




      2023-06-02 02:05:04廣東周鴻雁
      瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2023年5期

      廣東 周鴻雁

      指導老師 彭明芳

      Originated in Shenmingting Village of Shaxi,Crane Song is a kind of folk song with a unique style, which has developed from the school ballad to the folk ballad with a history of more than 600 years.It is a combination of Guangzhou dialect,Shiqi dialect and Longdu dialect.Crane Song,which is different from other folk songs, is mainlycomposed of seven-word poems, mostly accompanied by drum percussion music.For example, when the traditional Crane SongThe Craneis sung, percussion music is not only played at first but also used as accompaniment after each line,thus forming its unique style.

      Crane Song was an early elementary education in ancient times, but now it has become an artistic performance with unique charm, and cleverly combined with the revolutionary spirit of Shenmingting.Yang Zhiwei, head of the village committee, said,“If we want to pursue a new way of development, we must make good use of the village's red resources.We can combine the intangible cultural heritage—Crane Song, with the spirit of the Red Revolution to explore the development model of tourism and innovate the connotation of traditional culture.”

      Shenmingting's Crane Song culture and its Red Revolutionary spirit can be traced back to the same origin.The integration (融合) of traditional culture not only gives us a deeper understanding of the connotation of traditional culture in Shenmingting, but also makes us feel that the people in Zhongshan constantly pursue innovation while respecting tradition.


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