劉滿榮 岳二林 王記江 朱汪傳 全 航 唐 龍 王 瀟 侯向陽 張玉琦
(延安大學(xué)化學(xué)與化工學(xué)院,延安市新能源新功能材料重點(diǎn)實(shí)驗(yàn)室,陜西省化學(xué)反應(yīng)工程重點(diǎn)實(shí)驗(yàn)室,延安 716000)
In the past several decades,with the rapid devel?opment of society,more and more organic compounds,such as nitroaromatic compounds(NACs)and pesti?cides have been widely used in the chemical and agri?cultural industry and thus resulting in serious environ?mental pollution[1?2].NACs such as 2,4,6?trinitrophenol(TNP),2,4,6?trinitrotoluene(TNT),2,4?dinitrotoluene(2,4?DNT),2,6?dinitrotoluene(2,6?DNT)are hazardous and explosive,which extensively used to synthesize dyes,aniline,pesticides and fabricate explosive devic?es[3].Among NACs,TNP has received extensive atten?tion due to its strong explosiveness and hazardous prop?erties[4].Furthermore,TNP often appears in the leather,dyes,fireworks,and glass industries[5?8].However,it also will inevitably cause environmental pollution to the soil and aquatic system[9].Accordingly,the selec?tive detection of TNP is indispensable for environmen?tal governance and ensuring military security.On the other hand,pesticides have been extensively used to kill pests in the agricultural field[10].However,exces?sive use of pesticides is becoming an increasingly seri?ous environmental problem,which gives rise to pollut?ing soil and underground water[11].For example,fluazi?nam(FLU)is a pyridinamine fungicide with relatively low toxicity and controls effectively phytophthora blight[12].Nevertheless,excessive use in agriculture still leads to a huge threat to the environment and food safety,although FLU is regarded as a low?toxic pesti?cide[13].Furthermore,it is reported that FLU could remain a long time in the soil and leaf surfaces,thus reducing the quality of soil and destroying the balance of the microbial population[14?15].What′s worse,the ingestion of FLU in the body can give rise to dermatitis and asthma[16?17].Accordingly,the simple,convenient,effective,and reliable detection of FLU is more and more meaningful and imperative in agriculture and food safety.
Coordination polymers(CPs),consisting of metal ions and organic ligands or clusters,have made signifi?cant progress in various areas such as luminescence sensing[18?21],catalysis[22?25],magnetism[26?27],gas adsorp?tion and separation[28?29],and biological imaging[30?31].Luminescent CPs have attracted extensive attention among the aforementioned applications.A large num?ber of CPs with luminescent sensing properties were synthesized and used for the detection of nitroaromatic explosives,pesticides,antibiotics,small organic com?pounds,anion and metal ions,etc[32?40].
Based on the above considerations,therefore,in this work,we herein report on the synthesis,crystal structure,and selective fluorescence sensing behaviors of NACs and pesticides of a new Zn(Ⅱ)?CP,namely[Zn2(H2L)2(4,4′?bpy)2(H2O)]n(1)(H4L=1,1′∶4′,1″∶4″,1??quterphenyl?2,4,2?,4??tetracarboxylic acid,4,4′?bpy=4,4′?bipyridine).More importantly,the as?synthesized complex 1 exhibited a dual functional fluorescent response to detect TNP and FLU with high sensitivity and selectivity as well as excellent anti?interference properties.
All solvents and reagents were purchased directly from pharmaceutical companies and used directly with?out further purification.The element analysis of C,H,and N was conducted with a Perkin Elmer PE?2400 el?ement analyzer.The infrared spectrum was recorded using a Nicolet 170SXFT?4000 infrared spectroscopy(500 ?4 000 cm?1).Thermogravimetric analysis(TGA)was performed with a STA449F3 thermogravimetric analyzer in flowing nitrogen at a heating rate of 10℃·min?1.The powder X?ray diffraction(PXRD)measure?ment was carried out by a Shimadzu XRD?7000 diffrac?tometer operating at 40 kV and 40 mA with Cu Kα radi?ation(λ=0.154 18 nm)at a scanning rate of 2(°)·min?1from 5°to 50°.Fluorescence sensing experiments were tested on a Hitachi F?7000 fluorescence spectropho?tometer.
A mixture of H4L(24.1 mg,0.05 mmol),Zn(NO3)2·4H2O(29.7 mg,0.10 mmol),DMF(0.5 mL),and H2O(2 mL)was stirred for 30 min at ambient temperature and then heated at 95℃for 3 d.Colorless crystals of 1 were obtained.Yield:42%(based on Zn).Anal.Calcd.for C76H50N4O17Zn2(%):C 64.19;H 3.54;N 3.94;Found(%):C 64.18;H 3.56;N 3.95.IR(KBr,cm?l):3 030(w),2 500(s),1 700(s),1 610(w),1 380(s),1 280(w),1 120(m),1 000(w),810(w),711(s),633(s).
The X?ray diffraction data were collected by the Bruker Smart APEX Ⅱ CCD diffractometer equipped with graphite monochromatic Mo Kα radiation(λ =0.071 073 nm)at 293(2)K.The diffraction intensity data were corrected using the SADABS program by semi?empirical absorption.The structure was solved by the direct method in the SHELXS?2014 program and all non?hydrogen atoms and anisotropy parameters were refined using the full?matrix least?squares on F2method by the SHELXL ?2014 program.The coordi?nates of all hydrogen atoms were obtained through theo?retical hydrogenation.The relevant crystallographic data of complex 1 are presented in Table 1.Selected bond lengths and bond angles of 1 are listed in Table 2.
Table 1 Crystal data and structure refinement for complex 1
Table 2 Selected bond lengths(nm)and bond angles(°)for complex 1
1.4.1 Fluorescence sensing experiments toward NACs The as?synthesized crystal powder sample(30 mg)was dispersed in an aqueous solution(100 mL),ultra?sonicated for 1 h,and let stand for 3 d.The obtained supernatant containing 10 mmol·L?1of TNP,nitroben?zene(NB),2?nitrophenol(2?NP),4?nitrophenol(4?NP),4?nitrophenylhydrazine(4?NPH),4?nitrobenzoic acid(4?NBA),2,4?dinitrophenylhydrazine(DNP),and 2?nitroaniline(2?NA)was used to conduct fluorescence sensing experiments and the fluorescent intensity was measured at room temperature.
1.4.2 Fluorescence sensing experiments toward pesti?cides
The prepared crystal powder sample(30 mg)was immersed in a 100 mL aqueous solution,treated with ultrasound for 1 h,and the suspension was placed for 3 d.The obtained supernatant containing 10 mmol·L?1of zhongshengmycin(MYC),imazalil(IMA),emamectin benzoate(EMB),pyraclostrobin(PST),24?epibrassino?lide(24?EPI),triadimefon(TDI),prochloraz(PRO),and FLU was used to carry out fluorescence sensing experi?ments and the fluorescent intensity was recorded at room temperature.
Single?crystal X?ray diffraction analysis of com?plex 1 reveals that it crystallizes in the triclinic system with the space group of P1.The composition of com?plex 1 contains two independent Zn(Ⅱ)ions,two H2L2?ions,two 4,4′?bpy molecules,and one coordinated water molecule.As described in Fig.1,the Zn1 center is penta?coordinated and possesses a distorted trigonal bipyramidal{ZnNO4}environment,which is occupied by four carboxylate oxygen atoms(O1,O2A,O13A,and O14A)from two different H2L2?ions and one nitro?gen atom(N1)from 4,4′?bpy moiety.Thesix?coordinated Zn2 center is surrounded by four carboxylate oxygen atoms(O5,O6,O9,and O10)from two individual H2L2?ions and one oxygen atom(O17)from the water mole?cule as well as one nitrogen atom(N3)from 4,4′?bpy moiety,forming the distorted octahedral{ZnNO5}envi?ronment.The bond lengths of Zn—O range from 0.194 5(2)to 0.248 6(3)nm and the Zn—N bond lengths range from 0.204 5(3)to 0.205 0(3)nm,respec?tively(Table 2).
Fig.1 Coordination environment of Zn(Ⅱ)in complex 1
As depicted in Fig.2,the H4L ligand is partially deprotonated and consists of two carboxyl groups.The H2L2?ion adopts a μ3?(κ1?κ1)?(κ1?κ0)coordination mode in 1,in which four carboxylate groups show uncoordi?nated,monodentate or chelating bidentate modes.The carboxylate groups from H2L2?ions are alternately con?nected to Zn(Ⅱ) ions,forming a similar 1D infinite zig?zag chain(Fig.3).
Fig.2 Coordination mode of H2L2?in complex 1
Fig.3 One?dimensional zigzag chain of complex 1
The TGA curve of complex 1 was measured to evaluate the thermal stability of complex 1.As can be seen in Fig.4,the structure of complex 1 was gradually disintegrated into two steps with the increase in temper?ature.The initial weight loss of 1.27% before 179℃was assigned to the removal of one coordinated water molecule(Calcd.1.26%).The framework began to decompose and collapse when the temperature was ele?vated to 279℃.Finally,the remaining weight of 33.25% may be attributed to the final residue of ZnO(Calcd.34.20%).
Fig.4 TGA curve of complex 1
To evaluate the phase purity of as?synthesized complex 1,the PXRD measurement was conducted.The experimental and simulated data are presented in Fig.5.As depicted in Fig.5,the main characteristic dif?fraction peak positions of complex 1 were consistent with the theoretically fitted peak ones of the single crystal data,confirming the high purity of complex 1.
Fig.5 PXRD patterns of complex 1
2.4.1 Solid?state fluorescence of complex 1 and H4L
The fluorescent properties of complex 1 and the free ligand H4L were investigated in the solid state at room temperature(Fig.6).It can be seen in Fig.6 that H4L exhibited one emission band at 485 nm with exci?tation at 350 nm,while complex 1 performed slight fluorescence enhancement and the strong emission band was observed at 435 nm under the same excita?tion.It is well known that Zn(Ⅱ)is very difficult to oxi?dize or reduce due to its d10?filled configuration[41].Accordingly,the emission of complex 1 is attributed to a mixture character of intraligand and ligand?to?ligand charge transition(LLCT)[42].The blue shift of ca.50 nm may derive from coordination interactions between Zn(Ⅱ)and the ligand.
Fig.6 Emission spectra of complex 1 and H4L in solid state at room temperature
2.4.2 Fluorescence detection performance of complex 1 for various NACs in an aqueous solution
Complex 1 has a potential application as a fluores?cence probe because of strong fluorescence emission and good stability and dispersion of complex 1 in an aqueous system.Accordingly,the fluorescence sensing experiments of complex 1 for various NACs were inves?tigated in detail.A variety of NACs(DNP,4?NPH,NB,4?NP,2?NP,4?NBA,2?NA,and TNP)were selected to evaluate the sensing ability of complex 1.As shown in Fig.7,compared with other NACs,complex 1 exhibited obvious fluorescent quenching behaviors in the pres?ence of TNP,indicating the possible selective fluores?cent sensing toward TNP.
Fig.7 Relative fluorescence intensity of complex 1 towards various NACs
To further understand the fluorescence sensing of complex 1 for TNP,the fluorescent titration experi?ments with the addition of TNP were investigated(Fig.8).The fluorescence intensity of complex 1 gradu?ally decreased as the concentration of TNP increased and the intensity was almost completely quenched with the concentration of TNP up to 291 μmol·L?1(Fig.8a).The fluorescence quenching effect was calculated according to the Stern?Volmer equation:I0/I=KsvcTNP+1,where I0is the initial fluorescence intensity,I is the flu?orescence intensity in the presence of TNP,cTNPis the concentration of TNP,and Ksvis the quenching con?stant.As depicted in the inset of Fig.8b,the TNP con?centration had an almost linear relationship with I0/I(R2=0.982 1)at low concentrations(0 ?50 μmol·L?1).The calculated Ksvwas 3.11×104L·mol?1and the LOD(limit of detection)of TNP was 0.617 μmol·L?1accord?ing to the calculation of 3σ/Ksv(σ is the standard error).
Fig.8 (a)Fluorescence titration curves of complex 1 after the continuous addition of TNP;(b)Stern?Volmer equation fitting for fluorescence response of complex 1 to TNP
The anti?interference experiments of complex 1 were also conducted in the existence of other NACs.As described in Fig.9,the fluorescence intensity of com?plex 1 was only slightly reduced when other NACs were added.Nevertheless,the fluorescence intensity was immediately quenched after adding TNP.Conse?quently,complex 1 performed high selection and recog?nition ability for TNP even in the presence of other interfering NACs.
Fig.9 Comparison of fluorescent intensity of complex 1 in the presence of other interfering NACs
2.4.3 Fluorescence detection performance of complex 1 for various pesticides in an aqueous solution
Currently,the environmental problems concerned with the use of high?concentration pesticides are becoming very serious because the pesticide com?pounds are often detected in ground and surface waters.Thus,the fluorescence sensing experiments of complex 1 for different pesticides were explored.On this basis,all kinds of pesticides(MYC,IMA,EMB,PST,24?EPI,TDI,PRO,and FLU)were selected to evaluate the sensing ability of complex 1.Notably,complex 1 dis?played an obvious fluorescent quenching effect with FLU compared with other pesticides(Fig.10),revealing a highly selective fluorescent sensing toward FLU in an aqueous solution.
Fig.10 Relative fluorescence intensity of complex 1 for various pesticides
To further illustrate the fluorescence sensing of complex 1 for FLU,the FLU titration experiments with the addition of FLU were carried out(Fig.11).As illus?trated in Fig.11a,as the concentration of FLU increased,the fluorescence intensity of complex 1 gradually decreased and the intensity was almost completely quenched when the concentration of FLU was up to 654 μmol·L?1.Moreover,the fluorescence quenching effect is expressed through the Stern?Volmer equation:I0/I=KsvcFLU+1,where I0denotes the initial fluorescence intensity,I denotes the fluorescence intensity after the addition of FLU,cFLUdenotes the concentration of FLU.At low concentrations(0?60 μmol·L?1),the FLU con?centration had a close linear relationship with I0/I(R2=0.989 1).The calculated Ksvwas 3.69×104L·mol?1.According to the calculation of 3σ/Ksv,the LOD of FLU was 0.575 μmol·L?1(Fig.11b).
Fig.11 (a)Fluorescence titration curve of complex 1 after adding FLU with different concentrations;(b)Stern?Volmer equation fitting for fluorescence response of complex 1 to FLU
In addition,the anti?interference experiments dis?played that the fluorescence quenching effect did not be affected in the presence of other pesticides,further confirming its high selectivity for FLU(Fig.12).This shows that complex 1 could be a fluorescence sensor for high selection and recognition ability toward FLU in the presence of other interfering pesticides.
Fig.12 Comparison of fluorescent intensity of complex 1 in the presence of other interfering pesticides
2.4.4 Luminescence quenching mechanism
To illustrate the fluorescence quenching mecha?nism of complex 1 toward TNP and FLU,the UV?Vis absorption spectra of various NACs and pesticides along with the emission and excitation spectra of com?plex 1 were recorded.As portrayed in Fig.13a,com?pared to other NACs,an obvious overlap between the UV?Vis absorption band of TNP and the emission spec?trum of complex 1 was observed.Therefore,the fluores?cence quenching of complex 1 by TNP may be mainly due to the resonance energy transfer[43].Similarly,as depicted in Fig.13b,an obvious overlap between the UV?Vis absorption band of FLU and the excitation spectrum of complex 1 was observed in comparison with other pesticides.Therefore,the fluorescence quenching of complex 1 by FLU may be mostly caused by competitive absorption[43].
Fig.13 (a)UV?Vis absorption spectra of various NACs and emission spectrum of complex 1;(b)UV?Vis absorption spectra of different pesticides and excitation spectrum of complex 1
In summary,we have synthesized a novel type of Zn(Ⅱ)?CP,[Zn2(H2L)2(4,4′?bpy)2(H2O)]n(1),based on an aromatic tetracarboxylic acid ligand(H4L=1,1′∶4′,1″∶4″,1??quterphenyl?2,4,2?,4??tetracarboxylic acid,4,4′?bpy=4,4′?bipyridine)under hydrothermal conditions.The crystallographic analysis of complex 1 exhibits that it possesses a 1D zigzag chain framework.H2L2?ions and 4,4′?bpy molecules in complex 1 are alternate?ly connected to Zn(Ⅱ)ions,forming a 1D infinite zigzag chain planar configuration.The fluorescence detection experiments displayed that complex 1 could highly sen?sitive and selective detection for the nitro?explosive 2,4,6?trinitrophenol(TNP)and the pesticide fluazinam(FLU)in aqueous solution with excellent anti?interfer?ence ability,and the detection limits are low as 0.617μmol·L?1for TNP and 0.575 μmol·L?1for FLU.This study provides further insights into the design of lumi?nescent Zn(Ⅱ)?CPs,which could be used as a potential probe material for the detection of TNP and FLU.