortunately led to a misjudgment of Kojong on the bilateral relations between the US and his nation. Such case studies in a micro way on the roles of Foote is not only helpful to understand the early bilateral relations between the US and Korea, but also to analyze the alternation of international relations in East Asia at the same time.


      Yang Jing

      The United States experienced an unprecedented tide of Eastern and Southern European immigrant women in the late 19thcentury and early 20thcentury. Compared with immigrant women from Western and Northern Europe in the past, these women from Eastern and Southern Europe generally participated in various economic activities for the purpose of making money because of economic poverty. These economic activities included the formal employment by entering the labor market for formal jobs and earning wages, and other forms of informal employment such as family industrial production, engaged in the family hotel, performed as a street vendor, to help the family business or self-employed. Through economic participation activities, immigrant women from Eastern and Southern Europe were widely and deeply activated in the American industrial economic system, and had a close interaction with the American society, and thus had great influence on individuals, families, communities and American society.


      Wu Dong and Yu Qun

      In modern society, the communications industry and communications networks are the core drivers of a country’s social and economic development and are often controlled by the state; while the United States, which advocates the concept of “freedom of communication,” is one of the few countries that has fully privatized its communications industry. When the U.S. communications industry was planning to gradually take over the international market share, the situation forced the U.S. government to use national power to help its own communications industry. With the enactment of the Communications Act of 1934 and the establishment of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the United States established a unique communications policy model in which Congress legislated the principles and the FCC was responsible for the implementation and regulation of specific policies. Although this policy model still claims to uphold the “philosophy of freedom of communication,” it has encountered considerable challenges of its own. Examples include the “black room” scandal after World War I and the CIA and NSA wiretapping and decryption scandals after World War II. The U.S., which proclaims “freedom of communication” to the outside world, has gradually revealed its ambition to control the global communication network in all aspects, and the U.S. communication-free policy is completely a lie.


      Chai Bin and Xu Jin

      Before being defined as a close partner of human beings, dogs have experienced the process of deification and stigmatization of their own image. In the history of the early modern English plague, the image of dogs changed its loyalty and bravery in social cognition, and became the object of disgust to everyone. During this period, government hired “dogs killer” to expel and kill stray dogs, howling dogs and threatening dogs, stipulated various punishment measures for violators. Tens of thousands of dogs were killed in the London plague. The driving force for the prevalence of dog slaughtering in the plague period in early modern England is not only the negative image of dogs in human cultural concepts, but also the mass panic and limited medical cognition shrouded by the plague.


      Sun Yifan

      The revival of Englishintellectuallife during the High middle age was a direct result of the Norman Conquest. In the 11th century, the rediscovery of classical cultural heritage in continental Europe, as represented by Roman law, sparked a cultural revival in Europe, which spread from Italy tothenorth of the Alps. Under the influence of this cultural wave, the attitude of church scholars toward secular knowledge changed positively. The benedictine monastic system with strong academic atmosphere appeared in Normandy and was transplanted toEngland during the Norman Conquest, laying the foundation for the prosperity of English culture in the 12th century.


      ChenTianshe and Wu Lizhi

      Since 1981, Mubarak and other Egyptian rulers concerned with housing development and implemented a lot of housing plans and projects. In general, their effects were poor. Egypt was encountered many housing difficulties. Firstly, the Egypt’s housing was underdeveloped. Secondly, it was difficult for ordinary people to afford a house because of house prices rising rapidly. Thirdly, the housing construction was poor quality and the many houses were vacant. There were two factors which caused Egypt’s housing dilemmas. One was the Egypt government, who was key responsible. Another was the Egypt’s economic and social development level. The Egypt’s housing development was reflected in three basic characteristics. The first was the Egypt government was dominant in housing. The second was to pay more attention to the low-income people. The third was the housing development couldn’t adapt to the population growth and urbanization. In the long run, the Egypt government’s top-level design is very important to solve its housing problems. We may gain enlightenment from the study. We should develop the private sector’s role, strengthen urban land planning, develop intensive housing, play the market’s role and focus on the demand side.


      Li Tie

      There are three phases in terms of the logical evolution concerning the interactive relationship between the Lhotsampa’s identity politics and Bhutan’s state structural system: one is the peaceful phase: the harmonious relationship between the Lhotsampa’s identity and Bhutan’s state structural system; the other is the rival phase: the changes of Bhutan’s state structure system and the crisis of identity politics aroused among the Lhotsampa people; the third is the phase hovering between national identity and ethnic identity: the dilemma of identity politics for the Lhotsampa people. The essence of building a harmonious relationship between national identity and ethnic identity lies in strenuously seeking common ground while reserving differences. A nation or a country always adheres to their own characteristics while absorbing the nutrients of heterogeneous cultures from other nations or countries. With this logic mentioned above, at a time when the current problems such as identity politics, state structural system, ethnic identity and national identity are becoming increasingly prominent, the best way to solve the problem for the Lhotsampa is to try to reconstruct identity politics by surpassing their ethnic identity and national identity, thus integrating into the state structural system, and simultaneously to accept differences and respect the common needs, ultimately helping the harmonious coexistence of the Lhotsampa’s ethnic identity and national identity.

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