黃 飛,陳紀宇,歐陽金鑫,戴 健,肖 揚,劉志宏,趙俊光,向 洪
黃 飛1,陳紀宇2,歐陽金鑫2,戴 健1,肖 揚2,劉志宏3,趙俊光3,向 洪1
(1.國網(wǎng)重慶市電力公司電力科學研究院,重慶 401123;2.輸配電裝備及系統(tǒng)安全與新技術國家重點實驗室(重慶大學),重慶 400044;3.國網(wǎng)重慶市電力公司,重慶 400015)
分布式電源(distributed generation, DG)大量應用給電網(wǎng)故障識別與定位提出了更高要求。配電網(wǎng)斷線故障時絕緣雖未遭到破壞,但可能導致DG故障穿越,甚至誘發(fā)并網(wǎng)逆變器閉鎖,造成電氣量越限,威脅電網(wǎng)穩(wěn)定運行。為此,提出了一種利用正序電壓差實現(xiàn)含DG配電網(wǎng)的斷線接地復合故障定位方法。通過解析不同故障情況下配電網(wǎng)饋線序電流和DG并網(wǎng)點電壓,發(fā)現(xiàn)了非故障點兩端正序電壓差等于線路壓降,而斷口兩端正序電壓差恒為正數(shù)且多大于非故障區(qū)段壓差的特征,構造了基于正序電壓差的故障定位判據(jù)。針對定位判據(jù)可能出現(xiàn)的死區(qū)問題,引入DG輸出電流作為輔助判據(jù)提高定位可靠性,進而提出了含DG配電網(wǎng)的斷線接地復合故障定位方法。理論分析和仿真結果表明,所提方法能夠實現(xiàn)不同DG容量、故障位置下的斷線接地復合故障區(qū)段準確定位,且具有較強的耐過渡電阻能力。
隨著能源轉型和綠色創(chuàng)新發(fā)展的不斷深入,可再生新能源尤其是太陽能、風能等受到廣泛關注,構建以新能源為主體的新型電力系統(tǒng)勢在必行[1-5]。新能源以分布式電源(distributed generation, DG)形式接入,作為“大機組、大容量”電網(wǎng)的補充,能夠有效提升新能源應用效率以及配電網(wǎng)運行的可靠性和靈活性。然而,DG接入輻射狀配電網(wǎng)后,配電網(wǎng)潮流雙向流動,故障電氣量的分布和演變特征與傳統(tǒng)配電網(wǎng)存在區(qū)別。加之受到控制策略、運行方式甚至氣候等因素影響,不同運行狀態(tài)下DG提供的故障電流差異巨大,給含DG配電網(wǎng)的故障定位帶來極大挑戰(zhàn)[6-9]。
圖1 含DG配電網(wǎng)
Fig. 1 Distribution network with DG
圖2 DG并網(wǎng)點上游饋線斷線接地復合故障序網(wǎng)
圖4 DG并網(wǎng)點下游饋線斷線接地復合故障序網(wǎng)
圖5 故障正序電壓差分布規(guī)律
Fig. 5 Distribution of fault positive sequence voltage difference
圖6 基于正序電壓差的斷線接地復合故障定位流程
圖7 仿真系統(tǒng)
表1 負荷及DG參數(shù)
表2 不同故障位置下斷線電源側接地正序電壓及DG電流
表3 不同故障位置下斷線負荷側接地正序電壓及DG電流
表4 不同故障位置下斷線電源側接地正序電壓差及整定值
表5 不同故障位置下斷線負荷側接地正序電壓差及整定值
設故障點位于饋線1的3 km處,改變接地點的過渡電阻分別為0 Ω、100 Ω、300 Ω、500 Ω,記錄斷線電源側接地故障和斷線負荷側接地故障下各監(jiān)測點的正序電壓和DG輸出電流,如表6和表7所示。根據(jù)表6和表7及整定原則,分別計算得不同過渡電阻下斷線電源側接地故障和斷線負荷側接地故障時的正序電壓差監(jiān)測值及整定值,如表8和表9所示。
表6 不同過渡電阻下斷線電源側接地正序電壓及DG電流
表7 不同過渡電阻下斷線負荷側接地正序電壓及DG電流
表8 不同過渡電阻下斷線電源側接地正序電壓差及整定值
表9 不同過渡電阻下斷線負荷側接地正序電壓差及整定值
設故障點位于饋線1的1 km處,改變接于饋線1的5 km處的DG2容量分別為0.5 MW、1 MW、2 MW、3 MW、4 MW,斷線電源側接地故障和斷線負荷側接地故障下故障點前后(FTU1至FTU2區(qū)段)的正序電壓差及DG1—DG3的輸出電流,如表10和表11所示。
表10 不同DG容量下斷線電源側接地正序電壓差及DG電流
表11 不同DG容量下斷線負荷側正序電壓差及DG電流
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Fault location method of a compound break fault with grounding for distribution network contained distributed generation based on positive sequence voltage difference
HUANG Fei1, CHEN Jiyu2, OUYANG Jinxin2, DAI Jian1, XIAO Yang2, LIU Zhihong3, ZHAO Junguang3, XIANG Hong1
(1. State Grid Chongqing Electric Power Research Institute, Chongqing 401123, China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology (Chongqing University), Chongqing 400044, China;3. State Grid Chongqing Electric Power Company, Chongqing 400015, China)
The massive application of distributed generation (DG) has brought forward higher requirements for grid fault identification and location. Although the insulation is not damaged during a break fault in the distribution network, it may lead to DG fault ride-through and even induce grid-connected inverter blocking, causing an electrical quantity exceeding the limit, and thereby threatening the stable operation of the power grid. Thus a method is proposed to locate the compound break fault with grounding in a distribution network with DG using the positive sequence voltage difference. By analyzing the sequence currents and voltages point of common coupling voltages of the distribution network under different fault conditions, it is found that the positive sequence voltage difference at both ends of the non-fault section is equal to the line voltage drop, while the positive sequence voltage difference at both ends of the break is constant positive and more than the difference of the non-fault section. Thus a fault location criterion based on the positive sequence voltage difference is constructed. For the possible dead zone problem of the location criterion, the DG output current is introduced as an auxiliary criterion to improve reliability. Finally, the method of fault location of a compound break fault with grounding is proposed. The theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the proposed method can accurately locate the compound break fault with grounding section with different DG capacity and fault location, and has strong resistance to transition resistance.
distributed generation (DG);distribution network; compound break fault with grounding; positive sequence voltage; fault location
This work is supported by theNational Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51877018).
黃 飛(1987—),男,碩士研究生,高級工程師,研究方向為智能配電網(wǎng)技術;E-mail: huangfei_87@163.com
陳紀宇(1999—),男,碩士研究生,研究方向為電力系統(tǒng)保護與控制;E-mail: chenjiyve@163.com
歐陽金鑫(1984—),男,博士,副教授,研究方向為電力系統(tǒng)保護與控制、新能源發(fā)電等。E-mail: jinxinoy@ 163.com
(編輯 周金梅)