




      2023-06-23 17:28:50蔚勇吳廷增

      蔚勇 吳廷增



      中圖分類號:O157.5 文獻標志碼:A

      3 結論



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      On the Permanental Sums of Bicyclic Graphs with Small Diameter

      YU Yong,WU Ting-zeng

      (School of Mathematics and Statistics, Qinghai Minzu University, Xining 810007, China)

      Abstract:The properties of permanental sums of bicyclic graphs with small diameter were studied,and the bound of permanental sums of bicyclic graphs with diameter two were determined. In particular, the sharp upper bound of the permanental sums of bicyclic graphs with diameter three were determined, and the corresponding extremal bicyclic graphs were also characterized.

      Keywords:permanent; permanental polynomial; permanental sum; diameter; bicyclic graph




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